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Don't try to turn my comment into something it is not.

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so now you are walking back your original post? You have the freedom to post whatever you want but when you are called out don't lie about it. You made the statement below when someone just asked about how we picked our Surgeon. The original poster did not ask your opinion or mine about lapband, sleeve or RNY. Just how you picked your Dr. There was no need whatsoever to post that we wasted our time by getting the lapband.. I think the sleeve is a dangerous surgery, I know many who have stretched their little stomachs back to big stomach. Bad side effects etc. but I do not tell the people who have had that surgery that they are wasting their time. Frankly I'm tired of even having to defend my decision as if I am an idiot and can't make a good decision about my body without some know it all telling me how stupid I am... If you cannot understand why people are upset, I'm sorry.

Don't waste your time with the lap band. My surgeon doesn't even do then anymore. Read the band to sleeve forum for many more opinions on the band.

I had a band for several years...now having to do a revision to sleeve.

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I can sympathise with many on here as it seems the lap band is posed as the "underdog"

I will be having lap band surgery next month and I believe I have made the right choice it really is down to personal preference whether you want a simple non evasive surgical procedure or a stomach removing stapling session

Both of course carry their risks band slipping or stomach stretching!

Non of these choices are bad they are just different!

The common goal we all share here is the desire to lose weight via whatever aid nessesery

Good luck to all whatever procedure you have chosen or thinking of choosing remember everyone is different and their problems may never effect you, some carry bias views whist others promote negativity

Ultimately it's your decision

Pro weight loss, pro living life to the full pro whatever means nessesery to achieve your "happy"

Oh and pro band!

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Don't waste your time with the lap band. My surgeon doesn't even do then anymore. Read the band to sleeve forum for many more opinions on the band.


So because you say your surgeon doesn't do lapband anymore, you think that's a reason not to get one??????

Who is your surgeon? Why doesn't he/she do them?

I find it almost comical you would post such a reply to someone who is asking for advice on HOW WE. ...THOSE OF US WHO HAVE IT, selected our surgeons. Some of us are very successful and HAPPY with our lapband results.

I think it's relevant because if the OP dismissed out of hand any surgeon who no longer does lap bands, just because he or she is considering a lap band, he or she may not get the best surgeon/procedure for him or her. If you narrow the pool you skew the results.

BTW, I was sleeved April 20, my surgeon does not do lap bands (that I am aware of), but does revisions. Also, the Lapbanders I talked to said that if they were to have surgery now, they would go with the sleeve.

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This subject is getting so tiresome on here. first of l purposely choose to be on the Lapband Surgery portion of this site. I don't know about the sleeve, don't care about the sleeve and I don't want to know how "great" the sleeve is vs the lapband every single day. The original poster stated they were having a lapband and hey wanted to know how we chose our surgeons. Didn't say I am considering getting a sleeve or anything like that. immediately band haters start posting their negative opinions. If you are so opposed to the lapband than go on the sleeve section and quit worrying about us. I feel like we have to constantly defend ourselves with all of the people on here to seem to make it their mission to bash the band. BTW I don't care what type of surgery you had and I really don't care what your surgeon does. My surgeon is very well respected and experienced and has done thousands of Lapbands.. I have talked to Sleeve patients and bypass patients who are not happy with their surgeries also. So giving advice and offering help are one thing, being negative and trying to convince people that your surgery is best is another. I LOVE MY BAND, DON'T WANT TO CHANGE . please stop commenting on all of the band posts. It would really be helpful .

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This subject is getting so tiresome on here. first of l purposely choose to be on the Lapband Surgery portion of this site. I don't know about the sleeve, don't care about the sleeve and I don't want to know how "great" the sleeve is vs the lapband every single day. The original poster stated they were having a lapband and hey wanted to know how we chose our surgeons. Didn't say I am considering getting a sleeve or anything like that. immediately band haters start posting their negative opinions. If you are so opposed to the lapband than go on the sleeve section and quit worrying about us. I feel like we have to constantly defend ourselves with all of the people on here to seem to make it their mission to bash the band. BTW I don't care what type of surgery you had and I really don't care what your surgeon does. My surgeon is very well respected and experienced and has done thousands of Lapbands.. I have talked to Sleeve patients and bypass patients who are not happy with their surgeries also. So giving advice and offering help are one thing, being negative and trying to convince people that your surgery is best is another. I LOVE MY BAND, DON'T WANT TO CHANGE . please stop commenting on all of the band posts. It would really be helpful .

First want to say that people who have the band can share some of their experiences- good and bad. The band was not good for me but great for my dad. I think it's great to understand ALL options when gong in for a surgery. I went in with blinders as I didn't want anything that was going to change my insides and many say the same. There are plus and minuses from all surgeries and really need to be aware of options that's why they are there. By the way- I was handed 2012 lost 25 lbs gained back 3 times that amount and now revised to sleeve 5 days ago. Whatever a person decides on they should view and understand ALL.

Edited by tryinagain2day

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Many bandsters chose the least invasive, out patient surgery for very good reasons. Sure, new flavors come along, but often, there is no reason to change what works well for us.

I respect all opinions, but it seems unnecessary to go on band forums to express your personal dislike if the OP wasn't soliciting about a personal choice.

I am SO happy to live a healthy life. Adore my doctor... Gotta go with what works...

Personal decision and I wish for success w/ WLS... Thinking we all want that.

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Don't waste your time with the lap band. My surgeon doesn't even do then anymore. Read the band to sleeve forum for many more opinions on the band.


So because you say your surgeon doesn't do lapband anymore, you think that's a reason not to get one??????

Who is your surgeon? Why doesn't he/she do them?

I find it almost comical you would post such a reply to someone who is asking for advice on HOW WE. ...THOSE OF US WHO HAVE IT, selected our surgeons. Some of us are very successful and HAPPY with our lapband results.

I think it's relevant because if the OP dismissed out of hand any surgeon who no longer does lap bands, just because he or she is considering a lap band, he or she may not get the best surgeon/procedure for him or her. If you narrow the pool you skew the results.

BTW, I was sleeved April 20, my surgeon does not do lap bands (that I am aware of), but does revisions. Also, the Lapbanders I talked to said that if they were to have surgery now, they would go with the sleeve.

I really tried to ignore and not respond to this thread again, because this back and forth is hyjacking the OP's thread, BUT....thanks for making an important point for me once again. You are not aware if your surgeon even does lapbands.....yet you say he/she "does not do lap bands"......which is it? Who is your surgeon? Why doesn't he/she do them? I really, truly like to know these things. I've asked the owner of this site several times to reinstate the surgeons profiles again, so we can understand the experience level, knowledge of some members surgeons....

You see, people get on here and say these things, yet when I do a little checking.....most every time I get told something different from the surgeon. I wish you well in your WL success...I've had great success with mine. :)

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The reason I don't know of any is that in the numbers he gives of surgeries (over 4000 sleeves) he doesn't advertise lap bands. Also, in every group class I attended, I met over 50 different patients and none of them were lapband. He is enthusiastic about the sleeve because it works.

Some people join these forums with an idea about what they want based on less than full knowledge. I agree with everyone that it is important to do your research and hear all sides (good and bad), before deciding on such an important, expensive, and life-changing procedure.

Choosing an excellent surgeon is the first and most-important decision.

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catfish , thank you for posing important points. I think our lapband group has been hijacked a long time ago. I sent Alex a message last night asking if there is a way he can stop all of the negative comments on our site. I am not sure it will help. I am amazed at how the "sleevers" get on the lapband chat area and tell people "dont' waste your time" with the lapband. I think it's a shame.

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Don't waste your time with the lap band. My surgeon doesn't even do then anymore. Read the band to sleeve forum for many more opinions on the band.


So because you say your surgeon doesn't do lapband anymore, you think that's a reason not to get one??????

Who is your surgeon? Why doesn't he/she do them?

I find it almost comical you would post such a reply to someone who is asking for advice on HOW WE. ...THOSE OF US WHO HAVE IT, selected our surgeons. Some of us are very successful and HAPPY with our lapband results.

Bands do not work that well, too many complications. If you only need to lose 40 to 50 lbs then go for it. They are not meant to stay in long term either. If the sleeve had been approved when I had my band in, I would have gone with the sleeve!

Glad that your is working fine. Wait 4 years down the road, and see if you feel the same. More bands are being removed, than installed these days.

I hope you're a rare case, and yours functions well forever! Mine slipped, and was causing major pain. Best of luck!

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aaaah another Sleeveer heard from. Really honey, you are so off the charts rude. There are plenty of people who have had their bands for 10-15 years and more. Are you a Dr? so your opinion is so right? You come back when you have had your sleeve and tell us how you are doing.. hope you don't need that other 85% of your stomach you lost permenantly.

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aaaah another Sleeveer heard from. Really honey, you are so off the charts rude. There are plenty of people who have had their bands for 10-15 years and more. Are you a Dr? so your opinion is so right? You come back when you have had your sleeve and tell us how you are doing.. hope you don't need that other 85% of your stomach you lost permenantly.

Not rude, realistic. I don't want people to suffer like I did. I only lost 70 % of my stomach. ???? There is no need to get upset, and be so defensive. I just wish I had the information before I banded. When my band slipped it was very painful. I lost my weight, and kept it off from the band, but the complications were painful. I only wish everyone well. No need to be defensive. You've picked the best procedure for yourself.

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Bands do not work that well, too many complications. If you only need to lose 40 to 50 lbs then go for it. They are not meant to stay in long term either. If the sleeve had been approved when I had my band in, I would have gone with the sleeve!

Glad that your is working fine. Wait 4 years down the road, and see if you feel the same. More bands are being removed, than installed these days.

I hope you're a rare case, and yours functions well forever! Mine slipped, and was causing major pain. Best of luck!

Just following the rules, but since your post was addressed to me,..... "These guidelines do NOT forbid disagreement and candid discussions on BariatricPal. Members may discuss and defend their points of view in respectful manners. "

I suppose we can just agree to disagree, because I do not agree with your opinion.

My band has worked to perfection! Just like it was intended to. I lost 130 pounds with my band. I have had it for 6 years in September. My surgeon, who is an expert, seems to think bands are long term....maybe you've got better info?

And I don't consider myself a rare success. I personally know people who've had their bands in for over 10 years...I played golf with one weekend before last. He just did a 10 year checkup..."everything looks perfect".

PS...I enjoy going back and reading people's post from years back....kinda gives a different perspective sometimes. ;)

Best wishes TO ALL!

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