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RogofUlm's Story

Vertical Sleeve surgery: June 24th, 2014

Pre-surgery high weight: 265

Weight at surgery: 254

Initial goal weight: 154

Time achieve goal: 8 months (including 2-week pre-op diet)

Stretch goal weight: 145

Time to stretch goal: 10 months (including 2-week pre-op diet)

Total weight loss: 120

I went on my first diet at the age of 7, and sometimes feel like I've started a new diet every Monday morning for the last 48 years. I've done 'em all – from a 40-day hospital stay in a ketogenic program in 1974, to Weight Watchers (3 times), Diet Center (2 times), Jenny Craig, Nutri-System, Atkins, South Beach, Cambridge, Slim Fast, Fen-Phen, grapefruit and egg, and even starvation. I've probably lost close to 1,000 pounds throughout my life, including three or four diets resulting in nearly 100-pound losses. And after all that, at the age of 55, I still found myself 110 pounds overweight; with diabetes, apnea, asthma, arthritis, high cholesterol, and borderline blood pressure. With a wonderful wife and 10-year-old child at home, I was a heart attack or stroke just waiting to happen.

So why was I able to lose weight so effectively at times, but never keep it off? Same as most people, I suppose. When fully committed, I could “flick the switch” in my brain and resist anything… for a while. I'd lose a bunch of weight and start looking and feeling better, and then I'd be at a party with lots of goodies and think, "What the heck. I've done so well, so I’ll treat myself just this once and get right back on my diet." Hello, slippery slope! And then the cycle would begin: pig out, starve myself, pig out, starve myself… Eventually the pig outs would last longer and require more and more fat, salt, and sugar to satisfy. And, of course, each new day brought a brand new commitment to get back on track, so I wouldn't eat anything until 6 pm... and then I'd pig out again. That “switch” doesn’t always stay flicked, you know? So what's the definition of insanity again? Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.

Then, 20 years ago, I lost a bunch of weight and maintained it for quite a while. But because of a bad reaction to a medication, I eventually had to have a hip replaced. Everything went well with the surgery and I even quit smoking in the process. Great, right? Yeah, but then the weight started coming back on, and eventually I gained about 50 pounds. So then I bounced around for a few years, yo-yoing all over the place between 60 and 100 pounds overweight, until I got married and we had a baby. Of course, during the pregnancy I gained 40 more pounds of "baby weight". But unlike my wife, I never delivered mine!

So that brings me to the more recent past, when all those years of being overweight finally caught up with me and I began getting all the "fat diseases”. When the diabetes first came on, I dropped 30 pounds without even trying. But eventually we diagnosed it and got it under control with pills; and then the weight came right back on. A couple of years later, my weight started dropping again "for no reason". Of course I knew what was really going on, but the weight loss felt so good that I rode it down 45 pounds. But again, eventually I had to get it back under control, and again, all the weight came back. So by the time I decided to have WLS, not only was I taking pills plus daily insulin injections for diabetes, I was sleeping with a CPAP machine for apnea, and taking fistfuls of pills every day to manage the other co-morbidities.

And that brings us to last year. In addition to all the diseases, I was exhausted and achy all the time, and had trouble dragging myself out of the recliner to play with my kid like I should. I'd take naps after stuffing myself at lunchtime, and exercise as little as possible. We all know the drill, right? And I’d gotten myself hooked on chicken wings with high-calorie sauces, a mountain of French fries, blue cheese dressing, and four large glasses of tea. I'd go out 2-3 times a week for wings, but I'd go to different restaurants because I was so embarrassed by how much and how frequently I was eating them. And gradually, I got more and more disgusted with myself.

During that time, two of my co-workers had weight loss surgery: one bypass and one sleeve. Every day for about a year, I watched them get smaller and smaller. They didn’t keep their surgeries a secret, so when I asked about their experiences, they graciously shared all the details with me – the good, and the bad. And gradually I got to the point where I said, “I WANT THAT!” So my inspiration to have weight loss surgery was a direct result of my co-workers’ successes, and their openness about having had weight loss surgery.

Once I decided to get sleeved, I went "all-in". I followed all my doctor’s post-op rules to a tee (with the exception of coffee – my one remaining vice). But this time something was different from all those past diets. Because of the restriction in my stomach, instead of losing momentum and giving in to temptation, I was able to stay on the horse. My new “tool” gave me the strength I needed to consistently make the right choices. I lost 110 pounds and made it to goal in 8 months. And in the two months after that, I lost another 10 pounds to give myself a comfortable buffer. I put away the CPAP machine; I’m off all diabetes, blood pressure, and asthma meds; and I'm on the lowest dosage of my cholesterol meds. In a few more months, I hope to be off those too. So now that I’ve reached my final goal weight, I don’t need – or want – to lose any more. I’m exactly where I want to be for the first time in my adult life; which, quite frankly, is a totally mind-blowing thought!

My big secret? Just follow the danged rules – all of them! (And mind you, I’ve been a rule breaker all my life.) If you do exactly what your doctor or nutrition program recommends, the weight will come off. After a month or two of making good (but difficult) choices, the cravings for the foods that got you to your pre-surgery weight will start to fade away, and the pride in your accomplishment will have a stronger pull than the food. That’s when you really get on a roll!

Here’s the formula I used to get to goal weight quickly:

  • Start every morning with a Protein Shake for Breakfast.< /li>
  • Eat 60–80 or more grams of Protein daily.
  • Drink 64–120 ounces of fluids daily. (I drink tons of Crystal Light, or generic, sugar-free/decaf iced tea.)
  • Do not consume any starches or sugars.
  • Get all carbs from green veggies, legumes, and dairy products.
  • Do not consume empty liquid calories/sugar (fruit juices, ice cream, etc).
  • Try to avoid alcohol. It’s empty liquid calories that turn to sugar in your body and can lead to poor choices.
  • All Snacks must be protein-based (Jerky, nuts, cheeses, Greek yogurt, deli meats).
  • Get some exercise 4-6 times a week.
  • Never leave the house without a plan for what you can eat and drink while you’re out. If necessary, bring food and drink with you.
  • Restaurant eating is not hard: 1) skip the bread; 2) order a meat (or legume/bean) dish; 3) replace the starch with a second vegetable; 4) skip the dessert. You’ll probably end up taking some of the meat and most of the veggies home for another meal.
  • Beef/turkey Jerky is my secret weapon. It’s saved me more times than I can count, so I try to always have some in the car for emergencies. You can buy a bag of jerky almost anywhere. It’s kind of expensive and not great for sodium-restricted diets, but it’s also high protein, low fat, okay sugar, and a 3.5-ounce bag is a meal by itself!
  • If you fall off the horse, get back on immediately – at the next meal. Not tomorrow, and definitely not next Monday. That’s what got us here!
  • Go to Bariatric Support Group meetings in your area, if possible.
  • Participate actively in online forums like BariatricPal.
  • Read as much as you can about the process and the journey; and especially, read posts and articles from those who had their surgery a few years ago. Try to understand what lead to their successes and/or struggles.
  • Share your story and reach out to help others who are behind you in their journey. By helping them, you’ll help yourself as well.
  • Have a goal weight in mind and strive to get there. (I weigh myself every single day.) But also set lots of smaller goals. It’s fun and inspiring to achieve them.
  • Believe that the slimmer person in the mirror is the real you.
  • Always be looking forward. Don’t look back over your shoulder waiting for the heavier person to drag you back. Let that person fade into history.
  • A little vanity is okay. Enjoy how you look. Accept compliments graciously and don’t deflect them. Have fun trying on smaller-sized clothes that fit now. Compare before and after pictures. Take pride in your accomplishments!
  • Accept that this is a somewhat selfish process. That’s okay, too. You don’t have to apologize for it. And don’t let other people interfere with your progress. We have to make our weight loss program a priority in our lives.
  • But at the same time, recognize that your journey affects your friends and loved ones as well. Be sensitive to their reactions and their emotional needs, without allowing it to derail your program.
  • And finally, try to have fun losing the weight and getting healthy!

Now, I’ll admit that many people think this much rigor is unreasonable and unsustainable. They believe that you need to learn how to “eat normally” on your way down. I get it… but I don’t buy it. (And believe me, self-discipline has never been one of my strengths.) My philosophy has been that there’s plenty of time to learn how to eat for maintenance once I get to my goal weight. That way, if I add something back in my food plan and it causes me to gain a few pounds; I only need to re-lose those few pounds. I don’t need to lose them PLUS all the rest that haven’t come off yet. That’s a whole lot harder and more daunting than just losing a few. I also believe that we get a 9–12 month “honeymoon period” (when the weight comes off more easily and the hunger is more manageable), to get our heads in the right place for the long haul. I firmly believe that people who take maximum advantage of their honeymoon period are far more likely to get all the way to goal weight; and hopefully, to keep it off.

And now my theory will be put to the test...

Over the next few months, I’ll need to start experimenting with what works and what doesn’t. I’ll need to add back some foods that will stop the weight loss, without causing a gain, and without putting me back on the slippery slope. But what are those foods? My doctor suggests that if you want to increase your carb intake, to add only foods that you would eat cooked as part of a meal (like brown rice, whole wheat Pasta, sweet potatoes, barley, quinoa, oatmeal, and green peas). No white bread, pasta, rice, or potatoes, no refined sugar, no fruit juice, soda, or ice cream, and nothing that would tempt you to go to the fridge or pantry for a handful or bowlful as a snack. That sounds reasonable, so that’s what I’m going to try.

But what about all those yummy foods I’ve been missing? I don’t know yet. Maybe the day will come when I can have one small scoop of ice cream, or four cheese crackers, or a mini chocolate bar, or a sandwich. But today is not that day. For now, it’ll be baby steps until I’ve maintained my weight loss for a good long time. If the truth be told, since I detoxed completely from starch and sugar, I haven’t really craved the stuff.

So how do I feel about my weight loss journey so far? Believe it or not… it’s been a total blast! And see... that’s another reason to follow all the rules and lose the weight quickly – the compliments, your reflection in the mirror, clothes that fit and look good, the extra energy for family and friends, and most of all, your new-found health – are a thousand times more fun and motivating than anything that could ever go into your mouth!

And here’s one final thought… Several months ago I ran into a woman I hadn’t seen for a while. She’d been thinking about weight loss surgery, but was afraid to take the first step. But when she saw the “new me”, she said the exact same words I had said a year ago, “I WANT THAT!” Well, a few weeks ago she got sleeved and she’s doing great! And that’s how this wonderful story continues…

I wish all of you great success, and a healthy, exciting, and fun journey to good health!!!

Rog (of Ulm)

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I am 5 days post op and feeling pretty miserable as I have caught a cold and sore throat on top of surgery. Reading this has honestly made my day. Congratulations to you and I wish you continued success. Thanks for sharing.

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I'm glad it was helpful! Hang in there – it gets better almost every day. Keep following your guidelines and check back here for ideas and tips. Good luck!

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Amazing story and thank you for sharing! I was sleeved on 4/27. I hit the infamous week 3 stall and I slacked on following the rules for a moment (nothing major but allowing myself to eat non-protein bites). After reading your story, I realize I need to follow the plan!! Good luck on maintenance though I suspect you won't need it!!

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Post some pics!!! Your story was wonderful. Congrats to you :)

If you click on my profile, you'll find several before and after pics. Thanks for the good wishes, and good luck on this amazing journey!!!

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Amazing story and thank you for sharing! I was sleeved on 4/27. I hit the infamous week 3 stall and I slacked on following the rules for a moment (nothing major but allowing myself to eat non-Protein bites). After reading your story, I realize I need to follow the plan!! Good luck on maintenance though I suspect you won't need it!!

I'm so glad to hear that my story helped you get back on plan. Seriously, once you stay away from the non-plan foods for a while, you no longer crave them. And that's a very good place to be! Good luck!!!

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Thank you Rog this is very inspiring, ive gotten into a bit of a lull at the moment ( started off as a stall but then old habits have started to creep in) and after reading this good sound advice it has helped me get my shit together and get back on track!

Wishing you all the best with your journey xox

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Hopefully you had a wonderful birthday,and a piece of cake..Betty

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Thank you Rog this is very inspiring, ive gotten into a bit of a lull at the moment ( started off as a stall but then old habits have started to creep in) and after reading this good sound advice it has helped me get my **** together and get back on track!

Wishing you all the best with your journey xox

Thanks! If you can detox from the "old habits", it get much, much easier. You've come so far already, so you know you can do this!!!

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Hopefully you had a wonderful birthday,and a piece of cake..Betty

Thanks, Betty! I'm going out for tapas on Tuesday with a bunch of family and friends. No cake, but I might have just one bite of flan!!! :o

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Such an inspiring story to all of us, at various stages of our post-op journey.

Your 'rules of engagement' are spot on with what everyone says, but in such a great at-a-glance view.

One question: Did Protein bars ever play a part in your meals, and if so, how did you use them?


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Hi @@RaginCajun, thanks for the kind words! I have not experimented with Protein bars yet. I remember back in my monster eating days, that I would look for the ones with the most calories so they would fill me up the best. I guess I view them more as a source of calories than of Protein. Weird, huh? So I still get all my protein from a morning shake, and then meat, Beans, nuts, cheese, and yogurt. Hey, good luck with your program! Let me know if you have any more questions....

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Drop the mic and walk off the stage!

That is the BEST write-up I've EVER read about how to use the sleeve to lose weight.

You and I are at the same spot -- a bit below goal, starting to navigate maintenance. Our approaches to weight loss were much the same -- follow the boring, simple instructions from our medical team.

I'm going to come back and read your post above multiple times. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. Truly. Thanks, Roger.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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