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Normal Range of Weight Loss?

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So as I've perviously posted my NP and I don't always see eye to eye regarding nurse to patient communication... While everyone is different, I don't like being lumped into the "normal" category. Is there really a such thing as consistency when multiple people with varying weight ranges have the "same" surgery...?

Anyway! Off that soap box for a moment... I went to my 3 week follow up appointment, which was one day after a full 2 weeks post-op. At my last preop appt (which was like 3 days before my surgery), I weighed 305lbs. At my 3 week follow up I weighed 280lbs. My NP told me that at the point I was at out me at 17%, and they really liked to see patients, who were two weeks out at 20%. At first I was thinking percentage of weight loss...but 20% of total body weight would have been like 60lbs. Does anyone have any idea as to what she was talking about??? What does this percentage mean? And is 25lbs in two weeks not as much as I should have lost? Again... My NP is giving me a major complex...

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I think it's more likely that she was talking percentage of excess weight lost. So, if at goal you would have lost 150 lbs, then they would want you to have lost 30 lbs by 3 weeks out.

That said, I personally think that is an insanely unrealistic goal and I have no idea where they got it from. I think it;s crazy to have any sort of goal or expectation for weight lost at three weeks out! 25 lbs in two weeks is one of the highest numbers I've ever seen here. I don't often tell people to disregard what their medical providers are telling them but your NP sounds like a bitch and a loon to me.

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I guess it depends on what exactly she's looking at. 20% reduction of excess weight from the beginning is probably not unreasonable. Of course this would include all the weight you've lost since your first visit. 20% reduction of excess weight in 2 weeks after surgery seems highly unrealistic to me.

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I agree with Bufflehead. I see my surgeon next Tuesday and I may be down about 26 or so pounds by then and I think that's pretty good from my starting weight. That is not based on my pre-surgical weight which was 261 (?) from his office. I think as long as we are losing - that's the plan - we shouldn't be compared to others because we all don't lose the same and not as fast (men/women, heavier start weight/lower start weight & younger/older). All men (women) are created equal, but we don't lose the exact same way.

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She's talking about the percentage of your excess weight. Mine wanted us to lose 30% of excess weight by 3 months. I think that goal is very unrealistic if your NP!

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Unles your nut has been obese, had WLS herself, and lost what her stupid textbook charts said she should lose, then she has no business lecturing you about your progress. I'm sorry, but "Book learnin" does not an expert make. At this point Just get in your Protein, Water, Vitamins and don't worry what the numbers on the scale say. And unless your insurance requires it, there's really no need to ever go back to the nut again. I managed to lose over 100% of my excess weight AT MY OWN PACE with absolutely zero postop consults with a nut. This is YOUR journey, not hers.....DONT BE A STATISTIC!

BTW, in my opinion, 25 pounds in 2 weeks is excessive weight loss. I had "only" lost 17 pounds at 3 months post and I was thrilled. Glad I didn't have a nut making me feel bad about myself.

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i lost 10 pound in the first 2 weeks and that was 14 % of my body extra weight , my surgeon was so happy with my loss

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Thanks to everyone for your awesome & supportive replies. I guess ya'll are right that the NP is talking about the percentage of weight lost. However, every time I've gone in there to see this NP, she is sweetly negative or condescending. Even my husband, who's generally a quiet guy, has commented that he thought the NP was being rudely unrealistic. I want to use this surgery as a tool, not going from being food obsessed, to feeling guilty for eating a green bean. I've never been much of an Internet person, but I couldn't making it through this without ya'll. Thanks again.

i lost 10 pound in the first 2 weeks and that was 14 % of my body extra weight , my surgeon was so happy with my loss

Congratulations! That's amazing! Keep it up!

Unles your nut has been obese, had WLS herself, and lost what her stupid textbook charts said she should lose, then she has no business lecturing you about your progress. I'm sorry, but "Book learnin" does not an expert make. At this point Just get in your Protein, Water, Vitamins and don't worry what the numbers on the scale say. And unless your insurance requires it, there's really no need to ever go back to the nut again. I managed to lose over 100% of my excess weight AT MY OWN PACE with absolutely zero postop consults with a nut. This is YOUR journey, not hers.....DONT BE A STATISTIC!

BTW, in my opinion, 25 pounds in 2 weeks is excessive weight loss. I had "only" lost 17 pounds at 3 months post and I was thrilled. Glad I didn't have a nut making me feel bad about myself.

Thank you for being such an inspiration!

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I think it's more likely that she was talking percentage of excess weight lost. So, if at goal you would have lost 150 lbs, then they would want you to have lost 30 lbs by 3 weeks out.

That said, I personally think that is an insanely unrealistic goal and I have no idea where they got it from. I think it;s crazy to have any sort of goal or expectation for weight lost at three weeks out! 25 lbs in two weeks is one of the highest numbers I've ever seen here. I don't often tell people to disregard what their medical providers are telling them but your NP sounds like a b***h and a loon to me.

I think you're correct. Because at my one week post op I went from 305lbs to 291lbs. At this appointment she told me "not to worry, that not everyone loses a lot the first week". I was kinda like... Say whaaaaat? Because I thought that was pretty good? I'm not sure where she's getting her "acceptable" numbers from, but frankly they suck. It's hard enough having life size Barbie (not being rude, it's an accurate description), assess your weight... But to do it condescendingly, well it sucks. Thank you for your kind words and inspiration.

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