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Hello everyone! I am new to this site and still in the researching stages of my weight loss. At 37 years old, 6'4" and 390lbs, it time to do something. I know a couple of people who have had procedures done and are delighted with their results. I want to get the perspective from more people. The REAL stories, from people who lived it and have nothing to gain from the information.

So here is my list. Answer as many questions as you want. Thanks so much for any information that can be shared!!! :)

What procedure did you chose and why did you chose it over the other options?

What was the general reaction from family and friends?

What was the biggest surprise during the process?

How long was your recovery?

How fast did you lose the weight?

How has your life changed since having the procedure?

Would you do it again?

Any regrets?

What should I be aware of?

What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have?

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Hi there -- will answer some of these: We are roughly the same size, although i am 64 years old.

What procedure did you chose and why did you chose it over the other options?

Chose Gastric Bypass (4-21-15) four weeks ago. I chose it because it has the best track record on diabetes remission; has the best track record on avoiding eventual weight regain. '

What was the general reaction from family and friends? Support from 90%, the remaining 10% were the ones who always said "Gee, you are really not that fat". My wife knew my mobility was challenged and the diabetes was worsening.

What was the biggest surprise during the process? It took me a year to get my insurance to pay for it. The surprise was how overall easy the surgery was, and rapid the recovery.

How long was your recovery? At four weeks, I am still two weeks away from being able to resume normal life, which is heavy gardening and woodworking, and lots of swimming.

How fast did you lose the weight? I have lost almost 40# in a month, I expect to lose 150# in the first year. With the smaller stomach pouch and the re-routing of my innards, I will lose weight very fast, period. It is possible to defeat this rapid weight loss, but as my Dr. says, you have to really work at it. After 18 months to 24 months, about 20% begin to gain again, but my Dr. says it is primarily due to carb loading and drinking soda and beer.

How has your life changed since having the procedure? After dozens and dozens of failed attempt to lose weight, I know that this will work, and I will achieve a normal weight. This really helps my attitude (ask my wife).

Would you do it again? Absolutely. Like you, I was always a great big giant, a farm kid who even though overweight, could do about anything physically. I was 200 pounds overweight and still active. BUT at 60 years old, that stopped being true. My ankles got swollen, the diabetes got bad, and I had a heart attack...but now, this should add 20 good years to my life span, at least.

Any regrets? Just that I did not have the guts to do it sooner

What should I be aware of? There is so much to learn both pre-op and post-op. It is like getting a degree in bariatric surgery. Huge amounts of reading.

What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have? My stomach pouch, although bigger than most, still gets full very fast, and you have to eat your Protein first -- leaving no room for carbs, but honestly, I miss carbs but can have very few... just a few crisp crackers.

Good luck, man!

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What procedure did you chose and why did you chose it over the other options?

The sleeve - I chose it to avoid the malnutrition issues of other procedures and the inefficacy (statistically speaking, obviously some have great success) of the band

What was the general reaction from family and friends?


What was the biggest surprise during the process?

The nausea day 1 post-op

How long was your recovery?

12 days and then back to work full time

How fast did you lose the weight?

101 lb in the first 3 months so far

How has your life changed since having the procedure?

Not siginificantly thus far, feel better though

Would you do it again?

In a heartbeat

Any regrets?

Just that all the new clothes are ridiculously expensive :)

What should I be aware of?

That there will be people who see you losing weight and shame-spiral themselves which can be pretty uncomfortable.

What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have?

None, just had to get creative. Check out my recipes

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1. Gastric sleeve, to rid myself of diabetes. CHECK! To be able to take N-Saids for arthritis.

2. Extremely supportive.

3. None, I was prepared.

4. Typical recovery, up and running within a week.

5. Typical, first 50lbs in 4 months, slowed down after that (it also depends on how much you have to lose).

6. Off most meds, including diabetes and blood pressure. Diabetes in remission.

7. Yes. In a heartbeat.


9. Read up on ALL side effects, possible complications. BE PREPARED!

10. None. All in moderation.

Good luck to you on your journey!

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What procedure did you chose and why did you chose it over the other options?

Band. Because at the time (2006) we were told it was the safest, was reversible, had a low complication rate. It turns out that not all if that is actually true! But that was my "why"

How long was your recovery?

Few days.

How fast did you lose the weight?

All my excess weight of 110lbs in around 15 months.

How has your life changed since having the procedure?

Healthy, active, wearing nice clothes. Not being obsessed with find and eating.

Would you do it again?

Like a shot

Any regrets?

Not a single one

What should I be aware of?

You need patience. You can eat round any surgery, it is NOT easy, just easier.

What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have?

There are no foods I never eat.

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Thank you for posting these questions. Very helpful. I'm brand new also. :)

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hi there and welcome!

I will do my best to answer your questions.

What procedure did you chose and why did you chose it over the other options?

I chose Gastric Bypass RNY. I went this route because I suffered from reflux/Gerd and I was told RNY was my best chance of resolving this issues where the lap band and the sleeve could make it worse.

I am 7.5 months post op and down 99lbs and have not had a single episode of reflux. My type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and stage 3 kidney disease are all in remission as well.

What was the general reaction from family and friends?

My family and friends have all been very supportive. I have told everyone that asks that I have had WLS but I make sure to explain the hard work it takes to lose the weight.

What was the biggest surprise during the process?

This was easy. I was surprised that I have not had a single complication. I am one of those people that if there is a risk no matter how small I always fit into that group of people. I have had NO complications. No dumping syndrome and I can eat whatever I want just in very tiny portions.

How long was your recovery?

I had surgery on Monday evening, came home from the hospital Wednesday morning and was done taking any pain medication by Thursday night. I felt pretty weak for that first month post surgery but nothing I could not handle. I learned very quickly that the most important thing was to stay very hydrated, it made that weak feeling disappear. At 6 weeks I went to Vegas for 10 days and felt fantastic!

How fast did you lose the weight?

In the beginning the weight comes off very rapidly, as you start reintroducing regular foods into your diet the loss will slow down. I average about 2.5 lbs per week. Of course there are stalls to contend with. I define a stall as NO weight loss for more than 10 days. It happened for me around week 4 the first time. It lasted 3 weeks. I have had several stalls since but if you stick to the plan, they will resolve.

How has your life changed since having the procedure?

My life has changed so drastically that sometimes I cannot believe it. First I actually enjoy eating good quality Protein and vegetables. I don't like junk any more, it does nothing for me. That is a massive change.

I can literally run up the stairs, walk for miles, sit cross legged on the floor, keep up with my family and most important my grand children. I exercise every other day for an hour a day.

I fit in an airplane seat with no extender. I can shop in regular stores.

All my comorbitities are gone which U.S. The reason I did this in the first place.

Would you do it again?

There is no question that I would absolutely do it again in a heartbeat.

Any regrets?

The only regret I have is not doing it 15 years ago before I did so much damage to my spine. I have severe arthritis and dusk degeneration that has caused spinal stenosis in my cervical spine. I am awaiting approval from my insurance to undergo a 3 level cervical spinal fusion. I have already had my lumbar fused in 2001. I am not looking forward to it but there is too much pressure on my spinal cord so I need to get it fixed.

What should I be aware of?

Be very aware of your part. I believe I had no complications because I follow the rules for the most part. Especially in the early months allowing your tummy time to heal. I gave seen a lot of people jump into some foods too fast and they cause themselves problems.

What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have?

For me there is no such thing as foods I cannot have. There are a couple foods that make me uncomfortable and no longer satisfy me. eggs are too heavy for me. That would be the only good that I have given up that I wish I could eat more of. I keep trying though.

bread has been one food that makes me uncomfortable and if I eat it, I don't stay full for long. I choose not to eat it because of the way it makes me feel.

Hopefully I answered your questions. Feel free to reach out if you have others.

Good luck to you!

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I was JUST sleeve 12 days ago and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I haven't lost a lot but I like eating the foods I use to eat years ago. My family isn't big about veggies and I changed my diet for simplicity to match theirs and therefore gained weight fast. I can't blame them for the chips and popcorn though ;D

Read, read and read some more. Educate yourself and make the decision for you~

keep us posted:D

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I chose the band because it's reversible and I love hard work.

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What procedure did you chose and why did you chose it over the other options? I choose LapBand due to surgeon recommendation. I would have preferred gastric sleeve but it was not option for me at the time

What was the general reaction from family and friends? Close family was supportive, didn't tell many others due to negative comments

What was the biggest surprise during the process? That I actually succeeded

How long was your recovery? I felt great after a few days. Minor soreness

How fast did you lose the weight? Steady and slow. About 80lbs in first 10-12 months.

How has your life changed since having the procedure? I feel much happier, more active, look great and I enjoy clothes shopping

Would you do it again? Absolutely

Any regrets? None, other than should have done it sooner

What should I be aware of? Be aware of negative people who want to criticize. Follow your dr/nutritionist orders to a t

What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have? Soda at first was the worst to give up. Now I don't miss it at all

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Thanks everyone! This is exactly the info that I was looking for. Hearing how successful everyone has been and is very motivating!!

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Hello...my name is Antoine, I'm 30 yrs old and in Nov 13,2013 I got the gastric sleeve. When I first got weighted, I was 315 lbs and I had very high blood pressure, I had sleep apnea on top of all of the weight.

why did you chose it over the other options?

I choose the sleeve because after a lot of research, it had the most positive results with less maintenance than other procedures.

What was the general reaction from family and friends?

I really didn't tell a lot of ppl because everybody isn't into surgeries, including weight less. I didn't tell my parents until about 2 weeks prior to surgery. When I did tell my mom, she cried like a new born baby cause she felt like I could do it the "normal" way.

What was the biggest surprise during the process?

The biggest surprise for me was when after the surgery, I really couldn't eat as much as I use too..even tho I had been warned about it.

How long was your recovery?

Recovery was about 2 weeks...

How fast did you lose the weight?

I lose weight at a surprising speed, and no I don't have any baggy skin

How has your life changed since having the procedure?

Everything has change for the better. I'm no longer on blood pressure medications, and I don't have sleep apnea anymore. I don't eat red meat or pork at all (it was my choice). I have a lot of energy now because of the surgery

Would you do it again?

I would do it again. ..My quality of life is BETTER

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I am a newbie as well. This is my experience pre-op so far:

What surgery did I choose?

I went to an education seminar before even visiting my surgeon for the first time. I learned A LOT! I had read the internet from cover to cover about the types of procedures, and I had read every thread of every forum I could think of...but everyone had their own opinions on what was the best. The education class really sat me down and allowed me to choose which surgery was right for me.

I chose the vertical sleeve procedure. For my medical issues, my weight, my BMI, it was the best surgery for me. The band would not have produced the amount of weight loss I wanted to achieve, and the bypass had a lot of complications and side effects that I didn't want to endure. (malnutrition, etc.) Some/lots of people have no complication and no side effects, but it wasn't worth the risk to me.

You should read as much as you can, and attend an educational seminar. It will help you choose what is right for you.

Also – my insurance would not cover a dime of the surgery. Gotta love working for the government. So I am a self-pay. The cost between the surgeries was also a factor in my decision.

What was the general reaction from family and friends?

This is a touchy subject for a lot of people choosing to do weight loss surgery. For me, it has been an eye opening experience with regards to my true friends and family.

My family so far has been wonderfully supportive. My dad was a bit shocked and was concerned about going under the knife, but after sitting down and giving him an educational class…he came around and is really excited. I have told a couple of close coworker friends who are really excited for me.

My biggest surprise was my best friend. She and I have been best friends for over 25 years…and she doesn’t support me what so ever. She told me I was “giving up” and that I should just “join Weight Watchers” instead. (Background…our entire life; I’ve been the fat friend. She was the stick figure. And I think she liked it that way.) Now with the “threat” of me becoming smaller, she is freaking out. I can only assume she is afraid that the dynamic of our relationship will change…maybe she will come around after she sees the health benefits this surgery will provide me.

After her reaction, I have been very selective about who I tell.

A coworker of mine had Gastric Bypass a few months ago, and the comments that came from the chicken pen of lady coworkers were horrible. I heard things like “If she’d just put down the fork she wouldn’t need surgery.” “She is going to look horrible with all that skin drooping off of her.”

People’s comments can be hurtful, but if you are like me…and have grown up heavy…you learned to deal with the comments a long time ago. I am strong, and love myself, and am doing this for me. Not them.

What was the biggest surprise during the process?

My friend’s reaction so far has been the biggest surprise. I was also anticipating months and months of fighting insurance and doctors’ visits and testing…so when I decided to self-pay, I was surprised at how quickly the process became. From my first consultation with the surgeon to my surgery date will be exactly 2 months. June 18th can’t get here soon enough J

How long was your recovery?

I am still pre-op so I don’t know for sure…but my surgeon said that I will stay the night of my surgery in the hospital and get to go home the next day after running some tests. If everything is okay, then I will get to go home. I have read that everyone’s recovery is different. I’ve read some people go back to work in a few days, while others take several months. I hope to be one that only takes about a week. It depends on your procedure, your body, your pain levels, and what you do. I would say if you built houses for a living, going back after a few days would not be a wise choice….but if you sit behind a desk for 8 hours, returning sooner might be more realistic.

Below are your questions that I’d like answered as well. I look forward to reading everyone’s account of their experience.

How fast did you lose the weight?

How has your life changed since having the procedure?

Would you do it again?

Any regrets?

What should I be aware of?

What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have?

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1. Sleeve. permanent limited intake and not rearrange internal organs.

2. Who cares. It's my life. I'm the one living it.

3. I could actually be satisfied and live healthy (full) on 3 ounces of food. Go figure.

4. 2 days in the Hospital and home. That was pretty much it.

5. Fast at first....then slower.....then real slow....(still I knew I'd get there) I got to my goal in about a year.

6. How has it not changed. Everything. I'm normal now. Being fat is never in my head anymore. I do whatever I want.

7. In a millisecond.

8. None. Except of course for the hindsight one.......Shoulda done it years ago.

9. It will be easy at first.....Learn the eating and exercise process intently.....because it will get harder later on and you will need to be able to stick to your plan until it's firmly ingrained in your daily routine and habits.

10. None. Each day there is the priority of getting in the Protein and healthy food within your new restricted stomach limits (so you stay healthy and don't get weak or tired). That doesn't leave any room for junk. As far a what type of foods. I eat everything, as long as it meets my requirements.......There is nothing I can't have. ;)

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Congratulations on your decision!

Preface - I'm just 7 weeks out and couldn't be happier!

What procedure did you chose and why did you chose it over the other options?

I chose the the SADI (sometimes called the SIPS) a newer procedure that is a modification of the DS. I had a BMI overf 50 and EXTREMELY high triglycerides (fatty liver). After discussions with both my bariatric doc and endocrinolgist this procedure has shown to significantly and quickly reduce trigylcerides and cholesterol. And it did I just got my bloodwork results yesterday (drawn at 5.5 weeks post op), total cholesterol from 237 to 136 (normal range), Triglycerides from 871 to 193 (just a little out of range)...Meds gone! Because my trigylcerides were so high they couldn't measure my LDL cholesterol it is now 63 (normal range). Now I just need to bring my HDL numbers up through increasing my exercise.

What was the general reaction from family and friends?

My family is my rock. My husband is behind me 100% as is my sister and my neices. My in-laws are supportive, although they really don't have a clue what all was involved and what I have to do to be successful, but they know I'm motivated to be as healthy as possible for my children.

What was the biggest surprise during the process?

It really didn't hurt. I was expecting incsion pain, muscle pain, pain pain and I just never had any. Any pain was well controlled in the hospital and I never required pain meds once I came home (though I did take some the first two nights just to make sure I slept).

How long was your recovery?

I was in the hospital for 3 days. I took off 3 weeks in total from work, however, I could've easily returned to work on week two. I have mainly a desk job but I do get up and walk for 5-10 minutes once or twice/day.

How fast did you lose the weight?

I've lost just over 50 lbs from my two week pre-op till now 7 weeks out. I did hit a stall around 2.5/3 weeks that lasted a couple weeks but since then it is pretty steady.

How has your life changed since having the procedure?

Energy! I definitely have more energy! I can bend over and tie my shoes or my toddler's shoe for that matter. I smile more too!

Would you do it again?

Yes, absolutely! I'm so happy I made this choice. I can see my life improving daily and I have so many goals and plans all through my journey. I can't wait to hit each one!

Any regrets?

No, now that's not to say a couple times shortly after surgery I didn't go through the WTF did I do to myself stage. I cried some tears because of hormones, anestesia, etc...I cried when I stalled and questioned it, but that is where both my family at home and my family on here helped me realize it is temporary. As long as I hold up my end of the bargin (follow the program) my surgery will hold up its end and they were right.

What should I be aware of?

Know you will have some days where it is hard. It is hard to even look at that Protein shake or bottle of Water let alone lift it to your lips. But remember it is a phase that you will be out of soon and moving to the next phase. There will also be days when you get tired of seeing other people eat around you and on TV. That is okay too, again your phases are temporary and you will be able to try most things in moderation at some point.

What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have?

Beer! My dear friends are in the processes of opening their own craft brew pub. I figure I will have to rely on a one sip sampler flight a year down the road. :) I had been craving pizza since right after my surgery, so last night we ordered pizza (I just didn't want to cook) and I ate the toppings. It really wasn't that good or satisfying by that craving is gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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