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Boo Hoo - Appointment Canceled for one day

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Rebeccalee, I have to disagree with your doctors, since strict dieting and deprivation have gotten me into so much trouble in the past. I put most of my weight on rebouding from Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystems, The Beverly Hills Diet, etc.

I eat all those you doctor forbids - but in moderation and not on a regular basis. But there I go again, acting like a doctor. I think it's fantastic that some of you can be so structured and be so good. I ran out of willpower 5 years ago. I'm too tight to eat Breakfast so I just have milk or a Protein Shake, and every day I eat Protein and raw veggies for lunch with a couple crackers for extra Fiber. I eat whatever hubby cooks for dinner, which is usally not very diet friendly. If there's pizza, I'll eat the toppings and a bite of the bread. If we have a birthday, I accept a piece of cake and play with it like kids do with a small amount getting in my belly. I finally feel like I'm eating like normal people do. Don't get mad at me, either, cause I absolutely adore you!

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DeLarla :) How do you think my doctor criticizes me for these things!? I EAT them! I absolutely believe in the "eat a little so you don't feel deprived" plan. I tell my doctors that once in a while, but not too often because they don't approve and then they don't listen to my REAL problems. :D

And how could I be mad at you?! I wouldn't even be mad if I didn't agree, but I do. :) So...back to my thinking about what little treat I will eat tonight... Is this called obsessing?

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Betty probably fainted when she saw the numbers on the scale go so low. The woman needs a lil sumpy to put in her lil belly.

Doctors, schmocktors! I bet they have several fun foods every day themselves!

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Well, I am happy on one hand, and mad on the other hand! lol I was not a happy camper during most of my visit. So, I will vent and get it over with! First of all, I was upset because I didn't get to see my doctor, I saw his assistant. I cancelled my appointment yesterday so I could see him today! Then he ask me what I have been eating and I told him and he said good, you are doing excellent, losing and everything. Then he said he was adding some food in and he said you can have: Cottage cheese, Beans (all kinds), fruit, Soups including creams, but everything has to be blended and no lumps, and then he said you can have all the non calorie drinks you want too, but if you drink a Protein Drink then it counts as part of your daily allowance of three cups of food a day. I then said I am a little concerned with this diet, where is any Protein at? He said you can have an egg scrambled. He said I needed to spread these three cups of food over a 24 hour period. Then he said you are sleeping 8 hours of that time, so you need to eat about an ounce of food each hour and no more. Has anyone ever heard of this? An ounce of food every hour? I have to work, and to limit myself to an ounce an hour, I would be eating all day, and once I start that, I would never quit that habbit. O.K. to go on now, he said I want you on this for 3 weeks, and then come back and talk to the dietician. In my paperwork I got at the very beginning it said I would be on regular food at the end of 4 weeks. Now he is taking it to 5 weeks. I went up and tried to make an appoint for 3 weeks, and she was booked for 4 weeks. I went back to the doctor and told him and he said book the 4 week one and I will have her call me. By now, I am totally pi$$ed! Oh, one part I forgot, he said let me look at your belly. I am sitting in a chair of all places. I showed him (my bandage strips are still on) and he said you are healing well, when you get home take them off. I thought why don't you take them off and look at them properly????? Well, I came home and pulled them off and they look great, but that is beside the point. So, anyway, I came home and ate some cottage cheese with peaches and it wasn't an ounce either. I have decided I am going to live like a regular person, and I will be really careful and stay on the food that I am supposed to be on, but I am not doing the ounce at a time. That is not living normal. Also, I have decided the first of the week, I will send an e-mail to the dietician and tell her what I think. I also ordered some Unjury to put in my food to get my protein. NOW, that I have slammed these keys till they are almost broke (lol) I will quit bitching and try to relax. Still no swimming or baths, but lots of exercise! I probably should read this before I send it, but then I probably wouldn't send it so here it goes! :):):D

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Hey Miss Betty,

I am going to try really hard not to disagree with your doctor... oh damn... that means I have to keep my big mouth shut! Whoops... not possible! Hey... I was encouraged to eat 3 meals a day... 6 30cc medicine cups of food for each of the three meals... PLUS... 3 Protein shakes per day. In my opinion... I do not think you will get all of the Protein you need for healing with his prescribed diet. I didn't measure my food into little medicine cups but I was careful to only eat very small amounts at mealtime in the beginning. Grazing all day was FORBIDDEN by my dietician and my doctor... it was 3 meals a day with shakes for the Snacks in between. Does this help or hinder??? I just want you to get the protein in... your healing body really does need it! ((((Hugs))))


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I agree Darcy, I don't think I would be getting any Protein to speak of at all with what he said. I'm doing 3 meals a day, and I am going to get some protein in too. I rodered the Unjury you said was good, so as soon as I get it I will start using more of it. I got the chocolate and the unflavored. Thanks for your help.

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Creamy cheese Soups would have Protein. Cottage cheese and eggs will have protein as well. Betty, I tried to stick to my doc's schedule too but I also went by how I felt. I tried to be very careful. I was more than ready for the mushy phase but was very nervous of the solid food stage so I added solids back in more gradually and made sure to chew a lot. Your doing fine and I wouldn't worry about the ounce an hour thing. Best wishes, Teresa

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Betty, here's what I did: I figured since every single doctor gives different instructions, then the smartest thing to do was devise a practical plan that works special, just for me. If you listen to only one doctor, you could miss lots of valuable information. My doctor's dietician said to eat three meals a day - PERIOD. No grazing, no snacking, nothing inbetween. They did not give me amounts to weigh and measure, but told me to eat very slowly and chew very well for 20 minutes - not one bite longer. I think you are doing the right thing by questioning your doctor. I'm not saying he's wrong, but he is just one opinion of many. I'd be pissed, too, just for making you wait the extra day and remove your own bandages.

Remember, cottage cheese is a good source of Protein. Beans are a great source too (I like some cheese on mine.) At least you got some new foods, and you'll really enjoy Soups, which were very comforting to me.

The point is that you & me and everyone else here are extremely fortunate that we have this board to rely on. This board saved my life. As long as you are sticking within general band guidelines according to all the pros around here, I think you'll be fine.

My instructions were: Week 1 - Clear liquids (broth, Jello, frozen pops.) Week 2 - thick liquids (shakes, soups.) Week three - mushies (cottage cheese, mashed taters, processed foods.) Week 4 - start adding one food at at time, chewing really well, and then adding foods one at a time to make sure you can handle them.

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Thanks Lisa, that is almost the same thing my papers say, but he changed a lot of it today. Since he is the assistant, I am not sure if any of what he said is gospal. I'm still going to e-mail the dietician and get it clear from her what she thinks, but I'm gonna do what I think is best. I know some doctors are very careful about letting you eat anything, but since my paperwork they gave me on my first visit differs from what he is telling me I have to question it. This board has helped me in so many ways, and it is helping me again this time.

Thanks y'all!

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This is my pre-surgery paperwork!

The doctor will start you on clear liquid which includes Water, juices, and broth. Once doc approves, you will progress to a full liquid diet that includes Water, juice, milk, and liquid nutrition supplements.

Full Liquid for Weeks 1-2 Try to drink at least 6 cups of liquid everyday (48 oz) Drink 2 cups of CIB with skim milk and 1 cup of fruit juice a day. Make the rest (crystal light, SF koolaid, or SF country time lemonade, coffee/tea.

One the doc approves, you may gradually introduce the following foods into your diet. Limit serving to 2 tablespoons at a time. Continue to drink 3 cups of nutritional supplements and 2 cups of calorie-free liquid. You may add clear broth or Soup, SF Jello, Skim milk, cooked Cereal thinned with water or milk, mashed potatoes thinned with milk Lf/SF pudding or yogurt. ( The only thing I wasn't on was the cerel/potatoes/pudding/yogurt. )

Full Liquid/soft diet (weeks 2-4)

You may start having slightly thicker creamier Soups, scrambled eggs, moist white meat (chicken, veal, pork, turkey and fish. Eat soft foods 4-5 times per day to develop eating patterns that promote a healthy weight. Limit yourself to 3 cups (24 oz) of calorie-containing liquids and foods each day to promote weight loss.

Once the doc or dietitian approves, you may begin eating solid, low fat foods. Eat 3 small meals a day. Do not exceed 1/2 cup (8 tablespoons) at each meal. Avoid snacking between meals. AT THIS TIME YOU MAY STOP DRINKING ALL LIQUID NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS.

Add new foods one at a time. Eat Protein with every meal. your goal is to consume 45-50 grams of Protein everyday. Follow protein rich food with vegetables and fruits, then breads, cereals, grains and Pasta.

Beef, poultry, pork, fish and eggs are good sources of protein. Eat baked, broiled, grilled or boiled meats that are tender. Remove the skin. Some patients have a difficult time digesting beef. Poultry and fish may be better tolerated. Avoid high fat meats such as sausage, bacon, hot dogs, lunch meats, etc. Avoid tough stringy meats. Eat tuna packed in water and baked or broiled fish. Avoid fried fish. Milk products are alos a good source of protein, as well as Calcium and Vitamin D, however, they tend to be soft and therefore should be limited. If you choose tto include these products on a limited basis, choose low fat dairy products, such as skim milk, FF/SF yogurt, low fat cottage cheese and low fat/ff cheeses. Eat a variety of soft cooked veggies, soft fruits, Pasta, rice, potatoes, toasted bread, Cereal and crackers. etc. etc. etc.

So, now you know why I was and am so confused about all this. The things he told me is totally different from this sheet. I was beginning to thunk I was going crazy for a while. This sheet doesn't say anything about eating each hour one ounce of food, and half the stuff should have been added last week, and oh heck, the whole thing is totally screwed up!

OK I HAVE VENTED ENOUGH, I am calm now, I can just eat like a banster and not worry anymore. I'm not going an extra week like he said though! Look out dietician, here I come! :)

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I'd follow the sheet and not worry about it. (Well, I'd worry, but that's just me :) ) The one thing I am glad my doctor required -- even though I complain about it all the time -- is to stick to half a cup and no more. This doesn't work for everyone, but it sure was a good thing for me. Of course, that's all my pouch will hold, so that probably makes a big difference.

Do your best and don't rush things too much. You are still healing. :)

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I can't eat more than 1/2 cup either, and most of the time not that much and I am wide open. I agree that you shouldn't overeat, I was just confused about all the rig-a-ma-roe! I'm lots better now that I have screamed, thrown a tantrum, and broke my keyboard! Just kidding! I just got upset from the beginning when I didn't get to see my doc. after I changed days and all! I'll be nice from now on, no more screaming! I'll be a good little (?) (well, I am short) banster! :):):D

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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    • Teriesa

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