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yay!! so glad! it really does warm my heart, we will all face many naysayers but support from people we love just fills up the space where their negativity tries to creep in!

yeah, @, fill us in!

to keep you guys all jazzed up, i'm 2 weeks post op today and down 16 lbs! man i'm pumped.

Newtum, thanks for contiuing to share your story. Please don't leave anything out! I want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly!

Not that I want it to steer me away from the surgery, but so that I can go into it with a reasonable expectation.

A lady at work had it done in September. She's pretty open about sharing her experience with me, but it seems like one day she's all about telling me to do it and the next day she tells me I don't weigh enough and it's not worth it. I get her concern, and realize it's not all peachey, but sometimes I wonder if she wants the attention from the office and wants to be "the skinny one". That's probably not fair for me to say, but I know she's super jealous of the naturally thin ladies that work at our office, so maybe she just wants someone else to be the bigger one... Anyways, my point to this is... please keep sharing your experience!

It seems like people lose about 8-10lbs/mo for the first 3-6 months or so if you have a low BMI and then it slows down. My starting weight will be around 150, and I'd be happy to get to 115, I think that'd be miracle! That being said, I'm trying to be realistic and realize since I'm starting smaller I probably shouldn't expect to be at my weight loss goal in 4 months... especially since even now when I do a strict ketosis diet my body doesn't seem to want to drop the pounds.

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Marcci I lost all of my excess weight in 4 months. And we are pretty close on stats but I'd say give yourself 6 months. That's what my surgeon told me to expect. As far as goal weight it depends when you get there and how much muscle tone you have. My goal was 115 but I am around 119-121 and have decided I need to not lose any more. I wear a 0P and XS Petite so if I lose anymore I am not sure where to shop :)

I wouldn't listen to your co-worker about doing it or not. That's one of the main reasons I didn't tell anyone is I didn't want to hear how I didn't need it. Sure it's not all rainbows and unicorns but I don't regret it at all.

Good luck-


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Marcci I lost all of my excess weight in 4 months. And we are pretty close on stats but I'd say give yourself 6 months. That's what my surgeon told me to expect. As far as goal weight it depends when you get there and how much muscle tone you have. My goal was 115 but I am around 119-121 and have decided I need to not lose any more. I wear a 0P and XS Petite so if I lose anymore I am not sure where to shop :)

I wouldn't listen to your co-worker about doing it or not. That's one of the main reasons I didn't tell anyone is I didn't want to hear how I didn't need it. Sure it's not all rainbows and unicorns but I don't regret it at all.

Good luck-


LA thanks for the information. I definitely want to be fit and toned as opposed to just skinny. I actually enjoy working out surprisingly, and actually not looking forward to not being able to do my regular workouts for 6 weeks after the surgery!

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@ -- definitely happy to share the FULL story!! almost 3 weeks post op and i have to say that i think i've been VERY lucky so far, so i'm not really the best person to give the full scope of what recovery can be like. a lot of other people who got sleeved the same time as me are having a much harder time, so i'd recommend reading the different forums (for example there's one for people sleeved 10/14, 10/19, etc.) to get a sense of how people progress in their recovery. for me, the 2 days in the hospital were pretty tough. i had a lot of pain the first day and was CRAZY thirsty, the second day i had nausea and struggled to drink the required amount. the first week i felt generally ok but just very very tired - lots of naps. around 1 week post op i had a crazy allergic reaction -- big red circles around each of my incision sites that itched like CRAZY. i felt like i was going to claw my skin off!!! no consensus on what the allergen was - maybe the surgical glue, maybe the dried blood inside, but in any case it made for a rough, sleepless couple days. i haven't had really any problems getting down Protein or Water or (just this week) cottage cheese/yogurt/apple sauce so that's good. and the weight has been coming off fast and steady.

i know there is a long road ahead still -- i will have stalls and maintenance is something i have never once succeeded at, so i know that will be a whole separate adjustment. but i already feel amazing. truly. my sleep apnea has clearly gone away since i am WIDE AWAKE at work for the first time in years. i can feel the lost weight when i walk, there's just a lightness that feels awesome. and the depression that pushed me to do the surgery in the first place is easing up in a major major way. life just seems very bright! one thing i keep reminding myself of is that i have lost all the weight in the past (with doctor-supervised Protein shake diets) and as soon as i was "done" (met goal), i just stopped with the program. didn't continue getting support from the doctors or keeping up with group sessions or therapy. and so i gained it all back and then some both times. so while i am totally basking in my current success, i'm trying to remind myself that this is a different game -- a PERMANENT change, vs. a couple months of shakes.

ok that was a very long-winded rant. i will definitely keep you all updated - its nice to be able to share progress here. i haven't had any negative experiences in other forums but i would hesitate to talk numbers given where other people are at and where they started.

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@ -- definitely happy to share the FULL story!! almost 3 weeks post op and i have to say that i think i've been VERY lucky so far, so i'm not really the best person to give the full scope of what recovery can be like. a lot of other people who got sleeved the same time as me are having a much harder time, so i'd recommend reading the different forums (for example there's one for people sleeved 10/14, 10/19, etc.) to get a sense of how people progress in their recovery. for me, the 2 days in the hospital were pretty tough. i had a lot of pain the first day and was CRAZY thirsty, the second day i had nausea and struggled to drink the required amount. the first week i felt generally ok but just very very tired - lots of naps. around 1 week post op i had a crazy allergic reaction -- big red circles around each of my incision sites that itched like CRAZY. i felt like i was going to claw my skin off!!! no consensus on what the allergen was - maybe the surgical glue, maybe the dried blood inside, but in any case it made for a rough, sleepless couple days. i haven't had really any problems getting down Protein or Water or (just this week) cottage cheese/yogurt/apple sauce so that's good. and the weight has been coming off fast and steady.

i know there is a long road ahead still -- i will have stalls and maintenance is something i have never once succeeded at, so i know that will be a whole separate adjustment. but i already feel amazing. truly. my sleep apnea has clearly gone away since i am WIDE AWAKE at work for the first time in years. i can feel the lost weight when i walk, there's just a lightness that feels awesome. and the depression that pushed me to do the surgery in the first place is easing up in a major major way. life just seems very bright! one thing i keep reminding myself of is that i have lost all the weight in the past (with doctor-supervised Protein shake diets) and as soon as i was "done" (met goal), i just stopped with the program. didn't continue getting support from the doctors or keeping up with group sessions or therapy. and so i gained it all back and then some both times. so while i am totally basking in my current success, i'm trying to remind myself that this is a different game -- a PERMANENT change, vs. a couple months of shakes.

ok that was a very long-winded rant. i will definitely keep you all updated - its nice to be able to share progress here. i haven't had any negative experiences in other forums but i would hesitate to talk numbers given where other people are at and where they started.

It's definitely reassuring to hear how great your experience has been so far. Fingers crossed I get lucky and have the same!

My biggest concern is that I won't be able to maintain once I start adding food back.

I'm also a little worried I won't be successful. I have dieted very strictly lately and work out intensely six times a week and just can't seem to get my weight to budge. I know I've messed up my metabolism from dieting so much and then binging and gaining it back. That's why even now when I do diet I can't lose weight.

I had blood work done the other week and my doc told me the levels of protein in my urine are very high, so the success I had on a high protein, low carb diet in the past aren't working for me anymore.

Anyways, I know my poor eating habits have caused these issues to arise and I'm just scared that I'm screwed up my body so badly that even with a sleeve I may not be successful.

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Well I told my mom the other day and she was not happy at all. She is usually the calm one and my dad tends to over react, so I figured it'd be a good idea to discuss with my mom first and then we could tell my dad together or she could at least help me help him understand.

Well that idea didn't go so well. She thinks I should go to counseling to understand why I overeat and thinks I need to love myself the way I am.

I'm still planning to go through with it, but I'm very close to my parents so it would be very tough if they won't accept it.

I'm planning to leave it for a couple days or week and then approach my parents and just let them know I've made up my mind and would really appreciate they're support.

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@ - so sorry the talk didn't go as well as you might have hoped! give her time, hopefully she'll come around to it. and let her ask LOTS of questions and ask you to consider other options!

i am currently facing down the dreaded 3 week stall! haven't lost any weight in 6 days. how long did it last for you all?

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@newtum. The stall lasts only as long as you daily weigh yourself! If you weigh only once a week, the stall generally doesn't even show. If you don't lose any weight for a month, then it's not a stall, but more likely the recommended eating program isn't being followed. IMHO.

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ughhh i KNOW you're right @@sleevenv!! i am hooked on the scale... thanks for the intervention.

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Has anyone lost TOO much weight? I talked to my coworker again (last time I do that) and she thinks I'd be making a mistake if I went through with it. Thinks I will lose too much weight and not be able to keep weight on after I get to goal.

My other question - I'm hoping to start trying for kids in a year or two. Anyone else in this situation shortly after getting sleeved?

My husband is as on board as I think he's gonna get. Now to get my parents to support me.

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@ - i'm planning for kids as soon as everyone (surgeon and obgyn) are on board! they think 12-18 months from surgery depending on weight stability. i didn't feel comfortable getting pregnant at my starting weight and knew i never would, so it was a big driver for me in deciding to go for it.

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My SO made his first semi positive comment about my surgery ????

I said I thought it seemed hot, he said that it's cold. Then he said "you know what will be good about your surgery? You'll get cold easier again like before and I can turn the temperature up again."

Hey I'll take it. Maybe that means he's slowly getting more comfortable with the idea. ????❤ less than 3 months, I'm counting down!

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My SO made his first semi positive comment about my surgery

I said I thought it seemed hot, he said that it's cold. Then he said "you know what will be good about your surgery? You'll get cold easier again like before and I can turn the temperature up again."

Hey I'll take it. Maybe that means he's slowly getting more comfortable with the idea. ❤ less than 3 months, I'm counting down!

That's awesome!!

My husband is starting to come around too. We talk about it like any other thing, and he even brings it up sometimes, asking what he's going to do in Mexico for three days, and where he can sleep and all that.

I booked our flights this past week! Only 7 weeks away!!

I'm still asking a million questions to my coordinator, and every once in a while I start questioning if this is the right thing to do. I just wish there were more people with similar stats to me (and most of us in this thread) that were willing to share their experience.

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THANKS!! I'M SO STOKED!! Hes pretty much anti-everything medical. Hes not a fan of doctors in general so this is a huge adjustment for him I think.

Thats great that he's talking about it with you! :) make sure he brings books ahahaha.

I feel the same I've been back and forth, especially at first, but I'm at the point now that I'm pretty much dead set and haven't re considered it.

I also wish there was more people here with stats similar to us. I'm about 5'7" and 200-205. Bmi of 31. 27 years old with 2 kids. I also wished it wasn't so judged because we are considered low bmi.

When's your date?

Edited by 030608070609

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THANKS!! I'M SO STOKED!! Hes pretty much anti-everything medical. Hes not a fan of doctors in general so this is a huge adjustment for him I think.

Thats great that he's talking about it with you! :) make sure he brings books ahahaha.

I feel the same I've been back and forth, especially at first, but I'm at the point now that I'm pretty much dead set and haven't re considered it.

I also wish there was more people here with stats similar to us. I'm about 5'7" and 200-205. Bmi of 31. 27 years old with 2 kids. I also wished it wasn't so judged because we are considered low bmi.

When's your date?

January 10th!

My only concern is I have "adrenal fatigue" so worried that even with the surgery I won't lose weight. Been trying to do some research and find others that have adrenal fatigue that have had WLS, but so far haven't found anyone.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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