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47 year old female here from Boise! Married for 26 years as of yesterday to a great guy! Two grown kids, son 25, daughter 27 and married ( just furry grand babies so far).

Lived in the West (Oregon, California, Idaho) my whole life, and Boise has been my favorite place to live so far :) Lived here for 15 years.

I decided I needed a change of career (after many years in the HR field) and at 45 years old, decided to get my license to become a Realtor, and it's been great!

Had the Sleeve in August of last year, and feel better right now than I did at 30. I exercise more than I did then, too :) I've fallen in love with running, and just recently have gotten up to 2 miles a day. My goal is to run my first 5K by the time I'm 50. I also really enjoy this site and the wonderful people on it. It has been my lifeline and my support, and I love learning and helping others learn all they can about this crazy journey we have all decided to embark on!

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I'm a 52 year old white female seeking to remain thin. Like long walks to burn calories so I don't gain weight. Hobbies include frequent shopping trips because I can fit in all normal clothes, and that never gets old! Shopping is the only sport I engage in, and it provides lots of cardio from walking, and strength training from carrying bags. It's also a nice diversion from eating. I also never pay retail, so it's a bit of an added sport in that it requires a "hunt"!

In real life, I've been married to the same wonderful husband for 29 years, have three wonderful grown daughters, one great son-in-law and totally awesome 17 month old grandson! I've been a registered nurse for over 30 years, and currently am an informatics nurse working for a large health care organization as an IT director, managing and implementing clinical systems.

Oh, and I know it's a surprise, but I'm from Michigan. I'm near The D :)

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tell us about yourself. Age? Sex? Location?

@@LilMissDiva Irene

Irene thanx for getting this party started :)

i am 29 years young

(32 years ago :lol: )

my hubby is 3 years my junior ;)

tom is VERY smart

after all - he married me ;)

over the past 23+ years, here and there

happily married MOST of the time :rolleyes:

sex?? :huh:

occasionally :lol:

I have a wonderful 39 year old/young daughter and terrific son-in-law

3 of the most adorable/terrific/best grand-children in the world :)

(present other grandparents excluded) ;)

daughters' family moved to Atlanta, Georgia 3 years ago :wacko:

work transfer for son-in-law :mellow:

i live in syracuse, ny

i am 2nd of 5 kids

one brother, 3 sisters siblings live in different states

i worked for the state of NY

clerical for 25 years

enjoy volunteering at the hospital 3-5 days a week

i am a survivor of the 1956 hungarian revolution

escaping to america when i was 2, parents & 4 year old sister

these past 15 years+ i am a proud breast cancer survivor

I am USUALLY a controlled epileptic

big NSV was having my med dosage cut in half due to my weight loss

8 years ago (53) i had to take an early disability retirement

too many recent injuries, orthopedic problems/surgeries :(

this is my story and i'm stickin to it !!!! LOL

3.5 years ago my life took a dramatic turn for the better :)

I am "cute as a button"!!!

check out my life story coming to a theater near you :lol:


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hi Y'all! I am 53, married to my hubs for 27 years. We live in Kansas City. I helped him raise his 2 sons (we lost his eldest in a home invasion in 2008). Our youngest (32 yrs old now) gave us 2 beautiful grand children, now 7 (girl) and 9 (boy). I work at a huge insurance company as a supervisor in their customer service call center for 15 years. 15 previous years at another huge insurance company. Planning to retire at 55...but, we'll see how I really feel about that when I'm 55. I love all animals,. but currently only have 2 yorkies and a mastiff. My surgery is in 4 days, and I can't wait to be someone to provide help, instead of the one who keeps asking questions!! Nice to be part of the IN crowd. And did I hear someone say "cookies"????

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51 (closing in on 52 real soon????)

Married almost 27 years and we haven't killed each other yet

3 children (21, 19, 16)

Enjoying our beautiful spring weather - well as beautiful as it gets in April in central Alberta (Canada)

Hoping to retire in 5 years

11 months out and enjoying life in my new healthy body

Hoping to lose another 20 lbs for my personal goal, but my Dr is absolutely thrilled with my new weight as it stands

These boards have been my savings grace both pre and post surgery! I read them every day and remind myself why it's so important to remember why I signed up for WLS and never give up even when I just want to devour a chocolate cake, well okay maybe just a timbit or two now (aka a donut hole for the non-Canadians)

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I'm really enjoying this thread. It's really great to hear about your real lives.

I'm female and 61 years old but I often jokingly tell people that that I'm 39 (like Jack Benny). I've been married to a patient and loving man for almost 39 years and we have two grown children (a son and a daughter) and two fantastically cute grandsons, aged one and four. We also have a German Shepherd who is so handsome that we feel like he's a celebrity and we're his entourage.

I'm from San Francisco originally and I still live near the Bay Area, so rooting for the Giants is in my blood.

I also check in to this website every day. You all keep me focused and give me such great advice. I'm very grateful.

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I am a Louisiana - Texas girl. I travel between the two states daily.

I really do not know how old I am. I have to guess everytime someone asks me. I am either 44 or 45. My husband still tells every one I am 42 - and I do not correct him. Makes me feel young. I guess I should try to remember, but after the age of 35, I stopped keeping up. B'days just come around too fast now.

Second marriage - 10 wonderful years.

I have 2 sets of 2 children. First marriage — Ages 24 and 22; Second marriage — Ages 7 and 5. My baby - I finally had a boy and he looks like me too!

I love my family.

I love to exercise!

I love to eat organic vegetarian foods.

I love my job.

I make most household items my family uses regularly such as bread, toothpaste, Vitamins and laundry detergent.

I love it here on these boards.

I am more of a reader than a poster. It helps me to stay focused, knowing I am not alone in my goals to stay healthy and beautiful.

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I'm from the suburbs of Chicago. Age 54 and becoming more fabulous every day. I work in IT. My official title is programmer/analyst, but most of my hours are spent juggling emergencies or holding users' hands. It's cool. It's good to be needed.

I'm reclaiming my life one day at a time. I was married for 23 years to someone to whom I refer here as NSETBEx. "Not Soon Enough to be Ex." I filed for divorce and left him 9 months ago, when his emotional and financial abuse went into overdrive. My college aged daughters and my dog came with me. We're presently living somewhat awkwardly with my mom while the divorce, which he is contesting, creeps painfully forward. I've gone No Contact. Anyone who has had a narcissist in her/his life will know what that means.

Day by day I find new ways to affirm my mind, body and soul. It's not easy, but I'm not going back to the old way I used to live, which was stuck in self-blame and fear. Today I act as if I am fearless. Most days I believe it. I believe in karma and live life accordingly.

My girls are my world. I'm working on making me my world.

I attend CoDA, OA, and individual counseling (related to the divorce). I'm extremely teachable and thrive on the stories and experiences of others. NSETBEx referred to that as "brainwashing". He can suck it.

I'm happy to be in this group, and I like to keep it real. Life's too short for bu//$#!+.


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Where to start..... I guess at the beginning... always a good place. I got marred the first time at the age of 16, had my first son and was divorced before i finished High school.... Raised him (Brett, 30/yo)on my own with zero help from his father are government. He is married and has my only two beautiful, smart, amazing wonderful grandkids (Logan is 9, Elizabeth is 7) Went to college, graduated and got remarried at the age of 23. We have been marred for 24 years. I wish i could say that they are getting better, but they are not. But that's a different story. We have a 23 yr old son (Jason) Single and is so handsome... 6'3" great job... so any single girl, hit me up for his digits... hehe.

As you can see, im ALL southern woman... From Houma, Louisiana..... No i don't sound like the people on TV.. (Swamp People). I do know a few of them... lol.

Hobbies: Reading, riding motorcycles (yes i can ride my own), Shooting guns (yes im a Concealed Carry girl), i use to enjoy exercising (husband jealousy ruined that) but i will get my ass in gear and do it.... Love to fish and be outside getting a good tan (if you can tone it ... tan it). I admit i am a Real House Wives, Walking Dead, Game of thrones, Amazing Race junkie....

5 years ago, i got banded and logged on to the "lapband" site... Made so many wonderful friends, many of which i still chat with on Yahoo via IM.... Some disappeared when the site merged.... But all in all it's been a great journey.

Pics: me and husband, my oldest and his wife (both RN's) Elizabeth, Logan, and me and youngest Jason... and the baby girl... Heidi (mini schnauzer).
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ASL!! 37/M/NY .... Reminds me of my college years on AOL chat! That's also where I met my (ex) wife!!! :D I'm happily divorced with three kiddos. Two boys 12 and 10 and my little princess who's 7.

Alex I met my wife on AOL chat room as well. 1996, we were married in 1998 our 17th anniversary is this Friday as a matter of fact. I like to tell people, we met online while still in dial-up, before it was "cool" to meet online.


BTW all, I am 44 M Married in Weymouth Massachusetts ( a few miles south of Boston )

I am an avid gamer, sci-fi buff, I took up the guitar to help with the boredom eating thing, ( idle hands and all that) ive been playing for about 6 months and love it , i play the blues, have lessons every Saturday and work as a tech support IT person for an online adult continuing education company.

My favorite shows are, face off, ink master, flea market flip, and agents of shield. oh and chooped, cutthroat kitchen and all those shows. etc. lol

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I live just outside of Seattle - have lived my whole life in the Puget Sound region except for the 2 years I lived and worked in Germany.

I am a "young" 50 with two grown sons who have both moved back in with me! I live on a small farm - grew up on a bigger farm - where I keep 2 horses, 2 dogs, a cat and my youngest son owns a small collection of reptiles. We are animal people!

I try to stay active and continually discover new things to try. I feel like I missed out on SO MUCH in my younger years. Obesity was part of that, but there were many other reasons I didn't learn to ski, go dancing, play sports.. etc etc. It is still something I am working out in my own mind - how do I want to spend my time now?

My main hobbies are horseback riding, and socializing with friends. I also like to hike, go out listening to live music, go dancing, go to little festivals and events. I also like travel!

I was "married" most of my life. I married my high school sweetheart and he turned out to be a pretty crappy husband and terrible father. I divorced him, but it was a lot of trauma and drama for both me and my kids. Next, I was in a long term relationship with a man who is a wonderful person, but we are better friends than life partners so I have been on my own for awhile. I grew up in a big family, surrounded by Peeps so that has been a big adjustment for me. It continues to be an adjustment - living life on my own.

Dating generally speaking sucks but I am seeing someone now (have been for a few months) who is a pretty cool guy and it doesn't suck. :) We shall see. As I said before, I am a little uncertain what I want in the rest of my life, so my thoughts about a serious relationship are also a bit "mixed". He has many good attributes but one of his best is that he is a "do-er" and gets stuff done! Both my previous relationships were situations where I felt that i had the whole weight on my shoulders. what a change to be with a go getter type person.

One of my areas of focus is thinking about early retirement. I have ALWAYS worked, i was raised to work; not play so as much as I want this I also have some angst about it. Would love to connect with an online resource of people who retired young and how that has all worked out.

Let's see, what else. I like things like gardening, photography, movies, reading etc but there are not enough hours in the day so I am pretty lame on all those subjects these days.

I am a very happy sleever - it's an effort, but I feel like I have finally managed to get control over my health... after a lifetime of obesity, morbid obesity, even super morbidly it is just amazing to be in the range of normal.

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Good looking family!

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I'm 69 years old (but don't look or act it), am a professional person and a business owner, with a good, loving, darling (second) husband. And no kids of my own, but grown, independent kids of hubby's.

I love my sleeve. Just love it. Am one pound from goal. About to figure out maintenance for myself. Someone told me the other day: "It's the same as you're doing now, but with a snack." ;)

@@CowgirlJane ... I'm about to retire (end of this year). It will be a huge transition for me, but I'm finally ready for it. We'll be moving from the country to the city, travel a lot more, and just be with each other. I could handle that for a long, long time. :)

In fact, that's what the big VSG surgery was about -- getting me in shape to enjoy our retirement and to finally conquer this obesity beast I've battled all my life. It's time to end the war.

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