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Scared mindless! Please help me

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Today is 4/4/15, I am booked for sleeve surgery on 7/4/15. I am so scared. What if i die on the operation table? Will the pain be bad? Wont the staples in my stomach cause cancer on a later stage? Will the staples not cause discomfort? Will the fact that i had the procedure not cut my life expectancy short?

Anyone got a tissue? I am feeling so sorry for myself right now, I'm pathetic!!!!

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Okay, take a deep breath and calm down :)

Bariatric surgery will REDUCE your risk of death by 89%. And that includes the tiny risk of death associated with any surgery.


What if i die on the operation table?

We all have to die somehow, and my take on that possibility was (1) it's a tiny risk, less than a half of one percent; and (2) since we have to die, dying on an operation table is probably the best way to go. It's painless, you don't know it's happening, and there are people there to take care of your body and inform your family. Better that than having a massive stroke (huge risk for obese people btw) at home alone, being unable to summon help, dying slowly and painfully and then having your body be eaten by your pets.

Wont the staples in my stomach cause cancer on a later stage?

I'm not aware of any science showing that staples cause cancer. You know what probably does cause cancer though? Obesity!



Will the staples not cause discomfort?

No, you can't feel the staples. You will probably have some discomfort immediately after surgery, caused by the incisions and the gas they use to inflate your abdomen for surgical access, but you will get good pain meds to take care of it and it will go away quickly.

Will the fact that i had the procedure not cut my life expectancy short?

No, bariatric surgery is associated with a lower death rate than is found in morbidly obese people who choose not to have surgery:


You know what will significantly decrease your life expectancy? Yes, you guessed it, remaining morbidly obese will!


"According to recent NIH statistics obese individuals have a 50 to 100% increased risk of death from all causes compared to normal weight individuals."


All that emotional energy you are spending being afraid of surgery? Spend it on being afraid of obesity instead. That's what should scare you and make you willing to step outside your comfort zone to fight it with the most effective weapon possible, which for the vast majority of people is bariatric surgery.

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Thank you so much for that answer, i really needed that!

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Okay, take a deep breath and calm down :)

Bariatric surgery will REDUCE your risk of death by 89%. And that includes the tiny risk of death associated with any surgery.


What if i die on the operation table?

We all have to die somehow, and my take on that possibility was (1) it's a tiny risk, less than a half of one percent; and (2) since we have to die, dying on an operation table is probably the best way to go. It's painless, you don't know it's happening, and there are people there to take care of your body and inform your family. Better that than having a massive stroke (huge risk for obese people btw) at home alone, being unable to summon help, dying slowly and painfully and then having your body be eaten by your pets.

Wont the staples in my stomach cause cancer on a later stage?

I'm not aware of any science showing that staples cause cancer. You know what probably does cause cancer though? Obesity!



Will the staples not cause discomfort?

No, you can't feel the staples. You will probably have some discomfort immediately after surgery, caused by the incisions and the gas they use to inflate your abdomen for surgical access, but you will get good pain meds to take care of it and it will go away quickly.

Will the fact that i had the procedure not cut my life expectancy short?

No, bariatric surgery is associated with a lower death rate than is found in morbidly obese people who choose not to have surgery:


You know what will significantly decrease your life expectancy? Yes, you guessed it, remaining morbidly obese will!


"According to recent NIH statistics obese individuals have a 50 to 100% increased risk of death from all causes compared to normal weight individuals."


All that emotional energy you are spending being afraid of surgery? Spend it on being afraid of obesity instead. That's what should scare you and make you willing to step outside your comfort zone to fight it with the most effective weapon possible, which for the vast majority of people is bariatric surgery.

I could not have said this any better! In fact I had been in the middle of a very long post stating the same things when the page reloaded on me and I lost everything.

Please take some deep breaths and relax. The new life that one does get after having WLS is well worth all the anxiety. I would just tell you the anxiety is just a complete waste of your energy. It is natural for you to have some nerves but honestly you should be excited about the outcome. Every single day is a whole new day in a whole new you!

Good luck and please keep us posted. Use the links that she posted to do some research. It will calm you down a bit.

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Thanx guys, i really appreciate it. I will post here again after the op on Tuesday. (hugs)

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I agree with what everyone said try to relax the odds are in your favor it's not as bad as your imagining it really isn't im six weeks post op this coming Tuesday best of luck to u!

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You're going to be fine...fear is normal. I almost backed out of surgery in admitting...I was so scared. My husband was scared. I think it's perfectly normal.

I agree with the above comments...obesity, hypertension, diabetes, future surgery for joint replacements - yeah, that's scary too.

I am so happy I didn't back out - I didn't let fat or fear win. I am finally living the life I'm supposed to live.

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Jeannie here's what I know: There is a part of this process that we have no control over. I too had my doubts which caused me to cancel my scheduled surgery on 1/6/14. I was just sleeved on 3/30/15, but I used that year to read,research,ask questions, attend support groups and scour you tube for videos and information so by the time 2015 came around I knew the timing was right, I was informed and it was my time. I wrote a long letter to my 19 year old son and put everything in order and I was at peace with my decision. I was at peace all the way into the operating room and they put the mask on me to breathe in the goodnight oxygen????. When it is right for you you will know it. Don't worry you have a little time before July stay on this website and read everything you can on here about people's experiences, both good and bad.

Trust yourself to make the right decision. There are wonderful veterans on here that share info and wisdom take advantage of that. Sending you a big hug.

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Sounds like it is time to attend a bariatric surgery support group. Do you have one in your area? Check your local hospital, and if there isn't one, maybe you could start one! Talk with any/all bariatric surgeons in your area, just call them and ask about it. Ask for any/all free written material they could give you. Ask if they have informational sessions on the surgery. And don't forget to get some books on the subject, there are quite a few out there. What all of the previous posters have said is awesome, and remember, you always have this site to come to for answers/help. Good luck to you! Happy Easter!

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I am never going to look at my dogs the same way again. Good thing I had the surgery, survived, had little discomfort, and am now able to outrun my pack of dogs.

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As usual Bufflehead is a the fantastic voice of reason.

@@JeanneKoch, I was terrified too. In fact, I posted here a short time before my surgery with a lot of the same concerns. I was thoroughly convinced I was going to die. I think part of it was that I've been overweight for so long that I couldn't imagine my life as a smaller person.

My sleeve couldn't have gone better. I had surgery around 10am and was released to a local hotel nearby (I traveled about 3 hours to have surgery) around 3pm. My doctor gave me 30 pain pills and 30 anti-nausea pills. I used a total of 3 of each because my pain was minimal.

It's going to be great. I think the best thing you can do for yourself between now and then is to try to be as active as you can and try to get your weight down pre-surgery. Give yourself the best shot possible!

As usual Bufflehead is a the fantastic voice of reason.

@@JeanneKoch, I was terrified too. In fact, I posted here a short time before my surgery with a lot of the same concerns. I was thoroughly convinced I was going to die. I think part of it was that I've been overweight for so long that I couldn't imagine my life as a smaller person.

My sleeve couldn't have gone better. I had surgery around 10am and was released to a local hotel nearby (I traveled about 3 hours to have surgery) around 3pm. My doctor gave me 30 pain pills and 30 anti-nausea pills. I used a total of 3 of each because my pain was minimal.

It's going to be great. I think the best thing you can do for yourself between now and then is to try to be as active as you can and try to get your weight down pre-surgery. Give yourself the best shot possible!

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@@JeanneKoch ... I was told your staples will be grown over and become part of your body. They are titanium and will never have any adverse affect on you. It is not like have heavy metals in your body like aluminum or mercury. They won't keep you from an MRI or make you beep in an airport. This was my main question so I have researched it and asked it of several doctors and nurses, not just my surgeon. I feel completely safe about it now.

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Hi All, i was at such a low yesterday, kept thinking of any excuse to cancel all the arrangements for Tuesday. But today i am fine. You guys helped a LOT!

I dont think there are any support groups down here, as this surgery is not all that well known/popular yet.

I dont know why my faith let me down so terribly yesterday, as from the start i asked God to lead me and make this possible for me if this was the the right thing for me, and right from the start every thing just fell into place, upto now, so why did i doubt Him! I am going to be fine and beautiful and sexy and healthy again! Watch this space!!!!!

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Remember: "I also know the plans I have for you: plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11... You are NOT alone!

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Hi all

10 days post op! Had a bit of a rough ride in the hospital, stayed there for 5 days, as I could not even hold down 5ml of Water, or anything else for that matter.

The pain was not that bad at all, just felt as if i swallowed a huge stone! Heartburn, or alternately a burning sensation is riding me mercilessly, but i guess that will come right.

Today is not a good day, I am very nauseous. I am currently on Soup, rooibos tea, yoghurt and Water. I have had 2 teaspoons of custard and Jello the other day, and it was delicious! I crave fresh fruit however!

Thank you all for the support, so glad it's over!


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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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