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THE moment..

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All of these life altering experiences have touched me. Thank you for sharing.

Moment...Besides struggling all my life, trying to be thin was such hard work. I remember being 180 lbs. at the age of 13 and very sad. Once I started exercising, by the time I was 18, I had dropped 40 lbs. Exercise was constant, aerobics and running 4 times a week. When I was 27 I broke my foot and gain 40 lbs. My problem was the bottomless pit. I was never full. The death of my sister put weight on me as well, my whole family is Obesit. I was always fighting food and time.

In 1997 I had Roxanne, I had got up to 245 with her and maintained 212 for years after. I was battling ulcerative colitis for about a year and had my colon removed. Then came Hunter, pregnant with him, I would tell people I was eating for 5 and someone actually believed I was having quints. I maintained 230 lbs. for a year after, then started gaining. Being in my 40's the exercising has got harder(excuses), time was limited and I didn't even want to chase my kids.

The moment came after a trip to Yosemite in May 2003. Watching video's I was discussed with myself, OK sure the camera adds 10 lbs., but really now. I couldn't keep up on the hiking trails. couldn't ware a pair of shorts cause yes my knees were rubbing, not just my thighs. I knew I had to do something and started researching WLS and came across the band. I thought "what a bunch of bull" and started calling not just e-mailing those that had it done. I found out it really works. After discussing it with my better-half and investigating insurance(declined). I decided its worth my health, and applied for some low interested credit and researched doctors. I decided on Dr. Sanchez and flew to Mexico. Nancy: it was on August 14, 2003. Recognize the date??? I thought you were talking about me. Like how did you know. You were on the roof of the parking structure while I was under the knife getting my band.

I am sooo much happier, able to chase my kids, my attitude has improved. My daughter says I don't yell any more, I think in the past I was just so frustrated. Now I wear normal clothes and feel normal and so very blessed.

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Great thread, as I sit here with tears rolling down my face I will try to add my tid bit.

In 2000 my husband had five massive heart attacks and I was told to prepare myself because he probably would not make it. The doctor's had very little hope for him. To everyones amazment, after five days unconcious in the ICU he pulled through. Since that horrible day, he takes really good care of himself, eating well, excerising, he quit smoking the whole nine yards!

Now here I am, 305 pounds, 37 years old and on my last leg! The larger I grew the more scared my husband got for me. Well, one night while I was sleeping I caught him putting his hand over my face (not to smother me) but to check if I was still breathing! He is so scared I will die in the middle of the night. The guilt I started carrying around was more than I could bare. We have been through so many bad times and I just could not do this anymore. It was effecting him as well as myself. (To date he still does not know that I was awake that night, I am too embarrased to tell him)

Anyway, after many conversations, seminars and doctor visits here I am! Happy as ever that I made this choice. My life, even though it has only been four months has improved more than I could ever imagine.

Good luck to all of you and thank you for the wonderful chats!

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I started gaining after marriage, (so naturally that makes it my husband's fault). I was a tall skinny kid, and even after having my first child I easily lost all the weight. After the second child the story changed. A few pounds overweight, I started on my first diet, the snowball started rolling downhill from there. We bought an ice cream shop, and I ran it for several years, I also started college, and then got pregnant for child #3 during those same years. During school season I sat on my butt for day long lectures, then sat on my butt at night for studying at home, I sat and rocked the baby, with his frequent wake up/feeding schedule, I was just too tired to exercise. Then of course, all summer long I ate ice cream... LOTS of ice cream. I went from an average weight of #135 to a highest point of 280 in less than 10 years.

My moment is a combination of many, my most recent was seeing pictures of myself at my daughter's wedding earlier this year. My dress was a 24/26, it looked too snug... I'm embarrassed by how I looked, even though I'd primped and tried to look my best, I looked awful. I knew I HAD to do something. A friend had recently had RNY and I couldn't wait to talk to her.

I'd casually researched bypass surgery, and decided it was time to see what I could do to get things rolling. I knew about Sharon Osbourne and her successful band, and thought that would be so nice, but I knew I couldn't have afforded it, so I was settling for RNY, until I found this site. I learned about going to Mexico here, I learned I could afford Mexico here, I found out about my surgeon here, all good things preband, plenty of other's negative experiences after... I know I was a lucky one, in many ways, but I got banded, and it's working for me.

Thanks to all of you wonderfully open and sharing people here, I learned enough to be prepared for anything from port wounds that might not heal, to port revisions, to port removal. I learned what to pack for my trip, I knew what to have on hand for my return home, and what to expect with my diet, my weight loss and or occasional gain, and when to consider getting a fill.

I know I was lucky, lucky to have gotten a band, lucky to have a good experience with my surgeon, lucky to have been given a chance to make a real difference in my weight, lucky to have found lapband talk, lucky to have met all of YOU

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Wow I'm speechless...

These stories are more than great! They spoke to my heart!

Thank You ladies for sharing!

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I just want you all to know that I read each and every story. This is one of the most amazing threads yet... thank you for starting it.

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Your welcome!!!

I wasn't even expecting to be sooooo moved!

You guys are awesome!!

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hmm..my moment occurred this summer when I realized that I had to get over my own judgements about having wls surgery and what my family and friends would think...Would they think me weak??I then realized that I had to have the guts and strength to be strong and make this decision...I had gotten near 300 lbs ..4 knee surgeries..still coaching basketball, trying to be actice but everything hurt...I have sleep apnea ..refuse to use C-Pap and instead use a mouthpiece which helps somewhat...I hate looking in the mirror and feel that I'm this fat man's body...My moment was going to the orientation with my wife in NYC and realizing that I am one of you and there is an opportunity to get some help...I'm a former psychotherapist and had been in therapy for years...Understanding the issues and all the family bullshit wasn't going to get me healthy asnd thinner...My moment was filling out the application for the lap band surgery and telling my wife that this is what I'm doing...She has been very supportive but struggles herself with weight issues..this is raising stuff for her too..alot of stuff...Anyway , my date is 11/11..I am so psyched..Started my preop diet and am already feeling better..This is a great thread and a great board....Good luck everyone....

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Ny bandster, sounds like you came to a revelation thats about to change your life! It's nice to understand how and why people do the things they do BUT your right it dos'nt solve things does it? Glad you decided to have the courage to take your life into your own hands! I hope your wife resolves the issues she struggles with too.

Keep us posted and good luck!

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So many great stories, mine is not so different. I was a tiny baby 4lb 6 oz,at age 2 I could walk under the kitchen table and not even hit my head....I was the skinny kid that people always wanted to feed UNTIL the fat fairy hit me with her wand at age 13. I BLOSSOMED-a typical pear my hips were at least 1-2 sizes bigger than my top. I was convinced that I was FAT so I started on my long trail of neverending diets...Now looking back at sixteen I wore a size 14, I thought I was so huge (Iwish I could have stayed that fat) my first DH blessed me with the nickname CHUBS which I convinced myself was cute. I gained weight with each child (4) and new husband (1) until I found myself weighing 225, barely 5'1 and my feet were killing me....I tried every diet and exercise only to lose weight and gain it back again. I was so happy to hear of the band and started to entertain the idea of getting one and here I am all banded and losing. So glad to be amongst you all.


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Hi All:

I don't know that I had a "Moment", more like a "Movie" that kept playing

over and over in my head!

I am probably the "Old One" in the group, I am 62, retired and living on the Coast. This has been a life long dream to live by the ocean and walk on beach, now I have it, but can't walk! My legs and knees just can't take the 100 extra pounds! So, with the support of my husband, I finally made the decision to be Banded! So, I am really looking forward to the long walks, and enjoying my retirement in good health.

I am so glad to read the stories from all you youg gals, who have taken charge of your lives and made a positive change!

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What amazing stories from amazing people. I am in awe of everyone here. Some of you have gone through such trials, far beyond weight, and instead of allowing yourselves to be subsumed by life, you have held on, gathered your courage, and prevailed. I feel privileged to be part of this board.

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It is wonderful to read all of your stories, thank you for sharing. Thanks for the wonderful thread.

My many moments...

I was always a fat kid. Started dieting/fasting/excersising by 8. Joined Weight watchers at 10, graduated to diet pills and laxatives at 15. Amino acid shots at 20. Every year since I was 8, I would lose and regain at least 10 kilos, then 20, then 40....

Then my husband came along, and completely changed my "mirror". All my life I had blamed my self-image for pushing me into obesity (since I was fat in my mind no matter what the weight was) and when he came along and looked at me like I was perfect in every way, I guess I started to believe it (he has always been concerned about the weight risks and told me so whenever the fat conversations came out tho).

So I convinced myself that that was the solution, accepting myself, like he accepted me, would take care of the weight. Yeah, right! I managed to gain 60 pounds (from my highest ever weight). Ok, enough background, sorry!

The birth of my daughter: I programmed a c-section, wanting to avoid embarassing fat-lady labour annecdotes, despite a perfect pregnancy and against my obstetricians advise. They weighed me and I only just got in to the ER, 2 kilos under the max. weight the operating tables hold ( and the nurses made sure I understood this, as they kept repeating it in front of me). The anesthesist tried 6 times, in different parts of my spine, to get the needle in for the epidural, before telling me he was sorry but I was too fat and it was too risky to keep trying since he couldnt feel much ( avoiding spinal cord) with so much padding. So I had a general and missed her birth. Everyone was rude at the hospital, the breastfeeding consultants kept telling me I was too fat to do it. The depression that followed this experience took over a year to overcome. I knew i couldnt go through that again, if I was to have another child, I had to lose at least 60lbs.

My baby started crawling, then walking and I started having trouble keeping up. Other peoples children started talking and asking me why I was fat and if Rebecca would be fat too. That would make me cry so much, thinking of kids being cruel to her because of me, how I look.

Then one day I read an article on the paper about the lap band. Made my husband call and make an appointment (couldnt do it myself, was petrified with fear). Went to the talk, and booked an appointment with the first available surgeon in the clinic.

wow, just realised, today one year ago I had the surgery. I have lost 60lbs.


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Telli what an awesome story, TY for sharing with us. You sound like a lot of us here at this forum. I'm happy for you that you had the guts to take charge of your life. Cograts on thr 60 lbs gone for good!

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I got to stop rading this thread. costco getting rich on my purchases of Kleenex.

The most courage people in the universe are here.

God Bless each and everyone of you and May his Brightness get the Darkness from your days.

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I love this thread. It shows two great truths, for one thing.

It shows how different we all are.

And how similar. For we share something others will never know.

Different genders, different ages, different weights, races, religions, careers. But not so different after all. We each had a moment, or series of moments, that stopped us dead in our tracks. Made us stop and think for a second. Made us realize that we must do something to get this thing, this disease, under control.

And when that moment came we also shared a common history. The judging looks of others, the patronizing comments of those we love and trust. And the harming of that trust based on our size and shape. We had even stopped trusting ourselves.

We ceased being kind to ourselves. Each waking moment brought with it the stinging bite of failure. For didn't you feel a failure every time you ate? I know I did. Not just any failure either, a big fat failure! Of course. How did phrases like that ever get into our language?

So, before my moment, I failed three, four, five or more times a day. And I punsihed myself for it. My only friend, me, was mad at me, so there was no solace, save to eat.

Then each of us, separately, hopefully with some research made a decision. We decided to break out for freedom. We sought restriction to make us free. For without restriction, there can be no freedom.

Then, afraid, alone, and a little cold, we found this place. These people in this kind of waiting room in cyber space. We sensed ourselves in each others words of encouragement, acceptance, love and hope. Most of all the words of hope.

Hope. So powerful, yet so fragile. It can change the world forever, or be crushed with a single cursory glance.

Hope. It's the glue that binds us together. It's what is saving our very lives, right now, even as you read.

You, who have walked a little farther down the path, call back to us, on our unbanded side of the bridge, and give us hope. Hope to enter the darkness, hope to let strangers take over our bodies. Hope to find a new way, a better way, and a happier future.

We, who follow just a few steps behind, cheer you on, amazed, delighted and encouraged by your progress. And don't forget the truth of paths. The more travelled, the easier the way.

I love these stories of all our moments, pearls they are, with a grain of sorrow at their center. Yet how beautifully they shine!

Shine on. Let's have some more, please.

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