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How many times per week do you exercise?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. How many times per week do you exercise?

    • Zero times per week
    • Two to three times per week
    • Four times per week
    • Five plus times per week

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Hi All, Somebody told me that bandsters that exercise are the exception rather than the rule. I was just wondering how many times per week people exercise? Other thoughts regarding frequency for maximum results would also be good. Susannah

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I exercise daily. I move daily. No excuses.

I run at least 5 days a week (usually Monday to Friday) and walk with the boy-child on the weekend. I also try to get in 3 days of weight training during any 7 day period.

I think whoever told you that Bandsters who exercise are in the minority might be right.

From what I see exercise among Bandsters is more along the lines of a yoga DVD, a quick stroll, or 30 minutes on the elliptical if they are really "hard core"

I know that those who *do* exercise daily, and fairly vigoursly tend to be thought of as extreme around these parts.

But then again, they are usually the same people who think pizza is part of a healthful, balanced diet! LOL

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I don't know that I can vote in the poll because my exercise which was once at least 5 x 45 minute cardio sessions at the gym and 2 x weights sessions a week has dropped off to be almost non existant in the past few weeks because life and all its hassles dramas and stresses has gotten in the way.

That said, I know that had I not exercised the way I did for the first 6 months of my banded life, I couldn't have still enjoyed the occasional treat and still lost the way I have. I am very happy with my weight loss thus far.

I'm getting married this weekend and I have promised myself that I will get back into it after the honeymoon. I know I need another fill and I have enrolled in a 12 week boot camp course starting July 2nd (2 x 1 hour sessions a week) and so I am hoping that will kick start my exercise again - I've lost nothing for 4 weeks because of my slovenly behaviour and I have a way to go to goal yet.

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Hey Girls, Chickie you are hardcore mate!;) But hey you have been an incredible success at losing weight, no doubt.:clap2:

Meredith, You are getting married, so your life is revolving around that at the moment, and that is as it should be. When I go on my next holiday do you reckon I am going to exercise while I am away? Don't think so!.;) I am gonna bludge and enjoy it.:biggrin1:

I am doing 4 days per week and I am getting good results with my weight loss, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it I reckon. If I stop losing weight I may need to ramp it up a bit, but it is working for me at the mo.

How are you girls finding exercising outdoors in winter? It is not as delightful as summer that's for sure.


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I'm glad I don't look like a slacker for well, being a slacker! haha

Luckily I have a gym membership and its right near my work so I go straight from work at 4 and am at home cooking dinner by 6. Its a pretty great arrangement. Last monday I decided to go for a walk outside instead and I actually HAD to run to stay warm, its bloody freezing here in Canberra at this time of year!! The bootcamp I'm going to be doing is going to be outside from July to September, so I'll have to see how that goes!!

You're going SO well with your loss Susannah - I agree if it ain't broke!!!

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I was attending a lapband support group through my doctor's office for a few weeks after my band. I noticed that when I asked the thinner people what they did to lose all of the weight most of them were exercisers. I think it keeps the weight loss going, keeps you firmer, and is good for your overall health (blood pressure etc.). I think the people that don't exercise are missing the point of the opportunity for a healthier you.

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Hey Fort Bend, I think you are definately on to something there. Exercising definately speeds the weight loss along, and helps to keep your weight down.

Like Meredith said also, you can have treats along the way as the exercise takes care of burning up the kilojoules.

So I see that according to the poll 50% of people are exercising 5+ times per week. Wow! Well done. Well done to those that are doing 2-4 times too. That is ace.;)

Meredith, I have experienced first hand how cold Canberra can be at this time of year and it ain't pretty.;):biggrin1:


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I workout every day. I walk 6 days a week either 3 or 4 miles depending on who my walking partner is at work. One girl can only get out for an hour so I do 3 miles with her, the other can get 1.5 hours so we do the 4 miles. I usually walk the 3 in 45-50 minutes and the 4 in 1hr 5mins. In addition to that I am doing week 6 of the couch to 5 K running program so that is another 25 minutes (5 warm up and 20 actual workout). I have also gotten into riding my bike recently. I was doing 5 or so miles and now I am doing 11 miles to work and 11 miles home (just started this week). I get sweaty when I walk, I get sweaty when I ride and I love it.

And for the record I do think I am pretty hardcore for a 227 pound girl. I push myself harder than I ever have and I cannot wait until some more of this weight comes off and I have less limitations. I want to run faster, I want to run longer. I just don't know how much my legs can take just yet so I am doing it slowly.

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I workout every day. I walk 6 days a week either 3 or 4 miles depending on who my walking partner is at work. One girl can only get out for an hour so I do 3 miles with her, the other can get 1.5 hours so we do the 4 miles. I usually walk the 3 in 45-50 minutes and the 4 in 1hr 5mins. In addition to that I am doing week 6 of the couch to 5 K running program so that is another 25 minutes (5 warm up and 20 actual workout). I have also gotten into riding my bike recently. I was doing 5 or so miles and now I am doing 11 miles to work and 11 miles home (just started this week). I get sweaty when I walk, I get sweaty when I ride and I love it.

And for the record I do think I am pretty hardcore for a 227 pound girl. I push myself harder than I ever have and I cannot wait until some more of this weight comes off and I have less limitations. I want to run faster, I want to run longer. I just don't know how much my legs can take just yet so I am doing it slowly.

I am sorry if I offended you. I am more talking about the people who whine about not losing weight, but when you ask how much exercise they are doing maybe an hour or less of good exercise a week (good exercise is when you sweat, pant, and feel like you can't go any further).

I have found that a lot of people tend to think that super restriction and a low carb / high Protein diet alone will shift the weight. It won't.

Even "skinny" people need to exercise. Not just to stay thin, but for cardiovascular health, mental well being, and to keep bones strong.

There is so much more to it than just exercising enough to get skinny.

I guess it may be time for me to leave the board. I am getting to the point where the whining about lack of restriction (when they can only eat three teaspoons of food at a time) and the constant talk of super high Protein diets (that have not been found to be safe as yet - don't go finding links to sites on the net to "back it up", or sway me, all my doctors agree there simply is not enough long term studies to say either way if it is safe or not) all the Protein Drink talk (isn't the idea of the band to stay away from liquid calories?)

Its all just getting to me. And I shouldn't let it.

And for the record, I am not "hardcore". I just know what I have to do to lose / maintain my weight, and I do it. No whining, bitching or excuses.

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Hey Chickie, When I called you hardcore I was saying it in a good way. You have had incredible results and that is to be admired.

I physically can't do as much as you can because I have a medical condition that has weakened my body over time, but I reckon I am giving the exercise a red hot go to the best of my ability.

I would have to agree with the whole obsession over Protein. Protein schmotein!:) Not big on shakes either, but hey, to each their own.

Babygrl you are tearing it up!:clap2: Good on ya.


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I am sorry if I offended you. I am more talking about the people who whine about not losing weight, but when you ask how much exercise they are doing maybe an hour or less of good exercise a week (good exercise is when you sweat, pant, and feel like you can't go any further).

I have found that a lot of people tend to think that super restriction and a low carb / high Protein diet alone will shift the weight. It won't.

Even "skinny" people need to exercise. Not just to stay thin, but for cardiovascular health, mental well being, and to keep bones strong.

There is so much more to it than just exercising enough to get skinny.

I guess it may be time for me to leave the board. I am getting to the point where the whining about lack of restriction (when they can only eat three teaspoons of food at a time) and the constant talk of super high Protein diets (that have not been found to be safe as yet - don't go finding links to sites on the net to "back it up", or sway me, all my doctors agree there simply is not enough long term studies to say either way if it is safe or not) all the Protein Drink talk (isn't the idea of the band to stay away from liquid calories?)

Its all just getting to me. And I shouldn't let it.

And for the record, I am not "hardcore". I just know what I have to do to lose / maintain my weight, and I do it. No whining, bitching or excuses.

Chickie I am just having PMS issues lol. You know you are my hero right? You and Puddin. I can't wait to have the results that you guys have which makes me trust your judgement in how to lose the weight. I can guarantee I am not the low carb eater and I can eat more than a few bites. To me the point of this band is to be able to eat like a size 6 woman. All of my small friends eat crap sometimes just less of it than I used to eat. But they eat healthy most of the time and that's what I am shooting for. I do drinking protien shakes but as a treat at the end of the day when DH is eating ice cream. It makes me feel like I am having a treat but it is not what I live by.

And even if you don't think of yourself as hardcore you are pretty bad ass. The transformation you have had is nothing short of amazing, and you definitely deserve to give yourself credit for that.

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Hi gang.

Just a statistics thing...the non exercisers are not going to click on your poll. Go figure. :)

My gym is at work, Monday through Friday I spend my lunch hour there. Two days a week I go back in after work (shared custody of my kid, and I don't need to rush to pick her up.) So that's 3.5 hours of cardio a week and 3.5 hours of strength training.

On my non kid weekends and some week nights I bike long distances. I'm shooting for a 50 mile ride by August. I just did my first 20 mile ride since I was teen on Sunday!

On my kid weekends we spend hours at the pool, bike together where we stop and pick flowers every 100 feet, or walk around the zoo. I tend not to push too hard then...but I make sure we do SOMETHING! I have to run her like a puppy, she has too much energy!

As for crazy restriction people on here, Chickie, I feel you. When people complain or brag that they could only eat 5 french fries I think WTF?! Wouldn't you want to get the best quaility food in you if you could only eat 3 ounces?

I have yet to get a fill. Sometimes I get jealous of people who are losing without exercise, because they aren't eating much. But I know I am fueling my body and it is getting stronger and healthier. My rate of loss is good, so I try to focus on me not everyone else. Ya know?

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it's funny before i was banded and in the investigation phase (and didnt know j#@k-s*&t) it scared me when i saw people banded for over a year with high amount of weight to lose and they werent getting anywhere.

i noticed this group didnt mention exercise, they ate at taco bell regularly and like chickie said...they talked about getting more restriction .

then i saw another group....they were getting to goal in a nice way. they talked about exercising regularly during the week (many did extraordinary things like get up at 5:00am to fit it in). they talked about their food plans as suggested by their doctors, etc.

i decided early on i wanted to be in this group.

about 8 weeks after being banded i started falling into the 1st group. i started to get depressed, etc. it scared the you-know-what out of me. so i made an appt with my trainer (who i cut off) and started spin classes.

i have more energy, i'm feeling more in control, etc.

right now i do 2-3mile walks, 2 spin classes and 2 weight training per week. i want to bring this up to 3spin and 3 weight training (i'm trying to avoid plastic surgery-this is what i'm using to motivate me here). i'm actually going on a boot camp vacation this saturday for 1 week.

i'm in a 12 step program and there's a motto that says.."stick with the winners" and the exercisers are definitely in that group in my book.

anyway....now i have to run to the gym ha!!!

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I voted for 5 or more times a week. I am doing strength training every other day, riding my bike at every day, every other day going at least 10 miles. I have pretty much quit walking as it is too boring for me and to keep doing it when it is boring will end in failure for me. I am going to start rowing on the bowflex to change for the walking. I am addicted to exercise. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! I have been in shape before and loved it then. Trying to figure out what caused me to quit before....not sure what the problem was. Exercise is such a mood enhancer too!!! Boy, trying going one day without my biking and I am A BITCH!!! Chickie, PLEASE do not leave the boards...you are such an inspiration to me!!! I don't go for the all Protein attitude either. food in the real world is full of carbs, so to me to ONLY eat protein is setting me up for failure. I eat good carbs, brown rice and whole wheat pasta....I think a person can go for a few years without carbs but NOT A LIFETIME!! Anyways, good job to all of us who get the fact that is takes moving our bodies to get it healthy!!!! Deanna

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I said five times a week - really i do something every day. A fast hour long walk is a day where I "dont exercise" now, at the momenht I run 10kms twice a week and do a harcore circuit involving running on the treadmill, heavy weights and pushups, tricep dips etc for about 75 minutes the other 3 days.

I agree with Chickie though - it takes a while to build up to it, but THAT's the type of exercise it takes to shift all your weight and keep it off, a walk and giggle with a friend or a yoga DVD is active leisure, not effective weight reducing exercise.

Of course though, I'm 18 months down the track. I couldnt have kept up that schedule at first.

But I'd prefer to move like that than live on a couple of teaspoons of food at a time or become super obsessed with Protein.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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