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I survived my first vacation post op, and felt fairly normal...... =)

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My husband, 16 yr old daughter and my mom flew from Tucson to California to go to Disneyland over my daughters spring break, we just got home yesterday. This morning I get up and get on the scale to find I am down 2lbs and loving life.

When we booked this vacation I was only two months post op and wondering how I would handle the challenges I might face being away from my routine and home. Well at 5 months and two weeks out I was fine, absolutely fine.

A few NSV's I celebrated along the way, (1.) I fit in the airplane seat NO extender needed, no oozing onto the person next to me (2.) was able to use my own tray table, laid down flat and didn't rest on my belly at all (3.) walked and walked and walked for four days straight, clocking an average of 20,000 to 22,000 steps daily, with no foot pain (4.) fit on every ride I went on (5.) wore a matching shirt with my daughter one day (will post a pic) and the family another day, was never able to do this because of my size (5.) wore a sleeveless top one day and shorts another day and was comfortable in both

I planned ahead and brought my unflavored Protein for my morning Decaf tea and my Quest bars for one meal during the day to make sure to get in my protein everyday. I was able to find options for meals without any trouble. Had a few bites of treats here and there. I made sure to get enough liquids in also, it was in the 90's a few days we were there.

Overall we had a blast and I was okay, realize this is my new normal and I like it. I was so happy also that when I got up this morning after being gone for 6 days I had lost 2 pounds. Woo Hoo! I think all the walking helped a lot.

So just remember this new way of life is doable, I didn't feel restricted at all. With planning ahead and being prepared I successfully had a wonderful vacation!!!

I have to apologize in advance for my pics being on their sides, they look the right way on my computer but then when I attach them to my post they always go sideways??




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What a great post! This is what this surgery is all about! You are adorable and you look absolutely wonderful!

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What a great trip! Glad you had fun. It's great for the newbies to see just how "normal" life can be.

Edited by Kindle

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Thanks so much ladies!! :)

@Kindle I think that might be what has surprised me most of all thru this journey, is how normal I do feel. I wasn't sure what to expect after surgery. That is one reason I post like this is for the newbies, I know these were the posts that helped me the most!!

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Cute pics! You look wonderful!

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Awsome!! My family and I love Disney...we are DVC members. I'm hoping to take a Disney trip after surgery and hope I enjoy it as much as you did yours. I'm sure it was wonderful getting around the parks as a much lighter you ????

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@Martene81 Good Luck with your surgery!! Do you have a date yet??

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A girl after my own heart!! My before pics are mostly at WDW and my final AFTER pics will most definitely be at WDW, my most favorite, most magical, happiest place on earth!!

BUT enough about me, YOU are absolutely adorable and look fantastic!! Way to go :D

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@Martene81 Good Luck with your surgery!! Do you have a date yet??

Thanks!! I'm a Teacher and am off in the summers so I'm hoping for 3rd week in May so I can take the summer to recover and get adjusted ????

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@@Martene81 Good Luck with your surgery!! Do you have a date yet??

Thanks!! I'm a Teacher and am off in the summers so I'm hoping for 3rd week in May so I can take the summer to recover and get adjusted

That sounds like a great plan. I took 5 weeks off of my part time job after my surgery, and I am so glad I did. I definitely didn't need all that time healing wise, but it was nice to figure things out and get into a routine. I wish you the best of luck with your journey!! Watch out Disney.....Here she comes!!!! :)

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Im headg to Orlando in July and praying I will be down enough in size to do all of your check off liat. I want to be able to ride so very much. Super happy for you!!!!

You can do it! Seriously just put your mind to it. I decided when I started this journey at 314lbs that I was going to work this tool for all it is worth!! I don't know when you were sleeved, but good luck!!

Funny story, the very first ride we went to go on, my daughter who is thin was first in line to go thru the turn style, I wasn't worrying at all, especially after fitting so well on the plane. Well the first thing out of her mouth as she goes thru and I am right behind her is, "wow this is tiny!" Yikes!! But I went ahead and I fit thru just fine. But we all had a good laugh at it!!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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