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I'm starting to think I'm jinxed when it comes to finding a surgeon...

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Backstory: I was first banded in 2007, then had to have it replaced in 2011 with a different surgeon because of a massive slip. I didn't qualify for conversion to another type of surgery at that point, but since I've gained more weight since then, I'm trying to convert to RNY now. I've moved across the country, though, so I can't use the surgeon I used for the replacement band.

The first surgeon I checked out down here, I liked personally, but didn't like the "surgery mill" feel that his office had, and that he wanted me to do all the work of referring myself to other specialists and making appointments (radiologist for an upper GI series, nutritionist, etc.).

The second surgeon, I really liked the nurse practitioner I was dealing with, but wasn't happy with the rest of the office staff. The office was better about referring me to other specialists, but was bad about communication. Took six weeks to even get a call from the coordinator. The last straw has been the past few days. On Friday, the coordinator called me and wanted me to call her back about figuring out my options and the course of action to get the revision approved. I call back a couple hours after the message, and she's left the office already. The guy I talked to (didn't bother to introduce himself), told me to come in on Monday (today) for a nutritional assessment at 9:30. I write down the date and time, and everything. He said that he needed to see a patient, but he'd call me back afterwards to set up some more appointments. Of course, that never happened, which should have warned me about what was to come.

So, today I show up for my 9:30 appointment, and no one at the office knows what the heck I'm talking about, and the nutritionist isn't even there. The guy basically denies making an appointment for me, and says the next available appointment is May 6th. It was pointless to argue with him since the nutritionist wasn't even there, so I went ahead and made the appointment and left. On the way home, though, I was so angry I was about to cry. They jerked me around for 6 weeks, and now they expected me to wait another two months to even get started with the nutrition appointments. They leave me with no fill, no communication, no one bothers to tell me what the next step is, nothing. I should have known then to find another surgeon.

So, as soon as I got home, I started looking for surgeon #3. I've got an appointment next Monday at another surgeon's office, so hopefully that one goes better. Third time's the charm, right? Both in surgeons and surgeries!

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I am sorry that you are having such a hard time , I would get another doctor I went through two before picking one , they are unprofessional look at it like this if they are unprofessional about appointments what's going to happened when it's time to submit your vital documents . You got this don't get stress find a different doctor all of your previously test will transfer to the new doctor keep us posted .

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So far, I've talked to the new surgeon's coordinator several times, so I'm already getting more communication than I did with the group I dropped. She seems very nice and very much "on the ball." The surgeon seems to be very well reviewed, too, so hopefully it will be a good experience. I should have known what was coming with the last group, since I was never allowed to meet the surgeon at all, and it took six weeks (!) to even get the coordinator to look to see what I was going to need to do.

I feel like I've made progress this week, too, since I found a PCP and had a physical done. He ordered lots of blood work (CBC, cholesterol, thyroid, etc.) and will be writing the letter of medical necessity for me. Now I've got an official diagnosis of hypertension, which has been a relatively recent occurrence. I've been on Spironolactone for my skin for years, and it's usually one of the first medications prescribed for hypertension, so I must have an issue with blood pressure if it's still running high (was 157/104 several weeks ago, and has been running in the high 130s-140s since).

I'm still pretty upset with the other practice, though I think a lot of it is hormones right now. The fact that I've gained about 5 pounds in the last 6 weeks and my work uniforms are a little tight hasn't helped, either, lol.

Edited by losing_the_band

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I would call your insurance company and ask them for a bariatric center of excellence. My insurance would not cover it unless I went to one. I had an absolutely fantastic experience with mine.

This might help you get a better outcome.

I am so sorry you are going through this. In member feeling very emotional and any small thing that delayed me would get me so upset because I was so ready to do this! I was excited for surgey, you certainly don't want to be dealing with incompetence. And you want excellent follow up post surgery.

Good luck to you, I really hope you find a doctor you are comfortable with soon.

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I would call your insurance company and ask them for a bariatric center of excellence. My insurance would not cover it unless I went to one. I had an absolutely fantastic experience with mine.

This might help you get a better outcome.

I am so sorry you are going through this. In member feeling very emotional and any small thing that delayed me would get me so upset because I was so ready to do this! I was excited for surgey, you certainly don't want to be dealing with incompetence. And you want excellent follow up post surgery.

Good luck to you, I really hope you find a doctor you are comfortable with soon.

Both the previous practice and the one I've got an appointment with on Monday are centers of excellence.

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I hope the 3rd time is the charm. You had such a poor experience with the first 2 that the 3rd one can't be any worse. I applaud you for taking the time to find the right surgeon and office for your needs . The right people can make the whole experience better!

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I hope the 3rd time is the charm. You had such a poor experience with the first 2 that the 3rd one can't be any worse. I applaud you for taking the time to find the right surgeon and office for your needs . The right people can make the whole experience better!

The good thing about being around the block a time or two with bariatric surgery is that I know what to accept and take at face value and what not to accept. I live in a major metropolitan area, so I don't have to put up with unacceptable and/or inconvenient practices. There is more than one bariatric surgeon within a relatively short drive. I'm not advocating that people become "nightmare patients," but I'm a strong advocate of patients sticking up for themselves. Fact is, these practices are businesses, and it is our patronage that keeps them going. If the doctors and their staff aren't performing to your satisfaction, in most cases they can be easily replaced. And yes, how you are treated before the surgery is a huge clue to how you're going to be treated afterwards. If it's difficult to reach someone when there is a potential for you to be paying them thousands of dollars, how hard is it going to be after they've gotten your money?

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@@losing_the_band, WOW! I would report them to your insurance company.

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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