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Exercise and weight GAIN!

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AS I type this post, I'm thinking about what kind of responses I'm hoping to get from the BP community. For me, accountability is everything. I'm open to hearing suggestions/feedback and also hoping to get some support from others to keep moving!

I am 11 months out from gastric sleeve surgery and am still struggling to implement a consistent exercise routine. I wouldn't consider myself nonactive by any means. I have been hiking 6-12+ mile hikes since before surgery. Problem is there is NO consistency. I will go walking for 1-1.5 hours one day and then not walk or exercise for five days. I have really only "exercised" a handful of times since my surgery 11 months ago. I recently purchased a Fitbit last week and discovered that I am more active on a daily basis than I'm giving myself credit for. I typically walk 6,000 steps a day on what I would consider a "non-active" day. So I realized I'm possibly farther along in being active than others on here. SInce getting my fitbit a week ago, I have been walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day/5 miles/20 stairs. (Why didn't I get one of these little buggers sooner?!?)

I do feel I have payed the price by not prioritizing exercise since surgery. I wasn't always overweight, so I have a pretty good idea what my body "should" look like at a certain weight. At 5'7" tall, I reached my surgeon's goal of 160 several months ago. I am now down to 154 and would like to get to 140-145. I look in the mirror and my body composition is VERY different from it was when I used to weigh this amount. (Note: I weighed between 150-163 from ages 14 through 31.) I appear more "flabby." I keep wondering how this may have been different if I had exercised more during this process. I do have genetics on my side. I naturally have an athletic body type. I was a competitive athlete when I was a child/teen. Later on in my 20's and 30's I power walked every single day for an hour to keep my weight in check. Unfortunately exercise was one of things to go when my work/life balance got out of whack when I had children.

Some history on me - I've never liked "formal" exercise. Gyms still scare me. Maybe it's the whole "I don't have 3 hours in my day to drive-workout-shower before work" excuse I have always used. Regardless, fast paced walking is an exercise I can do anywhere, doesn't require any equipment and (for now) most likely the exercise I will consistency stick with. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new Fit bit as it is providing the accountability I need. SO what's the problem you may be asking? I have been gaining weight the last two weeks since implementing daily exercise. :( SInce surgery, I haven't had a problem with regain at all. Once I lose it, it rarely if ever fluctuates. SInce exercising I have GAINED 3 pounds.

Intellectually, I "Get" what's going on. My body is adjusting to this new "curve" ball I've introduced. I may have to tweak my caloric intact. My body is also likely building muscle, which weighs more. Muscle burns more than fat, so long term having more muscle will make maintaining easier. I know intellectually I just need to keep plugging along and keep exercising! In a few short weeks I will experience a drop in weight, I will jump up and down and Celebrate. Right now, I need my BP pals to talk me off the ledge (Kidding, sort of :P)

Here's where I have to be honest though — and before I do, I want to say, DO NOT DO WHAT I DID. I noticed very early on after surgery that I would stall every time after I exercised. If I exercised, the scale wouldn't move. If I stopped exercising, the scale would move. There was so much focus on what the scale reported verses what my body looked like, that I stopped implementing a formal exercise routine all together. Old habits are hard to change and my old thinking right now is telling me to STOP exercising. Over the past year, there have been several times on the BP website I have read others talking about stalls and people commenting about how they exercised daily and wonder what their weight loss would be like if they didn't exercise. So many times I wanted to tell them to just stop exercising and they would lose weight! I wanted to type this.... yet I never did. You know why? Because I always knew exercise was key to long-term maintaince. I knew I may possibly be able to lose the weight without exercise, but it would be very difficult to maintain it without it. I also knew bodies with more muscle mass burn calories more easy. I knew I was screwed if I didn't eventually address this key issue that played a huge role in me neglecting this area of self-care.

So here's what I need from my my BP buddies today. Encouragement that this 2-4 pound gain I have seen on the scale the past few weeks since implementing daily exercise is temporary and to hang in there. Seriously, I wish I could just stop obsessing over what that darn scale reports! I am in the home stretch here! I am less than 10 pounds away from my stretch goal of what I want to weigh. Problem is I want to look good NAKED. The only way that's going to happen is if I keep on moving!

Edited by Bluesea71

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Here's an article that might make you feel a bit better:


I have been a slow loser since the beginning (Sept. 1), but when I started really exercising regularly in January and then increased my cardio intensity and started doing strength training in early February, the loss REALLY slowed to a crawl.

It's pretty frustrating working so hard and not seeing the scale move. I've tried modifying my calorie intake to get things moving again. I've added more calories in form of an extra morning snack and adding Cereal to my afternoon greek yogurt. It's still slow going. But even with the slow loss on the scale, I am definitely seeing the differences in my body composition. I've JUST NOW (after 6 months) started to get comments on my weight loss. A coworker just came back from a 2 week vacation and told me that I'm "melting", even though I'd only lost like two pounds since the last time I'd seen her.

And I'm getting STRONG. I love seeing the muscles in my upper arms and thighs. And the best part of all is that I actually have some ab definition coming in (thanks to my Tummy Tuck 3.5 years ago that's held up through my weight regain and loss).

So the scale is being stubborn and stupid, but I feel really really good about myself. So, I am definitely going to keep it up!

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I am still pre-op and due to mobility issues exercise is a challenge. I have always been a reluctant exerciser but when I do, I feel so much better.

What has worked for me in the past:

Water: I am a Water baby so Water aerobics, lap swimming (when I was in better shape) and even goofing around in the water with kids are all great exercises.

Dance: consider taking a dance class (aerobics, Zumba, belly dance, country line dancing, or whatever). Or, just turn up the radio and dance.

Take a class: whether it's dance or water or Tai Chi or Yoga, I do better with a regularly scheduled class for consistency and for scheduling purposes. Plus, classes are a great way to meet people and make friends.

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I started at the gym (30 min 2-3 days a week) back in October when I was about 8 weeks out from surgery. Now I'm at 6.5 months and usually walk a mile or more a day outside and go to the gym 30-60 minutes 5 days a week. I love how exercise makes me feel, and like the poster above, I *love* seeing my new muscles!

But. It has sure made loss slower (or at least feel that way). I don't know that I'm building muscle so much as strengthening what I have, but people seem to notice big differences in the way I look (and I notice my clothes getting bigger) even when the pounds aren't flying off like they used to. I tell you that I was super disappointed to slip down in to one-der-land only to bounce back up to 201 for going on a week and a half now. Arrrggghh. But, it's TOM and I know it's water/bm issues. It will drop down again and *stay there* next week.

Anyway, I know we all did this to look good, but health is even more important than looks in my book, and exercise is such an important part of that. So good for you!

PS: You mention that your body comp is different than when you were younger/pre-kids. Yeah. Me too. It's amazing what those adorable, lovely, wonderful, little @#@&(&$(#* do to your body! I've had 5 babies and wouldn't trade a one of them in, not even for my old hips. Probably. ;)

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Have you started taking your measurements in addition to weighing yourself? Exercising will show loss in measurements, and you probably know that muscle is denser than fat, so that's why you need to do the measuring. As the muscle replaces the fat, it might weigh more (the density thing), but will be smaller in size. So look at it from that perspective, with fresh eyes. You should be happy with what you see!

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Take measurements instead of relying on your weight on the scale. When you exercise, you build muscle, and your body holds onto Water to stay hydrated while you're exercising (do your fingers swell during a good walk?). When you replace fat with muscle, you won't see a big decrease on the scale because muscle weighs more than 5. The good news is, while it weighs more, it takes up less room on the body. So your measurements are likely still moving even if your weight isnt.

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Thank you everyone for the great replies. It really was helpful in making me feel better! I have been tracking my entire WLS experience since pre-surgery with pictures, measurements and the scale. Thank you for the reminder that focusing on my MEASUREMENTS is where I need to focus my attention now more than what the scale reports. The timing is interesting ... I happened to notice the other day that the first time I took my measurements was on 3/8/14, a month before my surgery. The date the other day happened to be 3/8/15, exactly one year later. I measured my bust, waist, hips, thighs and arms. I was down 42"! I had lost 77.2 pounds (87 from my highest.)

March 8th is when I purchased my Fitbit and really started exercising, so I will use those measurements as my "before" stats.

I also realize body acceptance is coming into play here. As a middle aged woman who has had children, I will never have the body of a teenager. With that being said, I do have genetics on my side. Even after walking two short weeks, I see my thighs toning up. My "flubby" butt is starting to take on a more curved appearance! I was feeling SO motivated until I stepped on that darn scale!

That article was awesome about how your body responds to exercise. I had no clue about the specifics. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Edited by Bluesea71

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When (if) you sprain your ankle, you're tearing the muscle fibers...what happens? It swells..edema..because that is what the body does...it retains Water in the area to aid in the healing process....

Now you are exercising your entire body,,,your muscles are sore...thousands of micro muscle tears, (perhaps macro tears also) which is absolutely normal...but think of all the Water retention from the swelling going on you may not even be aware of...

I can go in the gym first thing in the morning...do a bunch of arm curls till it hurts and beyond...and it appears my biceps are larger all day long...people go in and lift weights and get "Pumped Up"..and it shows, at least for the day...hence the change in measurements...

Why is that?

Remember , water = weight, but is not true weight, only temporary and will pass as you get into better shape...definitely no reason to stop working out...just the opposite because if done properly, it will not only burn calories, but stored fat you've been saving....

Last but not least...it really is not about loosing weight...it's about burning fat! Fat is a killer, and the high the body fat% the higher one is at risk for all sorts of things....

Professional athletes, such as football players, according to MBI's, are all obese! However they are all in excellent shape having a very low body fat %....

The biggest "Aha" moments I* had when I was loosing weight, was that while exercising I would focus on burning fat...( I still do) That is why I am of the school to work out first thing in the morning before I eat...to use stored fat as an energy source, not what I just put in my stomach.

Edited by B-52

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Great point B52! In the end, it's really about what numbers are more important. The number on a scale? Or the number on your body composition? For the first several months after my sleeve, my WEIGHT numbers were dropping rather slowly compared to many other sleevers the first few months because I was lifting with quite a bit of frequency and intensity. But more long range....it helped me get a lot leaner, more muscle vs less body fat, and it also helped with saggy skin issues, which I have none of. I wish trainers and Dr's made it a little more known that the scale may not fall as fast while lifting, or even go up some, but to me, it's well worth it!


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Great point B52! In the end, it's really about what numbers are more important. The number on a scale? Or the number on your body composition? For the first several months after my sleeve, my WEIGHT numbers were dropping rather slowly compared to many other sleevers the first few months because I was lifting with quite a bit of frequency and intensity. But more long range....it helped me get a lot leaner, more muscle vs less body fat, and it also helped with saggy skin issues, which I have none of. I wish trainers and Dr's made it a little more known that the scale may not fall as fast while lifting, or even go up some, but to me, it's well worth it!


Thanks for sharing! I am losing slower than I thought I would, but have been lifting weights aggressively and have been for 2 months. My weight loss has slowed considerably since the weight training started. I am glad to hear from someone who does the same and is further out than me. It reaffirms I am on a good path.

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Muscle weighs more than fat. Keep it up!

Here's an article that might make you feel a bit better:


I have been a slow loser since the beginning (Sept. 1), but when I started really exercising regularly in January and then increased my cardio intensity and started doing strength training in early February, the loss REALLY slowed to a crawl.

It's pretty frustrating working so hard and not seeing the scale move. I've tried modifying my calorie intake to get things moving again. I've added more calories in form of an extra morning snack and adding Cereal to my afternoon greek yogurt. It's still slow going. But even with the slow loss on the scale, I am definitely seeing the differences in my body composition. I've JUST NOW (after 6 months) started to get comments on my weight loss. A coworker just came back from a 2 week vacation and told me that I'm "melting", even though I'd only lost like two pounds since the last time I'd seen her.

And I'm getting STRONG. I love seeing the muscles in my upper arms and thighs. And the best part of all is that I actually have some ab definition coming in (thanks to my Tummy Tuck 3.5 years ago that's held up through my weight regain and loss).

So the scale is being stubborn and stupid, but I feel really really good about myself. So, I am definitely going to keep it up!

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I've gained 10lbs the last 4 months. My waist is smaller. My arms are more toned. My legs feel smaller. I've gone from a 14 to a 12. It sucks because I went from 190ish back to the 200s. But I'm happy with what I see in the mirror. I'm happier with how my clothes fit. I'm happier with how my arms and legs look. So I'm going to be ok with it.

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I've gained 10lbs the last 4 months. My waist is smaller. My arms are more toned. My legs feel smaller. I've gone from a 14 to a 12. It sucks because I went from 190ish back to the 200s. But I'm happy with what I see in the mirror. I'm happier with how my clothes fit. I'm happier with how my arms and legs look. So I'm going to be ok with it.

Down to a size 12, while 212 pounds and 5'6"? You must be pure muscle at this point! I JUST fit into a size 14 this past weekend and I'm 5'6" and around 185 pounds! Definitely once you start exercising it has to be more about measurements and body composition than numbers on the scale. Like you, I am loving the changes in my body as I build muscle and tone up, even if the scale is a big meanie!

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I'm coming back to this post to seek a little reassurance from my BP buddies again! I've been walking 15,000-20,000 + steps a day and feeling great! I returned from a weekend in Yosemite where I completed 26 miles in hikes over three days. I was amazed what my body could do. We hike these trails 3-5 times a year and this time we only stopped once for a lunch break each day. My body felt strong and I didn't feel sore until I came home Monday. The muscles in my legs appear lean and strong. The sleek definition of the muscles is reminding me of my younger years as a competitive athlete. So what's the issue? I left home Friday weighing 150.1. I came home Sunday weighing 155! I still weigh 155 on Tuesday. I know I always retain Water after being in high altitude, but what a mind trip this all is! I'm throwing the darn scale out! I'm beginning to love the way my body is looking. It's taking on a toned athletic shape. I have to remind myself that I may weigh more if I'm building muscle mass. Sigh.

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@@Bluesea71 Stupid scale! How dare it ruin your mood! You were feeling strong and accomplished. Hang onto that and ignore the scale. It's just being a big meanie, as usual.

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