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June Chat For Nj!

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Hi girlies---we had a fairly uneventful day---not a great one, but it could have been MUCH worse!!!!

Rick is having some problems with Water retention and swelling. We thought for awhile we were going to have to go back to Albq. but it seems to be resolving itself now----hoping so anyway!

They put the tiniest pink cast on Kinsey today....it has already helped her to get around, by crawling, without causing it to hurt, it caused it to move so it hurt before. She still cannot put any weight on it, I was helping her to go to the potty since she cannot stand---and she tried to put weight on it, and her whole little body just quivered---and she whined owie a few times, then went on with it. She is going to be ok, but it is actually broke (all green brakes) in several places, he said it looked like she had landed on something when she jumped. So we drew some flowers on her cast, and painted her toenails.....tried to make it better!

Dianne---have you had the services yet? Once that is over, it will make things more finalized, and you can all begin to heal a little. It is a horrible time for you all---I wish we could help.

Betty---did it ever quit raining on y'all????

Well I wish our girls would check in---I miss em!


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Hi girlies---we had a fairly uneventful day---not a great one, but it could have been MUCH worse!!!!

Rick is having some problems with Water retention and swelling. We thought for awhile we were going to have to go back to Albq. but it seems to be resolving itself now----hoping so anyway!

They put the tiniest pink cast on Kinsey today....it has already helped her to get around, by crawling, without causing it to hurt, it caused it to move so it hurt before. She still cannot put any weight on it, I was helping her to go to the potty since she cannot stand---and she tried to put weight on it, and her whole little body just quivered---and she whined owie a few times, then went on with it. She is going to be ok, but it is actually broke (all green brakes) in several places, he said it looked like she had landed on something when she jumped. So we drew some flowers on her cast, and painted her toenails.....tried to make it better!

Dianne---have you had the services yet? Once that is over, it will make things more finalized, and you can all begin to heal a little. It is a horrible time for you all---I wish we could help.

Betty---did it ever quit raining on y'all????

Well I wish our girls would check in---I miss em!


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Hi girlies---we had a fairly uneventful day---not a great one, but it could have been MUCH worse!!!!

Rick is having some problems with Water retention and swelling. We thought for awhile we were going to have to go back to Albq. but it seems to be resolving itself now----hoping so anyway!

They put the tiniest pink cast on Kinsey today....it has already helped her to get around, by crawling, without causing it to hurt, it caused it to move so it hurt before. She still cannot put any weight on it, I was helping her to go to the potty since she cannot stand---and she tried to put weight on it, and her whole little body just quivered---and she whined owie a few times, then went on with it. She is going to be ok, but it is actually broke (all green brakes) in several places, he said it looked like she had landed on something when she jumped. So we drew some flowers on her cast, and painted her toenails.....tried to make it better!

Dianne---have you had the services yet? Once that is over, it will make things more finalized, and you can all begin to heal a little. It is a horrible time for you all---I wish we could help.

Betty---did it ever quit raining on y'all????

Well I wish our girls would check in---I miss em!


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Good Morning Lovely Ladies ;)

Kat, I'm so glad to hear Rick is getting better... thats is some really scary chit. What medicine can do today is awesome... yeah research!!! Ohhh a pink cast for baby K. Poor darling, how is she doing today? Mostly how are you hanging in there???

Patty congrats on your 1 month anniversary, 15 lbs is WONDERFUL!!!! Good luck with the EKG $$ and the insurance...its always something huh. How are you feeling physically?

Dianne, enjoy your visit with Uncle.... hopefuly the next time your here we can chat a bit :) You all are in my prayers.

BEANIE!!!!!!!! I miss you !!!!!! Please come back and chat.

Cindy have fun in Disney !!! can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures. Next year its my turn ;) God willing.

Betty... good to see you chickie...how's every little thing?

I'm thinking of getting another fill this week, the last one did nothing.

Gonna go to a birthday party today and do some cleaning, then its pool time :(

So my dears I gotta go shower and get ready but I'll be back...

Have a wonderful weekend... miss you :(

Where's Darcy?

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Hi all, I'm just checking in. Today was calm, I took a nap and we went to lunch with my mom and step-dad. I am still sore and tired. My steri-strips came off last night and I am bleeding a bit, nothing major so I am not going to panic about it. I see the doc on Monday. What is everyone up to this weekend? ~Mandy

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Good Evening.

We are in a heat wave and truly happy that my surgery is over.... had I waited even a month, that would have been trouble. Thanks Eileen for the kudos. I feel very strong and am eating regular food. In my nutrician class they told us that our portion limit for food was 1/2 a cup per meal and I have been following the rules. Some of the time I don't finish my amount and once the hungies go away I don't much think about food anymore. I don't want a fill and after I get the first one I must pay for all the others (not good for me.... money I don't have). The dr understands and we will carry on as long as we can.

I need Breakfast ideas. And I am going on vacation in 2 weeks, so I need eating out solutions too. Thanks.

Mandy:Super glad that you are on the mend. I went to D-land last night. Went on the Subs again -- totally cool. And Fantasmic is back up and running. We will see that on our vacation - front row.

Kat:Answered prayers for Rick and Kinsey. I am so proud of you and look at your weight loss -- how do you manage that!

Eileen: you want another fill? Be careful. I'm thinking about trying your favorite Soup - butternut squash.

Dianne:great to see you, wishing you the best always

The heat is making the kiddies irritable. Got to hose them down. Bye.

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Hi Girls,

Happy Fathers Day to those darling daddy's.

Patty, glad things are going good with your band. Ohh I love that Soup LOL, expensive but good. Yes I need another fill, this one did nothing and I'm ready to start losing again. Its been to long really lol.

Mandy glad your feeling better...be careful of infection.

Well girls, gotta get some fathers day cards signed and get ready to visit FIL as well as the cemetary to put flowers on my dad's grave.

Have a wonderful day.

Pat.....got your message and I will call you this week... no boss :) I do keep my cell on its just that I don't hear it 1/2 the time when its burried in my purse hheheheheheeeeee.

Love you goils...see more of you this week.


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Good Morning and Happy Moanday :)

Heading into work late today, I have to bring DD to her new school (well in september it will be new) so they can test her for 1st grade. She is very excited and nervous at the same time...new faces, new places.

Did you all see that movie Norbit with Eddy Murphy? OMG is it funny. Sad in a way that they make fun of her b/c of her weight but they make fun of everything these days. I laughed so hard. The movie was stupid but funny (my kinda movies). Eddy played 3 characters, the chinese guy, norbit and his wife LOL, the makeup was amazing and how they made her body look real is mind boggling.

Anyone hear from Beanie and Darcy ????

Well kiddo's I gotta get some makeup on this mug of mine and get dressed or I'm gonna wind up calling in sick today LOLOLOL.

Talk to you sooooooooooon !!!!!



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For some reason I can't see page 2 of this thread it just won't allow me to go back and read it...so my apologies to everyone for not being up to date. I thought it was just a gliche over the weekend but, it still won't let me in there. Anyone else having trouble with the site lately?

I hope everyone enjoyed Father's day either spoiling their hubbies, their own fathers or spending the time remembering loved ones. I was touched when my son gave DH a card since he's his step-dad. He gave him quite a card too and his favorite candy bar which was nice. DH was having a hard time because his dad isn't with us anymore plus...well long story but, nothing from his girls either. I hurt for him but, not much I could do about it. The card from my son made his day so it turned out nice.

If I can get the website to co-operate with me I have a beautiful butterfly picture to share with you all. It stopped by for a rest on my herb boxes. Hopefully I can post it later tonight.

I'm at work so I have to get going...I was just peeking to see if the site worked with this computer but, same issues. HUGS!

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Hi all!!! I am just checking in for a quick second. Kat, how's Rick today? And Kinsey? Is that stylish Diva cast getting more acceptable? Poor babe, tell her that pink is THE color for summer.

Darcy, I can see page 2, but other things are screwy for me.

I'm sure Cindy is soakin up the sun and lovin' on my Mouse..... she didn't put me in her luggage....I hope she is having a blast.

Today is my post-op, Abi's post-op and some more tests for Abi (x-ray) so it will be a long day but at least it will be easy. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Hello Y'all!

Just a short note to say "hello". Today it didn't rain! It is actually sunny, but muggy! I was worried yesterday, they has some bad rain/storms in Cindy's area. Hope she comes home to find everything is ok.

Well, going to run and cook supper. I am really tired tonight, we had company till late last night and I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open all day at work!


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All went well at the post-ops. Abi has one more appointment in 6 weeks, but her nose looks good. Keep her in your prayers that she doesn't start to bleed again.

I saw my sugeon today also. She put me on birth control pills and referred me to another doctor. I have seen him before, he specializes in pelvic pain. (pelvic conjestive syndrome) I went to him once before, for the same problem, and had to have coils inplanted in the veins in my abdomen. It worked, but only briefly. I am back in the same boat, much worse this time. The veins are 4 or 5 times the size this time and the little coils may not work again. I have an appointment with another surgeon for a second opinion on the 6th of next month. I'll let you know what happens then. ~Mandy

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wow lots going on here!

I got home tonight around 5:30. It was a long hard ride. We started yesterday. 95 was terrible only made it south of DC.

We had the Memorial Service Saturday night. It was very nice, very differen't. Just like Natalie.

I'll fill you all in when I have the strength. Right now I can hardly stay awake.

Hang in there stay cool, dry, and feel good! Mandy feel better!

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Wow--I cannot believe how much trouble I am having with the site again. I cannot post half the time, then when I do, it shows up multiple times....Anyone else having issues???

Rick is doing really well. His swelling has gone down, and his heart rate continues to be normal. Hoping this did the trick, and he is on the road to full recovery again---it has been a tough year.

Kinsey (my granddaughter) is coping well with a cast for a 2 1/2 year old. She is not using it much yet, the ortho said if she will walk on it to let her, she just won't, says it hurts her. She went to see her Dad for Father's Day, and he drew all over the cast, it looks awful, he even let her have the marker, and she got it all over her leg, which is hard to wash without getting the cast wet...what a moron he is!!!

We had a cookout for Father's Day. It started out small---son was going to cook for Dad. Well of course the girls (our 2 DD's) and their families were included. Then naturally we added our Dads, who both come with Moms......well that is when things got out of hand! His Mom invited EVERYONE!!!! Seriously pissed me off to put it plainly! Rick just got out of the hospital---and none of them took that into consideration!!! His folks have 13 acres......lots of space for a get together, his sister has a really nice place 7 miles away----but nope, none of them seemed to consider that he was recovering. He was on lifting limitations until today---nothing heavier than a gallon of milk. So I spent all day getting things ready----dragging out picnic tables and cleaning them, cleaning the grill---even the dadgummed son didn't get over here to help----he was on my list too!!!! Him, but mostly my DIL. She refuses to control my grandson. And if DS tries, she gets huffy, and brings the baby in, and ignores us all. I still consider him a baby (he is the youngest of our grandbabies) he is 16 months old. She about went toe to toe with me when I told him if he pulled my flowers again, he was going to Granny's corner!!! She snatched him up, and went out into the yard to ignore him out there. She didn't come back around me until it was time for food---and she is never far from the food, she is where I was a year and a half ago---so I try to be understanding with that. So food soothed things between us, but I feel it is only temporary. I have had 3 other grandbabies, and I cannot count how many children through my home ( I ran a day care, begining in my home for well over 20 years) and have never had a child as destructive or one who has had less guidance. And this is my grandson, not someone elses kid!!!! So I spent hours chasing him around, taking away pop cans, and putting the solar lights back together, keeping him away from the other kids swinging...it wore me out!!! DS was cooking...but DIL just takes a break when others are there to do her job, but when you try to correct him, she gets offended. So I was wiped out by the time it was half over! Only to have all these people fill up and take off leaving me the mess. The kids stayed, and picked up all the food, and put away all the tables etc. But it is still lots of clean up-----and it ALWAYS ends up at our place. I told Rick I am going to take it....but only for the summer. While we can be outside, when the winter holidays come----I am refusing! If they choose not to get together then so be it! Sorry ----and thanks for listening!!!! This has been making me crazy!!!!

Dianne glad you are home! Fill us in when you get rested!!!

Mandy---glad the appointments went well. Hope you find a Dr. that is ready to work with you---none of that is fun. Kinsey has ask me a couple of times to take the cast off. But for the most part she has adapted very well. It just looks so pathetic!!! DD took her and the granddaughter to be, and had their pictures made today. Her BF is in Houston at a school for 2 weeks, he missed Father's Day, and today was his birthday, he missed it too! While at lunch with the girls, she mentioned the girls bought him a new wallet, and I suggested she find some pictures to put in it, and she had a coupon for free pictures, so they went and had them made this evening. They color coordinated around her pink cast! I realllllllllly wished then her Dad had not decided he was an artist! Oh well, it is a cute picture, and commemorates her injury!!!!

Patty, Eileenie, Betty, Sherry, Chris....I miss you all. I vote to send the monkeys after Beannie and Darcy!!!! Hugs to you all!!!! Hope Cindy is smiling in her sleep she is having such a good time!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Hopefully the rain is done for a few days! We always need rain, but enough for a while! Come August we'll be crying for some, but right now it's getting awful with all the flooding and mud!

Kat - You really need to put your foot down now, before the whole summer. You just need to tell them they need to take turns, that you can't do it all yourself anymore. I totally understand about the dicipline stuff, I had a step daughter that didn't take care of her son when she brought him over. I just planted a bunch of flowers in by my back door and he pulled them all up! I was mad, and guess what? DD and DH was laughing about it! I told him from now on if he didn't take care of him when she brought him over, hell would break loose. I had things like blood on my carpet because he was throwing a fit after cutting his toe and she wouldn't pick him up and carry him, he wanted to walk. Once we were sitting down having dinner with my DH out of town Aunt and her family. DD didn't help prepare anything, I cooked all day long, we sat down and she sat down after pulling the son up to the table far away from her. The son was throwing a fit, tossing things, screaming, yelling, and it upset everyone at the table. These folks were very well mannered and I am sure they didn't allow their children to do things like that. The daughter just sat there, eating and ignoring him. I gave my DH a look from hell, and he finally got up and took the boy in the other room. He gave up his dinner, and his visit with his kin folk while she sat there eating away. I can't tell you how upset that one made me! Anyway, glad that Rick is doing so much better!

Dianne - Get some rest, you'll feel much better now that it's over with.

Mandy - Prayers are still being sent for Abi, as well as you.

I haven't had any problems posting, but it signed me out 3 times this morning!

Gotta run out the door, have a great day!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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