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June Chat For Nj!

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Seriously Mandy---glad the surgery is over, and she has a new friend to concentrate on as she heals. Now get YOU taken care of! Great idea, with the clothes, I know just where to call. Guess in my brain----all abused women are thin.....what a dummy I am!

Well, Rick is off from here until they release him following the procedure. He has a pre-op appointment tomorrow, and then one to get his bloodwork done. With him being off....I don't know exactly what we will or won't be doing, so if I go AWOL don't worry. I'll be taking my laptop to the hospital, and will be checking in, til then don't worry. I say that, and he'll be busy, and I'll be here vegging at the puter!!!

Talk to y'all soon!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Just a quick one, I let the time get away from me and I haven't even taken my shower yet!

Mandy - Glad Abi's surgery is done and she did fine. I'll be waiting for pictures as well!

Kat - Our prayers go your way now! Hope everything goes well!

Cindy - I feel for you! Drums!

Chrispy - Hello back to you!

Sherry - I'm sore, are you?

Gotta run, catch you all later!

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Here is a picture of my Oreo (we've had her since last fall, and our new baby Bingo, we got her tuesday. (never let a 5 year old name a new dog)


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My girls are the best. I love the Boston Terrier breed. They are smart, loyal and very low grooming. ~Mandy

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Soooo cute Mandy! :(

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She has totally stolen our hearts. She is soooo sweet and cuddly. She was a stray (I can't believe noone came looking for her for 2 weeks) she has some skin issues around her face from eating off the rough pavement, they are getting better, but we have to be careful with her face. She is ALWAYS willing to give kisses, and she sleeps so sound right up against anyone that will sit still for her. She sits, and stays for a treat, she also barks when someone rings the doorbell. I'm guessing that at some point someone loved her, and took really good care of her. I'm blessed to have her. She also seems happy here, she will live a lucky spoiled life with me. :( ~Mandy

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Cutie pie puppies!!!! You are right, Mandy...lucky dogs!

How's Abi?

Nothin' fun today...got a filling at the dentist, which wasn't too bad. Then ran errands, and we picked up our fun t-shirts. So cute! I'm still getting ready for our trip, so I keep choosing and un-choosing which clothes to take...

I don't want to take too many different things...only want one suitcase.

I'm kinda rushing this post tonight, but it's late and I'm tired...

hope everyone is doing well, and I'll see ya later!



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Holy No Alerts Batman! What the heck is going on with this site? I've set up my threads for instant notification when someone posts and I end up not getting anything at all? UGH. I've been busy keeping the house up since DH is gone...got exercise tonight by mowing the front lawn. Geesh that mower is heavy for me. Now now girls it's not a riding mower I did have to push it hahaha. We're growing weeds here...DH kinda killed the grass with his dethatchin method of last year so this year.....while trying to grow grass the weeds have set in. I've got a lawn chemical place that services the yard but, we still do the mowing etc. Those dang weeds were at least 12'' tall hahaha. So I mowed the front no one can see the back DH can do it when he gets home. He likes to bag it and the bag gets way too heavy for my back so I did my share lol.

Not much new going on. Work is work...busy, stressful but, I like what I do. As long as I can add that "I like what I do" to the end I'll stay there lol

I got the cutest outfits for Disney for Chrispy and me hahaha. We'll have the same Tshirt, shorts and tank tops lol. My bad I know but, I'm excited about the trip.

Question....how are you folks with the spare tire syndrome? Man, I may of lost weight but, I've got this spare tire in the front that just kills most outfits UGH. So today I try on a shirt..fitted...suck in my gut it looks great hahah but man oh man you look in the back and there it is ANOTHER spare tire under my bra. ohhhh lordy....I was so down after that. I should know better...I'm just better off not shopping for clothes! Anywho....it got me all bad thinking about myself..why do I do that EVEN after losing 75 pounds? Why? 40-50 more is what I need to lose in my mind.....then I can get this deflated (hahaha) spare tire thrown in the dumpsta *wink* Then I can inflate da spares on top so the headlights will shine in the right place. lmao ...I better get going I'm getting punchy at 7 min to midnight. Yikes.....5am comes fast. Sweet dreams my friends!

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Sherry, now girl...you are looking at the half empty glass, instead of the half full glass. We all do it. You just have to change your perspective and outlook. Every bit of our happiness is in our minds, right? You need to spend a lot more time honoring the 75 pounds you have lost, and a lot less time on the things you still see as less than perfect. That being said, I'd check the fit on my bra! Perhaps it is tight and pushing the spare flesh down, making a "tire"? Another solution is a nice camisole with spandex, which smooths the abdomen, and wear it under other shirts. The best choice is to accept the way you are now, and still work to improve. I bet you look great, and there's no need to be perfect anyway. Do you need a perfect waistline to enjoy life?

That's my little encouraging nagging lecture for this morning. I sincerely worry about us when we get into the overly negative viewpoints about ourselves, at least toward our physical selves. We have done so much and achieved so much, and instead of being proud, we are still nit-picking our flaws? Come on. Chin up, now! Everyone's a hero here!

It's raining this morning...I need to take DD to get an ingrown nail looked at, which I am not wanting to do...but we better do it before Disney.

Sherry, I bet your outfits are so cute! Our matching shirts are great...and we made them out of moisture-wicking t-shirts, so they dry really fast!

See ya later!

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Cindy, you will have to post pics of everyone in their shirts, that sounds like fun. I can't get my family to do anything like that, they are all sticks in the mud. Abi and I have matching Lady and the Tramp shirts and also Alice in Wonderland shirts. The Disney Store has several shirts in kid and adult sizes now. We got them when they were on sale for $5. Last year I tried to get my family to dressup for the halloween party, noone did. So this year I gave up, everyone dresses themselves, cept me and Abi, we will be the belle of the ball.

Sherry, I have a spare tire too. I also have waaayyyy too much giggle in my inner thighs. My mom suggested a stronger workout, I told her I would have to become a body builder to fill in all that skin. I'm talking to the plastic surgeon when I get back from Disney.

Abi is doing pretty good today, she is sooo crabby. I have to put drops in her nose to dissolve the packing (3x a day) and she tells me each time that I don't like her. 10 more days....and the drops are done.

Be back later. ~Mandy

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Good Morning and Happy Saturday,

I'm so glad Abi is doing well, phew what a relief. Nothing worse than taking a child to surgery... breaks your heart. Congrats on the new Oreo, love the name. I think Abi did a good job with the name, now my DD would have named it something like princess sparkle fairy !!!!

Cindy, I'm with you on the early packing. I usually make a list and start working off of that and exactly like you said, every little bit helps. Piano is awesome!! glad DD found something she is interested in. I have hearing loss in both ears and always wanted to play an instrument but never did b/c of that so WHOOOT to her.

Sherry Sherry Sherry...... I'm sorry your down on your WL but just like Cindy said...you have to look at that whoppin 75 lbs as a positive. Put it back on (mentally) and imagine how you would feel then ???? Yeah...thats right.... bet you feel better now. And just think... your gonna be able to walk that park SOOOOOOOOO much better with out all that weight. Your doing awesome so don't kid yourself and you are so pretty that nobody is gonna look at the little tires(so you say) on your back... give me a break... we are so hard on ourselves it isn't funny. So my dear...when you go away don't you dare think about anything but how GREAT you look... and you do. SO THERE ! PFFFFFFFT !

Crispy..... you smack her around a bit will yah... both of you ladies are beautiful.

Betty boop ! whats shakin girlie ?? how are you feeling these days?

Darcy, Beanie... I miss you girls.

Nothing happening here, sosdd...working like an animal. We finally hired an Admin to help me out but when she will start ..... I have no clue. Monday I have a HUGE meeting and I know I'm gonna pee on myself right before it starts LOLOL, I'm so nervous about it. I know its gonna go fine...but the first time is always a doozie. Boss bought me a new laptop so on days my DD is sick I can work from home... how stinkin cool is that.... sargent turned out to actually be a decent guy...despite his nasty comments not long ago... wacky huh.

WL is the same...not !!! I'm just eating alllllllllllllll stinking day, yesterday I ate, no lie... all day..junk junk junk.... this morning I felt a sugar hang over. I don't know why...the more stress at work the more food is on my mind and it won't stop. Its like a drug.

Anyway.... thats about it... I refuse to clean this weekend and I'm just gonna relax. Yeah.... thats it LOL.


I miss you all sooooooooo much.

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I don't want to burden everyone, but life here is not good. I have trouble at work, my insurance won't pay for my pre-op stuff and those bills are here, the ex owes me lots of back cash and did I mention the wage garnishments(they just took the 2nd one) the fun never quits.

I am just exhausted from having to fight for everything.

I will be post-op one month June 14, so all this and I am not 100% yet.

Sorry to be such a drag. I'm getting dressed, heading for the thriftstore in search of a paperback. Then home for a blockbuster movie. Still on mushies but won't get on the scale until next week. My undies don't fit. My summer plans include a 4 night stay at the Raddison hotel, a repeat of last years vacation, but I added a night. The kids are very excited. Also received our membership to the Long Beach Aquarium, so when our house gets too hot, we can go hang out there!

OK, I feel better. Bye.

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I know ladies...I deserved that lecturing but, ya know seriously it's the part I have the most. I'll even take my chicken wing arms over this tire lol. Eh...it will get better I know. I'm vamping up my exercise and starting Monday planning on using SparkPeople or Fitday to track my food. I have a feeling, I'm not eating enough believe it or not hmmmmm. I know I'm lousy with my Water too UGH. Hmm so many things I don't do that I should and I wonder why the weight loss stalled? DUh lol Anywho, hopefully this will all kick in.

DH is home YIPPEE I have missed him. He looks funny...he rode so much that from his eyes down is red and from the eyes up is white hahha. You can almost see a line lol. It's nice to have him home :girl_hug: He's snoring now though hahaha.

The goldens went to the Puppy salon today and I had them shaved. Errrr ummmm son hates it....ummm I'm not sure yet hahaha. They certainly look like smaller dogs, there won't be as much fur all around the house and they won't be getting each other soaked by licking each others fur until it's soggy but, ummm they look funny hahha. Not sure what I think yet. DH says in a week the fur will look more natural that when they first get shaved it looks funny. OK if you say so hahaha. At least they smell nice right now. Gosh before they went they had this sour smell to them. DH says it's from them chewing each others ears and/or one of them rolled in something when outside. Ewwww either way, they stunk and I'm glad they smell good now.

Lazy day today, put some chops in the crockpot with potatos, carrots and an onion. That's the only way I can eat pork without a problem. It comes out so nice and tender it falls apart.

Tomorrow...not sure what I'll make. Thinking sweet and sour chicken....have you made it? It's made with Russian Dressing, Apricot Preserves and Lipton Onion Soup mix. My friend told me that recipe and says it's great. So I think I might try it :target:

Patty - so sorry to hear about your troubles. I do hope things get better for you.

Cindy - Definately send pics of you folks in your shirts. I think it's fun! When do you leave for your trip again?

Betty - How are you feeling? Have you had a chance to ride your motorcycle? DH got me a wind chime from Georgia that has clear acrylic motorcycles on it. It's really cute and I plan on hanging it outside on my plant shepards wire with my other one. I love chimes...but my neighbors probably hate them haha

Eileen - Is your fill working? Sorry to hear about the Junk food day. Ya know those are really easy to have because the damn stuff goes down so easy peasy UGH. I really have to watch it or I could do that myself. Work will do that to you!

Mandy - Are you using a plastic surgeon that was recommended by your band surgeon? My surgeon recommends one from his same hospital that I"ll probably use when it's time. I have quite a ways to wait though. I want to lose more and maintain it for a while before I have that surgery. Oh I'm dreading it but, looking forward to it at the same time. I got a nice apron that needs to come off and my boobs need work. Man I've seen pictures though....scares me! Hope your daughter is feeling better from her surgery.

Hello everyone I missed! (Wavin')

Well....I'm off. Got some laundry to do. Hugs!

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