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Marchies in June

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Taking a quick look, I would have to say 1) give the benefiber a few days to kick in and 2) try eating more veggies and fruit in place of carbs, like bread and potatoes. I know those carbs are tasty and its something I tend to do too! But Protein first, then veggies, then carbs.

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Today I went and got a partial unfill. My surgeon's partner did it. He has the band himself. He tried to talk me out of my unfill, but I was insistent. I know a lot of people like a tight band and think that being full at 4 bites is just grand, but I am not one of them. I also don't like losing weight too fast. So I explained all that and that it was difficult to meet nutritional requirments, etc, when I couldn't eat more than 1 ounce. He said he never had a patient want an unfill that wasn't having severe overrestriction symptoms. So I shrugged and said I guessed I was the first. I guess I surprised him. But I know I am doing great weight loss wise. I already lost about 50 without any fill at all, and thats great and I know it is because everyone tells me it is. Plus its not as though I am on a deadline for weightloss or in a race. I would prefer to lose at a rate of 1-3 pounds a week, though I know there is no way to guarantee that. So I now I have 1cc instead of 1.6. I think that sounds more reasonable. I haven't tried to eat yet. I figured it was like a fill and that I should wait a day or two before I tried food and then take it easy.

Plus, there is also the psychology of restriction and how that works for me. My DH actually got that pretty well and observed how I am with that on the drive home. When I am too tight I feel compelled to eat more so I do things that aren't so good like eat a lot of ice cream or break some of the rules, like waiting five minutes between bites, taking a sip, etc. Its like if I am determined to eat something, then I will. But if I am a little less restricted and have more of a choice about what to eat then I am more likely to make better choices because I am in control. And thats pretty much the truth. I like having the band as my tool. Its great. And I do need this tool very much. But I want to be the one in control, more or less. I don't want it to take over my life. Thats sort of what the eating and hunger did. I could never lose weight and there always seemed to be more of it and it was just bad for me and it kept affecting more and more of my life, but I wasn't in control. It was. I certainly hated that. Then I got the band and I was finally in control. Then it was too tight and it was in control. Sure I ate nothing, or close enough to that, but its that idea of something else being in control of my body and life. Seems to me that I am always fighting that. I'm fighting that with the narcolepsy everyday-- what medications work the best, and how to take them, when, etc. With my fibro, my allergies, my pain, etc. I really love it when I am the one behind the steering wheel. Maybe I have to stand on a box to reach, or something like that, fine. But at least its me doing the steering. Maybe I should explain that next time if they try and make me too tight... but I'm not sure I could explain it well enough and succintly enough.

In other events... This weekend my DH and I went and visited my brother and mother. For my brother's recent birthday we took my bro and mother to see a musical at a dinner theater. He really enjoyed himself. Which is great, I thought he would. He is hard to get presents for. They had a buffet for dinner and there was nice soft stuff to eat. I hate a bit of catfish with dill sauce and some meatloaf and some soft veggies. I also had a martini and that went straight to my head! Next time I'll savethat sort of drink for after dinner.

Ok I'm beat. Time for sleep here.

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Now I need to think about those "mom jeans". How will I know??

Mom jeans are tapered leg jeans that sit right at or above your belly button. They make everyone that weighs over five pounds look like a wideass.

The best bet is a midrise, straight leg or bootcut jean in a darker wash.

I wore mom jeans for years until a non-fashion tarded friend took pity on me.

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Ok...This is what I have eaten in the last few days:

Breakfast: coffee w/milk or whitener

4oz sugar free yougart w/ berries

Lunch: 2oz turkey breast

1/4 cup coleslaw

1/4 cup potatoe salad

2 tbsp cooked Beans

Dinner: 2 sausages 4oz each

3/4 cup ceseaur salad

2 slices tomatoes

3 tbsp of lemon merange pie

coffee with lite cream

48 oz Water thoughout the day

Snack: 10 fruit snack chips

Breakfast: 8 oz vanilla Protein shake with 1/2 a banana & 2 tbsp benefibre

Small coffee w/ cream

Lunch: 10 light whole wheat crackers

1/4 cup cream cheese & bacon spread

Dinner: chicken leg

3/4 cup sautied mushrooms

2 small pieces of frenchloaf brushetta bread

Decaf coffeew/cream

Snack: 4 oz light vanilla pudding

Water: 50 oz ( 1 bottle with added benefibre)

So marchies what am I doing wrong? I haven't gone since Friday evening. Not having the incredible pains I had on the weekend but I still haven't moved either. I am soooooooo open to suggestions. Isn't anyone out there having problems?

Well, berries and cole slaw are good for moving you. But maybe it's the Protein powder. It does have a way of backing things up.

I'd get some prune juice/plum juice. (I think it's funny, they are calling it plum juice now. It's the same fruit!) Also, I'd try putting more whole fruit in your diet. Nectarines and peaches are in season. Also, if it were me, I'd drink half or full caffeine, it does something to stimulate the bowels.


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Kythera, sounds like you have a good handle in what your doing. Kudos.

Rosi, you may also try walking, and laying on your tummy. That has worked for me.

How did we fall to page 3 on the boards?

Maybe we have to check in more.

Michale from Colorado are you out there lurking. I was wondering how you are doing?

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I don't know how we fall to the 3rd page. I'm on here all the time! I know you all have got to be sick of me.

Denise is riding drunk in wine country this week. And TammyJ went on a trip too. Yenken is MIA.

They tend to add a lot to the conversation.;) We miss you!

I know I'm missing some of the other regulars who must be having too much fun getting skinny to be bothered with this board. :biggrin1:

Just to chitty chat about myself for a minute, I did do my 20 mile ride yesterday on the new bike. It feels pretty unusual, but great to be getting fit and meeting my personal goals. The weight dropping off is a bonus too!

A new NSV, I'm a solid size 24 now, which though is still a plus size, it's a size you can find in a department store, not just at LB or AVE. Yesterday I got some new clothes at Kohls! Not much, but it was great to try on things and go, yuck, bad look. Not yuck, but I guess I'll buy it cuz it fits! Lord help me when I see 14!

:) Juli

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Juli I can't believe you can ride a bike. With my weight I can not stay balanced and my calves just kill me. Way to go!

Hey girl, I wouldn't buy to many clothes, they say every 10 pounds lost is one dress size.

I hear you about the size 14. I will be doing the snoopy dance at that time.

Have a great day. Can't wait to hear how everyone did on vacation. We miss you guys.

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Hazelbunny – I love your comments. You answered Sophie’s questions just as I would have. As a native New Yorker turned “suburban mom” I try my best to keep up.

I have three daughters ages 19, 17, and 10 – they are definite fashionistas and do not let me walk out of the house looking like the “suburban mom”. Not for my own sake but because people know that I am their mom. LOL.

As a side note - - - not really. I am down 34 lbs with 88 more to go!!!!

I am so excited! My BMI has gone from 47 to 40.08. I have a lot of serious things going on in my life right now; normally I would try to make it all go away with food.< /span>

I am so happy to have my band, it keeps me in check and reminds me that if I want to be here for years to come to enjoy my loved ones then I need to get down to a healthy weight.

I renewed my driver’s license yesterday and I am pleased to say that compared to my old picture taken 4 years ago, it looked like it could have been taken yesterday. June of 2003 was when I broke my leg (severely- requiring 2 surgeries) and started my long road to being able to walk again and gaining more weight then ever. YAY ME!!

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Hi Y'all!

I have 2 NSV!!!!!!!

First...I'm off the crutches!! Yay! It will be another month before I can start walking for exercise again.

Second...I'm having to go thru my closet and dig out all those items I haven't been able to wear for a VERY long time. And of course, bag up the stuff that's too big.

Also...I finally made it in for my second fill. Thank goodness. I feel like I've been eating like a pig. OINK OINK. I'll find out tomorrow how a total of 2.5 cc's is doing.

I don't think I've ever PB'd yet. Only an occasional feeling like someone was sitting on my chest if I eat or drink too fast. Let out a good burp and the feeling passes.

I wish I had time to read Marchies every day. Y'all crack me up and I'm proud of how well you are all doing. Keep up the good work!

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Sorry, haven't been online for quite a few days

but I am having too much fun getting skinny OHJuli!

Busy getting some food prepared for uncle's funeral luncheon tomorrow, getting the house clean for my DD 10th birthday party on the 26th and packing clothes and the camper for a 4 day weekend drip to Detroit.....

I know what you're thinking, "camping in Detroit?"

yes, about 1/2 hour NW. Planning a day at the Detroit Zoo and a day at Greenfield Village/Henry Ford Muesum......

Speaking of muesum, did anyone see "Night at the Muesum?"

I can't stop my kids from saying "Me want gum gum dumb dumb!"

It drives me crazy and they think it's hilarious.

I'm looking at everyone's ticker and I have to say great job on the weight loss everyone.

I'm afraid I need to get my butt in gear and stop this snacking thing I have going on.

Up to 7000 steps today on pedometer, trying for 10000, not sure i'll make it today, i'm sitting at my desk!

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Hello fellow Marchers! I was banded March 19th, 2007 at NEMC in Boston. I was so happy to see such a huge response from others banded in March!

So far I've lost a total of 32 lbs!

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You guys are doing awesome!

As far as the whole ten pounds being one dress size, for whom is that actually true? I know its true for some people. I suspect its true for skinny people with small body frames. Those size 2s. I suspect its really more like a dress size tends to be x percent of ones body weight, like say 10%, depending on stuff. Since I have a big ole body frame, its takes more weight to make a difference in either direction for me, going up and down. I also suspect the thinner a person in, the bigger a difference those ten pounds makes, due to the whole percentage thing.

The other day I asked my mom what size she wore. I know at her lowest weight she could squeeze into eights, but wasn't always comfy in them. Now she is a 10, sometimes 12. Since I am a few inches taller than her and have a larger frame (hands, feet, wrists, elbows, shoulders, etc), I suspect I will end up either a 12 or a 14. It would be nice to be a 12, but I might never get that small. I know most people wouldn't consider a 12 small, but I've really got big bones here! And my mom is skinny now! So wouldn't that be ironic? If I got all trim and lean and down to my ideal weight, healthy BMI, etc, and I was still plus size?

Today when I took my size 20 jeans out of the dryer, they fit just perfectly, so I'm not sure how long it will be until I'm fitting into size 18s. But my size 22s seem really loose on me. I have to secure all my bottoms or else they fall off of me! Nice, but annoying.

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Kythera_ I feel for you, I can't imagine having a mom smaller then myself. As it is I have always been the biggest girlfriend, the biggest PTA mom, the biggest sister in law, I swear the biggest tourist in China and Japan LOL.

My boys are in marching band, I cannot wait until late August during marching band Camp, when I won't be the biggest mom out there.

You guys I feel funny. I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe a little obsessed with going into this new territory that I thought the door was closed and chained. I have day dreamed for years about losing weight. But it has never happened.

There is so many changes, both physical and mental. My rings slide around, I stare at the mirror and say "Do I look slimmer? A friend saw my license he was like man, no chubby checks, I am glad to hear it, I think I see it?

I feel more feminine but I feel guilty or something. I feel like I need to just pour my feelings out, get some kind of reassurance that this is happening. I am not dreaming, this is a reality. 37 lbs are gone. Will I be thin and weak, you know, big girl = strong girl, my crazy mentality.

I guess I am just venting, but I am not mad, just maybe emotional.

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Hello my fellow Marchies!

Its been weeks since I've been here, and I really need to work on logging on more often to help me stay accountable!

Well since March 21st I've only lost about 20lbs. However overall since Sept when I really began this journey I've lost 75lbs! Which I'm absolutely thrilled with!

I really need to start making better choices about what I eat. Its not nearly as bad as I used to be, but still, it could be better.

I got my first fill on 6/12. I don't have any restriction yet, but I am able to go longer in between meals now (except for today - for some reason I was STARVING all day long!)

Lets see - a NSV - I've lost 34.875 inches overall since I started recording my measurements in November - so in 7 months I've lost almost 5 inches a month - and that is a great feeling too!

Hope you all are doing well today :scalesno:

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Kythera_ I feel for you, I can't imagine having a mom smaller then myself. As it is I have always been the biggest girlfriend, the biggest PTA mom, the biggest sister in law, I swear the biggest tourist in China and Japan LOL.

My boys are in marching band, I cannot wait until late August during marching band Camp, when I won't be the biggest mom out there.

You guys I feel funny. I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe a little obsessed with going into this new territory that I thought the door was closed and chained. I have day dreamed for years about losing weight. But it has never happened.

There is so many changes, both physical and mental. My rings slide around, I stare at the mirror and say "Do I look slimmer? A friend saw my license he was like man, no chubby checks, I am glad to hear it, I think I see it?

I feel more feminine but I feel guilty or something. I feel like I need to just pour my feelings out, get some kind of reassurance that this is happening. I am not dreaming, this is a reality. 37 lbs are gone. Will I be thin and weak, you know, big girl = strong girl, my crazy mentality.

I guess I am just venting, but I am not mad, just maybe emotional.

I prefer to think of myself as amazonian. As having presence. Unfortunately, these fast few years my flab has had far too much presence. There is also an irony too. While fat is out of shape and thin is also weak, larger people are supposed to be strong and vital. I don't look sick, but of course I've had health problems. Though lately I've noticed my coloring is improving and I'm not translucent anymore (Just very very pale, my usual coloring).

I look at a picture of me fifty pounds ago (heavier that is) and I don't really see the difference between me then and me now. Sure I can tell I have lost a bit when I look in the mirror, but it doesn't seem like the amount I have. Who knows. I also worry I will be disapointed. When I think of weight loss I think about what I was like when I was at those weights before. When I was younger (because 24 is so very ancient) and healthier. Sometimes I worry that I will be disapointed because when I reach those weights I will not be that young again and I will not be that healthy again (but I might be as fit). Since I got sick and stuff when I was 20 I sort of feel like I went right from teenager hood to middleage or older. And I know I can never have those years back to relive differently and when I get to the weight I was then I won't feel like I did back then. But I do hope I can feel like I'm in my 20's before I leave them. And I hope that I am happy with my body when I reach goal (need for a lift or tuck here or there aside).

I had to see my PCP today for an UTI. I'm going to try Fosfomyacin. The pharmacy is ordering it for me. Everything else for UTIs I am either allergic to or else its ineffective. If this doesn't do the trick for some reason then Its an IV antibiotic for me, but the doctor said that could be done in Oncology rather than making me go to hospital. The thing with hospitals is that you seem to leave with another infection or something, etc. Not fun. But Oncology, I could handle. My medic alert pendant came yesterday. So I have been wearing that and getting used to it. It mentions my band and the NG tube (avoid them) and my narcolepsy (cause sometimes it can cause me to act wierd and so forth) and asthma and just allergic to most antibiotics. Then they can call the number for my other conditions and to find out exactly which ones I'm allergic to. I figure this way the pendant should last for a while and I'll not need to buy a new one soon.

I too have balance issues on bikes. Always have. I think I might try a recumbant sometime.

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