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Hey all!

I have had a rough couple of days. It started on Sunday. I did chores around the house most of the day and overdid it. I was in a lot of pain Sunday evening into Monday. Yesterday something funny happened to me after lunch. I got this awful, painful, tight feeling in my chest and I thought I had eaten too much. Maybe I did. Who knows. Anyway, the pain lasted for three to four hours and luckily subsided. But, when dinner time came around there was no way I could get down solid food. So, Protein drink for dinner. This morning, same thing. One bite of oatmeal (which I've had almost every morning for the last two weeks) and I just knew it wouldn't go down. So, another shake for Breakfast. For lunch I had a boiled egg chopped up really fine w/ mayo. (Back to mushies). It took me 45 minutes to eat my one egg, but it went down. But, I could tell I had to be careful. Anyway, it feels like I have this restriction that I didn't have before. Isn't that odd? I can't figure out what it is or why. Has anyone else experienced this? I wonder if I did something wrong. If anyone has heard of anything similar, please comment. On that, I will stop complaining.

The good news: I gained 1.5 pounds in the last few days since starting back to a regular diet. Today, I was down 1.5 again so I'm back to where I was at my low. Now, if I can just maintain, I'll be happy.

I had a great time meeting w/ Virginia and Jaye on Saturday. I like Virginia's idea of starting our own support group. I think I could use all the help I can get. Is Jaye going to join us on this sight?

Take care, all.

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Update: I feel a little better this morning, not so much pain, but still a lot of restriction. I talked to Mike, who talked to Dr. DeBarros. He said that moving on to solid food probably caused some swelling. He said with the new AP band that we have, they have the ability to fill during surgery and so I do have a fill already! Did anyone know this? I didn't! Anyway, he said I could come in to get an immediate unfill or wait a couple of days and see if the swelling goes down. Since I can still drink OK and I'm able to get nutrition in, I think I'm going to wait and hope some of the swelling goes down on it's own. Yikes!

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I'm apparently having issues with getting my updates emailed to me as well.

Shauna, eek! I hope that swelling goes down pronto for you. I know that can be mega discouraging so soon after surgery. I'll keep you in my thoughts and think happy thoughts your way for a speedy recovery. :rolleyes:

I had NO idea about the surgery fill. Now I think I'm going to call Becky. I don't feel restricted in the least!!

I'm not losing weight. But, I am maintaining so I considered that a win for me.

In other news, my hubbie is doing a lot better. He's still unable to really eat solids, but is feeling a lot better. So Yay!

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It's encouraging news to hear your hubby is doing better. Yeah!;)

OK, here's my daily update: I felt much better yesterday. I still felt a lot of restriction, but no pain. I could eat solid food again if I ate really slowly and chewed well. I measured everything I ate to be sure not to eat too much and I was full after 1/2 cup. I'm sure this restriction will go away, though, as my swelling does. But, it's a nice taste of what's to come.

On another note, I went to the park yesterday afternoon with hubby and the kids. This is nothing new; we do it several times a week. Anyway, the usual plan goes something like this: Waddle over to the park and sit down on the bench in the shade and watch the kids play. So, yesterday we go the park and took the soccer ball with us. When we got home I realized I had actually been running around and kicking the soccer ball for nearly an hour. Wow. What a good feeling. Now I'm even more encouraged. If 27 pounds feels this good, how good will 27 more feel? I was down another pound this morning for a total of 28 lost. :)

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Erica! What made me think Diane? I don't know, sometimes I think they put the lap band around my brain and not my stomach! I finally lost another pound! But I'm not gonna change my little ticker thing till I go for my first fill.

How is everyone, it is so quiet on this board! Wake up Arizona!

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Hi guys! I thought I would stop by and give you an update. The past few days have been really rough for me. I started having extreme abdominal pain on Friday night that lasted through Saturday night. I almost went to the ER, but held out. At first I thought it might be the gas pains everyone talks about, but now I'm not sure. Luckily, most of that pain is gone. Ever since then, however, I have become more and more restricted every day. Since Satuday, I have had nothing but a liquid diet. I did call.... I was basically told the same thing as before.... I must have swelling that is causing me more restriction.... go on a liquid diet for a few days and the swelling should decrease. Yesterday I had a mini panic attack. When I woke up yesterday morning I couldn't get Water down. I called the office several times yesterday and had a difficult time getting answers or help.

Here's how that went: I called the office at exactly 8:30 in the morning when they opened. I was told the computers were down and that somebody would call me back. I waited three hours and after nobody called me back, I called again. This time it took me several times to get through to anybody. Finally, I got the same receptionist (she's new.... I'll be gentle). She said "Oh, yeah. Didn't you call this morning?" Ummm, yup. And you said you were going to call me back! But, I didn't say anything. I told her my situation again. I told her I was having trouble getting Water down and that I needed to come in for an unfill. She didn't know what that was. OK, no problem. I explained to her that I'm not able to drink water and that I needed to come in and have Fluid removed from my band. She said OK and looked up my record. Then she proceded to tell me that I already have an appt. set up for June 28. By this point, I was so frustrated I was in tears. I explained to her that I couldn't wait until next week that I was scared of becoming dehydrated. (For goodness sake, it's 111 outside!) She then proceeded to tell me that I can't have any Fluid taken out because I haven't had a fill yet and I have to wait six weeks. What??? I explained about the AP band and already having a fill during surgery and she acted like I was stupid and crazy. I finally just mentioned to her that I had discussed some of this with Mike and she could clarify with him. She put me on hold and talked to Mike. (Apparently, both surgeons out of the office-- probably in surgery since it was a Tuesday morning.) She comes back to the phone and then says she will try to get a hold of a doctor and call me back. I waited all day. I was in tears and scared. I almost grabbed my kids and headed for the ER just to get an IV. I tried calling back several times and could never get anyone. I finally sent Mike an e-mail (a rather long, distraught one) and as soon as I did the receptionist called me back and made an appt. for first thing this morning. (Thank goodness for Mike. I have been able to count on him for everything.)

Luckily, as the day went on my restriction started to subside and I was able to get some fluids in. I'm sure it wasn't enough, though. I had to take really really small sips or I couldn't get it down. It took me all day to get in 16 oz. of water and a few ounces of broth.

I woke up this morning with the same restriction. I couldn't get more than a sip of water down. Luckily, I had my appt.

The fill process (or unfill, in my case) wasn't bad. After you have your initial consultation in one of the numbered rooms they take you to the room with the ultrasound. The medical assistant ran the ultrasound to locate the port and marked it for the doctor. This did hurt a little bit; just the pressure of her pushing down on my port with the ultrasound. Then the shots. The needles were quite large in my opinion but the shots didn't hurt at all. Just think heparin shot or flu shot. The painful part was all of the pressure on the port. Dr. DeBarros (my favorite) had to grap the area with the port in one hand and inject with the other. Just having someone grap my port is what hurt the most. Then they had me sit up and drink water to make sure it was going down. I drank about 1/2 bottle of water and it went down fine. I had 2cc's in my band and he took half of it out. I now have 1cc. I immediately felt better. I even felt hungry! I sure hope this works and that I don't swell up even more. I just need this to go away. I had 1/2 cup of yogurt for lunch and got it down. Yeah! Anyway, I'm sticking to liquids and mushies for a couple of days and if I feel OK I will try solids again. Wish me luck.

When I weighed in today I was down 38 pounds from where I started. I have lost about 12 pounds in the last week. I know that is not good or healthy. They told me I could expect to gain a few of those back as I begin eating again.

Sorry for the long post, but thanks for the support.

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Holy Cow Shauna! I am so glad you are feeling better! So how many cc's do our bands hold? Did you ask that?

My heartburn is really bothering me today. I have a friend at work that applied pressure points to my wrists and ears. They are called "buttons"... and way I did a search on heartburn on these boards and I see where everyone is using Prilosec (sp). I will stop by on my way home from work and get that. I have tried in the past three days, tums, malox, and peptol bismol. Nothing is helping. I read today what foods to avoid and what foods are okay. So I went back to my old diet of cottage cheese and yogert. The yogert about killed me!

I got a smoothie on the way to work and that was good. Anway, I'm sick to death of this heartburn.

The good news is... my laptop is back!!! Yippeeeeee...

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Hey, V. I am so excited you got your laptop back! Yeah for you!

Sorry to hear about the heartburn. That sucks. Hopefully, the prilosec will help. Does it come in a liquid or chewy form?

I had cottage cheese for dinner. (Looks like we are on the same diet!) I measured half a cup. I nibbled on it for almost an hour and never finished all of it. I still feel a little tight (although no pain, thank goodness) and I don't want to overdo it.

Since last week when all of my nonsense started, I have begun burping/hiccuping after every drink I take. Does anyone else get this? I asked Dr. DeBarros and he said that it is from being too tight and that it would go away. I have still had it very predictably all day. (It really makes me nervous I'm still too restricted.)

Oh, forgot to mention I met with Mike today. I figured I paid for it and didn't see him last time so I might as well. He is always so helpful.

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Hey you didn't mention how Dr. Debarros looked! I want details!!

What did you talk to Mike about? Did you ask about Saturday meetings?

When will you try another fill?

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You are so funny. Ok, let's gossipDr. DeBarros looked really good. He told me he was down 38 pounds, exactly the same amount I am down. (I was tempted to ask about his 7cc fill, but didn't.)

Mike and I basically just went over the stuff that I missed on the post-op visit. Week four of the post-op diet. We talked about Protein intake, you know, fun stuff like that. I thanked him for helping me this last week with all of my issues

Nope, didn't ask about Saturdays. Didn't even think of it at the time.

At this point, I don't know when I will try another fill. It depends on how I feel and if the swelling goes down. Right now, I can't imagine ever getting one but I'm sure that will change. I'm leaving in about 10 days for vacation and will be gone two weeks, so at the earliest it will probably be about a month from now.

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I have to send it back again! But at least this time I know I will only be without it for a week.

My heartburn is a better, I went back on mushies yesterday and started the Prilosec the night before. Yesterday I noticed late in the evening I was feeling much better, but it was a 'come and go' kinda thing.

I'm going to throw a couple of questions out there on the May 2007 board.

The lady that hosts the AZBanster Brunch is going to host a gathering at her Condo. I will post that invite on the AZBanster Brunch topic.

More later... gotta get ready for work.

Happy Friday to you all!

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Hi I'm in my 3rd month of my 6 month supervised diet. I'm 58 and hoping to have surgery this Nov with Dr Orris. Who is doing your surgery? I'm living in Iowa but will be coming out to that area the first of Oct. I'm doing a lot of my preop testing here. I talked to Dr Orris's office and they said as long as the test were within a year they would use them. I live in Apache Junction during the winter.

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Hey Diane. I cheated big time with all my pre-op tests and diet. Last June I had my gallbladder removed. So poof.. my colonoscopy and endosocpy was done. Then last August I told my doctor that I was going to need a handicap sticker for my car or we need to do something about my weight. So she put me on diet pills. I lost 25 pounds in about three months. Then I decided I didn't like the way they were making me feel so I went off of them and gained the weight back and then some. There was my 6 months of documented dieting. Plus I have been going to the same doctor for the past 6 years so she had all my weight records.

When I had the idea to do this surgery, all I needed was the well woman check. They found a little something that wasn't so-so with my EKG so I had to go to a Cardiologist and we did a stress test. All was fine. Then with my mamogram they discovered a 'mass' and I had to go for a breast biopsy. All was fine.

So from beginning to end it only took me 6 weeks, and two of that was due to the whole brest 'mass, biopsy' thing. God knows I'm too impatient to have to wait 6 months. Hang in there!

I had my surgery on May 21st and I am loving life! Just the little bit that I have lost so far allows me to bend over and tie my shoes.

The exercise is slow, but I'm starting to feel more and more like doing extra things that I normally would sit on the couch instead of doing. Does that make sense?

I'm glad you joined our little group and we look forward to your winter time here!

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Hello everyone! I am new to this board, but have been on the WLIAZ board some. I had my surgery on May 14, the first fill on June 22. Dr. DeBarros said there was already 1cc in there and he added 2 more. It is a bit tight, but not unbearable. I have to remember to chew, chew, chew my food (20 times, Becky said) or I really end up with some discomfort! Last night I had 1/2 of a chicken/apple brat, cottage cheese and a slice of Tomato for dinner. My daughter was visiting from Texas and we had a bar-b-que. I was more than satisifed as the rest of the family chowed down on burgers, Buns, Beans, chips, etc.

I started this adventure on March 23 at 310 lbs and now am at 285 so feel pretty good about that! I did not loose or gain an ounce from 2 weeks post-surgery until the first fill, but have dropped 3 lbs since the fill. Of course, I did the liquid, then baby food, then mushies all weekend.

I feel pretty good, but can't eat more than a few bites at at time. I found that Triscuit crackers (garlic and olive oil flavor) with V8 juice is excellent! I also like to put a piece of canned chicken on a triscuit and dunk it into warm chicken broth -- also yummy and very good for you! (chew that cracker!) :)

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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