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10 days before surgery - having anxiety and doubts, help!

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Natrol makes a strawberry chewable/dissolving Biotin. I'm like a 5 year old when it comes to Vitamins and pills. I want fruit flavors and dinosaur shapes if at all possible, lol.

I go out to eat all the time. It's not a problem. I have a stomach the size of toddler. Does that stop toddlers from going out to eat? Nooooooo. They are everywhere you look. Are they all worked up because they can't eat a mountain of food? Nooooooo. None of them are feeling deprived. They're happy. You will be too.

I get 3 full meals from an entree, a little less if I share with my pets when I get home. No one gives a damn if you clean your plate or not. It's all about the fun, going to a nice place and having good food. You can make good food choices from any menu. I very rarely drank before surgery and I found my alcohol tolerance has lessened, but every once in a while I will order a drink before dinner and have a few sips because I want to. Four or five sips of wine or a Cosmo while waiting for the food doesn't affect the food volume for me.

I don't make an issue over what or how much or what I am eating and no one really notices. Of course my weight loss is really noticeable, but I have been talking about things like "the gym" and "watching what I eat" in general so the comments I do get are encouraging and playful in nature.

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There are so many little hidden gems to getting this surgery that outweigh the dread.

- Getting on a plane and not having all the eyes looking at you, praying you don't sit next to them.

-Going out to fancier dinners and having it be cheap cause you order off the appetizer menu.

-Knowing that everything in a clothing store will come in your size.

-much better sex

-not feeling like you are going to knock people over on a crowded sidewalk.

- hiking or swimming or tennis or whatever you used to dread cause it tired you out and hurt your knees, now is fun and a great way socialize.

As much as the health, the quality of life just multiplies. Your fears were my fears and will be the fears of future WLS folk, but you have to take into account the joy. There will be tough times, initially there will be pain. But time keeps moving ahead and what really sticks in those memories are the good times, the loving moments, the prideful senses of accomplishments. It's ok to be afraid, but also get excited, that's the emotion to grab ahold of.

Good luck.

Edited by Eli Alexander

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I got sublingual B12 at costco. I take Flintstones complete chewables twice a day, and whatever calcium+ chews they had at Costco. You prob won't be able to swallow the Biotin at first, but I was cleared to swallow pills after about a week when my staples came out. I actually didn't start taking any of my Vitamins until then--it was all I could do to get in Protein and liquid and I figured I wasn't going to become malnourished in a week. :)

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That is great! Thank you so much for the replies this is making me feel a lot better! I think it's just the shock of the liquid diet - it's not easy. Can you l please tell me what Vitamins I should buy. I know I need a chewable multi-v but I'm having a hard time finding chewable Calcium and b-12 other than the gummies which I was told is a no no. Also, can I swallow a tiny Biotin pill?

I was told to take a multi 2x's per day, calcium citrate 2x's per day, D3 1x per day and B12 sublingulaal 1 x every other day (now once a week). I bought an whole food multi from Whole foods, crushed it and took it mixed n a tsp of almond butter. I crushed the multi & calcium citrate until I was 6 weeks. I was allowed to swallow, the colace, omeprazole, D3 and Biotin since they are all relatively small pills. I go my B12 from Walgreens. (FYI - you want the B12 that is methylcobalamin, so make sure you read the label). Bariatric Choice sells chewables of everything.

I'll admit, I slacked on the supplements. I had a multi and biotin because I was already taking them before WLS. I got the omeprazole & colace because they were prescription. I didn't get the others until I was 2 mnths out. I was just too broke between meds and copays. I felt fine though. My doctor does blood work at 3 mths so I wanted to make sure all was well.

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@@2NewBeginningsxoxo check out my blog and download attachment. Vitamin info there. Got this from my surgeon and dietician at the hospital.


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If you got blue cross and your surgeon offers the nasal B12 once a week, the blues may pay for it. It is called Nascobal Home Delivery. They send you a package of the nasal spray, Calcium, multi and Iron.

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Natrol makes a strawberry chewable/dissolving Biotin. I'm like a 5 year old when it comes to Vitamins and pills. I want fruit flavors and dinosaur shapes if at all possible, lol.

I go out to eat all the time. It's not a problem. I have a stomach the size of toddler. Does that stop toddlers from going out to eat? Nooooooo. They are everywhere you look. Are they all worked up because they can't eat a mountain of food? Nooooooo. None of them are feeling deprived. They're happy. You will be too.

I get 3 full meals from an entree, a little less if I share with my pets when I get home. No one gives a damn if you clean your plate or not. It's all about the fun, going to a nice place and having good food. You can make good food choices from any menu. I very rarely drank before surgery and I found my alcohol tolerance has lessened, but every once in a while I will order a drink before dinner and have a few sips because I want to. Four or five sips of wine or a Cosmo while waiting for the food doesn't affect the food volume for me.

I don't make an issue over what or how much or what I am eating and no one really notices. Of course my weight loss is really noticeable, but I have been talking about things like "the gym" and "watching what I eat" in general so the comments I do get are encouraging and playful in nature.

This whole post has made my day! Especially this response! I started laughing hysterically.....which was my first serious laugh since wednesday when I started getting serious doubts yet I still have three months to go! :-) Loved the part about toddlers! Calmed me down a bit! :) So thank you to the original poster and to jerseycitygal! I'm a jersey girl too!

Edited by lilyrose245

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I agree with Lilyrose. All of these posts have been so wonderful and I appreciate all of the help and support. Jerseygirl, your response was what I needed to hear - the way you put it, really put it into perspective for me, so thank you. And Berd, thank you for such a great document. I can print that out and use it as a reference.

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Have you read The Emotional First Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery? I am reading it now and it has some good advice about pre-surgery worry and how to decide if you are ready for surgery or if surgery is even the right option for you.

My main advice would be not to feel that you HAVE to have surgery if you don't feel ready. With all the hoops you have to jump through and all the planning and preparation, it is easy to feel like you are on a runaway train. If you need more time or want to explore other options, don't be afraid to say so.

Having said that, some nervousness is to be expected. In fact, the nurse I spoke to before going into the OR said she worries when patients AREN'T worried. It may ease your mind to know that worry is a sign that you are taking this very seriously and going into it with realistic expectations.

Whatever you decide, let us know!

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I appreciate all of the encouraging words here they have helped a lot! I have decided to post pone my surgery for a bit. I am not mentally ready yet. I am doing a lot better than when I first began but my eating habits and workout habits aren't there yet. I have lost 20 pounds on my own so far and i want to continue setting a routine for myself for a while. Best of luck to everyone. Let's keep one another updated!

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@2NewBeginningsxoxo- I can completely relate to your worries. I had my sleeve surgery on 1/14/15 (so not too long ago 21 days ago).

The overall surgery went really well, but it was the gas that killed me. It hurt really bad so don't be afraid to let the nurses know that you want a gas pill! They gave me one that dissolved and oddly enough it made me throw up and I felt a ton better. I had a really hard time getting down liquids and spit up a lot after surgery. I ended up having a hiatal hernia so the opening of my esophagus and stomach was much tighter and swollen then normal (so it may be a breeze for you:).

I ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days before I could go home. Walking helps a lot, so bring some nice slippers! Some good things to bring to your surgery is slippers, your own pillow, and chap-stick!

When I got home, I found I didn't tolerate milk so I had to get liquid Protein (New Whey) and Protein that mixed well with Water and juice. I would highly recommend powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury strawberry sorbet (it tastes great with crystal light lemonade and orange). While I still can't eat much of anything, yet I have been finally feeling much better after getting over that horrible hump of the first 2 weeks.

Everyone is different and you could have some or none of the problems that come with the surgery. I regretted it at first when I was having a hard time and at times I still do, but it is getting better. The hardest part is your mind more so then your stomach. My mind sees food still and wants to eat but my body has no desire for it. Time and healing helps and I sincerely hope your journey goes great! While I'm not a veteran yet, please feel free to ask my any questions you have about the surgery and hospital stay.

Good Luck!

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All your feelings are perfectly understandable. I was very concerned about surgery. Mine ended up being postponed several times, which I think was actually a good thing. It was originally to be in Sept 2014 and I ended up having it Jan 2015. By the time I was able to get the surgery, I was very ready and motivated.

The first 2 days postsurgery were hard, the 3 days after that were slightly more tolerable. I'm 3 weeks out and doing GREAT. I've lost 35lbs since the start of my liquid diet January 1st.

i believe the surgery is like winning the lottery. Statistically, people who win the lottery return to their previous level of happiness one year after the event. So that is likely similar for most of us. That said, your health, mobility and eating habits will be better. You can't lose that like you could lose the money.

Compare that to one year later being the same weight or 20 lbs heavier and with health and quality of life on a downward trend. The probability is that the current path = the same or worse level of happiness, while the surgery path = the same or better happiness level.

You may, of course, lose weight and get healthier on your own. People have done it. Statistically speaking, the surgery has a 90% chance you will lose the weight and keep it off. For the morbidly obese, diet and exercise alone have closer to a 10% chance of doing the same thing. That's basically what made my decision to do the surgery final.

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For those who postponed......did you postpone before all the required visits were complete (i.e. dietician, psych eval, endoscopy) or after or in the middle?

I ask because I'm worried if I go through with all the apps and decide to postpone, how long those tests are valid for? Would i end up having to do them all again if a substantial amount of time went by?

I have asked this before with very little response.....i realize it depends on a lot of variables but those who had insurance, how much did you end up paying out of pocket with deductables and co pays and stuff?

Also, how much do you all spend on supplements/ vits?

Srry, have a lot of questions.......

Edited by lilyrose245

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I didn't postpone but I would suggest asking the doctor how long you can safely postpone for. They will be able to give you the best answer. I can answer the other questions. My out of pocket expense was $400 plus copays. (I can't recall if that included the $200 for the nutrition class or not). I had 3 appts with the bariatric team, 2 visits with the sleep center for my sleep study, an upper GI, chest xray, Pulmonary functions test, ultrasound of my legs and an appointment with the vascular surgeon because I had an IVC filter put in prior to surgery. I paid copays for the bariatric appts, 2 sleep center appts., & the vascualr surgery appt.

I bought my supplements and Vitamins from the drug store and not my surgeons office so they weren't extremely pricey.

I will say this. If you can, join a gym or start some form of regular exercise. I literally had no problems with surgery at all. I was walking in recovery, never needed pain meds & had no issues with gas ever. I think the fact that I had been exercising regularly may have helped. Either way, it couldn't hurt.

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@@2NewBeginningsxoxo, I think it was wise of you to postpone since you didn't feel ready. Do you feel really relieved today, knowing that you would have been in the hospital tomorrow? Or, do you feel disappointed and sad? Or a bit of everything...? Gauging those feelings about the missed surgery might help you make a longer term decision.

I am five weeks out from surgery now and have resumed life as normal (and normal is 35 pounds lighter!). I've gone to a wedding (a few days after surgery), out to dinner, drinking with friends, a baby shower, and several parties. I ate tiny quantities of whatever was offered, emphasis on Protein. Not one person noticed that I was eating like a bird -- everyone was too busy talking and eating to watch me. Yesterday I went to my favorite deli while out shopping. I ordered a sandwich and ate about a quarter of it. I didn't have room for the chips and cookie that came along with it, so that went to my DH.

I did have some rough Patches the first month after surgery - with the incision pain, difficulty swallowing, eating too fast & then feeling terrible, that sort of thing. I am glad that is behind me now. But, relative to the rest of my life, four weeks of adjustment is a small price that I willingly pay in exchange for the health benefits, dropping two sizes (already), ability to walk further and move more easily, and renewed hope. I see so much opportunity in front of me - beach vacations, business promotions, enjoying the outdoors with my family, wearing "normal" clothes, and improving health.

One of my motivations to have WLS was that my life insurance was denied due to my "height - weight ratio" (and they weren't saying I should get taller!). In 5 weeks, I have dropped from "Morbidly Obese" to "Obese", according to my NUT's body weight / BMI chart. This accomplishment of losing 33% of my total excess weight is something that I was unable to achieve in 20 years of dieting, exercise, pills, etc. I am in shock, awe, and anticipation, because this is just the beginning. With the WLS springboard, I will keep losing. I am absolutely determined to reach 100% of goal weight, and it is now possible.

I am telling you this not to convince you to have surgery. I am not conceited enough to think I know what is best for anyone else. I just want to express that the cost-benefit ratio in my experience was pretty darn good, and that WLS can offer new possibilities if you get to the point where losing weight is an impossibility.

Good luck in your journey, and please do keep us posted!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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