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The gist of the issue is whether or not a woman should have a right to end an unwanted pregnancy, not kill a baby.

A pregnancy IS a baby!

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t seems that most right wingers are just fine with intrusion as long as it does not affect their pocket books or their status.

Mainly as long as the intrusion affects OTHERS and not them. Unfortunately many who hold the right wing point of view are simply following along like blind stupid sheep

This is NOT true. Government intrusion takes away your freedoms and liberties. Too much of it is an infringement on the people and their rights. What affects one person affects everyone. Your generalization of conservatives as blind and stupid is offensive. I consider myself as an intelligent, well informed person. The liberal stand in the media as well as with others I talk to is very demeaning towards those who hold to the right. To insult us and to act as though you are mightier and superior in intelligence is a sign of the parties true lack of self esteem. Obma does it. Pelosi and reid do it. The far left media is especially guilty of it. You don't see me going around calling liberals or democrats stupid and dumb and sstuck with their head in the sand now do you? Is there any wonder why the American people are turning their backs on the far left democratic party? Their intelligence has been insulted and they get the feeling that liberals think they have all the answers and will tell the right what's best for them as if they can't figure that out without them.

I didn't say all, I specifically said many and I was talking about those who oppose health care yet would be the very ones who would most benefit from it. Those are the people who follow along mindlessly. No reason to be offended if you are wealthy and have excellent coverage and of course earn over $200,000 per year. It will be in your best interest to preserve the status quo.

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patty: "Your generalization of conservatives as blind and stupid is offensive. I consider myself as an intelligent, well informed person. The liberal stand in the media as well as with others I talk to is very demeaning towards those who hold to the right. To insult us and to act as though you are mightier and superior in intelligence is a sign of the parties true lack of self esteem. Obma does it. Pelosi and reid do it. The far left media is especially guilty of it. You don't see me going around calling liberals or democrats stupid and dumb and sstuck with their head in the sand now do you? Is there any wonder why the American people are turning their backs on the far left democratic party? Their intelligence has been insulted and they get the feeling that liberals think they have all the answers and will tell the right what's best for them as if they can't figure that out without them."

It is understandable that right wing extremists get riled when someone calls them names.

But the right wing extremists have brought it on themselves by the games they play. Glenn Beck crying on his program, wailing and saying things that when he is confronted dead on about the content of his diatribe, he admits he's no journalist and he's just an entertainer and he looks like an idiot. When Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson say things like the Haitian people brought the earthquake on themselves, they look like total idiots. When a group gets together to demonstrate as "tea partiers" and then publish photos of it on their network and the photos turn out to be bogus, they look like idiots.

I could go on but I think you get the idea.

P.S. I don't think the American people are turning their backs on progressives, I think that the American people are finally getting wise to the right wing extremist political games. I guess it all depends on where you're sitting as to what your view is of things and people in America.

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History shows that women have always tried to terminate unwanted pregnancies. When safe medical procedures are banned by law, they have resorted to dangerous--sometimes deadly--"back-alley" abortions.

There are over a million babies killed from abortions annually in America alone. Do you really believe that there will be that many fatalities from mothers performing their own abortions in back allies? If the law was reversed, and if they are going to break the law and kill their babies anyway, and they die doing it, then that's the consequence for their action. They shouldn't be breaking the law. If a drug abuser dies from his drug use, what are we to do? Legalize drugs so he could get them freely and be safe? NO! drugs are a detriment to society and should not be legalized! Abortions are a detriment to the unborn human beings and should not be allowed!

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You computations makes no sense. Invest money early on to avoid higher costs later. The prison system costs a fortune. We could save so much with a better investment in day care and school programs with more money available for assisting people who try to get ahead. It all ties in with gearing health care toward prevention. Our country needs a massive overhaul and only then can we stop wasting money to imprison and execute and provide expensive emergency and acute medical care to so many of our citizens.

Spend! spend! spend! and spend some more!!!! You think that this is the time to spend money to make money?! This is the time to pare down and STOP spending. Did you hear Obama last night in his speech. ALL those plans to SPEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just where is he going to get the money for all of his spending plans?! Hey! Why don't we just pay for EVERYBODY to get an education!? Something you liberals don't get. For everyone in this country who gets a free ride, someone has to PAY for it! We are DROWNING in our debt now!

The economy is issue #1. And the economy runs on money. When businesses and people aren't putting money into the economy then the government has to do it. It's an investment in our future. To get the economy jump started.

Healthcare is one-sixth of our economy. Addresssing healthcare and its costs isn't just about insuring the uninsured. Keeping down cost will HELP the economy and REDUCE the deficit.

Investing money in our infrastructure puts people to work and helps repair our roads, bridges, etc.. and can help build new rail transit.

Investing in clean energy and green energy makes sense just from a moral perspective. But it also will create jobs and help us become less dependent on foreign oil. And help reduce our deficit because we spend so much importing foreign oil.

And as we get people to work and start making things - all of these will have a positive effect on REDUCING the deficit.

So, yes, you need to invest money to make money and to get things going. It's an investment in jobs, the economy and our future. AND WHEN THE ECONOMY IMPROVES THE DEFICIT GOES DOWN.

Eisenhower was responsible for pushing for the modern highway system across this country. Just think what that did for interstate commerce and jobs. But I'm sure there were those who were against spending the money to do this.

And I guess when you were referring to people getting a free ride, you were referring to corporations (who you said are people) getting a free ride on wall street when they had a party with our money and we had to pay for it. I agree.

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I am pro-life and would have a baby if I were raped b/c I believe it is life. However, I do not hold it against my friends who have had abortions, and 4 of my very close friends have had them. Thankfully I had a man to marry and hold fast to when we got pregnant. But all in all i believe it is an ill of society, and reminds me of this quote by Mattie Brinkerhoff in 1869:

"When a man steals to satisfy hunger, we may safely conclude that there is something wrong in society - so when a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is an evidence that either by education or circumstances she has been greatly wronged."

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Every law abiding citizen is just one gunshot away from being a criminal.

I don't agree with that statement at all. I have owned a gun for 30 years and have NEVER used it. But if someone comes into my house and threatens me or my children in any way, I wont hesitate to.

I actually had two men invade my home and threaten to kill my 2 sons. They asked him for money and for a gun or weapons we might have in the house. They told him that if he called the police when they left that he would kill me because he claimed to know where I work. This, of course, was not true. They had a gun, and it was not legal for either of them to carry it. (who woulda thought?) I never got to use the gun I had in the home because they had a gun on us, and mine was locked up somewhere else, and I did not have time to retrieve it before I knew they were upstairs. But the point I'm making is that criminals don't abide by the laws. So if the laws said that guns were forbidded to be owned by society, then the only ones who would have a gun would be the criminals, and the police.

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It is cheaper to pay for education and give them a chance to become taxpayers than to send them to prison and support them. Do your kids all go to private school? If not we are all paying for their education too, as we should.

No one paid for the educations of those before them, so why should we start now? The government didn't pay for my dad's education. He worked hard and saved his money. He chose to drive a beat up old car instead of a brand new one and used the money to pay for his education instead. The government wasn't there for him and he succeeded JUST fine. He didn't end up in prison because the government didn't pay for his education. What are you trying to say? That if the government doesn't 'help' people get an education, they wont do it on their own? Get real.

I home school my children, and pay for their education out of my own pocket as well as my tax dollars going to pay for the education of everyone elses children in the public schools.:unsure:

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It is understandable that right wing extremists get riled when someone calls them names.

The problem is that the left does it so often, that it's become who they are. The Name calling Party. You know what they say about people who call others names? Those who lack self esteem. They 'need' to resort to name calling to uplift themselves.

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Originally Posted by Cleo's Mom viewpost.gif

Every law abiding citizen is just one gunshot away from being a criminal.

I don't agree with that statement at all. I have owned a gun for 30 years and have NEVER used it. But if someone comes into my house and threatens me or my children in any way, I wont hesitate to.

Then think about it. All it takes for that law abiding citizen to become a criminal is to use that gun in a non-law abiding way. One shot. And don't think that you can just shoot anyone who enters into your home willy-nilly. They have to pose a threat and they can't be shot leaving or running away (they are no longer a threat.)

Also, if that law abiding citizen's gun is played with by a minor and that minor accidently shoots and kills a playmate, then he become charged with a crime and is a criminal.

Also, every gun using criminal was at one time a law abiding citizen.

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No one paid for the educations of those before them, so why should we start now? The government didn't pay for my dad's education. He worked hard and saved his money. He chose to drive a beat up old car instead of a brand new one and used the money to pay for his education instead. The government wasn't there for him and he succeeded JUST fine. He didn't end up in prison because the government didn't pay for his education. What are you trying to say? That if the government doesn't 'help' people get an education, they wont do it on their own? Get real.

The cost of college education has risen FAR faster than the average workers salaries and has become out of reach for most in middle class america without burdening the students with huge loans. When your dad went to college, even when I went to college the tuition was reasonable. That isn't so anymore. Healthcare premiums and college tuition increases have just been out of control.

I went to 4 years at a state university for $4500 and that included everything including spending money.

Other than athletes on scholarships who goes to college for free? And there's always been financial aid. That's nothing new.

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It is understandable that right wing extremists get riled when someone calls them names.

The problem is that the left does it so often, that it's become who they are. The Name calling Party. You know what they say about people who call others names? Those who lack self esteem. They 'need' to resort to name calling to uplift themselves.

You think the right doesn't call liberals names? :unsure: Beck called Obama a racist. Limbaugh calls all liberal women (including Hillary and Nancy) feminazis. And of course it's been said and pictured here (by me and others) what the teabaggers signs have said about Obama.

But it's because the conservative right just says so many stupid things based on emotion, hate & fear, I think, is the reason they are so criticized by the left. Their complaints just don't make sense.

For instance:

T.E.A. (from their movement) stands for Taxed Enough Already. Well, guess what? These stupid people are paying fewer federal taxes than they ever have in their life. Obama gave 25 TAX CUTS, many of which gave 95% of wage earners a tax cut.

Death panels: THERE ARE NO DEATH PANELS in the healthcare bill and Sarah Palin and others know it. But it preys on people's fears and is a good media soundbite.

Remember that video of people waiting in line to see Sarah Palin (at a book signing) and they were interviewed by a guy asking them questions about Sarah Palin and they had no idea what she stood for? They said she was opposed to the wall street bailout but when the reporter showed them Palin's quote where she did support it- well they said they just didn't believe it.


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No one paid for the educations of those before them, so why should we start now? The government didn't pay for my dad's education. He worked hard and saved his money. He chose to drive a beat up old car instead of a brand new one and used the money to pay for his education instead. The government wasn't there for him and he succeeded JUST fine. He didn't end up in prison because the government didn't pay for his education. What are you trying to say? That if the government doesn't 'help' people get an education, they wont do it on their own? Get real.

The cost of college education has risen FAR faster than the average workers salaries and has become out of reach for most in middle class america without burdening the students with huge loans. When your dad went to college, even when I went to college the tuition was reasonable. That isn't so anymore. Healthcare premiums and college tuition increases have just been out of control.

I went to 4 years at a state university for $4500 and that included everything including spending money.

Other than athletes on scholarships who goes to college for free? And there's always been financial aid. That's nothing new.

My 3 adult children are in college right now, and they each are paying for it themselves. They go to the community college and it costs them approx. $3200. a year. 2 are working part time and one full time. My daughter pays her tuition on a monthly basis to the college. They still can afford it. They give me $100. a week room and board, they put some into a savings, and they pay for their own car insurance and gas and cell phones. I have another son who went to a trade school after college and is paying his loan at $250. a month. My daughter had a son and went to college at the same time and held down a full time job, and she paid for it herself! A college education is in EVERYONES reach. So don't go there. The government is NOT needed to get a college education. Hard work and an incentive to better yourself financially is all that is needed. I can't stand it when you liberals feel that if it wasn't for the help that the government provides to you, you'd fall in a hole and never get out!!:unsure: Anyone making $8-10. an hour can pay for their college tuition, AND an apartment. They may have to forgo thier eating out and movie nights out for a while and get rid of their new car and drive a used one, but they can do it.

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T.E.A. (from their movement) stands for Taxed Enough Already. Well, guess what? These stupid people are paying fewer federal taxes than they ever have in their life. Obama gave 25 TAX CUTS, many of which gave 95% of wage earners a tax cut.

They are not complaining about the taxes they are already paying. They are complaining about the taxes that are yet to come! With all of the spending going on, just where do you think all these trillions of dollars are going to come from? taxes collected from the people. either an outright tax on them, or on big corporations and the rich who will hand the tax over to the consumer in the form of higher prices on all products.(inflation)

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death panels: THERE ARE NO DEATH PANELS in the healthcare bill and Sarah Palin and others know it. But it preys on people's fears and is a good media soundbite.

No one says that the government will kill disabled (or elderly) persons directly, but that death will occur as a result of the decisions of cost controlling bureaucrats with the power to determine who can receive various treatments.

Death panels was a 'knick name' for that panel of people in the government who would make those HC decisions for us. Everyone understood that analogy for the term 'death panels'. Why couldn't you?

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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