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tink the great thing about your situation was that you were able to make a choice. What if the government decided that under your circumstances, you absolutely HAD to have an abortion?

You may think that sounds like an impossible scenario, but it is not. When the government gets involved, and I don't care whether it is the state or federal government, it is no longer a personal medical decision anymore. And if something happened, let's say an influx of millions of refugees after a natural disaster, and the government decided that rather than preventing abortion, they required that a woman must have an abortion unless the baby would be born into a household with two parents, do you think that would be a good thing?

I don't think many people would be very happy about that. Actually I don't know anyone who would embrace a law like that. And to me, it is just absolutely wrong for the government to make these kinds of decisions for women and their unborn babies, whether the government decides that a woman must have an abortion in a particular case, or whether a woman must not have an abortion in a particular case.

I think it is great that you chose to keep your child. Very admirable and a beautiful thing. I also think that those women who choose to give their children up for adoption so that their children can have a better life than they can provide, is also a wonderful thing. And in this country both of those possibilities exist and women are smart enough to make these life changing decisions based upon what they believe is best.

It is completely wrong for the government to force women to do what the government (made up of who? Supreme Court justices, Presidents, Congress, Judges?) believes women faced with such decisions should do.

This question is too important for a few people to make a ruling that impacts all women and their medical, perhaps life threatening, decisions. That is completely wrong. And it goes against everything that this country stands for.

Whether you believe women should have abortions is beside the point. No woman is required to have an abortion against her wishes at this point in time. (Let's hope it never comes to that.) On the other hand, neither should a should woman be prevented from making a decision that she and her doctor believe are in her best interests, even if it means that she must have an abortion.

How come its ok for the government to decide in favor of your personal beliefs?

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well i'm sure this will make some of you angry but so be it: women shouldn't use it as birth control, and alot do. I would never have one, but i can see sometimes maybe feeling you have no choice, life and death and all. so many people have brought up the rape thing, Well my best friend is the porduct of rape(my beautiful daughter) I don't regret having her at all. Although she doesn't know at 23, and i doubt she ever will. my ex was nice enough to give her his last name even though we were not togather at the time. not saying it's the way everyone should be. that's not up to me and not my choice. I only have to answer for what i've done in life. it boils down to i don't beleave in it but who am i to tell someone else what they can or cannot live with.

You made a wonderful decision to give life to a child who regardless of how she came into this world deserved to live. I commend you!

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tink the great thing about your situation was that you were able to make a choice. What if the government decided that under your circumstances, you absolutely HAD to have an abortion?

You may think that sounds like an impossible scenario, but it is not. When the government gets involved, and I don't care whether it is the state or federal government, it is no longer a personal medical decision anymore. And if something happened, let's say an influx of millions of refugees after a natural disaster, and the government decided that rather than preventing abortion, they required that a woman must have an abortion unless the baby would be born into a household with two parents, do you think that would be a good thing?

I don't think many people would be very happy about that. Actually I don't know anyone who would embrace a law like that. And to me, it is just absolutely wrong for the government to make these kinds of decisions for women and their unborn babies, whether the government decides that a woman must have an abortion in a particular case, or whether a woman must not have an abortion in a particular case.

I think it is great that you chose to keep your child. Very admirable and a beautiful thing. I also think that those women who choose to give their children up for adoption so that their children can have a better life than they can provide, is also a wonderful thing. And in this country both of those possibilities exist and women are smart enough to make these life changing decisions based upon what they believe is best.

It is completely wrong for the government to force women to do what the government (made up of who? Supreme Court justices, Presidents, Congress, Judges?) believes women faced with such decisions should do.

This question is too important for a few people to make a ruling that impacts all women and their medical, perhaps life threatening, decisions. That is completely wrong. And it goes against everything that this country stands for.

Whether you believe women should have abortions is beside the point. No woman is required to have an abortion against her wishes at this point in time. (Let's hope it never comes to that.) On the other hand, neither should a should woman be prevented from making a decision that she and her doctor believe are in her best interests, even if it means that she must have an abortion.[/quo

We are only pen strokes away from the government telling us that we must have abortions because when you devalue life at any level anything is game!

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I actually was remembering a song when I wrote "two hearts beat as one"... in the context of my post, it was a figure of speech, a romantic ideal and a sweet thought. I've had babies. I have had the initial guesses of whether it's a boy or girl based on whether the heartbeat is rapid or slower. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

It's interesting that you would choose to defend against the meaning of that figure of speech but you want us to expect "separate" to mean whatever you and them good ole' boys think it should mean.


tink: There's no doubt that you and I disagree on this topic. It's obvious that you are as passionate about your beliefs as I am mine. That's okay with me. You have the freedom to make the choices you believe in and so do I, right now.

However, you feel it is the right thing to do to take mine away when it comes to what you believe in. I think you should not have that right. And it is just as important to me as it is to you. Or maybe even more so.

We are hardly a pen stroke away from changing the law on abortion, but with the Supreme Court that we have now, it is probably only a matter of time. Trust me, I will organize the troops, march on Washington, lobby Congress, and do everything in my power - short of killing those who disagree with me - to keep women's right to choose, the law of the land.

kimaly: I am very offended that you have accused me of just wanting to argue. I hate to argue. But I do believe that I have rights that I absolutely must fight for. And this issue is not the only issue I believe in. Obviously whoever is president and the majority in congress have a lot of power and I will also fight to get people elected who share my beliefs. It may be offensive to you, but it is vital to me that my rights and those of other women not be taken away.

Please understand that I will would also fight just as hard if the government wanted to tell women, under any circumstances, that they had to have an abortion.

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I actually was remembering a song when I wrote "two hearts beat as one"... in the context of my post, it was a figure of speech, a romantic ideal and a sweet thought. I've had babies. I have had the initial guesses of whether it's a boy or girl based on whether the heartbeat is rapid or slower. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

It's interesting that you would choose to defend against the meaning of that figure of speech but you want us to expect "separate" to mean whatever you and them good ole' boys think it should mean.


tink: There's no doubt that you and I disagree on this topic. It's obvious that you are as passionate about your beliefs as I am mine. That's okay with me. You have the freedom to make the choices you believe in and so do I, right now.

However, you feel it is the right thing to do to take mine away when it comes to what you believe in. I think you should not have that right. And it is just as important to me as it is to you. Or maybe even more so.

We are hardly a pen stroke away from changing the law on abortion, but with the Supreme Court that we have now, it is probably only a matter of time. Trust me, I will organize the troops, march on Washington, lobby Congress, and do everything in my power - short of killing those who disagree with me - to keep women's right to choose, the law of the land.

kimaly: I am very offended that you have accused me of just wanting to argue. I hate to argue. But I do believe that I have rights that I absolutely must fight for. And this issue is not the only issue I believe in. Obviously whoever is president and the majority in congress have a lot of power and I will also fight to get people elected who share my beliefs. It may be offensive to you, but it is vital to me that my rights and those of other women not be taken away.

Please understand that I will would also fight just as hard if the government wanted to tell women, under any circumstances, that they had to have an abortion.

Touche BJean You and I have been on many posts always on opposite sides of the fence however unlike the last person I do not find you argumentative at all. Only as passionate as I am on certain topics. Thanks to what I consider God given rights in this country we are able to express our views openly and respectfully to eachother as we have even though we may disagree. I actually enjoy reading your posts and gadget Lady's I find you both very classy ladies!

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Wow, tink. I am flattered. That means a lot to me.

I am very thankful that we are able to say what we think and be able to express our feelings without being censured. Wouldn't it be horrible to live in a country like North Korea, where the government literally tells them what to think and how to behave? Or China where they actually believe it is acceptable to govern reproduction.

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I refuse to debate the abortion part of this thread, I just can't, I'm horrible debating it...but I'm answering to the political part... and I have to say that McCain said he will not work to change the republican party's call for a constitutional amendment banning abortions and I'm not saying I agree with him, I'm just stating what his position is.

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Or China where they actually believe it is acceptable to govern reproduction.

This is a theme you've repeated in a lot of your posts, and I want to address it. This objection to abortion is predicated on the belief that the goal of those against abortion is to control a woman's reproductive organs. That's simply not true. Our sole goal is to prevent the death of innocent human beings. If a woman chooses to use birth control, be sterilized, or be abstinent to prevent pregnancy, more power to her. If she chooses to have 10 kids or none, more power to her. The ONLY thing we're trying to prevent is taking the life of another human being once it exists -- not the control of women (just like any other murder law on the books doesn't aim to control the actions a potential murderer, but rather to prevent him from interfering with the right to life of another person).

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I am probably opening a can of worms here...God help me.

Those of you who are pro-life, is that in regards to everything or just abortion? How do you feel about the death penalty? Hospice care or comfort cares only in cases of terminal illness? I dont think that you HAVE to have the same opinions on all of them, just curious.

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I am probably opening a can of worms here...God help me.

Those of you who are pro-life, is that in regards to everything or just abortion? How do you feel about the death penalty? Hospice care or comfort cares only in cases of terminal illness? I dont think that you HAVE to have the same opinions on all of them, just curious.

I personally am against the death penalty. I wasn't always; it was actually the pro-life movement that transformed my beliefs on this issue. I do understand those who are both pro-life and support the death penalty, because the death penalty is imposed on people who have committed heinous crimes, while abortion is imposed on people who are 100% innocent of any crime.

I am also against medically-assisted euthanasia. Did you read the recent story about a woman in Oregon whose health insurance wouldn't cover the drugs for her cancer but WOULD cover assisted suicide? Scary stuff, there.

I believe everyone should have the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies, so long as it doesn't interfere with another human life. Therefore, I don't have a problem with suicide so long as the person committing the suicide doesn't make another person complicit in their self-murder. I believe that any time one person kills another (whether it be through abortion, assisted suicide, self-defense, or even a car accident) it has a grave effect on their psyche and they are never the same -- and it is never acceptable to drag another person into such a situation.

I should clarify there that I don't believe people SHOULD commit suicide and I think it's invariably tragic, but I do believe they have the RIGHT to commit suicide.

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I may have my own opinion for my personal choices but I've always felt that I have no right to impose my morality on anyone else. I suppose that makes me pro-choice. I don't feel it's my place to tell anyone what is right or wrong for them. And, never having had an unplanned pregnancy, etc, I can't really say what I'd do either. It's a very personal choice and shouldn't be decided by government or any religious organization. Only the woman in that circumstance should be allowed to make that choice. I will say, however, that I feel that the father should have some rights there. If the mother doesn't want to keep the child, the father should be given the option of keeping the child before the decision of an abortion is made. I just hate the idea of leaving the father out of the equation.

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Elenation: That's what McCain said when? I remember him saying that type of thing too. It is my understanding that he is now equivocating on the issue.

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My opposition to banning abortion is based on the idea that the government can interfere in a woman's life.

This right to rule a woman's life is is based on the belief of some people, that the government should control a woman by telling her what she must do under any (or practically any) circumstances in the event that she becomes pregnant.

Some people believe that it is correct for the government to intervene in women's lives because it may protect the life of the fetus. In fact they believe that in each and every case of pregnancy, a woman should be forced to continue the pregnancy, no matter what the circumstances or conditions are that could endanger the life of the woman. (Although some believe that certain exceptions should be permitted, i.e., rape or incest.)

The people who believe in taking women's right's away in this matter, want to be the decider in any and all cases. This faith driven belief is understandable since they believe that they are saving lives. Innocent lives. However that belief is not shared by everyone and not even shared by some scientific studies. There is huge controversy surrounding when life begins. But that is not the issue as far as I am concerned.

The issue is that the government is a faceless entity, that has no powers of reason or reasonable thought or ability to determine whether the fate of the woman is truly in jeopardy or not. It is unconscionable for us to think that it is right or fair for this horrendous decision to be put into the hands of the government.

In fact, a decision of this magnitude, of this importance, of this complexity, of this extremely personal nature, has no business being made by the goverment, the right to lifers or religious leaders or the Pope or anyone else but the people who are directly involved.

Some of you say that you have no desire to take women's rights away but that is exactly what you are wanting to do. You are wanting to make this hugely personal and life changing decision for all women to in effect, be yours. Never mind the situation or the people who are actually involved. You believe that you are saving lives and that saving the life of a baby trumps everything.

If your issue is truly to save lives, then I say go help these women you want to control. Help provide thousands and thousands of women the needed education about sex and birth control. For those who unintentionally become pregnant, convince them that you have a way to save their lives and the lives of their babies. Then come through on your promises.

Once you do that, and you have provided clear and meaningful ways to help the thousands of women who find themselves in the unfortunate circumstance of not being able to handle an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy, then you will be able to actually back up your beliefs in a very real and viable way. Thousands of babies lives will be spared due to your assistance. It will be a new day in this country and one where we can all hold our heads up high, a day where no one is casting aspersions on the unfortunate women who are pregnant without any kind of support. Those women who are desperate and in deep dispair. Yes, lives can be saved.

But if you believe that making abortion illegal will stop all the abortions, you are wrong. It will prevent some abortions and save some lives, but they will be a drop in the bucket compared to what the number is that you could save if you actually worked out financial, educational and practical ways to help all of these women. Organize a movement. You can even get the government involved. You can help women and save unborn babies and both will save lives. Outlawing abortion does not accomplish what you say that you want.

We know that. We've seen the babies in trash cans. We've seen women who have committed suicide when abortion was illegal and was not readily attainable. We've seen the millions of cases of horrible child abuse heaped on innocent children by the emotionally unstable parents of children who were not wanted.

Let's get real and help women. Let's stop treating pregnant women like they are carrying a commodity that the government can make decisions about. If you really want to save lives, this is how you'll do it. If you just want to control women and make them do your bidding, with utterly no regard for their personal circumstances, then keep on opposing women's rights. Keep on trying to make the medical procedure of abortion illegal.

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WOW GadgetLady we do disagree on something! I have read every one of your posts and BJeans and I can honestly say I didnt think we would separate on any issue. I am pro life, against euthanasia for all the same reasons GadgetLady mentioned but I am pro death penalty. However I think you may get varying responses for both sides of the fence on all those separate issues. Interesting question pearlygirl!

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