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Thanks gadget ;)

I would agree with you, it is for sure a mental survival mechanism, but that doesnt mean that it is a bad thing. When my mum died my sister and I talked about her going on holiday rather than saying the words - I never claimed to be sane!

Unfortuantly a lot of the women who would change their minds when shown a scan would later go on to resent the child and inflict those feelings on it.

I know that you will argue better that they are alive and onloved than aborted, but I have seen too many of my friends make that choice and it be the right choice for them for me to deny them that right.

Having a child is a HUGE responsibility and should never ne entered into lightly, every child deserves a home full of laughter.

I dont understand why abortion clinics dont fit an IUD after the procedure though, that way it shouldnt have to happen again?

One of my more radical thoughts was to offer Norplan all 16 year olds and then they have to make a choice to have it removed, thus hopefully avoiding the whole issue.

My daughter asked for an IUD to be fitted when she got into her first sexual relationship so that she would never have to worry about missing pills etc.

Nina x

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I'm sure there are those out there that would argue that a child isn't a "life" until they have a means to support themselves without their parents' intervention

Sue - I hope they dont my teenagers would be in biiiiiigggg trouble!!!

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I would agree with you, it is for sure a mental survival mechanism, but that doesnt mean that it is a bad thing.

It is a bad thing if it mentally helps you oppress someone.

Unfortuantly a lot of the women who would change their minds when shown a scan would later go on to resent the child and inflict those feelings on it.

There is no correlation between an unwanted pregnancy and child abuse. There have been numerous studies on the subject, and what has been found is that most abused children are wanted and planned.

Having a child is a HUGE responsibility and should never ne entered into lightly

I completely agree. But once the child exists, it becomes a totally different issue.

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Define abuse....... knowing that you werent wanted wont get you on the register, but it will sure screw you up. End result bitter anger on both sides. I can honestly say that I have had friends who if they had continued with their pregnancies would be living miserable lives now, so I am glad that they had that choice.

What about the contraception issue, what are your thoughts on that?

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Define abuse....... knowing that you werent wanted wont get you on the register, but it will sure screw you up. End result bitter anger on both sides.

We live in a fallen world. No one's life is perfect. Bitterness and anger in no way compare to dismemberment. Abortion is the ultimate child abuse!

What about the contraception issue, what are your thoughts on that?

I am a big believer in pregnancy prevention, both temporary and permanent. What green went through, not being able to be sterilized because of the law in France -- when she KNEW she didn't want to have kids -- and subsequently ending up with an unplanned pregnancy, is unconscionable (on the part of the government).

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LOL Nina - I was being sardonic - and I know that I was a teenager in every sense of the word - I think my parents were totally relieved when I finally "got a life" and pulled it together, so to speak...

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Lol sue, me too on both counts :boink:

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Ok gadget/sue/anyone how do I do a quote, it is driving me insane!!

Sorry to be a nube but everytime I do it a mulch it somehow.


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Ok gadget/sue/anyone how do I do a quote, it is driving me insane!!

Sorry to be a nube but everytime I do it a mulch it somehow.

Hit the button that says "quote" just below the post you want to quote. The original poster's text will come up in between two bracketed character sets. I'm going to replace the brackets [] with a different type of brackets {} so it doesn't put quotes all over this post, making it weird. The first bracketed character set will say {quote=(person you're quoting);(number of the post)} and the last one will say simply {/quote}. Anything in between these two bracketed character sets will show up as a quote.

I hope that made sense. Once you've figured it out, you can split up someone's quote by copying and pasting the first and last bracketed sets wherever you want them.


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The tide of public opinion is turning. The source is a pro-life one, but the surveys it cites are decidedly NOT. Highlights are mine.

Second New Poll Shows Majority of Americans are Pro-Life on Abortion

A second poll in as many weeks is showing that a majority of Americans are pro-life when it comes to abortion. Last week, a CBS News survey showed over half of the public opposes most or all abortions and now a new poll from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times has found the same thing.

The new media survey asked respondents which of four positions "comes closest to your view on abortion."

Some 40 percent of those polled said abortion should be illegal 98 percent of the time -- "except in cases of rape, incest and to save the mother’s life."

Another 10 percent took a pro-life position that "abortion should be made illegal without any exceptions."

Only 44 percent of Americans favor legal abortions, according to the survey, with 31 percent saying they should be "always legal" and just 13 percent saying they should be legal "most of the time."

The two media outlets interviewed 1,209 American adults from Oct. 19 to Oct. 22 and their poll has a three percent margin of error.

As LifeNews.com reported last week, a CBS News poll found 54 percent of Americans take one of three pro-life positions opposing all or almost all abortions and another 16 percent want more restrictions on it.

The October 12-16 poll asked Americans to tell CBS News their "personal feelings" on abortion.

The survey found that 16 percent of the public only favors allowing abortions "only to save woman's life" and another 34 percent think abortions should just be allowed in the very rare cases of rape, incest or to save the mother's life.

Another four percent of Americans want all abortions to be made illegal.

With the Planned Parenthood-affiliated Alan Guttmacher Institute showing that less than two percent of all abortions are done in cases of rape, incest or to save the mother's life, the CBS News poll shows 54 percent of Americans oppose 98 percent of all abortions.

According to the survey, just 26 percent of the public wants abortions permitted in all cases.

Another 16 percent want abortions to remain legal but to be subject to greater restrictions than they currently face.

In total, 70 percent of those polled want abortions illegal in most or all cases or subject to greater restrictions.

The CBS News poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,282 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone October 12-16, 2007. It has a three percentage point margin of error.

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Thanks Gadget for the advice :D I will try it in a bit and you cant laugh if I get it wrong!

Staying on topic noone is going to make the 54% have an abortion if they dont want one are they it is a very different situation.

Having as many kids as I have got I have changed my stance over the years and strangely enough become more pro-choice not less. If I were to get pregnant now ( not that I can) and a scan were to show an anecephalic baby or a similar magnitude disability, I would end the pregnancy, and I would do it mainly because of the enormous impact that it would have on my other kids.

Looking after a severly disabled child is a full time job, there is very little room for anything else, and whilst I have the utmost respect and admiration for those that can cope with that situation, I know that I couldnt do it.

The problem is that once you start going down the road of restricting abortions certain factions will push it further and further, and no argument ever is going to make me think that it is right to make an 11 year old victim of incest carry a child if they dont want to.

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I will start out by saying that never have and never will be pro choice. I am very pro life, and I dont understand why on earth ANYONE could kill their child under any circumstances. HOWEVER!! DONT WRITE ME OFF YET! I do support my friends in whatever they do (unless its like drugs or something much more detremental). I so happen to have had a roomie one time that I met through her going through an abortion...I do not believe it is morally right, however it wasnt my decision for her to have it, it was HERS and she did what SHE felt was right and what her heart led her to do. I understand WHY she did what she did, however, in some ways I dont.

Now let me tell you my story...Im 20 years old, Im 13 weeks pregnant, the father is a pathological schizophrenic symptom exhibiting alcoholic drug-addicted Jr. High Drop OUT LOSER! He all but forced me to get pregnant through his mental control over me. Im all alone now, he's gone, he found a girl that will let him do his drugs and drink his alcohol and wont make him keep a steady job and believes his lies, so he chose her instead of me and the baby. Needless to say, he's really screwed up in the head. But I am SOOOO happy and excited about having this baby! I cant wait to find out what it will be! Ive been excited from the beginning, and abortion NEVER crossed my mind as an option what-so-ever...that is until I called my ex-roomie, and she proceeds to tell me exactly how to "get rid of it" and how much it costs....she automatically assumed that just because I supported her decision and was there for her through her "thing" that I would choose the same option. Honestly, that was one of the hardest things Ive ever put up with in a sense, because she actually had a sonogram pic of the baby inside her, and she showed it to me after she had had the abortion, I almost cried, but I just remained silent for a few mins, I just couldnt get my mind of off the fact that she KILLED her child because it wasnt convenient for her to have one right now....Well then she shouldnt have had unprotected sex...same with me...I could have prevented getting pregnant had I really made the effort, its not entirely HIS fault, he just is a lot of it.

Let me also add in that I have been raped, and it was only about 5 months ago...Even as I went to get the pregnancy test/STD test at the clinic...I never thought of abortion. Its not that precious little life's fault that it was created when it wasnt the best of times for us. I would live my life in total regret if I had aborted my current pregnancy, every year I would have wondered what the child would have looked like...would it have my blond hair, its father's green/blue eyes, my fair skin? I just couldnt live like that, knowing I threw away another life just so I could live or more commonly live more comfortably.

Me I Mind you, that although this is not an option in my book ever, I do understand why some women do choose this option, and Im not a biggot over-conservative about it. Im not going to yell and scream and pout when someone gets an abortion...but it does make me sad when I find out someone that I know has....HOWEVER its THEIR decision, NOT mine...and like I tell all my friends "YOU do what YOU gotta do, to have whats best for YOU". I just saw this thread and thought I would add to it:p

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Having as many kids as I have got I have changed my stance over the years and strangely enough become more pro-choice not less. If I were to get pregnant now ( not that I can) and a scan were to show an anecephalic baby or a similar magnitude disability, I would end the pregnancy, and I would do it mainly because of the enormous impact that it would have on my other kids.

Looking after a severly disabled child is a full time job, there is very little room for anything else, and whilst I have the utmost respect and admiration for those that can cope with that situation, I know that I couldnt do it.

I find this comment very interesting, Nina. You see, I have known a number of people who have grown up with a handicapped sibling and without exception every one of these individuals has been bitter about the loss/transfer of parental attention and other family resources.

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The tide of public opinion is turning. The source is a pro-life one, but the surveys it cites are decidedly NOT. Highlights are mine.

Second New Poll Shows Majority of Americans are Pro-Life on Abortion

A second poll in as many weeks is showing that a majority of Americans are pro-life when it comes to abortion. Last week, a CBS News survey showed over half of the public opposes most or all abortions and now a new poll from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times has found the same thing.

The new media survey asked respondents which of four positions "comes closest to your view on abortion."

Some 40 percent of those polled said abortion should be illegal 98 percent of the time -- "except in cases of rape, incest and to save the mother’s life."

Another 10 percent took a pro-life position that "abortion should be made illegal without any exceptions."

Only 44 percent of Americans favor legal abortions, according to the survey, with 31 percent saying they should be "always legal" and just 13 percent saying they should be legal "most of the time."

The two media outlets interviewed 1,209 American adults from Oct. 19 to Oct. 22 and their poll has a three percent margin of error.

As LifeNews.com reported last week, a CBS News poll found 54 percent of Americans take one of three pro-life positions opposing all or almost all abortions and another 16 percent want more restrictions on it.

The October 12-16 poll asked Americans to tell CBS News their "personal feelings" on abortion.

The survey found that 16 percent of the public only favors allowing abortions "only to save woman's life" and another 34 percent think abortions should just be allowed in the very rare cases of rape, incest or to save the mother's life.

Another four percent of Americans want all abortions to be made illegal.

With the Planned Parenthood-affiliated Alan Guttmacher Institute showing that less than two percent of all abortions are done in cases of rape, incest or to save the mother's life, the CBS News poll shows 54 percent of Americans oppose 98 percent of all abortions.

According to the survey, just 26 percent of the public wants abortions permitted in all cases.

Another 16 percent want abortions to remain legal but to be subject to greater restrictions than they currently face.

In total, 70 percent of those polled want abortions illegal in most or all cases or subject to greater restrictions.

The CBS News poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,282 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone October 12-16, 2007. It has a three percentage point margin of error.

Incredible poll results, Gadgetlady! I am really surprised by the numbers, aren't you? Thank you for posting them!

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I would be both appalled and saddened should abortion receive a nation-wide ban in the United States even though this would certainly improve tourism in Canada.

Unfortunately this also means that only those women who live near to the border/can afford it will be able to come to Canada in order to obtain a safe and legal abortion. Those women who are financially disadvantaged will find themselves thrust back into olden times when abortions were illegal and often unsafe.

Now, please do believe me when I say that I have great respect and affection for you, Gadget, and for you, L8BloomR, but I do feel frightened by the present American political climate. It seems to me that this current drift to the right is characterised by Biblical strictures and a theory of morality based on an interpretation of this material; it is a right wing stance which is based on Christian theology and thus very different from the questions of economy management which had traditionally been the historical issues dividing the Republicans from the Democrats.

As you know, there is a significant number of people in your country who do not believe that a foetus which cannot survive outside of the womb is in fact a person. We believe that it is a promise of a person and we also believe that when push comes to shove the rights of individual who is already here trump that of the foetus. It is up to the woman to claim rights over her own body. If she does not have this freedom then she may as well wear a bluddy burqa and have a clitorectomy.

Plurality in an advanced democracy means that minorities are both heard and accomodated. If 54% of Americans are currently against abortion this means that these individuals do not have to engage in an abortion. These pregnant women can refuse to have 'em and medical personnel can refuse to aid and abet.

Should the moral majority succeed in squashing abortion, and do remember that you currently have a president who has eroded your civil liberties and invaded an oil-rich country claiming that he has Jesus's okay, you will be drifting dangerously into theocracy land. From my limited understanding of what your founding fathers were up to, this was not their plan. You might want to consider that ChristianLand might not be all that different from MuslimLand. It is a slippery slope. Please do avoid it. (The rest of the free world does need you, ya know.)

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