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I feel that if women get pregnant, then they should be forced to carry the baby till it is born, unless if by doing so, the woman's life is in danger.

We have laws about murder in this world, and they are there to protect the innocent. An unborn baby is an innocent.

Exactly why abortions are legal...to protect the innocent child carrying the infant!

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If I get pregnant again having a baby will kill me! Just carrying another baby could kill me...that seems pretty detrimental if you ask me. I meant why is it ok to kill in the name of God. Just because the harm isn't intentional doesn't mean it's ok. A fetus is a parasite...living off of the woman's body...that sounds like invading to me. So if the harm isn't intentional it's okay...."Sorry maam I didn't mean to slam into your child with my car as you both j walked...Sorry I didn't intentionally kill her" "Oh don't worry about it....as long as you didn't mean to it's ok"...come on now!

If you were to get pregnant, and your doctor deemed that if you carried it to term, that you would die from such a pregnancy, then it would be okay to have an abortion, IMO, because everyone is entitled to perform self defense. I have already stated my position on this many times. Abortions should only be performed when the life of the mother is in danger. If getting pregnant would be detrimental to your life, and you already know this, my advice would be to have your tubes tied or some other form of permanent birth control, so that there would be no chance of bringing a life into the world that you already know you will have to kill.

When a baby is formed in the uterus, he doesn't have any choice. He is put there. If his being there kills the mother, it is not his intentions to kill the mother. It just something that happened. It could not be helped. This is not murder in the name of God. This is life and what happens in this world. Some people die from cancer, but it's not murder in the name of God. Like I said before, if a pregnancy will lead to the mother's death, abortion is acceptable as a form of self defense. Any other reason to have an abortion would be murder.

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Exactly why abortions are legal...to protect the innocent child carrying the infant!

God designed the woman to be able to carry and deliver a child if she should get pregnant. The mother of Jesus was 14 years old when she gave birth to him.

A young girl who is capable of getting pregnant, must have had her menstrual cycle. I know that in the United States, it is not acceptable to have babies at a young age, and therefore, people here feel that a young girl is not able to deliver one. But this is not true in every case. Young girls can deliver babies. They do all over the world. If the young girl was deemed by her Doctor to not be able to carry and deliver her baby without getting killed herself, then it would be acceptable to have an abortion as self defense.

If a girl had an abortion, it was wrong to do so, but thankfully, we have a Creator God who is very forgiving. He forgives every wrong we have ever done if we ask him to. For those girls who have had abortions, God loves them and understands and forgives.

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If you believe that it is God's will that a woman or girl becomes pregnant and you also believe that a person should not interfere with God's will and you also believe that abortion is murder, then it makes no sense that you would believe that it's all right for anyone to get an abortion for any reason.

And I hope you never have to face a personal situation where you are conflicted between your own body and your beliefs.

As for what you believe as it relates to every other woman and what they believe, it's fine for you to make your beliefs known to them but you are not our creator and you have absolutely no business telling them whether they are doing the right thing if they choose to have an abortion, no matter what their personal circumstances are.

Hence the absolute necessity for this to not be a governmentally controlled issue.

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I was 7 when I started my period...so in God's eyes I was ready to carry and deliver a baby? Also on a more personal note I cannot have my tubes tied. I have 4 disorders that cause my blood to over clot and my OB has refused to do anymore operations on me. So in your eyes since god believes a child is able to have birth then does that make it ok for a man to have sex with a child?

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If you believe that it is God's will that a woman or girl becomes pregnant and you also believe that a person should not interfere with God's will and you also believe that abortion is murder, then it makes no sense that you would believe that it's all right for anyone to get an abortion for any reason.

There are many examples of people defending thier own lives in scripture, and God being in support of it. This is why I feel that it would be okay with God if a woman aborted a baby that would kill her if she had it.

And I hope you never have to face a personal situation where you are conflicted between your own body and your beliefs.

I will trust God's word if I ever am.

As for what you believe as it relates to every other woman and what they believe, it's fine for you to make your beliefs known to them but you are not our creator and you have absolutely no business telling them whether they are doing the right thing if they choose to have an abortion, no matter what their personal circumstances are.

I never claimed to be your creator.:) God gives me the right to tell others about what he has to say on issues. To say that I have "no business" to do so on a thread entitled "who supports the right to choose" is ridiculous. If we saw each other on the street or something and I overheard your conversation about having an abortion, then it would not be my business to tell you anything. But here, this is what we are discussing, so it is my business. If someone were to ask me what I felt about abortions and why, I would tell them.

Hence the absolute necessity for this to not be a governmentally controlled issue.

If the government tells people that they will not permit murder in this country, then they should tell them that they should not commit abortion either. They are one and the same.

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I was 7 when I started my period...so in God's eyes I was ready to carry and deliver a baby? Also on a more personal note I cannot have my tubes tied. I have 4 disorders that cause my blood to over clot and my OB has refused to do anymore operations on me. So in your eyes since god believes a child is able to have birth then does that make it ok for a man to have sex with a child?

You are an exception. Not very many girls are 7 when they get their periods. They are much older and more developed. This is from womens'health.gov:

When does a girl usually get her first period?

In the United States, the average age for a girl to get her first period is 12. This does not mean that all girls start at the same age. A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15. Most of the time, the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop. If a girl has not had her first period by age 15, or if it has been more than 2 to 3 years since breast growth started, she should see a doctor.

So, you see, you are not even on their list of being acceptable for a girl to have her period.(age 7) Therefore, it was very unusual for such a thing to happen. But it did, so if your doctor said that you would not be able to carry a baby or deliver it without dying, then having an abortion would have been the best thing for you to do to save your life.

So in your eyes since god believes a child is able to have birth then does that make it ok for a man to have sex with a child?

It is not okay for a man to have sex with a child. Men should not have sex with anyone except their wife. If they are married at age 13, then, yes, it is okay to have sex together. They are husband and wife. People in other countries and cultures get married at an age that Americans would call "child". Americans made the age limit for being an adult "18". God made the age limit at the time a girl gets her menstrual cycle and a boy goes through puberty. Then they become women and men. Before that, they are children.

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You are an exception. Not very many girls are 7 when they get their periods. They are much older and more developed. This is from womens'health.gov:

When does a girl usually get her first period?

In the United States, the average age for a girl to get her first period is 12. This does not mean that all girls start at the same age. A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15. Most of the time, the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop. If a girl has not had her first period by age 15, or if it has been more than 2 to 3 years since breast growth started, she should see a doctor.

WOW. Other's start around the age of 8...damn that really is much older and much more developed. lol. Girls are starting earlier and earlier.

So, you see, you are not even on their list of being acceptable for a girl to have her period.(age 7) Therefore, it was very unusual for such a thing to happen. But it did, so if your doctor said that you would not be able to carry a baby or deliver it without dying, then having an abortion would have been the best thing for you to do to save your life.

So for me to start a year early is not acceptable....way to judge. And let me tell you it is not that unusual for a girl to start young...also there isn't that much of a difference between 7 and 8.

So in your eyes since god believes a child is able to have birth then does that make it ok for a man to have sex with a child?

It is not okay for a man to have sex with a child. Men should not have sex with anyone except their wife. If they are married at age 13, then, yes, it is okay to have sex together. They are husband and wife. People in other countries and cultures get married at an age that Americans would call "child". Americans made the age limit for being an adult "18". God made the age limit at the time a girl gets her menstrual cycle and a boy goes through puberty. Then they become women and men. Before that, they are children.

That is exactly why the divorce rate is so high in the US. Do you really think a 13 year okd is ready for marraige? Aso if you do your research most of the young girls getting married in other countries/cultures are doing so against their CHOICE! Most are arranged weddings and they don't believe in your god...so I don't get the comparrison.

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WOW. Other's start around the age of 8...damn that really is much older and much more developed. lol. Girls are starting earlier and earlier.

Others don't start around 8. The average is 12. They have had reports of as young as 8.

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That is exactly why the divorce rate is so high in the US. Do you really think a 13 year okd is ready for marraige? Aso if you do your research most of the young girls getting married in other countries/cultures are doing so against their CHOICE! Most are arranged weddings and they don't believe in your god...so I don't get the comparrison.

I didn't say that I, personally, felt that getting married at 13 is a good idea. At the time when the bible was written, people were getting married at that age. But you have to remember, in those days, people were not ignoring God as they do today. People were committed to marriage once their vows to each other and God were said. When they promised to love honor and obey, they meant for life, and whether things were rosey or not betweeen the spouses, they worked it out. My husband and I have taken our vows to each other seriously. Divorce is NOT an option for us. (Even if it were, I would not divorce him because we love each other) But, if more people would go into their marriages with that stand, there would be less divorces. People need to go into marriage with the belief that "love is a decision" and divorce is not an option. We choose to love our partners, and their deeds whether good or bad should be forgiven. After all, isn't this what God does for us? No one is perfect, so when times get rough in a marriage, the one offended should choose to forgive and the offender should apologize. If they don't, then forgive anyway. God will reward you for your faithfulness.

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The idea of getting married because you are in love is quite new to human civilization. For a very long time arranged marriages were the rule, in the interests of the family or clan, and for political interests in the case of the ruling classes. In addition for many thousands of years boys and girls got married as soon as they had either the first period or the first ejaculation. Our DNA has a long memory, as it were, and it was instructing people to marry very young because there was a very good chance they would die before the age of 40 and also that 1/3 to 1/2 of the children would die before puberty.

In most cases 9 year olds are either bethrothed (engaged) or the marriage is not consummated until she reaches puberty. The history of marriage is long and very interesting.


Anthropology and histories of marriage

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I have no interest in getting into a discussion about marraige with you. It did not say that the were only accounts of a period starting at age 8...it says they will USUALLY get their first persiod between the ages of 8 and 12

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I have no interest in getting into a discussion about marraige with you. It did not say that the were only accounts of a period starting at age 8...it says they will USUALLY get their first persiod between the ages of 8 and 12

A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15. That's what it said. The youngest reported is 8 years old. 15 is the oldest and the average is 12. What's so difficult about that? Therefore, since you got yours even earlier than the youngest reported, you are an exception.

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I have no interest in getting into a discussion about marraige with you.

Really? Then why did you post this and therefore start the conversation?

That is exactly why the divorce rate is so high in the US. Do you really think a 13 year okd is ready for marraige? Aso if you do your research most of the young girls getting married in other countries/cultures are doing so against their CHOICE! Most are arranged weddings and they don't believe in your god...so I don't get the comparrison.

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I guess I realize why no one else is willing to get sucked into your religious vomit. I am so tired of you turning everything around. I was just responding to things you said. I'm not willing to go further into this conversation about marraige because we don't share the same views and you are not willing to listen to others. It does not say that the youngest reported is 8...I got this quote from more than one website: usually starting between the ages of 8 and 13. All About Menstruation

Monthly periods begin when a girl reaches puberty around age 10 to 14. It can happen a little earlier or later depending on the individual. Menstruation | Faze Health

The difference between you and I is that you are willing to change words and see what isn't there...I post it exactly as I read it. It says nothing about 8 being the youngest reported in fact....the youngest was even younger than I was! snopes.com: Youngest Mother

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