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The teabaggers act like deficits, government spending and expansion just happened under Obama.

No we don't. You just want to think that about them. They fully understand that all government is responsible for the spending that it does. But, Obama is the head honcho NOW, You liberals like to go back to the past presidents, like as if we focus on them, they can fix things now. Well, they can't. Get past it, huh? Obama is the president now, so he's the one who has to do something about the spending now. I could give 2 hoots about what all the past government people have done. And that's my point!!! Those who criticize Obama now for the same things bush did were silent under him. IF THEY HAD BEEN AS VOCAL AND ENGAGED IN CONSTANT BASHING AND PROTESTS OF BUSH WE PROBABLY WOULDN'T BE IN THE SITUATION WE ARE IN NOW. SO YES, IT DOES MATTER WHAT BUSH DID. AND IT DOES MATTER THAT THE SCREAMERS NOW WERE SILENT THEN. BUSH CREATED WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH NOW. OBAMA IS ONLY CLEANING IT UP. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE NEED TO CLEAN UP - THEN BLAME THE PERSON WHO MADE THE MESS. BUSH. ALL I care about is what the president we have right NOW is doing, which is MORE OF THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pres. Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. The people clammored for help with the economy when he was elected. It was issue #1. They wanted him to do SOMETHING. So, he did something, he passed a stimulus bill which by all accounts started to turn the economy around and keep it from a free fall into a full fledged depression. But the people blame him for this.

If he had done nothing, then the stock market would have crashed, there would be no money circulating in

the economy, many more businesses would have gone under and the unemployment rate would be over 15%. Now, while you might think that is acceptable, had he done nothing then he would have been blamed for the above scenario and people would be screaming for him to do something.

So, you see, he was in a no win situation. He can take the heat because he has said he will tackle the tough problems ignored by past presidents. And he doesn't care if it costs him re-election. How refreshing, when bush's attitude was - put out any lie that will insure my re-election.

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and there would be more young girls doing things to make themselves lose the baby and going over the border to have abortions and more young people abusing and shaking babies that they never wanted and were not ready for and leaving their babies in dumpsters

So, because they might do this, that justifies keeping the law as it is? So, let's allow drugs to be legal because people are going to use them anyway. We might as well make it safer for them to use drugs by legalizing tham. Oh brother!

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Pattygreen: You have a heck of a nerve to make such a blanket statement like that.

You criticize me for making the blanket statement that most anti-abortion people don't care about babies or people AFTER they're born?

And yet YOU make blanket statement after blanket statement all the time about the people who receive government subsidies. They need to work more jobs, save more, just do more because they are lazy, shiftless and just want to live off the governement dole and do nothing all day but watch cable tv on their big screen tv's.

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Pattygreen: "A conservative tends to have higher moral standards than a liberal".

Were you laughing when you wrote that? Because I was laughing when I read it. Seriously?? I offer the following as exhibit A (space does not allow me to go further back than these years, but should you want, I can go back to the early 90's -lots more!)


Mike Duvall, a Republican politician and a former member of the California State Assembly, resigned after his sex comments were broadcast. In the video, the married family-values crusader from Yorba Linda talks in graphic detail about women he said he slept with -- at least one of whom appeared to be a lobbyist with business before the utilities committee on which Duvall sat as vice chairman.[1] [2]

Paul Stanley, Republican former member of the Tennessee Sen., resigned from the state Senate effective Aug. 10, after his affair with a 22-year-old intern and a subsequent extortion attempt was revealed to the public. [3] [4]

Mark Sanford, governor of South Carolina, disappears during Father's Day weekend, returning to confess an extramarital affair in Argentina.[5] [6] [7]

John Ensign, Senator from Nevada, refuses to resign after confessing to an extramarital affair with a married staffer, claiming she was trying to extort him.

Later, it was learned he was attempting to pay her and her husband off through his parents and finding them jobs.[9]

Alan_David_Berlin.jpg Alan David Berlin in all his glory

Alan David Berlin*, He is an aide for Senator Jane Orie of Pennsylvania. He is also a furry who contacted a fifteen year old boy over the internet, and offered to "yiff" the boy in a panda outfit, while his parents weren't home. The parents discovered the graphic emails on the boy's computer and called the attorney general's child predator unit sometime in May. Police raided his home and discovered various furry outfits such as a wolf costume, as well as a cat outfit; all complete with two holes cut out at the undersides of the costumes. He is now arraigned in Dauphin County jail on a $250,000 bail.

[12] [13]

Possibly Chip Pickering and a number of others. [14]

Michael Duvall, California state Representative in September 2009:

  • "Graphic sex-bragging caught on tape".[15]
  • Then lies and denies it and blames media [16].
  • Finally apologizes and resigns[17].


Bruce Barclay, former Cumberland County commissioner, videotaped hundreds of sexual encounters — many with male escorts — using cameras hidden throughout his Monroe Township home.[18]

Matthew Joseph Elliott, former aide to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, was convicted of sexual exploitation of a child.[19]

Vito Fossella, the only Republican member of Congress from New York City, admitted to police to having a child out-of-wedlock when stopped for drunk driving.[20]

Robert McKee, Republican delegate from Western Maryland, announced his resignation after authorities seized two computers, videotapes and printed materials from his Hagerstown home in a child pornography investigation. McKee also resigned his position as executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County.[21]

Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, a Utah retailer of "family-friendly" tapes and DVDs (Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" removed), arrested and booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old.[22]

Derek Walker, former Eagle Scout and candidate seeking the GOP nomination in a race for north-central Pennsylvania district, was charged with felony burglary and criminal trespass stemming from an encounter last year with an ex-girlfriend, during which he allegedly broke into her home and used his cell phone to videotape her engaged in an intimate moment with another man.[23]


Robert "Bob" Allen, Florida state Rep. arrested in the afternoon at a Veteran's Memorial Park for solicitation of prostitution from an undercover male officer inside a restroom. According to the papers, Bob "offer[ed] to perform oral sex for $20". Bob later claimed that his offer had something to do with his being afraid of black people.[24]

John David Roy Atchison, Republican prosecutor, was arrested for soliciting sex from a 5-year old girl, then killed himself three weeks later. At the time of his arrest, Atchison was an "assistant U.S. attorney" appointed by President Bush's attorney general.[25]

E. Ozwald Balfour, chairman of the Utah Republican Black Assembly and elected to the Republican State Central Committee in 2007, even though he was awaiting trial on four felony counts of forcible sex abuse dating back to his arrest in February, 2005.[26]

John Bryan, Republican city councilman, killed himself after police began investigating allegations that he had molested three girls, including two of his adopted daughters, ages 12 and 15.[27]

Larry Craig, Republican Senator for Idaho, was arrested on July 11, 2007, by plainclothes police officer investigating complaints of lewd behavior in a Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport airport men's room. On August 8 in Hennepin County Municipal Court in Bloomington, Minnesota, Craig entered a guilty plea and paid a $500 fine.[28]. On September 1st, Craig subsequently announced his retirement from the Senate[29]. Five days later, Craig changed his mind, renounced his retirement and began a battle to have his guilty plea overturned.[30] Craig supported the Federal Marriage Amendment, which barred extension of rights to same-sex couples; he voted for cloture on the amendment in both 2004 and 2006, and was a cosponsor in 2008. However, in late 2006 he appeared to endorse the right of individual states to create same-sex civil unions, but said he would vote "yes" on an Idaho constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages when pressured to clarify his position by the anti-gay rights advocacy group Families for a Better Idaho. Craig voted against cloture in 2002, which would have extended the federal definition of hate crimes to cover sexual orientation.[31]

John R. Curtin, Monroe County state Republican committeeman, was convicted of molesting an underage teenage boy and sentenced to serve six to 18 months in prison.[32]

Richard Curtis, Washington State Rep., resigned from the House after reports of his sexual encounter with a male escort became public.[33] Curtis has an anti-gay rights voting record. He voted against domestic partnerships for gays and opposed a bill prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.[34]

Donald Fleischman, Brown County, WI, Republican Party Chairman, resigned his post after he was charged with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child.[35]

Larry Dale Floyd, Republican Constable in Denton County, Texas Precinct Two. Arrested for allegedly crossing state lines to have sex with an 8-year old child and was charged with 7 related offenses. Age 62 at time of arrest.[36]

Ted Klaudt, former South Dakota State Rep., found guilty of four counts of second-degree rape of two teenage foster daughters.[37] [38]

Ronald C. Kline, Republican Judge in Orange County, CA, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer after six years of legal wrangling. In 2002, charged with child molestation and under house arrest on federal charges of possessing child pornography, political analysts still gave him a 50-50 chance of winning the March 5 primary for the Orange County Superior Court seat. He lost the election to a write-in candidate.

Joseph M. McDade, 75, was issued a summons on a charge of exposure of sexual organs, a misdemeanor that carries up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. The longtime Pennsylvania Republican congressman who served for 36 years in the House and now works for a Washington lobbying firm, has been accused of exposing his private parts to two women at a beach resort on Sanibel Island. [39]

Patrick Lee McGuire, former former Flagler County Commissioner, surrendered to police after allegedly molesting girls between the ages of 8 and 13.[40]

Jon Matthews, Republican talk show host in Houston, was indicted for indecency with a child, including exposing his genitals to a girl under the age of 17.[41]

Joseph Monteleone Jr., Elyria city councilman, was found guilty of fondling underage girls and asking them to have sex with him.[42]

Glenn Murphy Jr., chairman of the Clark County Republican Party and president of the Young Republican National Federation, resigned both posts, after the Clark County Sheriff’s Department began investigating Murphy for alleged criminal deviate conduct. A 22-year-old man claimed that Murphy performed an unwanted sex act on him while the man slept in a relative’s Jeffersonville home. During the investigation, a similar accusation from 1998 came to light.[43]

Armando Tebano, Schenectady County Republican Chairman, pleaded guilty to fondling a 14-year-old girl.[44]

David Vitter, junior Senator from Louisiana, became one of the few high-profile politicians to be implicated as a client of "D.C. Madam" Deborah Jeane Palfrey.[45]

*Sen. Jane Orie's office is now being investigated for using her office workers to campaign for her sister who was running for the state supreme court while working in the office on taxpayer's time and money, a violation of campaign rules.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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And he doesn't care if it costs him re-election. How refreshing, when bush's attitude was - put out any lie that will insure my re-election.

He certainly DOES care if it costs him his reelection! He just knows that everything he's doing in office is pissing the people off cause he's not abiding by their wishes and we appointed him to serve us, not himself and congress and all the other fat cats on the hill. He knows that a reelection after all he's done is probably not in the cards for him (or the democrats in Congress for that matter) so he says he doesn't care if he gets reelected because it makes him look like a people person, and not like the rest of the feds. He tries to make himself out as someone who is different in the WH and someone who isn't looking out for #1, but we see right through that. He's just like all the rest. Spend! spend! spend! and spend some more!!! Tax! Tax!! Tax!! and tax some more!!!

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So, you think that by posting the 'sins' of conservatives, you convince me? No, for all sin. I could come up with a list of liberals equal in length or probably even longer. I was talking about a moral standard, not sin. People who are morally grounded tend to be more conscious of their decision making when it comes to moral issues,. especially issues that are to be imposed upon the people. Christians (usually conservative republicans) for the most part try to live moral, virtuous, nonsinful lives. They are not exempt from doing wrong, but they tend to do wrong less than their counterpart. (unbelievers, who tend to be more liberal) They don't have the moral charachter that conservatives have. Oh, they believe they do, but their morals come from their own desires, whatever they feel is right or wrong is right or wrong to them.


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and there would be more young girls doing things to make themselves lose the baby and going over the border to have abortions and more young people abusing and shaking babies that they never wanted and were not ready for and leaving their babies in dumpsters

So, because they might do this, that justifies keeping the law as it is? YES!!! IT does . So, let's allow drugs to be legal because people are going to use them anyway. We might as well make it safer for them to use drugs by legalizing tham. Oh brother!

Who said anything about legalizing drugs ???? you get off on tangents that have nothing to do with pro choice/pro life. OH BROTHER! I guess you could start a thread about drugs if you want, and then I would put in my 2 cents about that issue.

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Yes we keep drugs illegal and it's worked so well for us. Yeah, right.

patty you're entirely wrong with your constant generalizations about which of the two extreme political viewpoints is held by the more morally upright citizens. It is even more biased and unfair than nearly everything you've posted. And that's saying a lot.

Reading and quoting the Bible does not in any way define a person's moral standards. All it tells us is that the person can read and quote the Bible. The only way we can gauge a person's moral standards is to observe their behavior.

If you go by the behavior of extremist, so-called Christian right wingers, one can quickly determine that for all their claims of being better people because of their Christian beliefs, they do not behave in such a way that they garner our respect. In fact, quite the opposite is true.

So for you to continue to claim that right wingers and extremist conservatives take the higher moral ground is sure making you lose any credibility whatsoever.

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[quote} they demonstrate with their words and arguments that they do not care one whit about the women who are facing the horrible and gut-wrenching decision of whether to have an abortion.

We don't have anything to say about the women who kill their babies. They just don't get it that its murdering a life. We certainly do understand that they are in a dilemma if they didn't want to have a baby, but once they are pregnant, and the life has begun, what are you gonna do? Have a baby. Oh, well. So, you have it and support it or choose to put it up for a doption. If abortion were not a choice, there would be soooooo many more women who would be careful with their sex lives and not throw it around like it wasn't a way to pro-create. There would be alot more women using rubbers or calculating when they ovulate. Maybe they'd even wait till they were married and ready to have a family. Who knows? But to say that because we don't want babies murdered, we don't give a hoot about pregnant women who don't want to be pregnant is bogus. We just are more concerned for the one of the two with the worser problem at hand. The baby whose about to be killed. The mother?, well, she just has to carry and deliver a baby she doesn't want. the baby? well, he's facing execution. For pro lifers, that trumps her dilemma. So, it may seem to you that we don't care about the women here, but that's not true, we just focus our concern on the one whose facing the death sentence over the one whose facing a 9 month term.

You act like carrying a baby for 9 months is a walk in the park! I am in my 8th month and I have to have a shot every morning. Then I have to have a weekly shot and I had to have 2 steroid shots. I also have to see an OB and a Perinatologist. I also have to go see a Cardiologist due to pains I have been having in my chest. I also have to purchase expensive clothes, Vitamins, folic acid, gas to go to and from my weekly appointments. I have to have monthly ultrasounds, which, without insuarance are expensive. I also have to find someone to watch my son for my appointments because my perinatologist doesn't allow children at their office. You act like pregnant women just skip through the flowers and pop out a baby with no ill effects to the woman carrying them....there are financial, emotional, physical, and strains to their overall health and well being!

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And he doesn't care if it costs him re-election. How refreshing, when bush's attitude was - put out any lie that will insure my re-election.

He certainly DOES care if it costs him his reelection! He just knows that everything he's doing in office is pissing the people off cause he's not abiding by their wishes and we appointed him to serve us, not himself and congress and all the other fat cats on the hill. He knows that a reelection after all he's done is probably not in the cards for him (or the democrats in Congress for that matter) so he says he doesn't care if he gets reelected because it makes him look like a people person, and not like the rest of the feds. He tries to make himself out as someone who is different in the WH and someone who isn't looking out for #1, but we see right through that. He's just like all the rest. Spend! spend! spend! and spend some more!!! Tax! Tax!! Tax!! and tax some more!!!

Gee, you better call Gibbs and tell him he got it wrong!!

Gibbs: Obama Willing To Be One-Term President To Get Health Care, 'Important Things' Done

President Obama is "quite comfortable" with being a one-term president if that's the price he has to pay to get "important things done," including health care reform, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said today.

I have heard the president say that, if making tough decisions in getting important things done that Washington has failed to deal with for decades means he only lives in this house and makes these decisions for four years, he's quite comfortable with that.

Gibbs said he hadn't heard him say that "specifically on health care," but said it applied to issues including reform, the economy, Afghanistan and Iraq.

"The way he approaches [these issues] is not in a mode of self preservation, but in a mode of how best, given all the information out there, how best he can make decisions in the best interest of the American people," he said, "not what's in the best interest of his polling numbers."

Last week, Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA) told a town hall that he'd heard Obama say he was willing to lose his chances at re-election over health care reform.

How refreshing for a president to put the welfare of the american people above his political future, unlike bush who upped the terror threat level before the Nov. 2004 election and had cheney out there saying how if the democrats got elected we'd all die.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Yeah and Cheney is still talking tripe and why people listen to that greedy bird squawk is beyond me.

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Who said anything about legalizing drugs ???? you get off on tangents that have nothing to do with pro choice/pro life. OH BROTHER! I guess you could start a thread about drugs if you want, and then I would put in my 2 cents about that issue.

Do you know what an analogy is? maybe you should look up the word.

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So, you think that by posting the 'sins' of conservatives, you convince me? No, for all sin. I could come up with a list of liberals equal in length or probably even longer. I was talking about a moral standard, not sin. People who are morally grounded tend to be more conscious of their decision making when it comes to moral issues,. especially issues that are to be imposed upon the people. Christians (usually conservative republicans) for the most part try to live moral, virtuous, nonsinful lives. They are not exempt from doing wrong, but they tend to do wrong less than their counterpart. (unbelievers, who tend to be more liberal) They don't have the moral charachter that conservatives have. Oh, they believe they do, but their morals come from their own desires, whatever they feel is right or wrong is right or wrong to them.


While you're patting yourself on the back and singing the praises of your fellow conservatives as doing wrong less than liberals and being more moral, let me add what else I think conservatives are more likely to be:

1) judgemental

2) bigoted

3) mean-spirited

4) intolerant

and last but not least

5) hypocritical

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Gee, you better call Gibbs and tell him he got it wrong!!

Gibbs: Obama Willing To Be One-Term President To Get Health Care, 'Important Things' Done

President Obama is "quite comfortable" with being a one-term president if that's the price he has to pay to get "important things done," including health care reform, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said today.

I have heard the president say that, if making tough decisions in getting important things done that Washington has failed to deal with for decades means he only lives in this house and makes these decisions for four years, he's quite comfortable with that.

Gibbs said he hadn't heard him say that "specifically on health care," but said it applied to issues including reform, the economy, Afghanistan and Iraq.

"The way he approaches [these issues] is not in a mode of self preservation, but in a mode of how best, given all the information out there, how best he can make decisions in the best interest of the American people," he said, "not what's in the best interest of his polling numbers."

Last week, Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA) told a town hall that he'd heard Obama say he was willing to lose his chances at re-election over health care reform.

How refreshing for a president to put the welfare of the american people above his political future, unlike bush who upped the terror threat level before the Nov. 2004 election and had cheney out there saying how if the democrats got elected we'd all die.

Wow! you people believe evry word that protrudes from his mouth, don'tcha? Don't you know that politicians lie? He's from Chcago at that.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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