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  1. 1. Are you Pro Life

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    • pro choice only for extreme cases ie Mothers in danger of death

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Isn't it funny how that picture just keeps getting ignored for the face value it is by the so called reich? Stated yet again, 38 days after Obama took office. Hardly long enough to move the furniture in, hardly long enough to get a response from a job application. 38 days. Hardly long enough to complain about Obama. What did he and his tea douche baggers have? The N word, that's it. As stated earlier, the so-called patriotic group was formed because Obama was black, and us liberals know this. That is why they get zero respect.

And if anyone joined the group and didn't know their leader felt this way.......then they were suckered. Did they know their guy?

Why is this really bothering you? So this guy is a racist. There are alot of racists in this country. I just ignore them. They are insensitive, unintelligent, and must have self- esteem problems. Why should what this guy has held up be such a bee in your bonnet? When people like that do those kinds of things, I just feel pity for them and leave it at that. The tea party group is not following 'Him" and his bigotry. They like the idea behind having a new party that is against the growing federal interference in American's lives. They like that there is a party out there that is against the BIGGNESS of government. If this is the first time that I have seen that photo of him holding a racist sign, then I'm sure it's the first time for others and maybe some have not seen it at all. Now, you like the idea that you can use this sign and him to discredit what the tea party stands for, and that's okay. You're wrong, but you can believe what you like. I , for one, don't see the tea party as a racist thing. You, OTOH, need to because it makes it much easier for you to hate them. So, use the photo to enhance your hatred towrd them. It makes you feel good, so do it.

Your postings of the photo keeps getting ignored because others see him as a protestor like those who held up Nazi over Bush's photo and 'KILL Bush" over his photo with a noose around his neck by the democrat liberals. Idiots. We felt the same way about those democrats as you do about this guy. Just ignore people like that. I do.

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The term should really be anti-abortion because the term "pro-life" implies that they actually care about those already born, and they don't. If they were truly pro-life, they would care about those lives lost due to lack of healthcare insurance. But they don't. If they were truly pro-life, they would care about all the unwanted, mixed race, black and handicapped babies born that are not adopted. And they don't. Or the older children in foster care. And they don't. Or the homeless who die each year, and they don't. So the term pro-life is inaccurate. They are anti-abortion, period.

You are really talking through your butt here. I am against abortion. I have taken in and cared for 3 children that were not my own. From before the age of 1 till this day at age 22 and 23. Both biracial, and babies that were born to alcohol and drug addicted moms, and even a boy who was 11 when I got him from a mom with schitzophrenia who neglected him. So, to state that pro lifers don't care about the children who are already born, or the older children or the homeless is bogus. You have a heck of a nerve to make such a blanket statement like that. Just how many older, biracial, handicapped children have you taken in? Give me a break! People can be against abortion and still care about the lives of others. For someone to say such a thing, yet gives no damn about the lives of the millions of babies sucked out with a vacuum and some of them have even been heard screaming, makes me sick!!!!!!

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Just because you care so much for children that aren't your own doesn't mean that all "pro lifers" do! I have a biracial, special needs, disabled son and I love him to death, but many doctor's have said that if they would have known his problems while I was pregnant they would have offered termination to me and while that wouldn't have been something I would have done I would never want to push this life onto someone else....Just as women that abort when they find out their babies have DS or another problem...I don't think that is wrong even though it is not something I would do.

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C'sM: You go girl!!!

People accuse progressive people of drinking the "yes we can kool-aide" but I find that to be ludicrous. We've been saying the same things for years. We've been putting up with the Republicans and right wing for years. This president didn't invent any of what we're fighting for. He only gave us hope.

The Republicans and ya-hoos like the bean brain pictured above have been led down some mighty absurd paths where they like to make believe that it's about the economy and taxes and big government. But those of us who know that the Republicans have been the downfall of a good solid strong middle America, just ain't buying the teabaggin' B.S. they're peddling.

Edited by BJean

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Good HONEST arguments about reforming certain programs and lowering taxes for middle income people and small business owners is welcome. Those things are interesting and give us valid points to debate.

But the teabaggers, birthers, Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, the "Company" and the rest of the the gangsters that work for Rupert Murdoch are making the intelligent and informed conservatives look really, really bad. They're trying to scare the progressives with their proverbial torches, but they're slowly and surely burning the Republican party into the ground.

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I think I can speak for some of the posters here when I say that many anti-choice people prove that they demonstrate with their words and arguments that they do not care one whit about the women who are facing the horrible and gut-wrenching decision of whether to have an abortion. They argue for no gun legislation whatsoever. They wholeheartedly support capital punishment. Heck patty, even you say you want to imprison a woman who would make a decision to have an abortion. You don't care about the woman or her problems. You have made a decision about abortion being murder and you'll argue til the world looks level that women need to be forced to have babies and that women should not have the decision-making capability to make their own choices about whether or not to bring a living breathing human being into the world.

Your answer to everything is that 1) adoption makes it ok to bring an unwanted, unplanned for or possibly deformed or handicapped child into the world and 2) the woman deserves what she gets for having sex.

Some caring person you and other anti-choice people prove yourselves to be. Whether you fostered or adopted or personally had 10 kids means nothing when you make those incredibly incompassionate arguments about life and liberty in the U.S.A.

Edited by BJean

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The term should really be anti-abortion because the term "pro-life" implies that they actually care about those already born, and they don't. If they were truly pro-life, they would care about those lives lost due to lack of healthcare insurance. But they don't. If they were truly pro-life, they would care about all the unwanted, mixed race, black and handicapped babies born that are not adopted. And they don't. Or the older children in foster care. And they don't. Or the homeless who die each year, and they don't. So the term pro-life is inaccurate. They are anti-abortion, period.

You are really talking through your butt here. I am against abortion. I have taken in and cared for 3 children that were not my own. From before the age of 1 till this day at age 22 and 23. Both biracial, and babies that were born to alcohol and drug addicted moms, and even a boy who was 11 when I got him from a mom with schitzophrenia who neglected him. So, to state that pro lifers don't care about the children who are already born, or the older children or the homeless is bogus. You have a heck of a nerve to make such a blanket statement like that. Just how many older, biracial, handicapped children have you taken in? Give me a break! People can be against abortion and still care about the lives of others. For someone to say such a thing, yet gives no damn about the lives of the millions of babies sucked out with a vacuum and some of them have even been heard screaming, makes me sick!!!!!!

Ah, the lady doth protest too much!! Your caring for these children are the exception in the anti-abortion movement, and you know it. Did you adopt these children or did you accept government (taxpayer) money to care for them? I don't have any problem with your receiving money if you did but you are so anti-government subsidies I am just wondering.

People, actual living people, are suffering all the time in this country. And their LIVES are diminished and many of them die due to their circumstances and you have shown your disdain and loathing for these people time and time again. They have made their bed so they should just lie in it. They are lazy, shiftless leeches on society. And that profiling of them makes me sick. That's why you can't be called pro-life.

I have not adopted any children. But then I don't believe in forcing women to continue with a pregnancy they don't want. I give to many charities (money and food) who help the hungry & homeless in this country and also through Save the Children, as well as donations to the free care fund for our local children's hospital.

I am also not pro-abortion, I am pro-choice. I couldn't care less if another woman ever has an abortion, but if she chooses, I want it legal and safe.

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C'sM: You go girl!!!

People accuse progressive people of drinking the "yes we can kool-aide" but I find that to be ludicrous. We've been saying the same things for years. We've been putting up with the Republicans and right wing for years. This president didn't invent any of what we're fighting for. He only gave us hope.

The Republicans and ya-hoos like the bean brain pictured above have been led down some mighty absurd paths where they like to make believe that it's about the economy and taxes and big government. But those of us who know that the Republicans have been the downfall of a good solid strong middle America, just ain't buying the teabaggin' B.S. they're peddling.

Here's the thing that really ticks me off. The teabaggers act like deficits, government spending and expansion just happened under Obama.

Of course we know that's not what the movement is really about. But let's take a look at what bush did:

1) He pushed through the biggest expansion of medicare in 40 years with medicare part D (trillion $$ over 10 year.) This was a giant giveaway to Pharma on the government's (read: taxpayer's) dime. Did you even see this debated in the media, scrutinized, or even discussed? WHERE WERE THE TOWN HALL SCREAMERS OR TEABAGGERS THEN? This was big government expansion and big spending, and big deficit. Oh, and btw, the federal employee who did the number crunching and came out publicly with the ACTUAL cost of this bill got fired (bush and the repubs put it at billions lower - made them look bad).

2) Not one person in almost 6 years, not one, asked bush how he was going to pay for the Iraqi war and no one cared. WHERE WERE THE TOWN HALL SCREAMERS OR TEABAGGERS THEN? This was a major part of the deficit bush increased.

3) The tax cut for the rich. Another big part of bush's huge deficit. WHERE WERE THE TOWN HALL SCREAMERS OR THE TEABAGGERS THEN?

4) The creation of the Homeland Security Dept. First, the name Homeland - reminicient of Hitler (can you imagine if Obama would have created this?) - which was one of the biggest expansion of the federal government in decades. WHERE WERE THE TOWN HALL SCREAMERS OR TEABAGGERS THEN?

So all these issues that the town hall screamer and tea baggers CLAIM to be angry about happened under bush. Were they all in a coma then? Or is it a case of selective amnesia? That's why their protests now are so phoney.

And don't tell me it is just so much worse under Obama - because the reason things are worse is BECAUSE of bush. I'm sure Pres. Obama would have loved to have inherited what bush did from Clinton. But he didn't. Cleaning up someone else's mess is never pleasant for anyone. Obama has had to use a big mop.

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the lives of the millions of babies sucked out with a vacuum and some of them have even been heard screaming, makes me sick!!!!!!

This is NOT the way the abortions I know of happened.

you have made it over dramatic. There was no vaccum and no screaming.

Do you know someone who has had an abortion? is this what they told you happened when they had it?

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No she's going based on what pro lifers want people to think happen! My son was born at 32 weeks and couldn't even cry! My sister-in-law just had an abortion at 6 wks and it was just like inducing a period...painful for her yes, but no suctioning out baby parts...I think you need to talk to someone who has had an abortion and not just people that are against it! What do they know besides what they want to hear

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[quote} they demonstrate with their words and arguments that they do not care one whit about the women who are facing the horrible and gut-wrenching decision of whether to have an abortion.

We don't have anything to say about the women who kill their babies. They just don't get it that its murdering a life. We certainly do understand that they are in a dilemma if they didn't want to have a baby, but once they are pregnant, and the life has begun, what are you gonna do? Have a baby. Oh, well. So, you have it and support it or choose to put it up for a doption. If abortion were not a choice, there would be soooooo many more women who would be careful with their sex lives and not throw it around like it wasn't a way to pro-create. There would be alot more women using rubbers or calculating when they ovulate. Maybe they'd even wait till they were married and ready to have a family. Who knows? But to say that because we don't want babies murdered, we don't give a hoot about pregnant women who don't want to be pregnant is bogus. We just are more concerned for the one of the two with the worser problem at hand. The baby whose about to be killed. The mother?, well, she just has to carry and deliver a baby she doesn't want. the baby? well, he's facing execution. For pro lifers, that trumps her dilemma. So, it may seem to you that we don't care about the women here, but that's not true, we just focus our concern on the one whose facing the death sentence over the one whose facing a 9 month term.

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We don't have anything to say about the women who kill their babies. and then you go on to say things about them? They just don't get it that its murdering a life. We certainly do understand that they are in a dilemma if they didn't want to have a baby, but once they are pregnant, and the life has begun, what are you gonna do? Have a baby. Oh, well. So, you have it and support it or choose to put it up for a doption. If abortion were not a choice, there would be soooooo many more women who would be careful with their sex lives and not throw it around like it wasn't a way to pro-create. and there would be more young girls doing things to make themselves lose the baby and going over the border to have abortions and more young people abusing and shaking babies that they never wanted and were not ready for and leaving their babies in dumpsters There would be alot more women using rubbers rubbers and calculating do not always prevent pregnancy or calculating when they ovulate. Maybe they'd even wait till they were married you don't think married women get abortions? wrongo and ready to have a family. Who knows? But to say that because we don't want babies murdered, we don't give a hoot about pregnant women who don't want to be pregnant is bogus. We just are more concerned for the one of the two with the worser problem at hand. The baby whose about to be killed. The mother?, well, she just has no, she doesn't HAVE to do anything. That is what is so great about choice ! to carry and deliver a baby she doesn't want. the baby? well, he's facing execution. For pro lifers, that trumps her dilemma. So, it may seem to you that we don't care about the women here, but that's not true, we just focus our concern on the one whose facing the death sentence over the one whose facing a 9 month term.

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Your caring for these children are the exception in the anti-abortion movement, and you know it.

I don't agree with you. Almost all of the foster care families that I knew over the 20 years that I was doing care were highly conservative or republican. (and that group is usually against abortion) I grew to know a vast majority of the parents in my state. Most were families that were 'religious' as well. Christians. As a matter of fact, almost all of them were. This was something that most of the foster families had in common with each other. A conservative tends to have higher moral standasrds than liberals. They tend to have faith in God. Every law has a moral foundation, and either God is in it or he's not. If he's not, then some other foundation has to be used, and usually that's the liberals own expectations or desires. Liberals start from the perspective of, "I want this conclusion, and I'll work back to my moral foundation from there and I'll craft it of myself." rather than starting with the moral foundation of authority in scripture and truth and working their way out.They are driven by their relationships and experiences rather than their faith in God who gives us a moral code to follow.

It is NOT the exception for conservatives to be the ones who care for the unwanted. It is they who do it more often.

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The teabaggers act like deficits, government spending and expansion just happened under Obama.

No we don't. You just want to think that about them. They fully understand that all government is responsible for the spending that it does. But, Obama is the head honcho NOW, You liberals like to go back to the past presidents, like as if we focus on them, they can fix things now. Well, they can't. Get past it, huh? Obama is the president now, so he's the one who has to do something about the spending now. I could give 2 hoots about what all the past government people have done. ALL I care about is what the president we have right NOW is doing, which is MORE OF THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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