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Anytime, Anytime lol

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Wow your charts are pretty, but what you failed to post was the other charts...the ones that said 53% say abortion should be legal under certain circumstances, 23% say it should be legal in all circumstances and only 23% say it should be out right illegal. There was also another chart that says 22% say legal under any, 15% legal under most, 37% legal under a few and only 23% want it completely illegal....how is it you only post the charts and stats that fit your arguement when all of these were on the same page...hmmm curious

This underscores that this country is more liberal than they think. Lots of people call themselves conservative but then when you start to ask specific questions, like do you think all abortion for any reason should be illegal, they say no. This goes for other questions about funding for public education, clean air and Water, tougher wall street regulations, etc.. Their answers reflect a progressive thinking rather than conservative.

This is why I urge ALL of you with common sense not to let the lunatic fringe, like Michelle Bachman, Glenn Beck, the birthers and most of the teabaggers take over this country.

Make no mistake about it. This is not about the deficit or spending. And it's not a grass roots movement,either. It's a well-organized, well-funded effort to highjack this country from those who support the common man/woman and the middle class and instead replace it with those whose agenda is to make the rich and corporations richer at the expense of everyone else. And to legislate their religious belief on cultural issues. WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN.

I am very involved in the political process. I educate myself about what is going on and we saw (and are currently living with) the disasterous results of the last administration. War, tax cuts for the rich causing rising deficits, a failing economy, wall street greed run amok, and the rich getting richer while the middle class lost ground.

We see the mind set of those who would undermine what makes this country great right here on these forums. Our country sets itself apart from others because we care for the least among us, we provide a safety net. We provide people with rights, including those charged with crimes. That sets us apart from countries that just behead those they call criminals without trials. And it's what makes our country great.

So, please go beyond just posting and become involved in the political process, if you aren't already. It can make a difference. Thank you. Okay, I'm done and off my soapbox. :(

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C'sM: I will listen to your rants anytime, anyplace. I like the fact that you are so well-informed. Of course I like the fact that you care about our country and our people and are fed up with extremist viewpoints that are elitest, exclusionary and unfair to most Americans.

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C'sM: I will listen to your rants anytime, anyplace. I like the fact that you are so well-informed. Of course I like the fact that you care about our country and our people and are fed up with extremist viewpoints that are elitest, exclusionary and unfair to most Americans.

Thank you. :(

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This underscores that this country is more liberal than they think. Lots of people call themselves conservative but then when you start to ask specific questions, like do you think all abortion for any reason should be illegal, they say no. This goes for other questions about funding for public education, clean air and Water, tougher wall street regulations, etc.. Their answers reflect a progressive thinking rather than conservative.

That's fallacious. I'm conservative, and I'm pro choice. Not because I support abortion, but because I do NOT want any more government in our lives......and this particular issue just happens to have been settled by Roe V. Wade. If the decision had been made to outlaw abortion back then, then today I would be pro life. I think it's funny that most liberals have no problem with the government running their lives, until it comes to reproductive rights. I think we are grossly over-legislated as it is.

This is why I urge ALL of you with common sense not to let the lunatic fringe, like Michelle Bachman, Glenn Beck, the birthers and most of the teabaggers take over this country.

Make no mistake about it. This is not about the deficit or spending. And it's not a grass roots movement,either. It's a well-organized, well-funded effort to highjack this country from those who support the common man/woman and the middle class and instead replace it with those whose agenda is to make the rich and corporations richer at the expense of everyone else.

Wrong. It's about middle America getting fed up with an uber powerful government frowing even bigger and fatter. Tea party members would (and have) condemned republicans that feed the government our liberty. George Bush was one of these men. So would have been John McCain. You are buying into the "teabag" hype that liberal outlets blast 24 / 7. They (and you) are trying to marginalize teapartiers because they're scared even more people will wake up and see the government as the bloated, inefficient beast that it really is.

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patty: "Whether it is spoken for or against in the bible is irrelevent. Many people believe, for whatever reason, that it is wrong and therefore should be banned. Just like they believe marajuana smoking is wrong, and just like they believe sibling marriage is wrong. Hey, Why not marry your brother or sister? Some believe it is okay. Whose to say you can't? So, you see, the people get their morals from somewhere."

You equate smoking marijuana and sibling marriage to abortion? Those are unbelievable analogies.

No , I equate them with laws that are in force today that are are also biblical.

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A would-be leader in the Tea Party movement is seeing red after an act from the past has found itself in the light of a new decade and has commenced to promptly biting the misguided man in his derriere.

Dale Robertson operates TeaParty.org, a popular website based around the needs and whims of those that call themselves “Tea Baggers,” a group of disenfranchised citizens that are utterly upset with the direction in which our nation is headed.

A photo of Robinson practicing his freedom of speech during a Tea Party Rally on February 27th of last year shows exactly how the power structure in America is mapped out, at least, according to himself and the Tea Baggers.

niggar-sign-tea-party.jpg?w=682&h=1024 Dale Roberstons of TeaParty.org and his special brand of Texas Patriotism

I guess this is how he and the other nincompoops plan on "getting their country back..."

From Plain:Wrong. It's about middle America getting fed up with an uber powerful government frowing even bigger and fatter. Tea party members would (and have) condemned republicans that feed the government our liberty. George Bush was one of these men. So would have been John McCain. You are buying into the "teabag" hype that liberal outlets blast 24 / 7. They (and you) are trying to marginalize teapartiers because they're scared even more people will wake up and see the government as the bloated, inefficient beast that it really is.

In case you missed my previous posting of this: This man made this poster 38 days after Obama took office. He is an organizer of teabagger.org. He is not just some yahoo who showed up. People followed him and joined his organization after this display.

Now, after 38 days, we are to believe that this man just suddenly woke up from a coma to "discover" that Obama, our first black president and a democrat, was responsible for a bloated, irresponsible government, deficit spending, big government spending, etc.. when he had only been in office for 38 days??

He, and the movement, have zero credibility. They are phoneys. Because of this picture and because they were in absentia during the bush regime when all the things you say they are enraged about actually happened, including one of the LARGEST expansions of the federal government in decades with the creation of the Homeland Security department, deficit spending on wars and tax cuts for the rich, a huge expansion of medicare (part D -trillion dollars - hmm where were the town halls then???) and the Patriot Act that told us to give up our liberties to be safe otherwise we were on the side of the terrorists, not to mention unpatriotic.

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"I think it's funny that most liberals have no problem with the government running their lives, until it comes to reproductive rights."

That makes no sense since I don't think I, at least have never made this statement. I have no problem with a collective governmental solution. Abortion is not a collective solution for all. It's a woman thing. No one else gets told what to do with their body except women.

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Isn't it funny how that picture just keeps getting ignored for the face value it is by the so called reich? Stated yet again, 38 days after Obama took office. Hardly long enough to move the furniture in, hardly long enough to get a response from a job application. 38 days. Hardly long enough to complain about Obama. What did he and his tea douche baggers have? The N word, that's it. As stated earlier, the so-called patriotic group was formed because Obama was black, and us liberals know this. That is why they get zero respect.

And if anyone joined the group and didn't know their leader felt this way.......then they were suckered. Did they know their guy?

Edited by tdslf1

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I am in the pro-choice camp and always will be. I am so glad that girls and women have choices on this!!

Abortion is only one of those choices. All of the choices are equally important.

I have only been pregnant one time and I was aware of all the choices available at that time. I gave them all thought at the time and I CHOSE to carry my baby and make a commitment to raise that child to the best of my ability. I love my son dearly. I also made a CHOICE to not have more children. I Chose to use birth control pills.< /span>

Over the years I have known (and still know) quite a few girls and women who chose abortion. I support all of them with this and was even willing to drive them to appointments. Each of them had their own personal reasons to have an abortion and I think they were very good reasons. I do not think any less of them for making this very difficult choice.

Another choice is adoption. Any girl/woman who gets pregnant can choose to carry a baby and give it up for adoption. Or, like many do, they can carry the baby and get themselves in situations where the baby is taken away from them and it then becomes the responsibility of the tax payers. This country and others have plenty of these abused or unwanted children. In many cities, there are not enough good fosterhomes for these children. There are a couple of my own friends and family who have been foster parents and who have adopted children from this country and others, so I have seen it first hand. I think that all the pro-life people should step up and adopt these children. They are already born. They are a life. Many of our big cities have plenty of abused, neglected, drug addicted.... babies. I don't see how they can preach abortion is murder and yet let these children stay in the situations I have seen firsthand. If they CHOOSE to let the little crack babies stay in bad situations, that means they are also pro-choice.

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Wow your charts are pretty, but what you failed to post was the other charts...the ones that said 53% say abortion should be legal under certain circumstances, 23% say it should be legal in all circumstances and only 23% say it should be out right illegal. There was also another chart that says 22% say legal under any, 15% legal under most, 37% legal under a few and only 23% want it completely illegal....how is it you only post the charts and stats that fit your arguement when all of these were on the same page...hmmm curious

Because I chose the chart that asked the question: "would you consider yourself to be prochoice or prolife?" This answers which has more followers.

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away from them and it then becomes the responsibility of the tax payers. This country and others have plenty of these abused or unwanted children. In many cities, there are not enough good fosterhomes for these children. There are a couple of my own friends and family who have been foster parents and who have adopted children from this country and others, so I have seen it first hand. I think that all the pro-life people should step up and adopt these children.The term should really be anti-abortion because the term "pro-life" implies that they actually care about those already born, and they don't. If they were truly pro-life, they would care about those lives lost due to lack of healthcare insurance. But they don't. If they were truly pro-life, they would care about all the unwanted, mixed race, black and handicapped babies born that are not adopted. And they don't. Or the older children in foster care. And they don't. Or the homeless who die each year, and they don't. So the term pro-life is inaccurate. They are anti-abortion, period. They are already born. They are a life. Many of our big cities have plenty of abused, neglected, drug addicted.... babies. I don't see how they can preach abortion is murder and yet let these children stay in the situations I have seen firsthand. If they CHOOSE to let the little crack babies stay in bad situations, that means they are also pro-choice.

The best way I heard it put is that they believe life starts at conception and ends at birth.

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Because I chose the chart that asked the question: "would you consider yourself to be prochoice or prolife?" This answers which has more followers.

Those are just labels...what about the ones that ask the question on everyone's mind "Should it be legal or not"

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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