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I rest my case! Thanks for proving exactly what I was saying.

Some people believe that they are the ones who are supposed to interpret science and the Bible and what God thinks and they'll let us know what to believe. And they'll swear it is fact, no matter what anyone else believes. And they'll do their damndest to get real graphic on you and fight you to the ground to prove they're right.

That's not true. We do believe that we are the ones who are supposed to tell you what God says on an issue, but not what science has to say. But in the end, what you believe is absolutely your right. Even God allows you to make and bring to fuition your own choices. You and others around you will suffer for any choice you make that goes against his will, though. And then unbelievers always question christians: "If there is a God, why does he allow so much evil, and hardship and sorrowful events to occur?" Well, because of the sin and wrongdoing of mankind.

Nope this topic isn't one for just getting along or agreeing to disagree. They'll have none of that. They've decided when life begins and when abortion is cold-blooded murder and what kind of murderer you are if you find yourself in the position of having to abort a fertilized egg. For them, there is no discussion or getting along about it. It is a FACT. They don't even agree that one's beliefs enter into it. They've made the decision and they expect us all to agree or we are really bad people.

Again, you don't have to agree that abortion is wrong. You can choose to do what you feel is right or even wrong. But if someone tells you what God has to say about it, and you don't give a hoot what he has to say, and choose to kill the unborn anyway, you will suffer the consequences that God deems for you. (if not in this life, in eternity) Why do you think I am so adamant about telling people what God reveals in his word about different issues? Do you think it's because I like to debate? wrong. I am hoping to spare someone God's wrath. In this case, I would also like to help save the lives of the inmnocent, because they are precious to God.

The fact is that really good people who care passionately about life have been faced with the decision and they have opted for abortion because it is the very best solution for everyone involved. They can't accept the belief that an abortion can be the best solution for everyone. But we can and do believe that.

EVERYONE but the baby!

So I say that they should not make these decisions for the rest of us. They aren't God. They don't get to play God over our bodies. They don't get to tell the rest of us that God joined the sperm and egg because it is in his design - at least they can't tell us all those things and expect us to believe it. Our beliefs are different.

We may not be God, but we know what he has to say about it!

So stick to knitting if your real concern is for all the unwanted children in this world. Get back to joining pregnant women with adoptive parents. Go back to counseling pregnant women that they have options. Spend your time and resources there. Preferably ALL your time. And back off and allow the majority of Americans who believe as we do the freedom to make a choice when they are faced with that necessity, without hitting them with accusations, hatred, graphic material and nasty language designed to make them feel guilty.

I posted my responses above in dark print.

Why would you want us to stick to knitting if our real concern is for the unwanted babies? Did you say that wrong?

I don't agree with some extremists and their way of getting people to stop aborting babies, (Especially those who bomb clinics and kill people) but sometimes when you know people are killing babies, you will try anything to stop them. If someone was trying to kill my neighbor or my family, and there was something I could do to stop that murder, I would definitely try.

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Don't get the bighead gadget. I wasn't talking about you.

So the comment

I rest my case! Thanks for proving exactly what I was saying.
posted 3 hours after my post and the next one in succession, wasn't referring to me?

OK, sorry I incorrectly inferred that you ascribe all of those things to me. History would demonstrate it to be true, but whatever you say. Since you're OK with late-term abortions for any reason at all, then not OK with them, then OK with them, and now again not entirely OK with them, I'll accept your claim that you don't believe me to be all of those things you said. :mad2:

Edited by gadgetlady

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Patty why are you convinced that I don't believe in God? You're really off base on making those judgements about people just because you don't like or agree with what they say.

Please forgive me for that assumption, but I thought it was you in a past post who said either that you were an athiest, or that you didn't believe in God. If I'm mistaken, I apologize. I didn't assume that because you disagreed with me on this issue, but maybe because it's hard for me to understand how someone who believes in God could condone abortion for any reason.

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OK im warning you im about to go off !!!

I will say it straight up I am an agnostic . I believe in a higher power , and have faith , but not in one particualar being .

Just because I dont believe what you believe does that make me a murder ? A horrible person ?

I dont shove my beliefs down peoples throats and associate EVERY FREAKING thing with my beliefs , Lets face it not everything HAS to be about or related to God. It just doesnt , It can be in your life or in your belief system but you do NOT Have to shove it down peoples throats because they dont believe what you do . It does NOT Make those of us who believe different wrong . It does NOT make us bad people and for those of you who CHOSE to shove it down our throats for me personally its the FASTEST way to get me to run like hell from a church. !!!!

I know LOTS Of people who believe in God and are pro Choice !

Just because its not what YOU believe does not MAKE IT WRONG !!! One of these days life will be a LOT happier when people realize that !!!!

I was going to stay out of this , but im SO FREAKING Sick and tired of people thinking people like me who have had an abortion , dont believe in God assuming we are murdering , uncaring , self centered , satan worshiping Bitches who run around in dark robes and hate people .

Guess what ? that's not me . I am probably one of the most ( if i do say so myself ) caring giving people you can ever meet !

My abortion bothers me to this day , do i regret it NO .

You can be a GOOD Person , have a belief system have morals and NOT believe in God !!!!

IM tired of posts having to relate, associate back to God , Just have a damn discussion !!!!


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im SO FREAKING Sick and tired of people thinking people like me who have had an abortion , dont believe in God assuming we are murdering , uncaring , self centered , satan worshiping Bitches who run around in dark robes and hate people .

Mindy, I assume you're not referring to me here but I just want you to know that I, for one, do not have that impression of anyone who has had an abortion, and certainly not anyone on this board.

My abortion bothers me to this day

I'm sorry :mad2: for what you experience.

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OK im warning you im about to go off !!!

I will say it straight up I am an agnostic . I believe in a higher power , and have faith , but not in one particualar being .

Just because I dont believe what you believe does that make me a murder ? A horrible person ?

I dont shove my beliefs down peoples throats and associate EVERY FREAKING thing with my beliefs , Lets face it not everything HAS to be about or related to God. It just doesnt , It can be in your life or in your belief system but you do NOT Have to shove it down peoples throats because they dont believe what you do . It does NOT Make those of us who believe different wrong . It does NOT make us bad people and for those of you who CHOSE to shove it down our throats for me personally its the FASTEST way to get me to run like hell from a church. !!!!

I know LOTS Of people who believe in God and are pro Choice !

Just because its not what YOU believe does not MAKE IT WRONG !!! One of these days life will be a LOT happier when people realize that !!!!

I was going to stay out of this , but im SO FREAKING Sick and tired of people thinking people like me who have had an abortion , dont believe in God assuming we are murdering , uncaring , self centered , satan worshiping Bitches who run around in dark robes and hate people .

Guess what ? that's not me . I am probably one of the most ( if i do say so myself ) caring giving people you can ever meet !

My abortion bothers me to this day , do i regret it NO .

You can be a GOOD Person , have a belief system have morals and NOT believe in God !!!!

IM tired of posts having to relate, associate back to God , Just have a damn discussion !!!!


I had to block Pattygreen a long time ago. Life is too short, you know?

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I guess after the past few weeks I have had it never hurts to blow off some steam !


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OK im warning you im about to go off !!!

I will say it straight up I am an agnostic . I believe in a higher power , and have faith , but not in one particualar being .

Just because I dont believe what you believe does that make me a murder ? A horrible person ?

Even if God and how he feels about abortion were not in this picture, I would still feel the same way about killing unborn human beings. God doesn't even have to tell me that it is wrong. Just using my brain to understand that killing any human being is wrong is all that is needed!

I dont shove my beliefs down peoples throats and associate EVERY FREAKING thing with my beliefs , Lets face it not everything HAS to be about or related to God.

It does to me.

It just doesnt , It can be in your life or in your belief system but you do NOT Have to shove it down peoples throats because they dont believe what you do . It does NOT Make those of us who believe different wrong . It does NOT make us bad people and for those of you who CHOSE to shove it down our throats for me personally its the FASTEST way to get me to run like hell from a church. !!!!

Don't you mean run like hell from God? Well, you don't have to believe me or anyone else for that matter. You can make your own choices in life. But when we go into eternity,( and we all die someday) Just don't say noone ever told you.

I know LOTS Of people who believe in God and are pro Choice !

If you say you believe in God, then you better believe what he says. And if you are pro choice, and you feel it's ok to abort life, you will answer for that decision some day.

Just because its not what YOU believe does not MAKE IT WRONG !!! One of these days life will be a LOT happier when people realize that !!!!

I think every man on this earth BELIEVES that to kill another human is wrong.

I was going to stay out of this , but im SO FREAKING Sick and tired of people thinking people like me who have had an abortion , dont believe in God assuming we are murdering , uncaring , self centered , satan worshiping Bitches who run around in dark robes and hate people .

I never said that. I believe that people like you simply don't understand what you are doing or what you have done. I believe that people like you made a terrible mistake. A mistake that God is willing to forgive.

Guess what ? that's not me . I am probably one of the most ( if i do say so myself ) caring giving people you can ever meet !

I'm sure you are.

My abortion bothers me to this day , do i regret it NO .

If you don't regret it, then why does it bother you?

You can be a GOOD Person , have a belief system have morals and NOT believe in God !!!!


IM tired of posts having to relate, associate back to God , Just have a damn discussion !!!!


This is how I discuss.

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This is how I discuss.

Originally Posted by coltonwade viewpost.gif

OK im warning you im about to go off !!!

I will say it straight up I am an agnostic . I believe in a higher power , and have faith , but not in one particualar being .

Just because I dont believe what you believe does that make me a murder ? A horrible person ?

Even if God and how he feels about abortion were not in this picture, I would still feel the same way about killing unborn human beings. God doesn't even have to tell me that it is wrong. Just using my brain to understand that killing any human being is wrong is all that is needed!

That depends on what you consider and when you consider an unborn human being !! again YOUR belief

I dont shove my beliefs down peoples throats and associate EVERY FREAKING thing with my beliefs , Lets face it not everything HAS to be about or related to God.

It does to me.

That's fine but dont force it upon others .

Don't you mean run like hell from God? Well, you don't have to believe me or anyone else for that matter. You can make your own choices in life. But when we go into eternity,( and we all die someday) Just don't say noone ever told you.

NO i meant just what i said , see what you dont GET is you would have to BELIEVE in God to MEAN Run like hell FROM GOD ! AGAIN forcing your opinions on others !

If you say you believe in God, then you better believe what he says. And if you are pro choice, and you feel it's ok to abort life, you will answer for that decision some day.

I DID NOT SAY I believe in GOD Did i ?

Answer to who ? Again YOUR OPINION ! You have to believe there is someone to answer to !!

I think every man on this earth BELIEVES that to kill another human is wrong.

Again depends on when you believe life starts

I never said that. I believe that people like you simply don't understand what you are doing or what you have done. I believe that people like you made a terrible mistake. A mistake that God is willing to forgive.

YOu believe once again WRONG

If you don't regret it, then why does it bother you?

It bothers me due to the circumstances behind it. it can bother upset me that i was unable to have the baby , and i wont go into the circumstances with you or anyone else and still not regret it !

This is house I discuss !


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On another forum I am on, there are two forbidden topics. If the topics come up, the thread is immediately locked. Why, because people are unable to discuss these two topics in a rational, calm and non-attacking manner. Care to guess what those two topic are?

Yep, religion and politics.

I am starting to think banning any reference to those two topics is a pretty good idea.

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On another forum I am on, there are two forbidden topics. If the topics come up, the thread is immediately locked. Why, because people are unable to discuss these two topics in a rational, calm and non-attacking manner. Care to guess what those two topic are?

Yep, religion and politics.

I am starting to think banning any reference to those two topics is a pretty good idea.

I second that emotion !!! LMAO


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Susan politics and religion are topics that are loaded with emotion and bound to provoke ranting and raving. I think sometimes that the people who are doing the posting aren't as bothered by the back and forth as some who are just reading it. I don't think that the barbs and butting of heads is all that unhealthy but that's just my humble opinion.

I believe that we all learn from each other and sometimes even ourselves. When we have to think about how we feel and what we believe and defend it, we can reach some interesting conclusions that might surprise us.

I think most of us have been down this exact same path many times before on this thread. Not much new here. But when someone new decides to post, it gets everyone stirred up again. If you close the thread, it will probably just take a little different form but wind up in the same stalemate.

gadget and patty can't allow someone to say something pro-choice without commenting and several of us can't allow them to post on this topic without giving our input as well. So here we are. Once again it gets heated and we get threatened to be shut down. I don't blame anyone for suggesting it should be shut down. Maybe it should be at this point. But I'm pretty sure that abortion will enter nearly every other thread at some point. It always does. Just like religion.

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I wasn't threatening to shut it down, not by any means. I was just noting an observation about another site I am on.

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Originally Posted by *Susan* viewpost.gif

On another forum I am on, there are two forbidden topics. If the topics come up, the thread is immediately locked. Why, because people are unable to discuss these two topics in a rational, calm and non-attacking manner. Care to guess what those two topic are?

Yep, religion and politics.

I am starting to think banning any reference to those two topics is a pretty good idea.

I second that emotion !!! LMAO

Other blogs do talk about politics and religion, but they have respect for people too. You must have respect for others to talk about it. I love talking on several blogs because they always say okay, that can be offensive to someone, and then the others agree. Its according to what type of people you are dealing with on a blog.

I am a devout Christian, but one thing my Mother taught me is that everybody does not believe the same way. I have witnessed to others on the rough streets in California early in my Christian walk, and I have come to know that everybody's different, and you can not force anything on anybody. If it is forced on, it can be forced off, and that is not my goal.

Edited by LLPlady3

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