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Look, here is the deal... I am aware you are kidding. The problem lies in the fact that even as joking you all feel this is ok. Carlene, your roll over and let lie additude about this proves my point. You know why it is so easy to bash christians? Because we rarely put up a fight. We believe in letting you be and not trying to force your thoughts and feelings a certain way. But ya know it gets really difficult. Everyday I see some crack here or there, on tele or out in the streets, of someone making fun of or poking fun at christians. People build entire careers out of it. But when a person, even in jest, makes remarks about any other creed or race or religion they are villified. If someone came on here and made a bunch of jokes about blacks, but it was all joking...and continued AFTER being told by a moderator to tone it down, they would be banned.

Instead Alexandra slaps mark's wrists, pussies out at the last minute and tells him to go ahead and do it and put a lot of smilies, and mark does just that.

I am a sarcasm lover. I joke all the time, and I love people that joke too. A lot of people hate me because of my humor and the fact that I am a bit too sarcastic at times. But I know that I also have taste, and would NEVER make a joke like the jokes Mark has continued to make. It sickens me that Alexandra's warning was not serious, and that Mark has been given free reign to continue his hatred through jokes as long as he uses a lot of smilie faces.

I go away for another couple hours, and come back to this. Amazing. FunnyDuddies, you are so far out of line you are really starting to embarass yourself. If you had a nickle for every time I've expressed "hatred" on this board, you'd have about 4 cents right now.

If you want to be angry at someone for sarcasm, why are you skipping musicalmomma? It's not that I think she was out of line here at all, but apparently you do because she engaged in religion-oriented sarcasm. So why attack me?

You and I disagree on every issue I have run across yet, but I have never expressed any "hatred" for you or anyone else, certainly not because of religion.

Do you really think I should be banned from the board for matching musicalmomma's sarcasm? Can you possibly be serious? If you can't handle a little sarcasm, I recommend you skip that rants and raves area of the board.

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I have been gone for the day. Nursing a nasty head cold. I hate being sick. frown.gif

I honestly did not notice musicalmomma's post. Sadly, I only saw the response to hers. And I believe that she was out of line as well. Its comments like that that welcome chastising of our faith and religion. It does not negate what you said mark. It only adds to the party.

Carlene, while you might be used to it, does that mean you need to roll over? Esp when so many will be quick to jump on you if your opinion does not match theirs. Its sad really. And yes, Sunta, MOST Christians sit there and take it. Most would rather leave you to your opinion, and just spend less time with you than get into a fight about you bashing them. Or do you bash them so much that they are just forced to fight with you. Maybe you ought to take another look at how you approach Christians. You might find that you get less defense with less venom.

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I have been gone for the day. Nursing a nasty head cold. I hate being sick. frown.gif

I honestly did not notice musicalmomma's post. Sadly, I only saw the response to hers. And I believe that she was out of line as well. Its comments like that that welcome chastising of our faith and religion. It does not negate what you said mark. It only adds to the party.

Carlene, while you might be used to it, does that mean you need to roll over? Esp when so many will be quick to jump on you if your opinion does not match theirs. Its sad really. And yes, Sunta, MOST Christians sit there and take it. Most would rather leave you to your opinion, and just spend less time with you than get into a fight about you bashing them. Or do you bash them so much that they are just forced to fight with you. Maybe you ought to take another look at how you approach Christians. You might find that you get less defense with less venom.

I've said this before, but just to be clear, I have absolutely nothing against any person for their religion. Someone who believes in Christ is totally fine with me. I have no hidden or surface animosity toward any Christian, or any person of any religion.

The reason I poke fun at "Christians" quite frequently is because certain groups and individuals hold the point of view that they have the right, if not the duty, to tell other people how to live their lives, and indeed, legislate how other people should live their lives. That's the part that is intolarable to me.

But even when talking about this topic I do not have genuine bad feelings toward other people on this board. I enjoy lively debate about serious topics, and I enjoy joking about serious topics. I admit that sometimes I say things in a way that I know will push buttons, and I do it deliberately. But I can take it in return, and it is never done with any genuine ill will toward any other person.

Finally, I want to say that I think you are sort of stuck with me as I am. I often like to stir things up. I'm sure I will keep doing it. If I were not able to do that I would not be very interested in participating here, at least not on the rants and raves part of the board. But overall, I feel comfortable with my contribution here, I never intend to hurt anyone, and I know that I do not carry ill will toward any person.

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You might find that you get less defense with less venom.

There's alot more venom in the fundamentalist's posts to me than in mine to them. Hence just one of the myriad reasons I think some of them are hypocritical.

I don't think it's venomous to point out that the majority of people supporting the death penalty would be Christians, do you? Is that not, in fact, the case?

Personally I think fundamentalists just can't stand having their own hypocrisy brought to light.

I follow an easy rule: if the subject involves violence, bloodshed, execution, or war, the fundamentalists will be on the front lines shouting "hooray! I support that!"

I've not been proven wrong yet, now have I?

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I follow an easy rule: if the subject involves violence, bloodshed, execution, or war, the fundamentalists will be on the front lines shouting "hooray! I support that!"

I've not been proven wrong yet, now have I?

How would one prove you wrong.

I am not in favor of the death penalty. Did I just prove you wrong?

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Carlene, while you might be used to it, does that mean you need to roll over?

When I seriously feel that my religion has been ridiculed, I am not a bit bashful about calling anyone on it, and have done so quite a few times on LBT. But I knew from the get-go that Mark was being sarcastic when he made the remark about killing Christians. I agree that it was in poor taste, but that isn't the same as hate mongering. Lots of people are tactless, without being malicious. I think Mark is sometimes one of those people.

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I have never expressed any "hatred" for you or anyone else

I seem to remember something on another thread where you expressed "venom" for me and my beliefs. You were very clear in your categorization of me and it wasn't pretty.

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When I seriously feel that my religion has been ridiculed, I am not a bit bashful about calling anyone on it, and have done so quite a few times on LBT. But I knew from the get-go that Mark was being sarcastic when he made the remark about killing Christians. I agree that it was in poor taste, but that isn't the same as hate mongering. Lots of people are tactless, without being malicious. I think Mark is sometimes one of those people.

I don't mind if you call me tactless. Just understand that my lack of tact is not a matter of unawareness or a lack of understanding of what I am doing. That is not what is going on here. When I push buttons and say things that tend to challenge people or even offend them on occasion, it is always quite deliberate when it is on the rants and raves discussions. You can argue that that is in bad taste or tactless if you wish. I would disagree with you, I think it makes the board fun. But in any event, get used to it. This would be too boring for me if I were not able, on occasion, to be tactless.

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I seem to remember something on another thread where you expressed "venom" for me and my beliefs. You were very clear in your categorization of me and it wasn't pretty.

gadgetlady think of what you are saying here. Do you really want to challenge me here about the venomous nature of my postings? I don't notice that you are particularly short of venom yourself. I still don't consider you hateful, by the way.

But more than anything, I think if you take a step back and think about it, you will realize that you have had most of your fun on this board debating articulate and intelligent people who disagree with you. I'm one of those people. Take a deep breath and think about what we are doing here. We are having fun on a message board. That's it.

I know you sense some sort of mob mentality on this thread directed toward me right now, where you think you can gain some points by joining the chorus. But I think you are just making yourself look petty and silly by doing it.

And let me say again, I did nothing the least bit inappropriate, hypocritical, or in bad taste here by matching musicalmomma's sarcastic remark with one of my own. There is absolutely nothing wrong with joking about politics, religion, sex, or any other controversial subject. Anyone who does not like that can take a long walk down a one way street, as far as I am concerned. This is always what you are going to get from me.

But do I "hate" anybody? Of course not.

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I don't mind if you call me tactless. Just understand that my lack of tact is not a matter of unawareness or a lack of understanding of what I am doing. That is not what is going on here. When I push buttons and say things that tend to challenge people or even offend them on occasion, it is always quite deliberate when it is on the rants and raves discussions. You can argue that that is in bad taste or tactless if you wish. I would disagree with you, I think it makes the board fun. But in any event, get used to it. This would be too boring for me if I were not able, on occasion, to be tactless.

Rest assured, Mark, that I would NEVER assume your offensive, tactless, tasteless remarks were anything but deliberate.

And by the way....I've got your number. That's why I did not respond to your "kill the Christians" post with the kind of righteous indignation you expected/wanted. You HATE it when people don't rise to the bait, don't you?

Write this down, folks.....the more you react to Mark's pointed little stick, the more he will poke you with it. Don't give him the satisfaction.

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Rest assured, Mark, that I would NEVER assume your offensive, tactless, tasteless remarks were anything but deliberate.

And by the way....I've got your number. That's why I did not respond to your "kill the Christians" post with the kind of righteous indignation you expected/wanted. You HATE it when people don't rise to the bait, don't you?

Write this down, folks.....the more you react to Mark's pointed little stick, the more he will poke you with it. Don't give him the satisfaction.

Where in the world does this hostility come from? Why would you take it on as your mission to deny me satisfaction? I have never done anything on this board other than have fun. Would you want everyone to agree with you all the time? All you people attacking me for joking around on this board are just making yourselves look petty and ridiculous. I really feel sorry for you.

Regarding my "kill the Christians" post, as you call it, I had no intention at all of having people "rise" to any "bait." I still cannot believe that anyone even noticed it. musicalmomma made a joke. I responded in passing. If you read more to it than that you are absolutely wrong.

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I am not in favor of the death penalty. Did I just prove you wrong?

Well I know how fond you are of saying "one person thinks 'X', so 'X' is true", and anecdotal experiences over scientific fact (for example, you friend who was Gay and is now "straight"), but no, one person's opinion does not a consensus make.

The truth is, most conservative Christians do support the death penalty, because in Romans 13:1-5 it demonstrates that the death penalty can still be applied. Since fundamentalists frequently use the old testament to support their opinions, it makes sense they would cite this as the reason for their support. Conservative leaders state it is biblically acceptable, and studies show that the majority of conservative Christians strongly support it.

And, as a matter of fact, on this very thread, there have been more conservative Christians who have come here and supported it than the one who stated you do not.

So, sorry, I appreciate hearing your opinion, but no, it does not prove me wrong.

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I just want to thank you all for this very entertaining, heated thread. It kept me out of the refrigerator for over 1/2 hour.

And isn't this what a support forum is suppose to so!!!!!!:hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:

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Where in the world does this hostility come from? Why would you take it on as your mission to deny me satisfaction? I have never done anything on this board other than have fun. Would you want everyone to agree with you all the time? All you people attacking me for joking around on this board are just making yourselves look petty and ridiculous. I really feel sorry for you.

Regarding my "kill the Christians" post, as you call it, I had no intention at all of having people "rise" to any "bait." I still cannot believe that anyone even noticed it. musicalmomma made a joke. I responded in passing. If you read more to it than that you are absolutely wrong.

I'm not hostile, nor do I expect everyone to agree with me, even some of the time. And thank you for your sympathy....I'm sure it's heart-felt and sincere.

But please don't try and tell us you cannot believe anyone noticed your post. You obviously made an attempt at oneupmanship with your response to Musical's sarcastic post. Indeed, I think you are very proud of your repertoire of snappy come backs. You even made a point of posting this....

I don't mind if you call me tactless. Just understand that my lack of tact is not a matter of unawareness or a lack of understanding of what I am doing.

...lest some of us mistake your "wit" for plain old bad manners.

It is, as you pointed out, fine and fun to debate religion, politics, sex, and everything else in R&R. Jokes about killing people are not funny, however. No matter who makes them.....they are not funny. I think that if I had said I am opposed to the death penalty, except for Republicans, I would have received equally outraged responses. It's not about religion....it's about knowing where to draw the line and restraining one's self from crossing it. And yes....there IS a line. There is always a line. If you don't believe me, ask Don Imus.

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Mark, I notcied your comment, asked for clarification, and you responded clearly. You are only in favor of the death penalty to kill christians. Joke or not, this is very poor taste and extremely stupid. You may lack tact in some cases to be witty and smart assed, but this was just dumb. Can you imagine the avalanche of posts that would be on my ass if I said "I am not in favor of the death penalty unless it is to kill all the mexcians illegally living here." Joke or no joke, I would be strung up my self in posts and probably given a very firm warning.

Carlene, you are right in this case. Responding to him is the only way to satisfy him. And it would be best to not respond to him. But I cannot stand to hear someone, even jokingly say it is ok to kill christians.

Sunta, you keep refering to fundamentalists, and I want to debate with you, but I want to be very clear on something first. What is your definition of fundamentalist christian? It can be refering to so many things. Lets clarify that first, then we can debate your topic.

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