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Absolutely no desire to eat or drink...

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It's the lack of ghrelin, the hunger hormone that the 85% of our long-gone tummies produced. And now we're low on.

Yeah, it's awful. :rolleyes:

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Same here I'll be 1 month post op tomorrow and have to force myself to eat my appetite is completely gone now...hopefully things will get better.

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@@yungshi ...uh...don't start the year being snippy. geez.

@@finediva is saying you might not have the DESIRE to eat, but just DO it, because you need to. PLUS, she was VERY kind to give you nice Protein amounts for easy foods to get in.

So, yung...did you really need to give attitude and be so aggresive and snarky? Obviously you NEED to eat something, because you're already unnecessarily cranky. Just sayin'. An apology to FD might be a nice thing for you to do, imho.

Lol aggressive and snarky? Ooooh.

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Wait, what?! WLS to lose weight due to a tendency to overeat and we're worried about lacking desire to eat? What am I missing here?

I'm pretty sure if I didn't make myself eat, I wouldn't eat at all and wouldn't think twice about it. And I know this surgery wasn't meant to do that.

According to MY nutritionist, I'm supposed to be eating by now but I have no appetite/hunger feeling. It's almost like I have to set an alarm to make sure I eat.

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Same here I'll be 1 month post op tomorrow and have to force myself to eat my appetite is completely gone now...hopefully things will get better.


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I'm pretty sure if I didn't make myself eat, I wouldn't eat at all and wouldn't think twice about it. And I know this surgery wasn't meant to do that.

According to MY nutritionist, I'm supposed to be eating by now but I have no appetite/hunger feeling. It's almost like I have to set an alarm to make sure I eat.

Yup, I know that "problem" well. I, too, had WLS. ;) This "hardship" has netted me a 112lb weight loss, much better health, and complete control over my appetite where my appetite once controlled me.

I have days I want to eat and days I don't. It took almost a year to have what I call feeding days, but never did I stress about all the time I didn't. I still don't.

I have skinny friends who I always used to be fascinated by when we went out to dinner and they weren't hungry, or if they were, they were satisfied after 9-10 bites. And when they would say it was their first meal of the day because they "forgot" to eat? What the what!? I couldn't even imagine such nonsense.

Now I'm that girl. Not on purpose, not to prove anything, not even to lose weight as I am at goal. Isn't this why we had surgery?

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Thanks yall!

I definitely don't get in all my Protein. That's also a big problem for me. I'm supposed to be at 70-80 grams a day and on some days I may get 1 gram.

I have Premier Protein but my no desire to drink really just doesn't help.

I'm gonna get back on it though bc I don't want to be bald!

You know what feeds your hair? Protein. It's not only a matter of eating, it's eating the right things.

I'm pretty sure if I didn't make myself eat, I wouldn't eat at all and wouldn't think twice about it. And I know this surgery wasn't meant to do that.

According to MY nutritionist, I'm supposed to be eating by now but I have no appetite/hunger feeling. It's almost like I have to set an alarm to make sure I eat.

If you have to set an alarm to eat, then you should do just that.

Yup, I know that "problem" well. I, too, had WLS. ;) This "hardship" has netted me a 112lb weight loss, much better health, and complete control over my appetite where my appetite once controlled me.

I have days I want to eat and days I don't. It took almost a year to have what I call feeding days, but never did I stress about all the time I didn't. I still don't.

I have skinny friends who I always used to be fascinated by when we went out to dinner and they weren't hungry, or if they were, they were satisfied after 9-10 bites. And when they would say it was their first meal of the day because they "forgot" to eat? What the what!? I couldn't even imagine such nonsense.

Now I'm that girl. Not on purpose, not to prove anything, not even to lose weight as I am at goal. Isn't this why we had surgery?

I was just the opposite. I wasn't an over-eater, I was a disordered eater. I could get up in the morning grab a cup of coffee and go. Then not eat all day until 8, 9 at night. Yes, I literally could forget to eat. You know what? Doesn't work Body goes into starvation mode and holds every single calorie. Even on a fat, morbidly obese body.

To @Youngshi - Yes the surgery suppresses the appetite. Combined with Protein shakes that are definitely not everyone's cup of tea, food may not be as enjoyable as it once was, but part of the purpose of WLS is to learn new ways of eating and new ways to enjoy what food you can eat. lunch meat isn't adequate nutrition. It's full of additives, nitrates and very little protein for the buck. How about fresh turkey breast instead? Do you like Soups? Try adding a bit of cubed turkey to your favorite Soup. If Protein drinks aren't your thing then you need to dig deep and find high protein foods that you do like. You don't have to love them at this point, but you need to find things that give your the nutrients your body needs.

Protein feeds you hair, your skin and your muscles. You say don't want to be bald? Better figure out how to get that protein in.

The other thing is that sauna suit? Waste of money. It makes you sweat so you are losing what little fluids you take in. Any weight loss you think you see with it is replaced the minute to take a drink. However you also run the risk of dehydrating yourself. Walking is good. Walking wearing a sauna suit is asking for trouble.

I've gone through periods where I had no appetite or interest in food. I just planned my 3 meals a day and made sure I got my fluids in. I didn't make any fancy meals I just made sure I got my protein in. I am happy to be in control of my eating in this way. I want to develop sensible eating habits for the rest of my life. If I have to go through the motions until it becomes habit, then so be it.

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Well obviously I just have to eat the food. If you would've read the post, I said I have no desire to eat.

Yes, I did take the time to read the post. All the best on your journey to better health.

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@@yungshi ...uh...don't start the year being snippy. geez.

@@finediva is saying you might not have the DESIRE to eat, but just DO it, because you need to. PLUS, she was VERY kind to give you nice Protein amounts for easy foods to get in.

So, yung...did you really need to give attitude and be so aggresive and snarky? Obviously you NEED to eat something, because you're already

unnecessarily cranky. Just sayin'. An apology to FD might be a nice thing for

you to do, imho.

Yes, I was not being mean or sarcastic. Just trying to offer suggestions and suport. What this forum is mainly about. You get what I was saying. Thanks

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I can certainly symphathize - I'm almost 5 months out and have very little hunger. I'm lucky if I feel "hungry" once a day, usually if at all around dinner time. If it is really hard, since I'm forcing myself to drink anyways, I have Atkins Protein shakes and Protein "shots". Also, my tummy also really likes Decaf tea, so I'll drink 20 oz of tea at a time, with a chunk of the 20 oz being skim milk.

So far my bloodwork has been coming back good for protein. :-)

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This may sound a bit harsh, but when you let them cut 80%-90% of your stomach out so you could get healthy, you signed up for a lifetime of after care that includes a prescription for exercise, (sound like you're doing GREAT there!), and fueling your body for its maximum health. That part includes eating well and getting vitamin\mineral supplements and Protein. All plans are a bit different in the amounts, but I haven't heard of one yet that down't stress these things. So do yourself a favor, put your big girl panties on and commit to ALL of your after care with the same chutzpah you've applied to your exercise routine! When I "just don't wanna", I re-read the sentiment below to help motivate me to do what I know I need to do. I've seen ti posted in several places, but I got it here: http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/backontracktogether/discussion/4491168/THERES-NO-CRYING-IN-BASEBALL-Wise-words-about-WLS/


By: Leilani

That's the sentiment (scenario) that comes to mind sometimes when I hear some of the comments from people who've already had the surgery. In case you haven't made the connection, that's a line Tom Hanks made famous in the movie "A League Of Their Own." Resorting to tears or just giving up every time the going gets tough. Or your sick of taking Vitamins, getting in Protein is hard, Water doesn't taste good, etc. That kinda' thinking is NOT going to make you successful or keep you healthy. ENOUGH already! It's time to LOVE yourself enough to get "TOUGH" wtih your aftercare. Your longterm health is worth it!!

Success comes with a backbone, NOT a wishbone!

First and foremost, you have to keep it POSITIVE. As with everything in life, if you think you can't - you WON'T! Simple enough?

I have to wonder when "we" (as adults) finally take ownershipfor our actions, our life and our health? We have been given a gift, a second chance to actually LIVE life again instead of merely existing on the sidelines. It's up to each of us to do that as healthy and productively as possible.

We're ALL statistics waiting to happen and the insurance companies are chomping at the bit. The bean counters are eager to drop Weight Loss Surgery ("WLS") from the policies; some already have. Don't you know that any negative feedback thrown into the mix only strengthens their cause? I may not be able to control every thing that happens to my body after WLS, but most things I can. I CHOOSE to take control and I will be a positive statistic when the numbers get counted.

We live in a spoiled society, expecting everything in life to come with a buncha really cool choices. Well, guess what? When it comes to your health, you're not always going to get a choice. You either DO IT and stay healthy, or you DON'T and your body pays the price.

The way I saw it, I had a 90 day healing and adjusting period after surgery. My 'super morbidly obese' body had more than enough stores to survive the learning curve. In turn, it gave me plenty of time to heal, adjust and learn. For those of you OVER 90 days Post-Op, the probation period is over - its time to get serious and LIVE what you've learned.

* You say you can't get in enough liquids throughout the day, don't like the taste of Water, or just keep forgetting? -- TOUGH! It's not an option anymore. Find a way to do it, get suggestions and tips from others in support groups, message boards, etc. Read, learn and JUST DO IT!! Why do you think there is a choice here?

* You say you don't like the big horse pill type Vitamins, or the tart chalky chewables? ... it's just too many to bother with? Or maybe you just can't remember to take them? -- TOUGH! You gave up the option NOT to take vitamins when you agreed to have your insides rerouted. FIND a way to get them in; crushed, minced, chopped, liquified, in a shake, etc. No exceptions, your health depends on it.

* Protein is a must. So you can't get it all in via foods and you don't like the way the shakes taste? -- TOUGH! Either get it through your meals (and there are a gazillion food choices out there) or supplement it with Protein Shakes and bars.

Trust me, I don't drink my Protein Shake every morning because I think it tastes like a chocolate blizzard from Dairy Queen. I've tried many varieties over the last 2 years. I'd even venture to say 25 of the top sellers/flavors have crossed my lips. For the record? I've yet to find one that is as 'delicious' as boasted by the distributor. So what. I still drink one every morning. My HEALTH dictates that I need "X" grams of protein per day. If I'm not getting enough from my meals then I supplement a shake. 'Nuff said.

This surgery is a gift, I owe it to me and everyone else fighting the approval process, to do it right! I will continue to choke down my vitamins, my water and my protein every single day, for the REST OF MY LIFE. Some days will be easier than others, regardless, no days will be missed.

It's all about discipline. Create a routine, set a timer, develop a pattern, tie a string around your finger, glue a note on your forehead, whatever it takes.

You're an adult - take responsibility! If this surgery doesn't slap a back bone into you, not much will.

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This may sound a bit harsh, but when you let them cut 80%-90% of your stomach out so you could get healthy, you signed up for a lifetime of after care that includes a prescription for exercise, (sound like you're doing GREAT there!), and fueling your body for its maximum health. That part includes eating well and getting vitaminmineral supplements and Protein. All plans are a bit different in the amounts, but I haven't heard of one yet that down't stress these things. So do yourself a favor, put your big girl panties on and commit to ALL of your after care with the same chutzpah you've applied to your exercise routine! When I "just don't wanna", I re-read the sentiment below to help motivate me to do what I know I need to do. I've seen ti posted in several places, but I got it here: http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/backontracktogether/discussion/4491168/THERES-NO-CRYING-IN-BASEBALL-Wise-words-about-WLS/THERE%27S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!!!By: LeilaniThat's the sentiment (scenario) that comes to mind sometimes when I hear some of the comments from people who've already had the surgery. In case you haven't made the connection, that's a line Tom Hanks made famous in the movie "A League Of Their Own." Resorting to tears or just giving up every time the going gets tough. Or your sick of taking Vitamins, getting in Protein is hard, Water doesn't taste good, etc. That kinda' thinking is NOT going to make you successful or keep you healthy. ENOUGH already! It's time to LOVE yourself enough to get "TOUGH" wtih your aftercare. Your longterm health is worth it!!Success comes with a backbone, NOT a wishbone!First and foremost, you have to keep it POSITIVE. As with everything in life, if you think you can't - you WON'T! Simple enough?I have to wonder when "we" (as adults) finally take ownershipfor our actions, our life and our health? We have been given a gift, a second chance to actually LIVE life again instead of merely existing on the sidelines. It's up to each of us to do that as healthy and productively as possible. We're ALL statistics waiting to happen and the insurance companies are chomping at the bit. The bean counters are eager to drop Weight Loss Surgery ("WLS") from the policies; some already have. Don't you know that any negative feedback thrown into the mix only strengthens their cause? I may not be able to control every thing that happens to my body after WLS, but most things I can. I CHOOSE to take control and I will be a positive statistic when the numbers get counted. We live in a spoiled society, expecting everything in life to come with a buncha really cool choices. Well, guess what? When it comes to your health, you're not always going to get a choice. You either DO IT and stay healthy, or you DON'T and your body pays the price.The way I saw it, I had a 90 day healing and adjusting period after surgery. My 'super morbidly obese' body had more than enough stores to survive the learning curve. In turn, it gave me plenty of time to heal, adjust and learn. For those of you OVER 90 days Post-Op, the probation period is over - its time to get serious and LIVE what you've learned. * You say you can't get in enough liquids throughout the day, don't like the taste of Water, or just keep forgetting? -- TOUGH! It's not an option anymore. Find a way to do it, get suggestions and tips from others in support groups, message boards, etc. Read, learn and JUST DO IT!! Why do you think there is a choice here?* You say you don't like the big horse pill type Vitamins, or the tart chalky chewables? ... it's just too many to bother with? Or maybe you just can't remember to take them? -- TOUGH! You gave up the option NOT to take vitamins when you agreed to have your insides rerouted. FIND a way to get them in; crushed, minced, chopped, liquified, in a shake, etc. No exceptions, your health depends on it.* Protein is a must. So you can't get it all in via foods and you don't like the way the shakes taste? -- TOUGH! Either get it through your meals (and there are a gazillion food choices out there) or supplement it with Protein Shakes and bars.Trust me, I don't drink my Protein Shake every morning because I think it tastes like a chocolate blizzard from Dairy Queen. I've tried many varieties over the last 2 years. I'd even venture to say 25 of the top sellers/flavors have crossed my lips. For the record? I've yet to find one that is as 'delicious' as boasted by the distributor. So what. I still drink one every morning. My HEALTH dictates that I need "X" grams of protein per day. If I'm not getting enough from my meals then I supplement a shake. 'Nuff said.This surgery is a gift, I owe it to me and everyone else fighting the approval process, to do it right! I will continue to choke down my vitamins, my water and my protein every single day, for the REST OF MY LIFE. Some days will be easier than others, regardless, no days will be missed.It's all about discipline. Create a routine, set a timer, develop a pattern, tie a string around your finger, glue a note on your forehead, whatever it takes.You're an adult - take responsibility! If this surgery doesn't slap a back bone into you, not much will.

Thank you I needed to read this! I'm still pre op but I'm going to take my vitamins with a BIG glass of water right now. I love the "no crying in baseball" reference. I will ask husband to remind me of this after surgery when it gets hard. All of you are welcome to remind me of the same!

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Good topic. I'm 7 months out and still experiencing this lack of desire. I do force with Proteins first. This was not the case a few months ago, but now I can eat most Proteins without problems, except for beef/steak.

It strikes me as very natural to express feelings like this. Even with all of the "warnings" and whatnot, it is something altogether different to go through it.

Edited by storytotell

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good advice here. we have committed to a new life and we have to do what it takes to get healthy. no choice anymore, do it right or be sick as hell.it is not really according to what we feel at the moment, it is a pathway we chose and it has certain requirements.buck up and do it right. I am talking to myself too. love sara

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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