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Illegal aliens

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Carlene... is your fast food post anything at all like DISCUSSING cheese? ????????? :D

NO....truly not. I don't do the cheese thing. I'm not the thread police.

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Jasmine....(hijacking the thread here for a minute)

I just noticed the line under your avatar...."I am what I eat". I once told my daughter if that's true, then she is fast, cheap, and easy....LOL

Yes, those words would describe how I eat, LOL.

I'm just in a bad place with food right now. I got down to 135lbs, injured my knee running, and am now back up to 146lbs. I feel like my avatar looks. I don't even feel like I'm banded right now. I think I might have a leak. But that's for another thread. Thanks.

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Carlene that was my lame stab at humor.

Jasmine: As a person who has serious knee problems, I certainly do sympathize. You know you can do this thing, you've just had a momentary setback. I have no idea how old you are and I hope you do not have any permanent damage.

Just a word of serious advice. Whatever you do, don't stop exercising completely. Keep your self doing something because it's the inactivity that can cause your knee to completely screw up on you. I don't know for sure if it is arthritis that sets in or exactly what, but since I've had my problem I have learned from so many people that after some kind of sports injury where they babied their knee(s) by being inactive, was when the serious knee problems arose. You don't have to do much, and you can treat it with heat, but you also need to get in a warm swimming pool or some kind of regular therapy with warmth that increases the blood flow that will allow your knees to extend and straighten without causing any further damage. Many of us are facing knee replacements and if I can keep anyone from having to go through that, my job is done!

Hang in there!

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Jasmine: As a person who has serious knee problems, I certainly do sympathize. You know you can do this thing, you've just had a momentary setback. I have no idea how old you are and I hope you do not have any permanent damage.

Just a word of serious advice. Whatever you do, don't stop exercising completely. Keep your self doing something because it's the inactivity that can cause your knee to completely screw up on you. I don't know for sure if it is arthritis that sets in or exactly what, but since I've had my problem I have learned from so many people that after some kind of sports injury where they babied their knee(s) by being inactive, was when the serious knee problems arose. You don't have to do much, and you can treat it with heat, but you also need to get in a warm swimming pool or some kind of regular therapy with warmth that increases the blood flow that will allow your knees to extend and straighten without causing any further damage. Many of us are facing knee replacements and if I can keep anyone from having to go through that, my job is done!

Hang in there!


Thanks so much for the kind advice. I'm still in my twenties, so my knee injury is not a good thing. It's been months now. I've tried to do 45 minutes of the elliptical trainer and 15 minutes of jogging. I had previously worked up to 5 miles of jogging and now I can barely do 1 mile. I guess I am a little bummed because I got a rush out of jogging that I am unable to get doing any other type of exercise. My knee just starts locking up after a mile. The physicians I work with have given me some advice on the type of exercises I can do to strengthen my knee, so hopefully it works if I keep at it. I will try not to baby it. Thanks again!

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Cool Jasimine, sounds like you have it figured out and under control. Running is so hard on knees and feet. But I used to be a runner too and there's nothing quite like it for a feeling of well being! I've never been much of a free weight person, but I'm told that it can be lots of fun and rewarding and you can do it without re-injuring things. I'm planning to get into it as soon as I graduate from Water therapy.

It's great that you're learning all this before you get to be my age!

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Being married to a man who's father came over the border illegally I think I may be berated for how I feel but here it goes.

I feel there are so many illegals that work and pay taxes that they never can or will collect. Let them stay. If they have children that were born or raised here, let them stay. If they get in trouble for something give them the chance to become legal and serve their time as an American.

We send them home and the next day they are back here. We cannot keep them out. They can come here and for $3,000 they can get a whole new ID.My husband was born here to an American mother and Mexican father. His father is a wonderful man who has done a lot with his life here and raised a son into a good man who cares for his family. My husband and I made him a grandfather before his citizenship came through. He owned a home and a diner. My husbands father was 36 and mother 14 when they got together years ago. I think we should just leave them alone as long as they are doing good for the country and LEARN the language so they can communicate with those of us who were born here. I am a proud American who's family immigrated through Ellis Island and became Americans in 1897. I also had family come over with Columbus and have fought in every war this country has had. My father is still in the ARMY so don't get me wrong. If there was a way t keep them from getting here I would be for it but I see no way to do it.

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Robin: Thanks for posting. If anyone can provide insight on this topic, you can. It seems that you have some understanding on both sides of the issue. I wish the answer was a simple one - it isn't - but opening up the lines of communication can certainly help.

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I'm frustrated because here in Colorado everyone is crying and weeping and moaning over illegal immigration and how stronger laws need to be passed, but no one's enforcing the laws we have now.

State troopers stopped a truck coming in to Colorado carrying a load of undocumented Mexicans. The state trooper ticketed the driver and let everyone go. He was at the end of his shift and didn't want the hassle.

One of my clients is a 20-year old whose boyfriend and father of her child is an illegal and has an extensive arrest record, including assaulting a police officer. He chased her and her baby with a meat cleaver, breaking down a door and smashing a window. He was arrested and released on bail when he should have been deported.

No new laws are going to make a bit of difference while the current laws aren't even taken seriously.

Our last election made some changes in the law. If the man/woman/baby scenario would have happened in Arizona, since he is an illegal there would no longer BE any bail. Just jail. After he gets out he would be deported. Of course, he'd likely just slither back over here but at least Arizona is trying a few ideas out.

A friend of mine was killed by a drunk illegal last August. At the scene of the accident he took off, crossed the border and now he's free. Had we enforced our current laws and secured the border, my friend would be alive now and his wife wouldn't have spent months in ICU.

But all some seem to worry about is the poor dears that just want a better life. Well you know what? Bank robbers just want a better life too. Illegal is illegal.

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But all some seem to worry about is the poor dears that just want a better life. Well you know what? Bank robbers just want a better life too. Illegal is illegal.

Having compassion for those less fortunate does not mean that this is "all some seem to worry about." In fact, this is just a part of the picture. I agree much stronger laws are needed, especially against American employers who make the jobs available (after all, illegal is illegal). But why is there not room for both?

And, if there is no room in your heart for compassion for less fortunate individuals, why must you sarcastically belittle those of us who do feel this compassion? Again, you and I want the same thing: Stronger laws. The only difference is, I feel compassion for those less fortunate, and you don't. Why is there not room in your world for people who feel compassion? Why must everyone be as angry as you are?

WASaBubble, can I ask you, if your family was suffering, would you cross the border illegally? Please be honest. And I am not asking you to explain how all these illegal aliens have a lot of children in a grand scheme to leech off the United States, or whatever. Please talk about that some other time. I'm just asking you a simple question. If your family was suffering, would you cross the border illegally?

I don't know if you have done much travelling, perhaps you have. But when I have travelled I have seen how the average American sucks up a hugely disproportionate share of the earth's available resources. This is an absolutely undeniable fact. We take much more than our share, by a HUGE proportion. I am not advocating feeling guilty about it, or anything like that. I just don't understand why, as we slam the door in the face of all these horrible illegals, why we must do it with anger. Slam the door, yes. But why the anger?

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Having compassion for those less fortunate does not mean that this is "all some seem to worry about." In fact, this is just a part of the picture. I agree much stronger laws are needed, especially against American employers who make the jobs available (after all, illegal is illegal). But why is there not room for both?

And, if there is no room in your heart for compassion for less fortunate individuals, why must you sarcastically belittle those of us who do feel this compassion? Again, you and I want the same thing: Stronger laws. The only difference is, I feel compassion for those less fortunate, and you don't. Why is there not room in your world for people who feel compassion? Why must everyone be as angry as you are?

WASaBubble, can I ask you, if your family was suffering, would you cross the border illegally? Please be honest. And I am not asking you to explain how all these illegal aliens have a lot of children in a grand scheme to leech off the United States, or whatever. Please talk about that some other time. I'm just asking you a simple question. If your family was suffering, would you cross the border illegally?

I don't know if you have done much travelling, perhaps you have. But when I have travelled I have seen how the average American sucks up a hugely disproportionate share of the earth's available resources. This is an absolutely undeniable fact. We take much more than our share, by a HUGE proportion. I am not advocating feeling guilty about it, or anything like that. I just don't understand why, as we slam the door in the face of all these horrible illegals, why we must do it with anger. Slam the door, yes. But why the anger?


I completely agree.

Although, I do feel for WasABubble's friend. I've seen this happen and it just makes me sick that people can take a life and escape back to their original country. I've also seen this done by people who have come here legally.

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I do feel for WasABubble's friend. I've seen this happen and it just makes me sick that people can take a life and escape back to their original country. I've also seen this done by people who have come here legally.

Yeah, that's a tough story. I definitely sympathize on that as well.

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As I have said earlier in this thread, I find it impossible to comment on the illegal immigrant situation in the United States for I am unaware of the stresses and strains which your society is currently undergoing with respect to the pressures exerted by illegal immigration. Canada, my country, has become a country which is now very open to accepting those immigrants who do not conform to the requirements of past, more racist times. A lot of our recent and legal immigrants come from places other than Europe. This has not proven to be a problem up here in the Great White North. This may well be because considerably fewer of our new Canadians are uninvited. Most of our new-comers are vetted by the government. Though we do have illegals, it takes a whole big bunch more work to drift into Canada than it does to slide into the United States. This is just a question of geography, eh, for Canada is a country which is more or less polar and which only shares a land border with the United States.

We do get illegals. We get a float of Carribeans, some of them well known to our local police, and we seem to have arrivals of mainland Chinese who arrive via the Pacific. All of this information is provided by our media of course. While these illegals present an issue to Canadians for a number of reasons - in the case of the mainland Chinese this is because these folks are imported carelessly, like goldfish, by agents to whom they have paid a fortune and whom they themselves call snakeheads - I am left under the impression that the influx of Hispanic illegals in the States is such that your society is unable to deal with the weight of the newcomers.

In my earlier post I suggested that your government could engage itself in this problem. I suggested that a Republican government could insist upon work-fare, a policy which would suit its political approach. I suggested that a Democrat government could take the approach of raising the minimum working wage, an approach appropriate with its political stance. These suggestions were prompted by my understanding that many Americans were unhappy about the number of illegals flooding the country, and that many Americans were also unhappy about the number of fellow Americans who were out of work and on welfare. You must understand that illegals would not be flooding into your country in such great numbers if your own people were not offering these folks jobs.

As for this movement of migrant workers throughout North America, let us now talk about NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Association. NAFTA is an ugly, crippled, dwarfish cousin of the European Economic Union and it was brokered by the Reagan Republicans in the United States and the Mulroney Conservative government in Canada and then it was extended to include Mexico, for Mexico is part of north America. NAFTA calls for free trade within these three governmental jurisdictions. The reason that I say that this agreement is an ugly dwarfish version of the European agreement is that individual Europeans have the right to move, live, and work anywhere they wish inside those countries which are part of the Common Market. Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans do not have this right and although many Americans are quite happy about blocking the right of Mexicans to move north there are a number of Americans who are terribly anxious to avoid continuing on with their military service and would like to live in Canada. Similarly there are many Canadians who would like to spend their winter months in either the U.S. or Mexico.

And of course it also occurs to me that if the third party in our kind of crappy, low-rent financial union, NAFTA, is not providing its own citizens with all the rights which we assume are correct - that is to say, environmental, health, financial, and basic human rights, then the Canuckis and the Americans should be placing pressure on their goverments to ensure that their partner conform, eh.

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<p>I don't think all of the illegals who come here come to live off of us. Many of them come here to work hard and better their living situations. These kind of comments just seem hateful to me. I wonder what the statistics are on this matter. Have any of the persons making this claim done the research? I think these types of comments are what inspires such hatred towards these people. Not all of them come to live off of us. I think their modivation for coming here is for a better life. And most of them are not drug dealers, either. So now every illegal is a drug dealer, too?</p>

They are NO different from a drug dealer. They are breaking laws just like a drug dealer. If they want to come here, FINE! Do it legally. Don't show such disrespect for those who will be supporting you by forcing them to pay your way. (not you personally, you generally)

We have a legal method to move to the US. Coming here and breaking our laws, sucking down our resources, over crowding our schools, filling our jails, stretching our social services to the max... that's not the greatest way to show you want to earn your own living.

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And, to assume that the reason they do all of the crap work to get over on the system, is again, just an assumption. I do not expect you to understand, since you probably have never been exposed to this community of people. ...

According to the Mexican gov't the average illegal from Mexico here has a 6th grade education. What jobs would you expect them to have?

This is yet another reason they are so damned expensive. The will NEVER be fully self sufficient. They will always be working poor even if they do have a job. That means welfare for life. We have US citizens that could use that welfare and they don't qualify. The resources are stretched too far so we can pay for people that shouldn't even BE here.

We have people that cannot afford medical care/insurance for their children yet they are paying taxes so illegals can have free medical care.

What about all the people right here on this forum that can't afford their own insurance so they travel to Mexico for everything from dental work, to lap bands, to open heart surgery?

Yeah, screw Americans and their needs, we need to take care of illegals because the bleeding heart liberals think that's a nice thing to do. How nice are we being to our own citizens? The very people paying the tab for illegals?

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