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Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

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J - Glad to be here more... Same as with BG - Rest up, get plenty of fluids & get better soon.

ZZ - forgot to mention that I saw your pics in the B&A thread - you look great! Also glad that you were able to get your bycycle into the pic :wink2:


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J - Uh-Uh...you gotta do that ride, girl! You've been talking about it forever! You can do it! BTW, you got a link for those pedals? They sound interesting and I would love to check them out. I'm considering getting a third bike with upgraded Speedplays, but would love something relaxed like you describe for my current girl.

BG - Ouch! I have had strep but once, and that was once too many. No fun at all. You are smart to take it easy and not talk or anything...get that junk gone as soon as possible! Oh! And LOVE the new pic!

SBG - WomanOnBike.jpg

B - So glad you are all right, feeling better and better, and posting more!

HP - Good for you getting out there in that wind! I feel your pain...I would rather ride uphill in the rain and cold than ride against the wind.

C - YAY for your ride! Glad you are recovering well!

ZZ - Where's my girl? I wanna hear how your appointment went! Unfill some?


Okay, day one of MS150 wiped me out. We had 25mph winds no matter which direction we were heading, it seemed. I did learn that I have a whole other region of gears that I didn't know about, though! (Can you say "DUMMY"?????) Now I heart hills, too...much easier...never walked a single hill yesterday. Got some good pics yesterday...today my camera wouldn't even come on! GRRRR Even though the winds died down today to about 5mph, I was so sore. My tailbone has been hurting ever since I fell at the Lancaster ride three weeks ago and this morning I was feeling being on the bike that long yesterday. I sagged in again, damn it...did about 120 miles, though. I just couldn't stand in my pedals another 40 miles. You short gals look cute when you stand in your pedals to go, but I'm so tall that I just look like a gangly girraffe doing it! So I'm even sitting sideways in my recliner right now because I can't even sit in a chair without my tailbone hurting. (Glad I already have a doctor's appointment Tuesday morning.)

All in all, the MS150 was a fantastic experience! I met so many nice folks...learned that I want to start driving sag as well as riding...met my MS champ at the finish line, too! She is a real sweetheart...made me cry to hear her story and see her in that wheelchair. We will be in contact forever, I'm sure, and she asked me to ride for her again next year, which I agreed to do.

You medical folks...can I convert my saddle to accomodate a "donut" for my tailbone? LOL JK I hate the thought of it, but I may need to stay off my bike for a bit. I will discuss with my doc.

I loved this ride, but it will likelly be the only big ride I do from now on. Right now, my preference is to stay around 40, maybe 50 miles for any one ride. After that, it gets to be too much like work! LOL Of course, it really depends on the terrain, too. I've really discovered, by doing these rides, that my long training route does me no favors. It simply isn't challenging. I thought distance was the challenge, but now (for me, at least) I know better. Lancaster's hills taught me better. My route is way too peaceful and flat.

Anyhow, I will post pics and stats tomorrow! Love y'all and everyone get better and back on your bikes!


Where's Daddy, D and JC?

Edited by TexasFire67

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Congrats on the ride and Oweee on the tail bone situation. I can't wait to see pics! Of the ride that is, not of your tailbone. LOL!

I know what you mean about keeping rides under 50 miles to have them be enjoyable. After this weekend I don't see me seeking out centeries or other super long rides. Frankly, 5+ hours in a day of doing any hobby just doesn't fit my schedule. But being able to say that I can do it is what's important!

I love that you will continue to ride this ride for your MS Champ. That's a very cool thing. Your enthusiasm jumps off the screen, so you know you've got to love what you did. Awesome.

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TX -

I second what J said - congratulations on a great ride and major ouch on the tailbone. Hopefully, it won't keep you off the bike for long at all. Can't wait to see the pics!


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I'm here!!

BG - sorry your sickly! Amox sucks!! I get strep frequently (2-3x a year at least) and the ONLY thing that works for me anymore is Z pack. Of course, probably because I was on amox so much as a kid, I"m just resistant to it now. Hope you feel better soon!

TX - Your ride rocked! You should feel great that you did as much as you did! Thats just amazing! WHen I move down there maybe I'll be able to do that ride with you next year! Weeeeeeee!!

J- Glad you got some new pedals and that they are working for you.

SBG - Welcome!

OK... I just read 3 pages, so forgive me if I'm missing any highlights...

As for me... Saturday night I returned my oldest niece to her house and my other nice and nephew begged me to take them home with me for the night, I had the walk on Sunday morning, but they both agreed to do the March of Dimes walk with me, so that was awesome. We got up yesterday morning and went to the Walk. They had a really great time! They really got into the stories of sick and premature babies. They understood WHY we were walking, and that was cool. Abby (8 year old niece) was born 6 weeks preemie, so it gave her some more insight into what being a preemie is all about, and that it doesn't just mean a 'smaller baby'. She said she felt very blessed by God to be healthy!

Afterwards we had the free picinic lunch that was served - hot dogs, chips, cookies... I had some chips.

The Walk went great. I raised $200 and got a 'free' incentive tshirt. Its so cute.. and a size 2x! Last year I'd have been lucky to squeeze into a 4x!!

Today I finally got to sleep in!! No kids with me! lol. Tomorrow I have to go back to work. Boo... I don't want to!

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B- thanks for the comment on the pics!! I have to keep looking back at old pics to really see a difference in myself. When I look in a mirror I just see all the fat that is left. I don't see or feel a difference unless I have side by side pics! And that one pic of me from April of last year is TERRIBLE! Lol!

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That's great about the niece and nef getting a new understanding of what it means to be a preemie. Also, giving walking, volunteering ones time to help others is a cool thing.

I'm taking the kiddo to the Race for the Cure in a few weeks. I'm not thrilled about talking about cancer with her because she's a worrier, but I'm pleased to show her people caring for others, you know? We have a friend, a young mom with breast cancer and it's easy for DD to apply other people's struggle on to "what if" for us...

I feel you on looking at pics too. It's so easy not to recognize changes, but they are happening! That's why we got to keep snapping photos!


When are you getting your first fill? How is Hell?

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Hey my bicycling buddies!

J- First fill=May 16th. YES!! I can tell that I am able to eat more than 4 oz! (duh) I am still hungry, but am getting through it. The diet pill Rx was a bust. Took one pill and didn't sleep for over 48 hours. Never took another. Better to be hungry than tired like that.

TX- Way to go on your ride! I know what you mean about the long rides. It's work to train for them and can feel like work to do them. Riding and providing SAG is fun too. I like that you'll ride again next year for your girl. You are so sweet! Sorry about your tailbone. Get lots of rest and stay off of it if you can. Glad you have an appointment. Thepedals are great for light riding...seems like so many are in the market for new pedals.

BG- Hope you're in bed or laying on the couch sipping fluids. If not, you should be!

B- I'm glad you're doing better. Bummer you sold your pedals with your other bike. I totally heart my SPD's and the platform pedals are a great option.

ZZ- Hi! You do look wonderful! How's the bike riding going?

I'm pretty excited that I got out for a short ride yesterday. I am hoping to go out tomorrow too. I've got to get busy if I'm going to Lansing, huh?


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LOVE your pictures on before and after.....you are doing sooooo well!!!!!

I am truly inspired....and noticed your ticker just keeps moving...way too go.

I am hoping that my scale stays where it was this morning for tommorow, because if it does, i will get to move my ticker as well....woohooooo!!!!!

BG hope you are feeling better

My husband and I are taking our bikes too work with us Tuesday and going for a ride after work. I am super excited. I told him we were, didn't give an option. Have to be home in time for idol....

Ok....well. better get to bed

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Everyone Have A Wonderful Night...i Am Starting To See Things That Arent On The Screen...yikes

Edited by hoosierpoms

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Yeah, C, I want to see a cycling ticker under your name. How are you going to be able to do that metric century in 4 weeks? Ha, just kidding! Do you think you'll be able to do 25 by then? What was your standard milage at the end of last season? How quickly are you able to build miles? I know some people hop on like it's nothing and ride forever. Not me I have to train...

HP, are you and John really going to make it to Lansing?

I can't wait!

I did get in a quick 20 today after work with my new pedals. OMG, I was so happy to be out riding I can't tell you, I nearly cried. It's the first time this year that I didn't panic at the thought of riding. Whew. I love my SPDs. They are so much better than egg mother fucking beaters. I'll punch anyone who says they are easier. I will, right in the neck too!

I'm actually a mild mannered girl. It's BG, she's a bad influence with her violent behavior!

I'll get another 20 in tomorrow. I didn't get my full 400 before TOSRV, but I'll be close to 300. I'm sure that's gonna be fine.

Back to homework!

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Okay, I gotta tell you that I giggle about life so often.

I had to address a member earlier that reported a post for containing profanity. I completly understand where folks are coming from that feel this way...my sister is the same way and I totally respect it. I would never want anyone to think otherwise.

But at the same time, all I could think about is this thread! I felt like such a hypocrite! LOL (Even though I would never fucking cuss, you know. :rolleyes: It's BG's fault that we are all corrupt! HA!)

It just goes to prove the fact that there is a time and place for everything. While I wouldn't cuss out on an unknown thread...bycylers are just cussers. And I am a die-hard bycyler!

Rock on! :tt1:

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Hey now, how did I become the bad influence? :rolleyes:

Thanks for the well wishes, I am feeling much, much better. I can eat again, and as former fatties we all know how important that is!!lol

Another reunion of sorts in Lansing would be a ton of fun. The more the merrier. I am going for the 62 miles.

I have so much stuff to do this week. I am going out of town for the weekend and with being sick last weekend I have a lot of laundry to catch up on. I want to have everything done so on Thursday night I can go out and have some drinks and watch the Red Wings slap some Dallas Stars around the ice :tt1:

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You're kidding with the little angel act, right? :rolleyes: Glad to hear you are feeling better and eating again. We bycylers have to eat to keep our strength up! As much as I would love to make Lansing, I just don't think that is in my future...maybe next time. Hey! I hope my Stars kick your Wings asses!

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I DO need to get a ticker for cycling, don't I?! Yeah, I can do 25. How many is everyone planning to do? How fast y'all goin' these days? Now that you, HP and BG are all in Onderland you're gonna leave this fatty in the dust! No fair! Gee, I hope I can keep up! LOL I'm really behind the 8-ball. I haven't been out for so long (the neighborhood doesn't count!). I need to do a test ride and see how I'm doing. And hey, I've still got 4 weeks!


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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