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Ok, I'm teaching 6th grade English/language arts. I went in today to grade final project, only 55% of my kids have turned them in! Man, I am so frustrated! I feel like it is my fault. Do you think if I didnt take ANY late work, more students would turn it in on time?

Anyway, 8 full days of teaching left, then it is on to summer

I had my band placed last July, so I really can't anwser for those who are having theirs done then going back to work, except that when I was in a car accident and went back to work, I just had the kids do stuff that was too hard. Like, when I needed to write on the board, a student would do it.

most of them really like to help. good luck,


:tired I soooo feel your pain. I too teach 6th grade only Math/Science. And I think that if we danced naked on a table they STILL wouldn't turn it in. I was rather surprised to get Science projects this year since in the past, my % of turn ins were about the same as yours. I just figure it ebbs and flows. I've got 3 1/2 w/Kids, 5 w/o left. I'm ready after the chuckle-heads I've had this year. I love my job, but I'm ready for a new batch. :yield:Best of luck with the final days. I'm gonna have them busy cleaning these last couple of days.....:heh: Take care!

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Wow! You teach into June:)! I'm from Texas and we have been out for two weeks. Of course, we go back in August. I am getting banded this July. I really can't wait. I have been worried too about eating in the breakroom next year and having issues. Luckily, someone on my team has had gastric bypass, and she is already so supportive. Ok, I have a question- Has anyone every PB or threw up in front of their kids? I am worried that will happen to me because I already have a weak stomach. It is great listening to all of your stories. I can't wait to share mine!

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I have a couple or responses but to several peope. I haven't figured out how to do the split quotes. My husband taught high school history forever. He would accept late work but with each day late he would take off 10 points right from the top. After 3 days it wasn't accepted and it went in as a 0. Our whole school system pretty well stuck to this policy. In the past 5 years they've gotten a whole new bunch of admins at all levels and we're no longer associated with the school so I'm not sure what the policy is now. It really worked at that time. At some time kids must learn to take responsibility for their own actions and accept consequences for what they don't do or do wrong. I think too many of today's kids are running the family, school, society and all adults. That's part of the problem with all the school shootings and such. That's only my opinion.

As far as PBing and sliming in front of the kids, the two times I did both it happened right away. If it would happen I would just tell the kids you have something stuck in your throat which basically you do. I didn't find that it was that gross. It went off and on for about an hour but once the bad guy came up it was fine. It's not projectile vomiting, it comes up smooth and easy. Don't get me wrong it does hurt. After the food comes up, in the same consistency as it went down, the sliming is sort of like coughing up phlem. It doesn't stink like vomit.

Texas does start in August but this year it's now law the kids can't start until about the last week. I know this past year my daughter had to go back for inservice on the 3 or 4 of August. Made me glad I am retired. I know what you mean about wanting to get rid of a bunch of kids. It seems I felt that way at the end of the year for the last several years that I taught . There's always a few terds in every class that can make the whole year miserable.

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It is so cool to see this thread. I am a teacher in training and am finishing up my Masters degree in education (Oregon requires the masters, not sure what it is like around the country). I will be highly qualified to teach middle and high school sciences and hoping to add middle school math onto that later. I have had my band for a long time but have been so busy, I kind of put it on the back burner for the last 20 months or so. I finally just went in for a fill and wowwie it reminds me of the early days. LOL. I've been kind of paranoid about eating anything challenging while I am in the school as well. I would love to teach in a south american country when I finish my degree. Does anyone have any good advice about where to look for jobs in that direction? Best wishes, Teresa

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I am so excited reading through these responses. I will be taking some prerequisites to go into the credential program hopefully by next summer. I have been out of school for a while. I have a BS in Business/Accounting and have decided I am not interested anymore. My true passion is education and children (I have 3 small ones). I'm going for a Mutliple Subject Credential BCLAD, I want to teach at the elementary level, bilingual education.

I have been banded for a while, Jan 2003, and I am very used to my restriction now, I seldom PB. I do need to have PS but I have decided to wait until next summer.

This thread is great.


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Hello fellow educators!

Haven't read this thread in a while due to summer college classes.

Everybody seems ready for a well deserved break.

In my school district, late work is graded no higher than a 70% and it must all be turned in one week prior to the end of a grading period.

I had my surgery on 4-27-07 and had lots of concerns about what I could and couldn't eat during our 30 minute lunch. What seemed to work best was the WW Smart Ones dinners and the Healthy Choice dinners. I tried a few Lean Cuisine dinners, but didn't like the flavor.

As for BPing in front of your students...try doing it in front of the whole faculty at a working lunch on inservice day...lol! I was sitting with the head principal and an assistant principal and some turkey got stuck. I excused myself to a trash can at the far corner of the commons and stood there with my back to everyone until it passed. One of the science teachers brought me some wet/dry paper towels and after about 10 minutes it all passed.

Everybody hang in there and have a good week!

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Wow! This thread has really taken off. It's so good to see it.


where do you get the personalized Garfield posters? Those would be really cool to have. School ends for me on the 21st.

The website is http://www.garfieldposters.com/ and at the bottom there is a link that says create educational posters here. Just click there. I thought they were sooooo cute. I think I'm going to get the Mrs. so and so's classroom rocks and the have you used your brain today one. So cute!

K@t, Haines City is in Polk Co., correct? I have lots of students in Polk county. What school will you be working at?

Yep it sure is in Polk County. I will be working at Boone Middle School. My sister also works there, she is the para for the esol teacher. She works with most of the disabled kids. You may even know her.

I almost had a pb once, I was eating a snack on our 10 min break and about 5 minutes in something got stuck, and 5 min later when class started it still hadn't gone down, I went up to class thinking it would go down, since it was the beginning of class the kids were talking and playing around and I just stood there until it finally went down. Most of them didn't even notice I was standing there until I started talking.

I don't have to much of a problem with students turning in stuff. But I really like that policy that LLSibley mentioned about 10 points each day and on the 3rd day it's a 0. I will probably adopt that policy myself.

I would love to teach in a south american country when I finish my degree. Does anyone have any good advice about where to look for jobs in that direction?

If your going to teach overseas you will probably only find work teaching English. Most places require a certification, but if you get that, then its really easy to find work. I have a friend teaching in Chile right now. Just search for TEFL or CELTA. (different places call it different things) There are loads of websites. Good Luck!

Well I am 3 weeks away from moving. I need to do some serious packing soon. I have made a mini goal to try and lose 10lbs before school starts in August. So as soon as I get to the Sunshine state I need to get my behind in gear.....wish me luck!

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Hi! I teach second grade in the Cincinnati, OH area. My students are very accepting of the fact that I eat a small snack at 10:00 every morning.

My principal had gastric bypass surgery and is very supportive. I go to the hospital at 10:00 this morning for my first fill. I hope all goes well.

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Ok, I am thinking of sticking to Soup at lunch! (lol) I can just see myself doing something like that- PB in front of the staff. I know I will struggle with all those back to school luncheons they have for us when school starts back. :rolleyes: Do you just avoid them altogether?

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Ok, I am thinking of sticking to Soup at lunch! (lol) I can just see myself doing something like that- PB in front of the staff. I know I will struggle with all those back to school luncheons they have for us when school starts back. :rolleyes: Do you just avoid them altogether?

Actually today was our end of the year faculty party. :clap2: Yes, I'm FREEEE!!!

Anyway, to answer your question, I just attend the meals and eat small amounts. We've got about 8-9 people on staff that have had gastric bypass, and I've been comfortable enough to share my LB experience with my friends on staff. I try to pick out items I can have. At our Breakfast club meals I go for Protein related items w/fruit and avoid the breads. As for PB...I've not done that yet, but I have gotten stuck....and I just get up and walk it off. I figure their my friends and pretty supportive (I work at an awesome school!). Good luck!

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Hi Everyone! I am also a teacher certified in elementary ed and early childhood education. I use to teach Kindergarten and was a Head Teacher before my children were born but after I had them I started to do paraprofessional work in special education working with children with the disability autism. I currently shadow a child in a 6th grade middle school. This is my first time working in a middle school. A much faster pace then I was use to but I have grown to really like it. I was banded on Dec. 21, 2005 and did really well with it until I had some health problems this past year which are still not all resolved however, I do feel alot better than I was. Before the band I lost 60lbs but began gaining it back due to diabetic medication. I decided the only way I was going to get off the medication was to have the band and so glad I did that. I have been off the medication since the day before surgery. I control it now with my diet and exercise when I can. I lost 60lbs with the band but gained 18lbs back in February due to being on prednisone for 2 1/2 weeks. I am now finally starting to lose it and being more active. When I can't exercise I don't lose. I have to use all the tools in order for me to lose and keep it off! Some people are lucky they can just diet but I can't. My metabolism won't allow it!! lol...Lunches at school are always a rush for me too! I usually bring a yogurt, cheese stick or two and a grapefruit. Things that go down easily. I am glad the summer is here. Only 4 1/2 more days left until some time off. I am working the summer program for special ed and will be working for 6 weeks part time. At least, I will have the afternoons off!! I plan on doing alot of walking my weight off this summer!! Need to get back in the swing of things. I am having a D&C on June 25th so I will pamper myself for a few days and then begin my walking program. I have an indoor track I can walk at if the weather is too hot or rainy. Have to boost my metabolism and this is the only way I know how for now:) I would love to hear from other teachers. I also want to go back to graduate school to finish my special ed certification. I have 12 credits towards it but since I stopped for a few years and now I want to go back the entire program changed and I would have to take the praxis test for it. Has anybody taken the praxis for special ed? Is it really hard? I am not great at taking standarize tests. Any good books to study from for it? Feel free to write me. I'd be happy to write back:)


Banded: 12/21/05

Highest Weight: 340 lbs./Clothes size then: 28/30

Banded Weight: 300lbs./Clothes size banded: 28/26

Current Weight: 263lbs./Clothes size Now: pants - 22/shirts - 18/20

You can't always go by your weight, the inches tell you a story too!;)

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Hey isabelle,kuebel, and Jan, welcome to BTT! I think the lunch issue is always a problem because of how short a lunch period we have.

slikchik it's nice that you have so many friends that understand what your going through. I'm not sure if any one at my new school has had any sort of wls. But because my mom works there I have the idea that they all know I had it done! We have block scheduling and I have 1 planning period thats an hour and a half. I have asked for the midday planning period so hopefully I can just eat much lunch then and not have to worry about rushing.

Well i have scheduled a visit at a fill center in St. Pete for the 15th, so hopefully I can get tightened up and back on the road to losing. Moving from country to country is so stressful I can't wait until it's all over with.

How is every one else doing?

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Hi Everyone,

I haven't seen this thread in a while...glad I finally did! I ended the year on Tues! It feels great to be free. I am a little bored though...but hey, I'll take it. Have a great summer everyone!

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Hello to all of you.

I am a retired public school speech pathologist and now teach ESL in an Adult Ed. setting at the local community college. So good to see so many educators. All of us are accustomed to those 15-minute, eat as fast as you can lunches. I don't have such a problem now, due to my schedule of 8:00-12:00 classes. My students have been very supportive, after asking what kind of soda my Isopure Protein Drinks were. I go for my two-week post surgery check-up on Monday, so we'll see how I'm doing. Think the weight is down, but my scales are just so-so. I plan to check them against the doctor's scale after Monday. Good luck to all of us!!

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Hi Everyone!! It is so nice to hear from other teachers. Today I went to my in-laws for Father's Day/birthdy celebration for my sister-in-law. It was very nice. I was good in what I ate. I wasn't out of control which I do feel the band does help me with that part. My brother-in-law us a social worker and he gave me a name of an eating disorder therapist that works with people who want to change not only their eating but their thinking about their new way of life. I am going to try it out and see what it is like. I use my band as a tool but now I have to focus more on what my brain is saying too. We have to remember we can't forget that part. I feel without that part the chances of having your weight off for the rest of your life is not as good. On a positive note, it is a positive step to talk with someone to make sure your head is in the right place.;) Tomorrow for Father's Day, we are having it here so I have the control as to what I can eat no problem. On Monday, I go for my 1 year physical. I know my doctor will be a bit disappointed in my weight loss but I have had alot of health obstacles this part year. I do know if I have been exercising for the last few months, I would of been down more. However, I am not going to beat myself up for that.... I will tell my doctor how I feel if she gets down on me as to why I am not thinner. I do not let doctors intimidate me anymore. Before I had surgery a few years ago when I was really sick, this doctor I had called me a tank when I asked him if I should go on Jenny Craig? He said well we all know you are a tank!! Talk about feeling bad. When I feel like I can't do it anymore, I think about that moment in time when I heard the doctor say that to me! I look at my before pictures and then at my present pictures and remember how grateful I am that I am a BANDSTER!!:) On Wednesday I am getting my salin out of my band temporarily until after I have my procedure on Mon. June 25th. I'll keep it out until after I heal and then get the salin back in. I plan on exercising as soon as the doctor tells me I can!:P I hope everyone has a wonderful Father's Day tomorrow.




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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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