mcplu28 16 Posted November 24, 2014 I would like to hear everyone's sleeve story that had the surgery, how you were feeling any complications? How are you doing now? Basically I would like to know your entire experience! Thanks, Casey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigGirlPanties 957 Posted November 24, 2014 I was sleeved 2 years was pretty "textbook" big problems, did have a little dehydration issue and went back for a fill up Overall, I wish I had done this YEARS ago... I have been maintaining for the past year...up and done with a 5 pound variable...NEVER had I had any luck with maintenance with any other program I was on. I have to have knee surgery (early 2015), and qualify for it now that I have lost the weight...hopefully, after that surgery and my P.T., I will be able to be more active and get the rest off...but for now I am delirously happy I feel like a brand new me!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Packerfan61964 293 Posted November 24, 2014 Casey, I am almost 4 weeks post-op and doing great. I went to Mexico to have my surgery and the only issue I had was that the anesthesia that they used made me nauseated for about 24-30 hrs. 48 hours post surgery, I went walking in Tijuana and logged 5.2 miles and even went to the casino and gambled away a few pesos. The next day, I went with another group shopping and walked another 4.6 miles. I have lost 41 total and gone a size in my jeans. Eating and drinking too fast is still an issue for me.......I am trying to slow down and take it easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcplu28 16 Posted November 24, 2014 That's great thank you both for answering! I love hearing that these success stories!! Makes me want this surgery even more! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miss Mac 6,262 Posted November 24, 2014 I had no complications with my sleeve surgery nearly a year ago 12/23/2013. I was only sick for a couple of days and then it was manageable. After the second day home, I did not even need pain relief although my incisions itched like crazy. I could have full liquids as soon as I got home, and went to purees at two weeks. At three weeks I could have soft foods, and at 4 1/2 weeks whole foods with caution. On the way home from that appointment we stopped at Wendy's and I ate 1/3 of a small chili and a couple of Tony's fries. I have had a few stalls, and have been on a long stall for over three months. In spite of avery noble effort, I keep gaining and losing the same three pounds every couple of weeks. When I have my one year appointment, I will ask what they want me to do to restart my metabolic furnace. 80 grams of Protein and 80 ounces of Water and an agressive weight training program and walking every day are having no effect now. My primary told me to eat more and to have a carb now and then. So, still optimistic and glad to be down 65 pounds. I can't imagine carrying 65 pounds of potatoes wrapped around my waist! And I do feel better in many other ways. My body and internal systems thank me for the outstanding nutrition they are getting. I may not be the most mobile person I know because of post-stroke physical challenges, but I betcha I am the healthiest person I know. All this past year I have not had so much as the sniffles. I hope your surgery goes well. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alyssadietrch 18 Posted November 28, 2014 I had my sleeve 9 days ago, and I feel amazing. It's like it never happened The day of the surgery I was a nervous wreck, I literally wanted to jump off of the operating table after the nurse put my IV in. But once I woke up from the surgery, I was just tired. Not much pain except for when I would try to sit up or stand up (using stomach muscles hurt) The next day I was able to SLOWLY drink about 24 oz of Water mixed with sugar free crystal light. I had to drink 1 oz every 10 minutes. After every 6 oz I had to take a walk around my floor of the hospital. I moved slowly but it was fine I wasn't supposed to go home until day 3, but I was doing so well, I went home on day 2 in the evening the next day at home I was in pain and tired, probably because the meds the doc had me on weren't in my system anymore. By day 4 I went shopping at Walmart and was doing much better. All in all, I'm very happy that I had the surgery. I've lost almost 30 pounds all together so far, I fit into some old jeans, and I feel amazing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
realrawuncutsleeve 30 Posted November 29, 2014 @@alyssadietrch how is your extra skin so far? What are you doing to keep your legs and arms taunt? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alyssadietrch 18 Posted November 29, 2014 I have no extra skin at all right now, but I've only lost 30 pounds so far. My doctor gave me a work out regimen to follow though. I can't start it until I get an okay from the doctor, which will probably be in a week or so. It consists of: planks, squats, step ups, push ups, resistance band training (shoulder press and standing row). In a circuit form for about 40 minutes 3-4 times a week. Doing these while holding 5-10 pound weights. There's a much greater focus on weight training than cardio. Building muscle to take up the extra space from losing the fat is key Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alyssadietrch 18 Posted November 29, 2014 There's also about a 10 minute warm up and cool down before doing those exercises. You can chose from jumping jacks, mountain climbers, etc. to get your heart rate up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
realrawuncutsleeve 30 Posted November 29, 2014 Thank u im still waiting on my approval from my insurance company so I'm excited and nervous so just hearin all the new experiences really is fascinating Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alyssadietrch 18 Posted November 29, 2014 I was lucky, my insurance covered it really fast. I went in for an informational seminar and the surgery was only a few weeks later!! Good luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
realrawuncutsleeve 30 Posted November 29, 2014 Yes I went to the seminar last week and my first appt is Dec 4th!! Im still trying to figure out how to work all these forums and youtube also I'll be making my own instagram and Facebook page soon but I will be keeping up wit how you're doing as well keep me imformed!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alyssadietrch 18 Posted November 29, 2014 I will!!! And you as well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tired_of_being_Tired 28 Posted November 29, 2014 Hello - My HW on October 2, 2014 was 225 lbs. I had to be on a 7 day pre-op liquid diet and had my surgery on October 9th. During surgery they discovered a hiatal hernia (a complicated one at that) and repaired no extra charge. I was up and out of bed as soon as I woke up. A requirement was that we walk up and down the hospital corridor at least 3 times a day. I was doing that within 25 minutes after waking up from the anesthesia. I had no complications from the anesthesia, which I am grateful for, because I have heard many people get nausea the first few days or so. My hospital stay was two days. I had my surgery in Piedras Negras, Mexico, about 2 hours from San Antonio, TX, so I had to fly home to Southern California the day after I was released from the hospital. Other than my flight being delayed for 8 hours, and having to wait at the airport terminal, I was doing great. Lucky I had my laptop and watched movies, so the time went by no problem. When I got home I had some discomfort more on my left side close to the larger incision where they removed my tummy for about a week. The pain medication worked great and allowed me to sleep with no problem. I realized right away that the heartburn I had consecutive for the last 6 years had completely gone away. I couldn't believe it. It was literally from one day to the next. I was on a liquid diet for 1 week after surgery and then on a full liquid diet for 2 weeks after that. On week 3 I was able to move on to soft foods and then on week 5, I graduated to full solids. I was off work for 1 full week after I had my surgery and then returned to work with absolutely no problems. I was dancing 2 1/2 weeks after surgery and if you would have seen me dancing, you would have never thought I had surgery 2 1/2 weeks priors. I had to keep reminding myself I can't do the worm, I can't do the worm, haha just kidding. My incisions itched as well for the first 2-3 weeks but after that I was fine. I still can't sleep on my left side for that long, I don't want to say that it's uncomfortable, but I will say after a while I am not as comfortable as I am sleeping on my right side. Maybe it's all in my head. On my 7 day pre-op diet I lost 13 lbs and since surgery I have lost 26 lbs to date. Total loss since October 2nd is 39 lbs. Prior to surgery I was in a very tight size 16 jeans (really should have been wearing a size 18) but I refused to go buy a larger size pair of pants. I am a comfortable size 12 today. My goal is to fit into a size 7 and I will be happy. I will be honest I haven't gone to the gym yet, but I plan to start going next week. I believe I had a short stall 2 weeks ago, but it only lasted about 6 days and then I lost 2 lbs. I didn't let it depress me though, I stood positive because I have read so much about stalls that I just let it ride. If I can lose 2 lbs a week, I will reach my goal in May of next year and will so happy to finally be able to wear shorts in the summer! I haven't worn shorts in the summer (in public) for almost 6 years! The truth, I use to dread the summer. It just made me so depressed to think of all the cute clothes I could be wearing if I could only lose the weight and most importantly keep it off. But boy oh boy, am I looking forward to this summer!! I even see a bathing suit in my future and believe me, it's been more than 5 years since I have come close to wearing any type of swimwear. Since surgery, my depression has almost completely gone away. At times I am a little and believe me it's only a "little" depressed about food, only because the things I use to like (sushi most importantly) do not agree with me right now. Yesterday, I went to a casino with a fabulous buffet and I still lost a pound this morning - too awesome!! I had no desire to get any dessert, but then ate a little bit of ice cream and a little bit of tapioca pudding. So the fact that I lost a pound this morning surprised the heck out of me. Oh and I also ate a little bit of nachos! I know it's not the best food at all to be eating, but I can tell you, I no longer have a craving for ice cream or nachos, it's like I had it and I don't need to have it again for months. I can't explain the feeling, but it's out of my system now. My only struggle to date is eating and drinking at the same time. Oh, and still eating too fast. I definitely do not chew and eat my food in 25 -30 minutes like I am supposed too, but I am trying my hardest to eat slower. Now I can take full gulps of Water with no problem, and have been doing so since 4 weeks post surgery. I don't take more than 3 gulps, although they are not like my "old" 3 FULL gulps prior to surgery, they are gulps nonetheless. I love ice cold Water, it just goes down that much faster. I am absolutely terrified of anything carbonated so I really only drink water, fresh fruit juice (on occasion cause it has lots of natural sugar) and crystal light. On occasion, I have had an iced tea - but not too much. I eat things like eggs, boiled or over medium suit me best, smoked salmon, rotisserie chicken, tuna, cottage cheese, string cheese, yogurt, Soups, sugar free popsicles (seldom) hummus, Wendy's chili, refried Beans, avocado, shrimp, and just started eating a couple of almonds. I tried sushi twice and - no bueno - so I will wait to try again later. I do find that certain foods just turn me off now. (i.e. Jack in the Box, McDonalds, Taco Bell) just to name a few. I tried a meaty egg Breakfast burrito from Jack in the Box maybe 3 weeks ago and it got me sick to my stomach and since then I have absolutely no desire to go back. Maybe my taste buds will change after I am in maintenance, but if they never do for these places that's fine by me too. Those places got me to my highest weight. if you are contemplating this surgery, I would say, GO FOR IT!! The only thing you will regret (in my opinion) is not doing it sooner! I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery if you do chose to move forward. Sorry my post was sooo long...I can type for days... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tired_of_being_Tired 28 Posted November 29, 2014 I should clarify, I am NOT gulping Water and eating at the same time. There is absolutely no way I could do that, and wouldn't even attempt. But I have sipped a little bit of Water when eating a few times. I am trying to stop and have actually been pretty good at waiting the 30 minutes after I eat to drink water. I'm definitely learning as I go. Everyone is different, so what works for someone, might not work for you. Another thing I didn't mention in my last post was how much healthier I feel now. I use to never have energy, I was always sluggish and was borderline diabetic. All that has completely changed now. I have lots of energy, my sugar is fine, and I don't feel sluggish, sometimes a little tired, but not that ugh, I have to drag myself somewhere feeling. Feeling this way put me in a deep depression for the last 5 years and that is why I truly got the surgery. Sure fitting into a size 7 would be a wonderful achievement, but my health and the way I am feeling now, has been priceless!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites