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LapBand Forum going away?


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It's not about one procedure versus another.....

Just a few minutes ago I opened a thread clearly about the Lap band, started by someone who was banded...and a few posts in people with the sleeve are giving answers/advice to the OP....

With all due respect, people with the sleeve do not relate to banders in all things, just as I, as a bander, do not have a clue what it is like to have the sleeve...NOT A CLUE!...so I will not pretend to.

I will stay within the lap band section of this website.

I am sorry @@B-52 but that is where we differ. I do not know the pacifics about the Lap Band. but I did study it before I had my surgery. But there is more going on then just the surgery. There is emotional, physical and mental issues to deal with. That is a common thread for all WLS patients. I do not even look at the surgery when people are asking questions because I put the spin on all the other stuff we deal with.

I have noticed that you don't comment on other surgery threads. Does that not make you a bit of what you are saying should not be. You have experience that can help others. Those who don't have the Lap Band can benefit from your experiences. I know that I have read some of your posts and have enjoyed your reasoning on things. I am sure others would feel the same way.

Was it a mistake to put us all together on this site. I think not....Answer those you want to and don't to who you don't want to.

I hope in 10 years that they find a method of controlling this disease without any type of procedure and that we who came before them can concentrate on the more important issues like supporting one another.

Edited by RJ'S/beginning

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Unfortunately, when a lap band discussion degenerates as this thread has, to the point where lap band patients have to defend their personal decision to have WLS, and to have their choice of surgery and the professionalism of their healthcare providers questioned, shows some of the folly of mixing the various WLS groups into one forum. B-52 asked a reasonable question in the lap band forum.

I guess he has his answers... folks are no longer interested in posting questions or asking advice in the band forums for fear of ridicule or being made to feel that they had the wrong surgery. And, they shouldn't be put in positions where they have to justify their procedure.

As I said before, I know quite a few folks who have had all of the most popular WLS surgeries... only one has had some problems related to long term issues with malabsorption, and that was a bypass surgery. But, what surgery doesn't have some risk?

Edited by labwalker

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It's not about one procedure versus another.....

Just a few minutes ago I opened a thread clearly about the Lap band, started by someone who was banded...and a few posts in people with the sleeve are giving answers/advice to the OP....

With all due respect, people with the sleeve do not relate to banders in all things, just as I, as a bander, do not have a clue what it is like to have the sleeve...NOT A CLUE!...so I will not pretend to.

I will stay within the lap band section of this website.

I am sorry @@B-52 but that is where we differ. I do not know the pacifics about the Lap Band. but I did study it before I had my surgery. But there is more going on then just the surgery. There is emotional, physical and mental issues to deal with. That is a common thread for all WLS patients. I do not even look at the surgery when people are asking questions because I put the spin on all the other stuff we deal with.

I have noticed that you don't comment on other surgery threads. Does that not make you a bit of what you are saying should not be. You have experience that can help others. Those who don't have the Lap Band can benefit from your experiences. I know that I have read some of your posts and have enjoyed your reasoning on things. I am sure others would feel the same way.

Was it a mistake to put us all together on this site. I think not....Answer those you want to and don't to who you don't want to.

I hope in 10 years that they find a method of controlling this disease without any type of procedure and that we who came before them can concentrate on the more important issues like supporting one another.

IMO all that would fall under "General" weight loss discussions....

Again, I know nothing about other procedures...do they have a "Green" zone? Is their Hunger/cravings diminished? Stuck episodes? Regurgitation? Too tight or too loose symptoms? And how to tell the difference?

I don't know. I do know from experience what a person with the band experiences, and it is that area I will share my experiences....

I'm referring to visiting specific "Lap Band" forums....which have specific "Lap Band" issues, not general universal issues for the Obese as a whole and all that goes with it.

It is these specific area(s) that I am finding being diluted....

That's all I'm saying and That was my main point in the OP....

Edited by B-52

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IMO all that would fall under "General" weight loss discussions....

Again, I know nothing about other procedures...do they have a "Green" zone? Is their Hunger/cravings diminished? Stuck episodes? Regurgitation? Too tight or too loose symptoms? And how to tell the difference?

I don't know. I do know from experience what a person with the band experiences, and it is that area I will share my experiences....

I'm referring to visiting specific "Lap Band" forums....which have specific "Lap Band" issues, not general universal issues for the Obese as a whole and all that goes with it.

It is these specific area(s) that I am finding being diluted....

That's all I'm saying and That was my main point in the OP....

All the things you mentioned in your comment to me happens to those who face the other procedures except fiils and slips. I know I did not say it right but we all go through things that can help educate each other. General discussions, I think that all surgeries need to band together and help each other....I suppose then if I had made comments to those who had the Band then I must have looked like an idiot...

I am sorry this is happening to the Band forums. I truly thought that we had been put together; all of us, no matter what surgery we had to help each other. Sometimes it is just a sounding board that we need and that is what I use this forum for most of the time.

I am thankful for all the bandsters that have talked to me and I have some new insights in areas that apply to me from them. And what they have gone through as well. they have been a help in my ever changing journey.

I see I look at this completely different then others and that is okay....I think you have succeeded in your thread @@B-52 Your points have been well developed.

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I really like how @Alex set this site up: compartmentalized forums for specific WLS procedures' discussions, within their chosen surgeries, and a generalized WL forums for all of us to share together- which I've found quite helpful.

I don't usually venture into non-band WLS forums except to read and educate myself. Still A few non-band forums, I've commented on, but not to bash. Usually when the topic gets into something I know about & think might help someone. There's been a few times I commented in a non-band forum without realizing it was for slivers, bypass, RNY because I clicked New Content, as many do.

IMHO, the solution to this thread that's gone off left is to maybe create a new forum for REVISIONS for those who've gone from one WLS to another. It's probably helpful for those people to spew off about what went wrong for them, what worked and what didn't. That way, we bandsters won't feel pummeled with negativity from those who didn't succeed with the band or other WLS's.

I'm in agreement that we bandsters aren't well-served by people bashing the band, our surgeons, or surgery centers from people outside our chosen procedures by saying it's outdated, will fail, etc which causes unnecessary fear, worry, & questioning ourselves whether we've chose the right procedure for US- particularly after the fact.

Perhaps a new revision forum will keep everyone happy posters who feel they're getting the support they need and deserve.

Honestly, I'm getting worn out reading this bickering back & forth. The negativity is draining. It serves no useful purpose.

I've recently experienced an horrific set-back- not of my doing, nor the band's & I need all the positive energy I can get- just to get myself up off the couch to DO something- anything sometimes.

Compartmentalizing a forum for people who feel the need to sound off or have a bitch-fest might remedy WLS-specific threads from going south.

We all deserve peace of mind when posting within our chosen WLS's, and cross-sharing within general WL.

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There is a long standing band to sleeve revision forum that has been in place for years in the Sleeve area. I think the bypass has something similar.

I don't want to bash anybody for their choice and I hope my comments were not construed as such. what is difficult for someone like me who had the band, and really had problems for 10 years before revising, and saw lots of other people with problems (I was banded in 2001 to 2011) - well it is hard to not answer when people ask about your experiences. I can also see that my "answer" is in some ways not fair if the band design is in fact greatly improved so my "experience" may not even be relevant to someone making the choice today.

What I do stand by is that I think the band is just a little more finicky... a little harder to get "just right" and so I can see the value of a healthy, active support group. It would have helped me alot when I was banded. Instead, what I got every time was that the problem was "patient compliance" - which was rough because I wanted to comply but I could not seem to get the stars aligned (ie I was either too tight or constantly hungry).

We don't discuss it much, but I also think it is kind of silly how many people bash the bypass because they know someone who regained. Well, you can regain after ANY WLS and lots of people have had the bypass over the last 20 years so no wonder that has been observed. It is still the gold standard surgery for a reason. I am pleased with my choice of the sleeve, but frankly there is a fair amount of uneducated criticisms of other procedures all over the place.

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Thank you for that.

I'm sorry your didn't get/find the support when you needed, when you needed it for your banding.

I'm 5.5 yrs out. Until now, on my own. SO happy I found this site.

Thank you @Alex & for EVERYONE who's posted, good, bad & ugly. I'm learning a lot here & am finally finding the support I need.

When the student is ready, the teacher(s) appear!

I consider myself very lucky to have found ALL of you. <3

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I agree with B52, since Bariatric pal came about the Lapband people have been over run with other WLS people. I used to be on lapbandtalk every day because I wanted to know about the lapband and how people were doing. Now there are few lapband people on here. I don't care what surgery you have had, I don't like the constant band bashing and scare tactics being posted. I know if I were a new person considering the band I would be scared to death. This was a life changing decision for me and I have no regrets. I try to be optimistic and I know my band has saved my life. My diabetes was out of control, blood pressure was high,cholesterol was high. I had limited mobility and I just plain felt like hell. today my diabetes is gone, blood pressure and cholesterol are normal. I just spent a week in Ga. riding my horse, hauling hay , cleaning stalls, hiking and yes eating but without the band I believe I would have been too sick to do any of it. People need to stop and realize how their post might affect someone. Sleeve people come back in 10 years and tell us how going , we already know of cases of failure and RNY folks have also had their issues. Stop bashing the Band and let us discuss our issues without your input. Thanks

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I agree with B52, since Bariatric pal came about the Lapband people have been over run with other WLS people. I used to be on lapbandtalk every day because I wanted to know about the lapband and how people were doing. Now there are few lapband people on here. I don't care what surgery you have had, I don't like the constant band bashing and scare tactics being posted. I know if I were a new person considering the band I would be scared to death. This was a life changing decision for me and I have no regrets. I try to be optimistic and I know my band has saved my life. My diabetes was out of control, blood pressure was high,cholesterol was high. I had limited mobility and I just plain felt like hell. today my diabetes is gone, blood pressure and cholesterol are normal. I just spent a week in Ga. riding my horse, hauling hay , cleaning stalls, hiking and yes eating but without the band I believe I would have been too sick to do any of it. People need to stop and realize how their post might affect someone. Sleeve people come back in 10 years and tell us how going , we already know of cases of failure and RNY folks have also had their issues. Stop bashing the Band and let us discuss our issues without your input. Thanks

Seems to me that you are no different then the Band bashers right....In ten years I can come back and say whatever I chose to say and as long aas I stay between the guidelines. I recognize that 30 % of WLS patients are unsuccessful. That includes all surgeries. I know that there are a lot of sleevers who don't post for the same reason. They have moved on so to speak. It does not matter what surgery you chose they are serious and should be decided upon over time to make sure you know what you are doing. And that you are educated in the one and yes even the others to make an educated decision.

I believe and I will restate that it is not about what surgery you chose it is about cheering each other on. Helping one another and being there to support each other. I have had complications with my sleeve since I chose it in 2012. Does not mean I regret it but it does help a lot when I get encouragement from anyone who has had WLS in general. People of any surgery can help me in some way. And they have.

We are not all bashers you know. You spoke like we are. I am upset with that comment. I will not stop encouraging or talking to those like @@CarolinaGirl because it offends you. she is my friend. And although we have had different surgeries we see the need to encourage one another.

Shame on you for painting yourself with the same brush you have painted the rest of us with.

Edited by RJ'S/beginning

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They are doing about 1 band to 9-10 gastrics, my doc said. Sleeves are more popular now because of less long-term complications (port, erosion, slippage) and greater success with a sleeve. Maybe that's why?

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I don't bash banders. I only state the experience I've seen (both good and bad) for bands. I have the research (even if it is older, etc.). I also support people going to Mexico. I would want people to look at me as a person, who had WLS, and support me no matter what their surgery or gender, political association, etc. I'd do the same for them as far as I can.

I've had complications. I had a surgeon who didn't treat me as I would have expected, according to research. He put some major things in my records, got care denied for me, has talked negatively about me to others so that they would not want to treat me. He told me if I didn't do what he said, he would put it in my records, and that other doctors would see it and wonder why. I had called his office trying to get his nurse to ask if he was going to be in the office on a particular day, as I was going to make him a 3D lifesized doctor bag cake & wanted to give it to him. I was trying to hide the purpose and get the nurse quickly without him noticing. She promised to keep quiet about it but not before he called me at home and chewed me out saying they paid enough attention to me and get to me when they can. I said nothing. He even put it in my records! Then when I gave him the cake, I said you chewed me out and didn't even apologize, this was for you.

His response? Laughter. Yes laughter.

Then he asked for the Gelatin flower we had created in one of my classes too. I would have gotten in some trouble with my church giving a married man a flower.

So guys, how about we work together for all of us and make it against surgeons who treat people like this (I have more stories ...), drop their care, etc. I've seen a number of people who've had an interesting experience there. Please, let us "band" together against doctors like this. Isn't life hard enough with all of us after WLS that we need more?

I've also got complications. It brings in a whole new meaning to support. I don't have care in the area. Please guys, can't we find common ground and accept each other no matter what the surgery is? We all wanted to lose weight (and I thought I'd lose my GP too ... ) so can we just go from there and accept and support? Lets not become ObesityHelp.com.

Seems to me that you are no different then the Band bashers right....In ten years I can come back and say whatever I chose to say and as long aas I stay between the guidelines. I recognize that 30 % of WLS patients are unsuccessful. That includes all surgeries. I know that there are a lot of sleevers who don't post for the same reason. They have moved on so to speak. It does not matter what surgery you chose they are serious and should be decided upon over time to make sure you know what you are doing. And that you are educated in the one and yes even the others to make an educated decision.

I believe and I will restate that it is not about what surgery you chose it is about cheering each other on. Helping one another and being there to support each other. I have had complications with my sleeve since I chose it in 2012. Does not mean I regret it but it does help a lot when I get encouragement from anyone who has had WLS in general. People of any surgery can help me in some way. And they have.

We are not all bashers you know. You spoke like we are. I am upset with that comment. I will not stop encouraging or talking to those like @@CarolinaGirl because it offends you. she is my friend. And although we have had different surgeries we see the need to encourage one another.

Shame on you for painting yourself with the same brush you have painted the rest of us with.

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So far I'm happy with my band (I've had it since mid August) and lost a total of almost 35 pounds and am down to a size 16/18. I have discussed with my surgeon the possibility of revising to a sleeve if I'm not able to get to my weight loss goal with the band alone and he is supportive but says it is way too soon to discuss that in depth and wants me to give the band a fair shot. When I got the band I saw it as something that would be in me for life. I exercise and joined a gym. I give myself some days of liquid fasting and make sure I follow my nutritionists guidelines. My mom however is getting the sleeve in December and I'm hoping that we can support each other in our common journeys to lose weight together. I hope we all can support and be there for each other on this journey of self discovery and transformation!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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