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LapBand Forum going away?


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@mrsto Thank you for that information. VERY MUCH!! I'll look that one up about recent studies. I would suspect the lower rate and slower rate of weight loss is the issue. Lets face it: Americans want it fast and now. RNY & Sleeve deliver that. I would TOTALLY support the issue you brought up of follow up care. My surgeon dropped my follow up care (I'm a complicated patient & from what I can tell he didn't know all the complications from surgery and didn't even bother to research it, nor was my questions & research & other docs' opinions any meaning to him). Yes, that is correct: once the $$$$$ surgery happens, you are a waste of money except for the ASMBS studies. They can send you out to regular PCP's to draw the blood work each year. They don't want us problem children because we're not worth the investment.

No matter what the surgery is: band, sleeve or RNY, there are ways to get around them.

The only comment I can take credit for, is the one written in blue. I hit "quote" to Labwalker's comment, but it put the text together.......as if I wrote the whole thing. Nope, I'm just the one in "blue". :D

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I apologize to mr-sto, due to the site making it look like his post. My bad.

I did want to respond to the person who said lap band was a permanent change to your body? well it isn't, its completely removable and you are back to normal human function.

to say you discount studies because abc news reported it, is like saying I can rob a bank because I didn't like the cop who told me I couldn't. You say well its old band or old procedures, well current studies shows between 19% and 35% of lap band patients have their lap bands removed and a full 50% of those who did were revisioned to another method.

To say that doctors don't like lap bands because they have to see you again? Seriously? That worries me.

I must be the only person on earth who happened upon a whole team right in the same place, I see my team that's surgeon, nutritionist, np etc. we already have sent in forms etc to meet with my team 15 times post surgery in the first year. They do the blood work, they do everything from weigh ins to recipe info to medication guidelines, the surgeon does surgery on thursday and Friday only mon and tues he sees pre surg until non then after noon and on Wednesday he see's post surg patients.

Evidently there really is just a huge variance in care from practice to practice. That's appalling to be honest.

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@@Stevehud unfortunately it is true. In the group I was with, what care you got depended on whether or not the surgeon liked you or not. I would see care given to one and not another, no way it was based on medical research. They also would sit with some people to figure out problems and not others, blaming them for the problems. It was incredible. That doesn't mean it was true with everything, but there were a number of issues I had to ask on.

Now that I've been going public with the story and starting to tell more people, I've gotten harassment for it. I think you really need to investigate the surgeons. I'm supportive here of people that I don't where or what they got in terms of surgery, because I know that good doctors & programs should be supported.

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whatever WLS one chooses to get...i so hope it brings them better health...

as in life, results vary with everything (for whatever reason)

all we can do is the best we can with what we have

Edited by ☠carolinagirl☠

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Its very disconcerting to be honest. I went to my team today to see my nutritionist in our last meeting before surgery.

While we wee talking the surgeon knocked on the door , he wanted to see how my weekend was ( he had seen me last Thursday) and to mention that I weighed in another pound and a half down from last Thursday. My surgeon is even going to do a monthly Q and A session on my blog! Now obviously he will not be answering totally specific questions just general ones about WLS etc. It seems like I am in the minority with my relationship with my team. I just hate that other people here have had to deal with so many problems.

I know someone mentioned that a lot of people have problems with Mexico, I have to admit I am one, but not because of the care, because of the after support. There just isn't any per se. I think so many here will agree, that the surgery is just the procedure, but its the living with it, that we have to be good at.

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The redesign of the website mean people inadertently post all the time in the "wrong" forum.

I see no reason the lapband support should go away or be minimized. The band nor the sleeve has EVER been considered the "gold standard". The gastric bypass is the procedure considered the "gold standard". doesn't mean any of them are perfect or without issues and risks.

I had the lapband for 10 years; revised to sleeve 3 years ago. In my opinion, living with the band is a little "trickier" in the sense of finding the sweet spot and managing food/tightness etc correctly. Seems like very focused online support could be very helpful for some. I surely could have used more help when I was banded.

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I am going to confess I have not read EVERY single post on this this thread. However what I have read...seems to be a bit off the point that @B52 was trying to make...and yet perhaps it is the VERY point that this thread makes.

These forums are not about you vs. me, about your surgery is better then mine or I am better then you. My Dr. said this and yours should have told you that... WE have gotten off the topic of SUPPORT.

Once upon a time there was a place where Banders went to get support from other banders and Sleevers from Sleevers etc...now that we are all a blended family of WLS patients it seems our dysfunction is showing on many levels.

We are here to support each other and share our common views, about eating and food choices perhaps about food addiction or emotional eating etc.

The way I eat with my band is not how you eat with your sleeve or RNY or other surgery or medical procedure and vs. versa.

We have commonality and we have difference. We need to respect that and not cast our opinions toward each other or the choice of surgery.

True the band might not work for all, and it is through trial and error they figure that out. The same can be said for the sleeve and RNY. The surgery that we choose today may not be the right solution for us in the long run, and that is why Dr.'s, hospitals and other medical companies are still out there researching and trying to find what that common denominator is when it comes to obesity.

So lets not lose sight of what this site is here for...put all your "studies" down and start living and supporting your neighbor in their fight against obesity, no matter which pair of sneakers they chose to wear...we are all running in the same race and have similar destinations in mind.

Dr.'s and more importantly hospitals are going to do what's in THEIR best interest to do and that is to make money. Lapband surgery is cheaper and the other surgeries make the hospitals more money in the short term.

If we want something and we think it's right for us, we have to advocate for ourselves and speak up loud and clear. Let the Dr.'s and Hospitals know THIS is what we want and why. Let them prove the reason why it's not good and/or good for US before they take it off the table. If they don't/won't listen to you, find a surgeon who will. Your voice should be the loudest in the room when it comes to your health and your care and if you don't understand why...speak up!

IMO Lapband is becoming a less "favored" surgery not because of it's failure but because of the failure of patients to speak up and request it, in favor of the Dr. and hospitals choice.

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I am going to confess I have not read EVERY single post on this this thread. However what I have read...seems to be a bit off the point that @B52 was trying to make...and yet perhaps it is the VERY point that this thread makes.

These forums are not about you vs. me, about your surgery is better then mine or I am better then you. My Dr. said this and yours should have told you that... WE have gotten off the topic of SUPPORT.

Once upon a time there was a place where Banders went to get support from other banders and Sleevers from Sleevers etc...now that we are all a blended family of WLS patients it seems our dysfunction is showing on many levels.

We are here to support each other and share our common views, about eating and food choices perhaps about food addiction or emotional eating etc.

The way I eat with my band is not how you eat with your sleeve or RNY or other surgery or medical procedure and vs. versa.

We have commonality and we have difference. We need to respect that and not cast our opinions toward each other or the choice of surgery.

True the band might not work for all, and it is through trial and error they figure that out. The same can be said for the sleeve and RNY. The surgery that we choose today may not be the right solution for us in the long run, and that is why Dr.'s, hospitals and other medical companies are still out there researching and trying to find what that common denominator is when it comes to obesity.

So lets not lose sight of what this site is here for...put all your "studies" down and start living and supporting your neighbor in their fight against obesity, no matter which pair of sneakers they chose to wear...we are all running in the same race and have similar destinations in mind.

Dr.'s and more importantly hospitals are going to do what's in THEIR best interest to do and that is to make money. Lapband surgery is cheaper and the other surgeries make the hospitals more money in the short term.

If we want something and we think it's right for us, we have to advocate for ourselves and speak up loud and clear. Let the Dr.'s and Hospitals know THIS is what we want and why. Let them prove the reason why it's not good and/or good for US before they take it off the table. If they don't/won't listen to you, find a surgeon who will. Your voice should be the loudest in the room when it comes to your health and your care and if you don't understand why...speak up!

IMO Lapband is becoming a less "favored" surgery not because of it's failure but because of the failure of patients to speak up and request it, in favor of the Dr. and hospitals choice.


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My big question in all this?

I'm a sleever. If I put down the band to someone who has already had it or is about to, how is that going to benefit ME? Even if their band magically *poofed* into a sleeve, how would I gain? In turn, if a bypasser or a bander told me horrific things about my sleeve, what is that going to do for me other than cause me worry or concern?

Does being "right" equate to greater happiness when in reality, what you are working so hard to be "right" at has nothing to do with you or your journey? Does a certain level of smugness mean that you are going to be more successful because you "showed them"?

Why doesn't kindness and acceptance of another's decision mean more than the weight of your opinion?

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for me personally don't care what procedure someone has as long as it works for them. I do not wish this lifestyle ( not the right word I know) upon anyone. My whole reason for even mentioning that my surgeon wont do lapbands anymore. Was sort of as a response to why lapband forums were sowing less use may be because the lapbands themselves are used less. Certainly not to put down anyone who uses a band.

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Steve, the problem is you are quoting failure rates for the band that still go back to the early 4cc band, and old surgical procedures. There is a world of difference in the success rate depending on the age of the data that is used to determine the efficacy for band success. I doubt you will see more than than a 3 to 5 percent failure rate going forward for band procedures that were performed in the past decade. The band has changed, the surgical procedures for securing the band has changed, and surgeons are becoming more skilled and adept. If the band is failing out of favor, it most likely because other surgeries are becoming more popular. I can only tell you this... my surgeon did NOT want do a sleeve on me due to my age and health issues, but he recommended the a sleeve for my wife based on her medical needs. He has done well by both of us. I personally know at least ten folks who have had the band, and all are satisfied with the results. Saying one procedure is better than another, or that one is doomed to 50% failure is outrageous and does not serve any benefit to this community.

Edited by labwalker

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Your surgeon sounds very much like the one I have, he only does his surgeries on certain days, had a dietician and staff for education, and even sent me home with his personal cell number. Here's to the good ones.

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You know what I find heartbreaking in this thread...besides the back and forth bickering amongst people with the same illness. I find the satisfaction of banders of the possible failure of the VSG in 10 years to be quite sickening. I've heard and read that on this webpage and not one of the people who wrote it can provide credentials of their own that support that they actually work in medical research.

The same way it's annoying for banders to constantly have Lapband side effects thrown in their face it's annoying for Sleevers to hear that their surgery will suck in 10 years.

Everyone needs to grow up and stop tearing each other down. Geesh!!!

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You know what I find heartbreaking in this thread...besides the back and forth bickering amongst people with the same illness. I find the satisfaction of banders of the possible failure of the VSG in 10 years to be quite sickening. I've heard and read that on this webpage and not one of the people who wrote it can provide credentials of their own that support that they actually work in medical research.

The same way it's annoying for banders to constantly have Lapband side effects thrown in their face it's annoying for Sleevers to hear that their surgery will suck in 10 years.

Everyone needs to grow up and stop tearing each other down. Geesh!!!

Amen, Sistah!!

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I am going to confess I have not read EVERY single post on this this thread. However what I have read...seems to be a bit off the point that @B52 was trying to make...and yet perhaps it is the VERY point that this thread makes.

These forums are not about you vs. me, about your surgery is better then mine or I am better then you. My Dr. said this and yours should have told you that... WE have gotten off the topic of SUPPORT.

Once upon a time there was a place where Banders went to get support from other banders and Sleevers from Sleevers etc...now that we are all a blended family of WLS patients it seems our dysfunction is showing on many levels.

We are here to support each other and share our common views, about eating and food choices perhaps about food addiction or emotional eating etc.

The way I eat with my band is not how you eat with your sleeve or RNY or other surgery or medical procedure and vs. versa.

We have commonality and we have difference. We need to respect that and not cast our opinions toward each other or the choice of surgery.

True the band might not work for all, and it is through trial and error they figure that out. The same can be said for the sleeve and RNY. The surgery that we choose today may not be the right solution for us in the long run, and that is why Dr.'s, hospitals and other medical companies are still out there researching and trying to find what that common denominator is when it comes to obesity.

So lets not lose sight of what this site is here for...put all your "studies" down and start living and supporting your neighbor in their fight against obesity, no matter which pair of sneakers they chose to wear...we are all running in the same race and have similar destinations in mind.

Dr.'s and more importantly hospitals are going to do what's in THEIR best interest to do and that is to make money. Lapband surgery is cheaper and the other surgeries make the hospitals more money in the short term.

If we want something and we think it's right for us, we have to advocate for ourselves and speak up loud and clear. Let the Dr.'s and Hospitals know THIS is what we want and why. Let them prove the reason why it's not good and/or good for US before they take it off the table. If they don't/won't listen to you, find a surgeon who will. Your voice should be the loudest in the room when it comes to your health and your care and if you don't understand why...speak up!

IMO Lapband is becoming a less "favored" surgery not because of it's failure but because of the failure of patients to speak up and request it, in favor of the Dr. and hospitals choice.


It's not about one procedure versus another.....

Just a few minutes ago I opened a thread clearly about the Lap band, started by someone who was banded...and a few posts in people with the sleeve are giving answers/advice to the OP....

With all due respect, people with the sleeve do not relate to banders in all things, just as I, as a bander, do not have a clue what it is like to have the sleeve...NOT A CLUE!...so I will not pretend to.

I will stay within the lap band section of this website.

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