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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Back at work today, At 9 a.m. I had an appt. with a Dr. in Barrie.... I got BOTOX injected between my eyebrows... you know where you get that "Scowl" going on....

I'll let you know the results!!!

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Oh, oh, oh Candice--Yes, please let us know what you think! Did it hurt? I didn't notice that you had anything going on there, but I wasn't particularly looking for it either. Good for you!

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You ladies make me chuckle. Candice, I think you're going through a midlife crisis. Retirement, RV, now Botox??? You go!!!! I LOVE it! However, you make me want to do some of this fun stuff too, but...Jeff doesn't think he can afford me :crying:

Thanks for all your words of wisdom with Michael. I'm still waiting for Family services to call me. grrrr. We will live through this. I know we will.

Yesterday sold kettle corn at the fair. Was pretty quiet and was looking forward to today...but it's very cold, windy, and rainy. grrrr.

Check out the ticker!!! I'm psyched. Actually my scale in the bathroom says I broke the 140 barrier...but I'll stick with the wii weight. According to it, I still have 3 to go. I got so excited that I decided to try on my pants that haven't been fitting. I got into my 6's!!!! My 4s button but they don't look good. wooohooo! And yes ladies, I am still getting in my Protein and my cals even though I'm tight. I promise, I'm not starving myself.

Okay...going to go take a nap for an hour and hope that the wind dies while I'm sleeping. Love you all!!!

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Back at work today, At 9 a.m. I had an appt. with a Dr. in Barrie.... I got BOTOX injected between my eyebrows... you know where you get that "Scowl" going on....

I'll let you know the results!!!

Darling - I didn't notice either - I think you have beautiful skin !!!

Oh, oh, oh Candice--Yes, please let us know what you think! Did it hurt? I didn't notice that you had anything going on there, but I wasn't particularly looking for it either. Good for you!

Linda - it doesn't hurt I had it before - It stings a little - but I don't think I went to a good person to do it - I didn't like that I couldnt raise my eye brows when putting on mascara and my hoods got it the way - and no one even noticed..

Like I said if i do it again it will be by a plastic surgeon ...

I may be getting face lift this Nov/Dec - we will see how my gf looks..

I have had a cyst in the middle of my forhead for 10 yrs now - but it didn't show prior to me losing the weight now it's showing up in all my pictures - hate It - I gotta make some time for me...

You ladies make me chuckle. Candice, I think you're going through a midlife crisis. Retirement, RV, now Botox??? You go!!!! I LOVE it! However, you make me want to do some of this fun stuff too, but...Jeff doesn't think he can afford me :crying:

Thanks for all your words of wisdom with Michael. I'm still waiting for Family services to call me. grrrr. We will live through this. I know we will.

Yesterday sold kettle corn at the fair. Was pretty quiet and was looking forward to today...but it's very cold, windy, and rainy. grrrr.

Check out the ticker!!! I'm psyched. Actually my scale in the bathroom says I broke the 140 barrier...but I'll stick with the wii weight. According to it, I still have 3 to go. I got so excited that I decided to try on my pants that haven't been fitting. I got into my 6's!!!! My 4s button but they don't look good. wooohooo! And yes ladies, I am still getting in my Protein and my cals even though I'm tight. I promise, I'm not starving myself.

Okay...going to go take a nap for an hour and hope that the wind dies while I'm sleeping. Love you all!!!

Darling just wait til you hit your mid 50's !!! Your brain thinks your still young but you look in the mirror and see someone different.. You will get there.... I promiss..

Congrats on the scales moving... That's wonderful...

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Ladies, it is 230 in the morning. Can't sleep...long story. Nothing tramatic. Sillier than anything. I will tell you tomorrow when I have time. Just wanting to check in.

Figured I had probably missed a million posts. Glad I hadn't. Busy day. Will talk to you all tomorrow. Hugs.

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Good Morning!

Sunny, pretty morning here in Buffalo. DS we are staying with is leaving for Myrtle Beach SC this morning with DH, 4 of her 5 daughters and 3 grandkids! Two cars, one 2 BR condo for 5 days. We get to babysit a dog until we leave on Tues.

Tracy and I going to other DS this afternoon for BBQ.

Bad food day yesterday. Got up with just enough time to get showered and dressed and leave by 9 a.m. because DS had oil change appt and then we were going to the mall. Actually, I had an hour to spare but I spent it on the computer so I didn't have time for Breakfast. Thought maybe she'd be stopping at a Tim Horton's and I'd get one of those yummy cheese/egg sandwiches. Didn't happen. Got to the mall about 10:30 a.m. and didn't want to eat mall food for breakfast. (Probably memories of my bad mall food experience LAST weekend!!) Then, I REALLY wanted a TED'S hot dog but DD & DS wouldn't let me. They use these delicious Sahlen's hot dogs and their sauce is SO good and I always have ONE when I come to Buffalo. So... we just shopped and shopped and shopped and left the mall without eating. Then we went to Starbucks. I think it was close to 2pm by then and we were supposed to meet everyone for fish fry at 3:30 pm so I wasn't about to eat lunch then. So I got one of those vanilla/nut biscottis. Ate it with my latte. And then there was the fish fry. I ate a little less than half of my fish, half of my german potato salad and half of my cole slaw. BUT I started with a cosmo. Then we came home and did our nightly sit on the porch and drink wine. Nephew came over with his family with a box of doughnut holes from Dunkin' Donuts. Ate one of those. I was still hungry so I finished my cole slaw. But I drank too much wine. Junk food day with no structure or discipline!

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That's the 1st thing I noticed - it said 1:32 my time - what in the hell were you doing up at that time?? Checking on Michael.

Good morning Gang..

I forgot to turn off alarm last nite - 5 a.m it goes off - what the hell I got up - need to go to gym this morning...

Linda & Candice - I bought a coffee press last night at target Boudine $14.99 - yummy coffee this morning - but I don't have a tea pot like Candice so had to warm the Water in the micro..

Linda - I looked for that travel mug you have - found it online somewhere $29.99... Found one at Target for $9.99 but no storage and it was kinda big for my hand - Suppose to keep coffee warm for 2 hrs..

I think I may go back and get it - take it to work or take the one I got - it will be great for that afternoon pick me up that I seem to need more often these days :0) I can always put my coffee in a baggie - and it says to have large ground coffee - I can grind my own at winco - so may just do that as we have a hot water dispenser at work..

54 yrs old and just found out about French Coffee Press... Never too old to learn new things :0)

Thanks for teaching me something !!!!

Well not much to report - I had gym last night at 4 to make up for the missed weigh session on Monday - came home and had popcorn - salad and gram cracker w/pb... I found a new thing - eat popcorn before your meal - then you are full.

Well I had popcorn when I got home from gym - then ate my salad around 8... Was very full... Yesterday felt very very bloated like I weighed 250 I think I had too much salt at lunch.. (fish & veggies)

I have been thinking about next summers get together - you know what - for you from cooler climates - the July New Orleans cruise might just be to fricking hot - you northern girls have ice in your veins - We may have to think of something else...

Denise - We really really want to meet you - you are the only one (well besides Karla but she's new) who we haven't met - and we all agree - WE WANT TO MEET YOU VERY BADLY..

So you need to let us know how we can do that - you can't flake on us next year... Well I know you haven't really flaked on us - that you worked this summer - but we really want you to join us next year - So you gotta start the $5 dollar bill savings account for our trip next year . DO YOU HEAR ME GIRL - WE WANT YOU TO JOIN US..

Karla & Steph - I know you both are saving for next year so I know that you will be joining us - in whatever trip we decide..

Omg it's already 6:05 - where has the hour gone 55 mintues till gym and I really don't feel awake - I guess I am going to need that 3rd cup of French Press Coffee this morning..

Oh Linda - I watched what not to wear last night - that new hair dresser is from show that was on a couple of year ago about hair dresser competition - I think - cuz I have seen him before - maybe on a oprah show - He didn't even color the girls hair - I think I am going to miss Nick !!!

Well off to ck emails and other threads - will cbl..

Candice have you bought an MH yet ??

Phyl - How's your trip going - when are you going home??? Is Earl missing you :0)



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Good morning!!!

DH let me sleep in this a.m. AHHHHH then he brought me coffee... what a sweetie!

Well about the botox. I have liked the result we've been getting on the Face Cream we all bought last weekend. Then a Px of mine tells me about how she got botox. NOw she's only 40!!!! and she says to me... "You have very deep grooves between your eyebrows".... "Kinda makes you look like your disapproving of everything."

WOW, now I had thought that they were very deep before and I didn't like them... SO I was a good girl all week with my food, so I made the appt. to go get the shot.

It takes 5 mins. Seriously.. didn't hurt... A couple of little pricks and it was done.

I lay back, she makes you scruntch up your face as hard as you can, then relax your face no expression, then raise your eyebrows ... then she :picks: the spots she wants to freeze and then she gives you the needle... bam, your done.

Then I had exercises to do for the next 4 hours... 1) raise my eyebrows

2) Make a hard Worry look


then repeat for 4 hours... this movement in the muscles helps the BOTOX settle into the tissues where is it targeted...

I go back in 2 wks for a re-eval and maybe a tweek of some more botox where its needed... then I don't have to go backuntil NOV....

So I figure it'll cost me $1200 per year to maintain... but even if I decide to quit my FURROW will never be as bad as before I started...

Now I just went and had a good look at my face this a.m. and I can see a difference already:biggrin: It will be more frozen daily until the 2 wk mark when she does a re-eval.

I didn't tell Pter that I did this, I am waiting to see if he notices :)

Ya Steph, it is probably a mid life crisis, but that all started 2 yrs ago with the LB... I like the changes I've made and there will be more to come...

Ithink I would be a chicken to do PS on my face, but I am allup for having my GUT done once my weight is where I want it to be.

Phyl, sounds like you are still continuing to have a wonderful vacation!!!

Janet, any more news on your DESK moving?

Weight was 176.2 this a.m. YEAH!! Although yest was a weird food day... was really tight at supper (work stress) couldn't get my chickin down. So I made a choc shake, then later the munchies hit... I had 2 x 100 cal bar, Once slice of Rhubarb cake, then 1/3 bag of popcorn... not the best choices... but I am being honest!!! All day long I had a Protien bar and coffee's. :) 1,727 cals for the day!

Edited by peaches9
forget stuff

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Phyl, Like Janet says, "You gotta live life." You're allowed a day or two--you need to build up for surgery--that's a massive assault, and you will heal much better if your nutritional status is good. In fact, you really should be adding some Protein Shakes now--especially if your date might get moved up.

Looking forward to Steph's story! I'm glad you can still see the humor in things, Steph. With all that's going on, you need to laugh.

Janet--I just learned about garlic presses, so we're even!

I was thinking the same thing about next year. With so many of us teaching, I doubt if our spring breaks would be at the same time to allow us to do a cruise before June. On the other hand, I want to meet Denise and Karri--and Karla too, and for sure Steph needs to come! Do we what to start brainstorming other options?

I already miss Nick! The other guy sure has a different personality, and I agree, he didn't do much at all. Clinton sure was flamming--did you notice his outfits? DH was being a jerk, (he was on his best behavior last weekend--now that we're home, it's back to normal) so I didn't get to see the end--did she look good? Hopefully I'll catch the re-run--they show these things over and over. . .

Well, I gotta do more laundry and decide what to pack for Monday. This week just flew--so much to do! Oh, and I'm sure DH will have me working on the fire pit outside. I want it done by the 15th, and DH refused to pay someone to build it, so guess what? It's just a paver circle about 17 foot diameter with a hole in the middle. Simple enough, but a lot of work to lay the base--hauling loads of gravel and sand. . . It's raining now, or he'd be out there!

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Hey you girls, my GF Kathy is up from London, On for the weekend... She teaches kindergarden and the kids in her classes LOVE this little song.

Click on the Youtube link and TURN UP THE VOlume!!!

So cute!

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He forgot to sing about the looney and the toonie.

Janet - I think I missed something. Whats an MH?

And talking about facelifts, have you guys seen the infomercial for the Lifestyle Lift? I sent away for info but never f0llowed up so I'm not sure how it works, but let me tell you, those before and after pics in their brochure are amazing. It's sposed to be a whole lot cheaper too.

Now for the trip next year. Doesn't matter to me. But you are right, us cold weather gals will die in that humidity. But, then again, it's only a few days. We get really hot weather here too for a few days. So, for Linda, Karrie, Karla and Denise..........put your heads together and compare your winter breaks, presidents day weekend, spring breaks. Who knows, they might all coordinate. But, if we do something else, how about somewhere over on the western side of the country since you've had to travel to this part the past two years.

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Good morning,

I figured I would check in while I am waiting for DH to get ready to take me to work. We left my car at the school and considering that it is really hot out already, I don't want to walk.

I am still alive and actually feeling better and more alive than I have in a while. It is funny to say that because I have some medical issues going on. Turns out that because of the rapid weightloss, some body functions kind of shut down. It is called adrenal fatigue and it is what is making me so overly sensitive to cold, making me not sweat like I should, go to the bathroom like I should, and causing my hair to fall out. It is also why I am always so tired. So I have been getting Vitamin B shots, been on my thyroid meds, and now am taking this concoction of Vitamins that was put together by a local pharamacist. As a result I feel VERY energized.

I wanted to let you all know that I AM still alive and do think about you. I should be able to be back on here regularly at the beginning of Sept. Between now and then I will be working 14+ hour days (sorry mommy...I gotta get this done). The thing is though...I love it. I don't hate it or feel like I am trudging through. I am up at 5:30AM WITHOUT an alarm and ready to go to work. I can't explain how wonderful I feel when I am at work. I am still making time for me. IN fact I won 60$ at a poker tournament last night. We have hosted and gone to several game nights. DH has been pretty supportive most of the time. He gets a little annoyed every now and then, but for the most part, he is okay. He is spending more time at work now. So he doesn't miss me quite as much.

Well we are going out to breakfast this morning before I head off to another 15 hour day.

I love and miss all of you and I PROMISE that when school starts and I return to a normal schedule I will be back.

BTW...I have maintained my weight, am still running, and eating healthy.

Love you,


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Good Morning!

Sunny, pretty morning here in Buffalo. DS we are staying with is leaving for Myrtle Beach SC this morning with DH, 4 of her 5 daughters and 3 grandkids! Two cars, one 2 BR condo for 5 days. We get to babysit a dog until we leave on Tues.

Tracy and I going to other DS this afternoon for BBQ.

Bad food day yesterday. Got up with just enough time to get showered and dressed and leave by 9 a.m. because DS had oil change appt and then we were going to the mall. Actually, I had an hour to spare but I spent it on the computer so I didn't have time for breakfast. Thought maybe she'd be stopping at a Tim Horton's and I'd get one of those yummy cheese/egg sandwiches. Didn't happen. Got to the mall about 10:30 a.m. and didn't want to eat mall food for breakfast. (Probably memories of my bad mall food experience LAST weekend!!) Then, I REALLY wanted a TED'S hot dog but DD & DS wouldn't let me. They use these delicious Sahlen's hot dogs and their sauce is SO good and I always have ONE when I come to Buffalo. So... we just shopped and shopped and shopped and left the mall without eating. Then we went to Starbucks. I think it was close to 2pm by then and we were supposed to meet everyone for fish fry at 3:30 pm so I wasn't about to eat lunch then. So I got one of those vanilla/nut biscottis. Ate it with my latte. And then there was the fish fry. I ate a little less than half of my fish, half of my german potato salad and half of my cole slaw. BUT I started with a cosmo. Then we came home and did our nightly sit on the porch and drink wine. Nephew came over with his family with a box of doughnut holes from Dunkin' Donuts. Ate one of those. I was still hungry so I finished my cole slaw. But I drank too much wine. Junk food day with no structure or discipline!

Phyl - Your food doesn't sound that bad. You are on vacation - Ya you had some extra wine and a donut hole so what - in the past it would have been 2 plates of food and box of donut holes and then the wine... That's they way I look at it... But I get you - I feel guilty when I indulge to... I really do or should I say that when I do indulge - I am afraid that I won't stop...

Like in Canada - I would never buy fudge at home - I really do try and stay away from sweets - chips/cheese etc. and when I eat that stuff I am afraid that when I get home I will give myself excuses to continue to eat that way - But I don't - so I am cool with it - on Vacation I do what I don't do at home.. Plain and simple - I don't worry cuz I gotta say that for the most part my healthy eating is a lifestyle change and now part of my life..

Sounds like you are having a ball... I bet Earl is missing you - 3 weeks from Tues is your surgery...

I bet Tracey's family is missing her too..

Good morning!!!

DH let me sleep in this a.m. AHHHHH then he brought me coffee... what a sweetie!

Well about the botox. I have liked the result we've been getting on the Face Cream we all bought last weekend. Then a Px of mine tells me about how she got botox. NOw she's only 40!!!! and she says to me... "You have very deep grooves between your eyebrows".... "Kinda makes you look like your disapproving of everything."

WOW, now I had thought that they were very deep before and I didn't like them... SO I was a good girl all week with my food, so I made the appt. to go get the shot.

It takes 5 mins. Seriously.. didn't hurt... A couple of little pricks and it was done.

I lay back, she makes you scruntch up your face as hard as you can, then relax your face no expression, then raise your eyebrows ... then she :picks: the spots she wants to freeze and then she gives you the needle... bam, your done.

Then I had exercises to do for the next 4 hours... 1) raise my eyebrows

2) Make a hard Worry look


then repeat for 4 hours... this movement in the muscles helps the BOTOX settle into the tissues where is it targeted...

I go back in 2 wks for a re-eval and maybe a tweek of some more botox where its needed... then I don't have to go backuntil NOV....

So I figure it'll cost me $1200 per year to maintain... but even if I decide to quit my FURROW will never be as bad as before I started...

Now I just went and had a good look at my face this a.m. and I can see a difference already:biggrin: It will be more frozen daily until the 2 wk mark when she does a re-eval.

I didn't tell Pter that I did this, I am waiting to see if he notices :mad2:

Ya Steph, it is probably a mid life crisis, but that all started 2 yrs ago with the LB... I like the changes I've made and there will be more to come...

Ithink I would be a chicken to do PS on my face, but I am allup for having my GUT done once my weight is where I want it to be.

Phyl, sounds like you are still continuing to have a wonderful vacation!!!

Janet, any more news on your DESK moving?

Weight was 176.2 this a.m. YEAH!! Although yest was a weird food day... was really tight at supper (work stress) couldn't get my chickin down. So I made a choc shake, then later the munchies hit... I had 2 x 100 cal bar, Once slice of Rhubarb cake, then 1/3 bag of popcorn... not the best choices... but I am being honest!!! All day long I had a Protien bar and coffee's. :thumbdown: 1,727 cals for the day!

Candice - We won't be moving to the other side until 8/14 - I hate that - If I gotta move lets just do it...

Monday I will see the gf who I work with so I will see how she looks - she says she's still swollen but she just had surgery Tuesday - I would do it when I am off for 2 weeks at Thanksgiving time..

I doubt that Peter would notice... Men don't and you may have had a 11 but I didn't notice it at all - I think you have beautiful skin - You and Phyl both do... Heck I think you look younger than me by years not just 8 months :0)..

Phyl, Like Janet says, "You gotta live life." You're allowed a day or two--you need to build up for surgery--that's a massive assault, and you will heal much better if your nutritional status is good. In fact, you really should be adding some Protein Shakes now--especially if your date might get moved up.

Looking forward to Steph's story! I'm glad you can still see the humor in things, Steph. With all that's going on, you need to laugh.

Janet--I just learned about garlic presses, so we're even!

I was thinking the same thing about next year. With so many of us teaching, I doubt if our spring breaks would be at the same time to allow us to do a cruise before June. On the other hand, I want to meet Denise and Karri--and Karla too, and for sure Steph needs to come! Do we what to start brainstorming other options?

I already miss Nick! The other guy sure has a different personality, and I agree, he didn't do much at all. Clinton sure was flamming--did you notice his outfits? DH was being a jerk, (he was on his best behavior last weekend--now that we're home, it's back to normal) so I didn't get to see the end--did she look good? Hopefully I'll catch the re-run--they show these things over and over. . .

Well, I gotta do more laundry and decide what to pack for Monday. This week just flew--so much to do! Oh, and I'm sure DH will have me working on the fire pit outside. I want it done by the 15th, and DH refused to pay someone to build it, so guess what? It's just a paver circle about 17 foot diameter with a hole in the middle. Simple enough, but a lot of work to lay the base--hauling loads of gravel and sand. . . It's raining now, or he'd be out there!

Linda - Yep we are even :0) - OMG you guys know me don't you "you gotta live life" love it... Yep you do !!!

Mel was on his best behavior - well if he likes stirring things up I could see that he would/could really push your buttons at home.

Ya the girl looked good - alot softer with her hair cut and blown out - but I think I am going to miss Nick - Gotta see how he does - like I said he didn't color her hair and Nick always colors their hair...

He forgot to sing about the looney and the toonie.

Janet - I think I missed something. Whats an MH?

And talking about facelifts, have you guys seen the infomercial for the Lifestyle Lift? I sent away for info but never f0llowed up so I'm not sure how it works, but let me tell you, those before and after pics in their brochure are amazing. It's sposed to be a whole lot cheaper too.

Now for the trip next year. Doesn't matter to me. But you are right, us cold weather gals will die in that humidity. But, then again, it's only a few days. We get really hot weather here too for a few days. So, for Linda, Karrie, Karla and Denise..........put your heads together and compare your winter breaks, presidents day weekend, spring breaks. Who knows, they might all coordinate. But, if we do something else, how about somewhere over on the western side of the country since you've had to travel to this part the past two years.

Kari - MH = Motorhome that Candice & Peter are looking to buy..

Ya West Coast would be great - I would have ya'll at my house but it's not as big as Candice's - I have only one extra bedroom..

Good morning,

I figured I would check in while I am waiting for DH to get ready to take me to work. We left my car at the school and considering that it is really hot out already, I don't want to walk.

I am still alive and actually feeling better and more alive than I have in a while. It is funny to say that because I have some medical issues going on. Turns out that because of the rapid weightloss, some body functions kind of shut down. It is called adrenal fatigue and it is what is making me so overly sensitive to cold, making me not sweat like I should, go to the bathroom like I should, and causing my hair to fall out. It is also why I am always so tired. So I have been getting Vitamin B shots, been on my thyroid meds, and now am taking this concoction of Vitamins that was put together by a local pharamacist. As a result I feel VERY energized.

I wanted to let you all know that I AM still alive and do think about you. I should be able to be back on here regularly at the beginning of Sept. Between now and then I will be working 14+ hour days (sorry mommy...I gotta get this done). The thing is though...I love it. I don't hate it or feel like I am trudging through. I am up at 5:30AM WITHOUT an alarm and ready to go to work. I can't explain how wonderful I feel when I am at work. I am still making time for me. IN fact I won 60$ at a poker tournament last night. We have hosted and gone to several game nights. DH has been pretty supportive most of the time. He gets a little annoyed every now and then, but for the most part, he is okay. He is spending more time at work now. So he doesn't miss me quite as much.

Well we are going out to breakfast this morning before I head off to another 15 hour day.

I love and miss all of you and I PROMISE that when school starts and I return to a normal schedule I will be back.

BTW...I have maintained my weight, am still running, and eating healthy.

Love you,


Karri - I knew you wouldn't listen :tt2: Typical kid :lol: But you are taking time for you (congrats on the $60) so that's what is important.. Ya I bet those Vit B12 shots and extra vitimans are really helping with the energy levels...

Well gang - I worked my ASS OFF yesterday - went to the gym did 3.5 miles burned 500 calories (I was up to 142.5 yesterday morning - had too much salt Friday as I was feeling really super bloated.

Well came home it was about 8:15/30 and decided to clean up a spill in the garage - got the hose out and was washing it down - then decided to wash off the front of the house. Well that turned into an all day project...

I have decorative rock up against the house (river rock and rock that's smaller - just a little bigger than gravel) well with all the wind we have and dust/dirt blowing the gravel rock you could barely see in some spots.

So I started trying to wash it - well found if I raked it up into piles the top would get clean - so that's what I did ALL DAY YESTERDAY.. I didn't come into the house till like 5:30 and it was 110 yesterday - gotta say that it didn't feel that hot - but I was into getting the front to look better - the gardener just doesn't do this kind of stuff - so spent the whole day raking - washing and more raking more washing - cking drip - I was hosing myself down and drinking Water and then went to back yard stooped to rinse my hands off in the pool and fell in :lol: - well I just went back out front and kept raking and washing rock - and was dry in like 10 minutes :thumbup:

When I went to get the paper this morning - it looks pretty good - I have one spot that can use some extra raking - but all in all - it good and I must have burned 2000 calories... Got a couple blister on my hands and arms a little red - but feel really good about the work and the scales down to 139 this morning :scared2:.

Well it's 10:22 - got up around 8:30 didn't go to bed til after 2 - I must be in a manic state - but I rather be manic than the other way :wink:

Need to get moving - got my weekly shopping (food) to do still ..


Hugs J

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Hi ladies. Didn't make it online yesterday. Wow...what a Saturday!!!

Had so much fun doing kettle corn. It was terrific! Usually I spend an hour or so at the fair and then I'm tired of it and feel bad that I don't want to support it more. Anyways....I spent 3 days there and really had fun the entire time!

My story about why I was on at 230am. At 1030 I realized that I didn't have enough supplies for Saturday. So...as you know we live in the middle of nowhere...I had to get in the car and drive to Williston to buy sugar and oil. I didn't think we were going to be as busy as we were. It was absolutely crazy! But got home at 2am, tried to sleep, was too keyed up and decided to check in with you guys for a second. How crazy, to drive an hour and a half to get supplies to do something as silly as kettle corn. Took my SIL with me to keep me awake and we yakked the entire way. It was hilarious!

So...we sold about 2000 worth of kettle corn this weekend. That is a LOT of stirring. I thought I would have been dead at that point...but actually I'm not horribly sore....just very tired. Going to go take a nap. It's time to take a break for a day.

food, not so hot. I did make sure I stayed hydrated. Did as good as possible to get food in but it was very hard. Didn't buy any cotton candy. Being tight probably saved me from all the fair food. I'm really happy to be going to Bismarck tomorrow and getting an unfill on Tuesday. I'm tired of not eating well. Jeff says that might be why I'm so tired...since I couldn't get in any real nutrition. Anyways....looking forward to eating again. Taking Jeff and in-laws to dinner on Wednesday to Celebrate.

Okay...definitely time to nap. See you later. Hugs

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It sounds like you all had a great time in Canada!!

Steph, congrats on the $2000 on the kettle korn booth. nice job!!!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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