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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I couldn't figure out why Phyl was not in the SUNSET pictures, then I remembered she and Tracy left that afternoon... see how quickly memories blur???

Ya but Janet, you'd learn to LOVE The snow!!! It really can be fun to play in ya know...eh

Oh, weighin today up 1.4 lbs = not too bad after all that FUDGE, ICECREAM, POUTINE er oh ya and BOOZE!!! WHoo-hoo!

Ya but I don't have a dh to dig me out in the mornings !!!!

and I don't know how to drive in it... I don't want to shovel snow at this stage in my life eh....

But be sure I will come to visit again !!! I just loved it...

Thank you again for having us !!!! I had a wonderful time...

xoxox J

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Ya but I don't have a dh to dig me out in the mornings !!!!

and I don't know how to drive in it... I don't want to shovel snow at this stage in my life eh....

But be sure I will come to visit again !!! I just loved it...

Thank you again for having us !!!! I had a wonderful time...

xoxox J

Oh Janet, Peter would always come and DIG you out!!!

I am glad you liked it here, You know you are ALWAYS welcome anytime... Peter really enjoyed meeting all my GIRLS...now he knows why I spend so much time on the computer :thumbup:

I look forward to SNOW days, when I don't have to go to work and I can just quilt away - no guilt!!!

Linda, I know youre lurking out there... cammon girl, did you take any photos?

MY backyard neighbors are having a campfire tonight... i can smell the wood burning from in my office. It was the NICEST day today... dosn't that just figure???? No rain and it was warm and sunny, just like SUMMER is supposed to be!

What did you do today girlfriend????

I almost forgot to thank you ALL again for the Palmtree earrings, the Bitch as you Stitch nightgown and the lovely MAPLE LEAF necklace... I will cherish them all for the rest of my life! (I am wearing the nightgown right now)

Edited by peaches9

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A man escapes from a prison where he's been locked up for 15 years. He

breaks into a house to look for money and guns. Inside, he finds a young couple

in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair. While tying the

homeowner's wife to the bed, the convict gets on top of her, kisses her neck,

then gets up and goes into the bathroom.

While he's in the bathroom, the husband whispers over to his wife:

"Listen, this Guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He's probably

spent a lot of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he

kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain....do whatever

he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is

obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us both. Be strong,

honey. I love you!"

His wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear.

He told me that he's gay, thinks you're cute, and asked if we had any Vaseline.

I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong. I love you, too."

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Oh Janet, Peter would always come and DIG you out!!!

I am glad you liked it here, You know you are ALWAYS welcome anytime... Peter really enjoyed meeting all my GIRLS...now he knows why I spend so much time on the computer :thumbup:

I look forward to SNOW days, when I don't have to go to work and I can just quilt away - no guilt!!!

Linda, I know youre lurking out there... cammon girl, did you take any photos?

MY backyard neighbors are having a campfire tonight... i can smell the wood burning from in my office. It was the NICEST day today... dosn't that just figure???? No rain and it was warm and sunny, just like SUMMER is supposed to be!

What did you do today girlfriend????

I almost forgot to thank you ALL again for the Palmtree earrings, the Bitch as you Stitch nightgown and the lovely MAPLE LEAF necklace... I will cherish them all for the rest of my life! (I am wearing the nightgown right now)

Ya right - I know that he would just love doing that every day... I know he's retired but I doubt that's what he wants to do with his mornings eh..

Tomorrow's gym - Canada Eh is what I will be wearing !!! Sure glad today wasn't gym - don't think I would have made it...

Made Andrew steak for dinner - my timer just went off my fish is done - so will CBL

Oh ya gang (steph & karla & denise) Candice makes the most beautiful quilts !!!! They are so complicated and hand stiched !!! I may try a simple pattern - but I don't know if I could hand stich - 2yrs to complete a quilt - I like instant gratification - Maybe I'll stick to crocheting...

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I can't believe more pages were filled out today than was filled out the past five days.

Okay, now I add my two cents


What else can I say. It's all been said. I think I may have an Elvis picture. I tried to stay up last night and try to download during my free download time, but, dang. 2AM is to early. eh?

Can you believe I was down two this morning? Must have been that delish fudge, wine, beer and poutine. Eh? Or maybe it was the coffee. I did read somewhere that it speeds the metabolism. Maybe I aught to start drinking it. eh? Or maybe it was that nicotine.

(Don't worry, I'm not going to start up again. But I did enjoy it.)


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Enjoyed the pics. Everyone looks great. The scenery looks beautiful. Ya'll passed a good time, Eh!

I am going to TX tomorrow with the kids to visit my friend. I'll be back Sun. or Mon. I should come back Sun, but my bff is begging me to stay till Mon. Doubt I will, I have to come back to work and so does DD.

I told ya'll about the cat having seizures, Eh? Well I gave her the first phenabarbital pill today, and I looked at her neck because her fur looked funny like she keeps licking it. Well, it looks funny cause it ain't dere no more. She has a bald patch on her neck. So either this is a new symptom, or she picked up something at the vet like maybe a dose of lovely ringworms. I'll call the vet tomorrow, but DH said he ain't taking the cat to the vet. Talks big, but he'll do it if we ask him.

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Tomorrow's gym - Canada Eh is what I will be wearing !!! Sure glad today wasn't gym - don't think I would have made it......

You found a Canada EH? shirt??

Tracy and I want one!

Sounds cute.

We had a decent day to go to Niagara Falls yesterday but going to my cousin's today... she lives on a lake... and rain and t-storms on the way later this morning! Have gone out there since our kids were little and then after my Aunt Genny died her daughter tore it down and rebuilt. So a bunch of us are going out today and taking lunch... Mom, one sister, some nieces. Cousin wants to take us for a ride on her pontoon boat, but won't be much fun in the rain!

Seneca Niagara Casino tomorrow. Sister I'm staying with, Shirley... her favorite place and tomorrow her ONLY day off while I"m here. She's a nurse, too.

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Kari--Down 2? That's great!!

A little bad news--there was a text message from DD when I got to Chicago. She had gone to the dermatologist last week to have a few moles removed from her back. Turns out that one of them was cnacerous so she needs to go back and have more extensive surgery.

But the good news is that yesterday DS#3 finally got in touch with the people in Minneapolis and it is official! They have six weeks to find a place to live, for DIL to find a job, and get their things moved half way across the country. They are ELATED, and so are we!

Spent yesterday with Cora (took her on a nice long walk), doing laundry, and getting caught up with email etc. I'm going to drive to DD's tonight and go straight to work from there tomorrow morning. Then I have to start thinking about my next trip to Minneapolis on Monday. Yup, my days of reading and sunning on the deck are dwindling away.

Oh, one last thing about our trip: We all fell in love with a lifting, firming cream by Estee Lauder. I did find it in the Duty-free shop in Toronto. (I was a little surprised, but because we were flying a US airline, we went through customs in Toronto--makes sense, I just wasn't expecting that. When we go to Mexico, we don't hit customs until Milwaukee) Did you find it Janet?

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What did it cost at the duty free shop? Would it be worth it to make the drive to the border?

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You found a Canada EH? shirt??

Tracy and I want one!

Sounds cute.

We had a decent day to go to Niagara Falls yesterday but going to my cousin's today... she lives on a lake... and rain and t-storms on the way later this morning! Have gone out there since our kids were little and then after my Aunt Genny died her daughter tore it down and rebuilt. So a bunch of us are going out today and taking lunch... Mom, one sister, some nieces. Cousin wants to take us for a ride on her pontoon boat, but won't be much fun in the rain!

Seneca Niagara Casino tomorrow. Sister I'm staying with, Shirley... her favorite place and tomorrow her ONLY day off while I"m here. She's a nurse, too.


Ya I found it Sunday nite at the beach boardwalk shops - it says "Canada Eh" and it was a medium - Linda wanted one so I asked the lady when I went to pay if they had any more (like in the back) she wasn't too nice and said no and didn't even look..

Your day sounds fun - maybe it won't rain- or like it did on our trip - rain then stop - I didn't think the weather was bad at all really - it really didn't interfer in any of our outings..

Have fun at the casino !!! Is Earl missing you yet :0)... I bet he wished he had come..

Kari--Down 2? That's great!!

A little bad news--there was a text message from DD when I got to Chicago. She had gone to the dermatologist last week to have a few moles removed from her back. Turns out that one of them was cnacerous so she needs to go back and have more extensive surgery.

But the good news is that yesterday DS#3 finally got in touch with the people in Minneapolis and it is official! They have six weeks to find a place to live, for DIL to find a job, and get their things moved half way across the country. They are ELATED, and so are we!

Spent yesterday with Cora (took her on a nice long walk), doing laundry, and getting caught up with email etc. I'm going to drive to DD's tonight and go straight to work from there tomorrow morning. Then I have to start thinking about my next trip to Minneapolis on Monday. Yup, my days of reading and sunning on the deck are dwindling away.

Oh, one last thing about our trip: We all fell in love with a lifting, firming cream by Estee Lauder. I did find it in the Duty-free shop in Toronto. (I was a little surprised, but because we were flying a US airline, we went through customs in Toronto--makes sense, I just wasn't expecting that. When we go to Mexico, we don't hit customs until Milwaukee) Did you find it Janet?


Ya I found it at the airport too - gotte the day & night special 139 canadian no tax - cking my bank statement this morning that 139 - was $128 American - so I got 2 creams day/night the smaller verision (the $70/80 whatever it was in that store) for $128 = 64 for each - pretty good deal.

I have only gone out of country by plane once to mexico - and it was a direct flight got customs in LA

I didn't have a pen to complete the paper work - some guy let me borrow his but when the custom guy asked how I knew my gf - I didn't want to say the internet - said that we had the same surgery and were in the same support group.. The I thought oh no he's going to think I'm a drug mule... Do ask me why police/customes etc make me nervous - I hadn't done anything wrong - but I just don't want to get taken to secondary and be strip searched or my bag gone thru.

On my cruises we hit customs when we get off ship in the US..

My Toronto leg went quite smoothly really and was lucky in Denver that they have smoking bars in doors - so I didn't have to mess with security again...

I got my laundry done last night/this morning - now just have to put it away...

So glad you DS is going to be close... Hugs on the DD but it;s good that they found the cancerous mole now instead of 3 yrs from now - I had one taken off my back years ago - laser surgery ... There was a thing on the news this morning that tanning beds are up there with smoking for causing cancer...

Well I better get my butt in gear... CBL

Hugs Gang

OK what - once we get back Steph & Karla quit posting - whats up with that !!!

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Good morning ladies. Busy week this week. Planning a pink ribbon motorcycle rally, doing kettle corn at the fair this weekend, ran puppy to Williston to the vet for no reason at all....3 hours wasted....and troubles with Michael.

I sound like a broken record with Michael, don't I? Well...I have a call into family services. I don't know what my options are but I've come to the conclusion that if he stays in my house there are only 3 possible outcomes, a. he ends up in jail, b. all my children get removed because of abuse, c. he ends up dead of his own stupidity. None of those options are ones I'm willing to live with. I am looking into residential facilities, but the private ones I've seen are like 6k a month. Who can afford that? Do people really go into that much debt to get their kids help? Don't get me wrong, my son's life is priceless, but that's over 70k a year! I don't know what to do. So, maybe the state will need to get involved. I'm afraid of that. If I send Michael away do they take the other two? I don't know, but I'm to the point that maybe they should. Maybe I'm just a horrible mother. Maybe I'll just damage all three of them....not just Michael. I don't know. I just know that Michael needs help and I can't give it to him. There are no counselors in the area....I hope I can find something for him. Keep us in your prayers. We need them.

I got an unfill appointment in Bismarck on the 4th. I will drive down on the 3rd. It's a very long drive but I can't even eat mushies now. I know the stress has caused this latest tightening. I'm not sure I'll make it until the 4th if it continues. I can still get in liquids. That is my saving grace. I'm keeping my Protein and cals up by drinking them. So next Tuesday.

I have a million things to do. I'll talk to you all later. Love you ladies. You are all saving my sanity. I need the break from the "reality" of my life. You have no idea how important you all are to me. Thank you for being there for me to love, for me to talk to, for me to lean on.

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Hugs on the Michael issue - I sent my DS to my BIL when he was about 15 - he need a man to tell him what to do - then when DS was about 16 or 17 he pushed me during an argument - I called the cops on his ass and had him arrested... He went to Juvie... Not for long - maybe a week - I don't really remember all the details - but the judge was on my side. Kids have to know their boundries.. But again my DS didn't have the ADD issues - just plain old teenager/anger issues. Again hugs - wish there was something we could do to make it better - but darling it will all workout in the end - I know it doesn't seem that way right now - but it will..

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Steph, I'm sorry, but I'm a little out of the loop about your Michael--how old is he? From the desperate tone of your voice I'm thinking he's an older teen--16 or 17-ish? That was the hardest time for me. I assume you control access to the car, cell phone, computer and everything except basic food and a place to sleep. Beyond that, everything else in life is a privilege to be earned. I have lived through this. DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO SEND YOU ON GUILT TRIPS. He knows just which buttons to push. You owe him nothing else. If he wants more, he needs to earn it through following the rules. If he ends up in jail, that is the natural consequence of his choices. You do not owe it to him to bail him out. You are not a bad parent, in fact, you are a very good parent. Life is tough; best he learn now that no one owes him a living.

Be strong mama. Two of my DSs aged me considerably, but honestly, 10 years later, they couldn't be better, more productive adults. And when I look at my friends and other ppl, I see that the kids who had tough parents are all doing well. It's the one or two where the parents were always making excuses and getting them out of trouble who are still struggling.

I'm glad you're getting unfilled, but I have a feeling that a lot of your band problems are stress-related. I've found too, that when I'm really stressed about something I can't eat. We think that was Candice's problem too, In fact, I wonder if now that the weekend is over and was such a huge success, if she's finding that she is less tight?

Again, we are here for you, Steph. You are doing the right thing by being tough. You are a good mom!

Hugs, gf!

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Thanks for the hugs ladies. Linda, Michael is 14. I pray that I make it to adulthood with him. One of my biggest concerns is the effect his attitude, mouth, and anger are having on my two little ones. Both of them tend to talk to me the same way as he does.

Still no word from Family Services. Hopefully I will hear something soon. I have an appointment for Nick at the doctors in 15 mins and I'm going to try to talk to him about a residential treatment facility. I know he thinks I'm just not tough enough on him...but he really doesn't have a clue. I'm wondering, because of his mental health issues if a treatment facility may be partially covered by insurance. My luck the answer is no, but I might get lucky.

Okay...little miss is up from her nap. I better go snuggle her. At least she still loves me. Thanks again ladies. You're the best.

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Well, doc wasn't a lot of help on treatment facilities. He didn't recommend either of the ones I am aware of in the state. He didn't say they were bad, just didn't have any experience with them. Still no word from Family Services. I'm beat from getting up every hour and checking to make sure he was still in his bed. Going to go take a nap.

Jaimison's "up" was a false alarm...actually she had just been laying quietly in her room and hadn't napped yet. Now she is sleeping.< /p>

Okay....update over :biggrin:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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