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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Linda and Phyl, if any of your DH need a project to fix for someone, I could use them. I have some fencing that needs put up and I sure would like to add onto my deck. I have all the stuff, just need the muscle.

Long day at work, it was hot and I needed to prune all the roses and clean all the Water features. Not a lot of customers, but lots of work. I'm hoping NOTHING get's in the way of my evening relaxing.

thanks for the positive support on my progress. I have to remind myself that it has only been a little over 3 months. Iam looking forward to the scale starting with a 1 instead of a 2. I'm cooking hamburgers for dinner with watermelon and probably some salad.< /p>

A little bummed, stupid I know Steph, guys have a different time table than regular humans. Haven't heard from mark today. Oh well, that's life.

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Wow LBT is quiet tonight??? Is everyone out partying?

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Wow LBT is quiet tonight??? Is everyone out partying?

No partying here.

Just exhausted from babysitting grandkids today.. 3 yrs, 6 yrs & 7 yrs.


Fixed them lunch, cleaned up the kitchen..... about a years worth of clutter and dirt on the countertops, we took the kids for a walk to the park, came back and they were already hungry for dinner. Thomas started talking about wanting macaroni and cheese three hours after lunch. He ate a whole baloney & cheese sandwich for lunch and the other kids had peanut butter and jelly. I think they're all three going through a growth spurt from what I saw them eat today! And when we were in Seattle the other day, DD bought two 5 piece fish and chips and she was lucky to get something to eat. Kids scarfed up that fish like they were starving.

7_9_1.gif 7_9_6v.gif

So I was on my feet a LOT today.. Grandpa was hangin' out on the couch. He usually helps a lot with the kids but I think the heat was getting to him today. He did play football with them and push them on the swings when we went to the park, though. So when we got home I was ready for my recliner and a glass of wine! Heated up leftover stroganoff for us before we left DD's so we wouldn't have to cook when we got home. 18_1_34.gif

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Phyl, kids are exhausting. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to do it by myself, AND I use to cook everything from scratch, AND make their clothes. Now I'm lucky if I cook a TV dinner. Actually since the band I am back to cooking. But DD#4 does my laundry and they both clean the house. I guess I'm getting lazy or..........shall I say old. Everything just takes so much effort.

Ladies, I have found another positive thing about the band. The taste of food. Who knew that if you slowed down long enough to chew that food would actually have some flavor. Made hamburgers last night on the grill, and man were they good. Ground garlic and sea salt on them, put them on organic Buns with 1/2 slice sharp cheddar. yummmm. Calories were on the high side (1117) and I don't usually eat much carbs, but it was worth every calorie. Ate about 3/4 of a hamburger and a bowl of watermelon. Even with my FF Fudge bars and popcorn I was close to calories. But as Janet says, every once in a while it is okay. Which is a lesson I'm learning.

Well, should start thinking about getting ready for work. I'd rather stay home in the airconditioning.

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Phyl, kids are exhausting. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to do it by myself, AND I use to cook everything from scratch, AND make their clothes. Now I'm lucky if I cook a TV dinner. Actually since the band I am back to cooking. But DD#4 does my laundry and they both clean the house. I guess I'm getting lazy or..........shall I say old. Everything just takes so much effort.

Ladies, I have found another positive thing about the band. The taste of food. Who knew that if you slowed down long enough to chew that food would actually have some flavor. Made hamburgers last night on the grill, and man were they good. Ground garlic and sea salt on them, put them on organic Buns with 1/2 slice sharp cheddar. yummmm.

Yeah, I had to "do it by myself" quite often. DH was career military, so he was often gone for long stretches. I could tell you some good stories.... fixing my own furnace when I had no clue what I was doing, etc. I was alone for a year when he had a remote tour to Alaska.. four kids between 3 yrs and 9 yrs. VietNam... three kids 6 mos to 3 1/2 yrs. And I sewed a lot of their clothes, too... matching three piece outfits, etc. Good memories, though.

You're right about rediscovering the TASTE of food! I've experienced that too since slowing down!

I did have two very nice compliments while down "south" yesterday. Don't see SIL that often and he gave me a hug and told me how good I was looking. Then he said "you look more like your mother every time I see you!" I teased him and said, "Alan, she's 87 years old!" He said, "That's not what I mean. She's a tiny little woman!" I do look a lot like my mom and as the fat wastes away, I've noticed that, too. Oh, then a former neighbor of theirs stopped by in the afternoon and he also told me I was looking good... and he's a man of few words!

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Good Morning Gang

Candice - I'll tell Deb you send your luv - Took her shopping carried in the groceries and then put them away - we came back to my house watched a couple movies then went and had frozen yogurt for dinner :0) Well I did have a omeltte later on cuz yogurt does 't stick...

Linda - Maybe I will be inspired to get my face done - I'm such a chicken - I do have 2 weeks off at thanksgiving time.... Maybe then..

Glad you are having a good weather day - it's hot here 112 today - I need to get going soon - I got my stuff to do today and with my eating for the last couple of days - I really need to get back on track..

Not bad - yesterday a little mendou for bf - then popcorn - peach - 2 100 cheese 3 slices salami - the frozen yogurt 420 cal. egg and 130 for Pasta - well that's not as bad as I thought 1540 - but who know's what I forgot :0)

Ya bosses - screw them - I agree the friendships that I have made with some of the pple at work are what I take as the best part of my job...

Phyl - Sounds like you had a good time w/GK's !!! I know how much you will enjoy a quite evening ..

Congrats on the complements - you do deserve them !!!

Steph - Quite being bummed out and come back - everythng will work out...

Karla - You are doing great - don't worry about Mark... Take this time for you... How far away does he live??

Kari - Ya we want to know if you have gotten your passport and if you are joining us??

Karri - Hope your run yesterday went well and you are resting today..

Well I gotta get in gear - it's 8:36 need to get dress and get my stuff done...

CBL :frown:

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I am planning on being there. I can't wait. Looking forward to it. But I am still waiting on my passport.jjI tried tracking it on line and they said they didn't have anything with my info on it. But I left my e-mail and they said they would get back to me in a couple days. So, I go back on line tomorrow and if there still isn't anything, I'll go back to the Post Office where I applied and see if they sent it in. They better have. OR ELSE!!!

Things are really quiet around here since the kids went home. I still find it hard to believe that two kids ages almost 2 and 4 were here for four days and not once asked for their mom or dad or had any meltdowns. Gavin just wanted to know if he could stay longer. But, they do tire you out. Taking them back home Fri. we had to roll the windows down, going 80 MPH on the freeway cause they were squealing so loud. 4/80 is a lot quieter than 2/2&4.

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Hey guys, who has Stephanie's recipe for chicken salad, the one with cream cheese and pineapple in it ???? I' ve been hankering for it but I don't remember the proportions?

Phyl: Kudos on the compliments! You deserve them as you DO LOOK FAB!!!!

Janet: You are such a good friend to DEB, I hope she knows how lucky she is to have you in her life!

Karla: You and I sound so much alike, with the quilting, gardening and you sewed your girls clothes too when they were children? I still have pictures of Meg in her little outfits - too cute... she'llnever let me make HAND MADE clothes for her kids if she has any

Stephanie???? where are you GF???

food yest not fabulous, but it was good. My SIL and BIL came and we went for dinner to a Lebonese rest. Roast LAMB, Dolmadakias, hummus/pita, tzatziki... OMG it was yummy, the food was o.k. cal wise but then I headed for the dessert table... oops! Had 5 0r 6 little Cookies. But no booze or wine....

Tracking again today... so far 500 cals. thats why I want Stephanies Chicken Salad for dinner...:)

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Candice here is Steph's chicken salad. I chop rather than mince the celery, use red onion rather than green onion, pineapple tidbits rather than crushed. All these are to give it more 'staying' power. I also grind some sea salt and garlic on as I am serving, not before or it get's mushy. For a 'fancy' lunch I mound it in cantelope halves and place a couple sliced strawberries on the plate, nice color combo. The recipe is so good that I am bringing it to the cabin for the quilting week. We always dine devinely at the cabin. I usually use 1 lg can of chicken, about 1/4 - 1/3 c craisin, and about 1/4 c almonds, 3 stalks celery, 1 sm can pineapple tidbits drained, and use light miracle whip.

Steph’s Chicken Salad


My chx salad goes like this:

1 - 2 cans of chicken

1 cup crushed pineapple

2 or 3 green onions chopped

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1/2 bag of craisins

1 stalk celery - chopped very finely

just enough mayo to wet (don't use too much or it turns icky)

1/2 tsp dijon mustard

a little celery salt or seed

Post more later, I don't think the recipe will get there in time for you dinner.< /p>

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Hi there ladies. Not hiding out because I'm bummed out, just busy. Jeff and I had a feud but all is well. Just very busy with stuff.

Jeff's birthday was Friday. We went out for dinner. I had walleye. Finally something that went down. I could eat that EVERYDAY, but I can't cook it so that means eating out everyday....more on that later. I made a crawling cake. Anyone here want an amazing cake to take somewhere, google that. I put mine in an angel food cake pan so that it doesn't crawl....Nick and I made it for Jeff late in the afternoon, frosted it, took it to dinner. Everyone had a piece (except me) and I gave my SIL three big pieces. Came home with a piece about the size of 2 pieces of bundt cake, kids ate one and Jeff had the other. No cake in the house!!!! Go me!!!

Yesterday I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and stayed that way ALL DAY!! I was crazy angry. At everyone, for everything. I was so nuts that I was seeing red at certain points. But, we then went out to a comedy show, I had an absolutely obscene amount of adult beverages and that helped. I didn't have a headache this morning, which was good. It could have been really ugly.

Today we went on our weekly motorcycle cruise. 150 miles. It was fun. It was nice to just get out on the road. Put $5 in a keno machine and cashed out for $35 so that made me smile. Tonight we are taking the family to "Up". The kids may watch it, they may not. They can watch their own movie in the back seat if they don't like it.

So...I've been super busy trying to get a million things done before I leave for Rose's on Tuesday. I will be gone for a week. We are having our Pink Ribbon yard sale next Thur-Sun. I've got flyers and raffle tickets made for my quilt raffle. I had to do the 4 flyers for the motorcycle club's rides for the next 4 weeks. I've been organizing friends and family for the bake sale when I get back from Lincoln. .... it's just been crazy so I haven't been here. Nothing wrong...promise.

I didn't get an appointment for Monday. She isn't going to be in Minot this month...vacation. So when I get back I have to make the drive to Bismarck to get my unfill. Grrrr....but it will all work out.

Jeff is pretty sure he's going to do the sleeve. He had me get my passport form filled out and now I'm just waiting to get photos done. When I'm in Helena they do them instantly so I'll get that in the mail shortly. Kari, if they can't find your paperwork, you can get an expedited passport in 3 days, but it costs more. They may be able to waive the extra fee if you plead your case. The big problem I would guess is getting another certified birth certificate. I know I only have one and if I had to get another one from Utah it would take 2 weeks. Back to the sleeve, the reading I've done in the last week makes me think that if I had it to do all over again, I would do that instead of the band. It does sound like a good intermeiary between band and bypass. Jeff is a little leary about Mexico but I after I told him how many my doc has done compared to the Mexican docs, it makes more sense to have someone with a LOT more experience do it. Looking @ Wasa's doc....because I know she has done her homework and if she trusts him to do it, he must be good.

Candice, with my chx salad recipe I don't use Miracle Whip in that. I use it in everything else, but mayo in salads. I added Lawrey's season salt this last time instead of the celery salt or seed...AWESOME!!!

Okay...there were other things I was going to say...but for now...I guess that's enough. Have a great Sunday night ladies. Love you all!!!

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Phyl, mark is the teacher I met in Canyon Ferry while Steph & i were there, I really funny guy. I SO want to be around someone funny. I do have pics of my girls in their clothes, I even still have some of them.

dinner was about 2 oz steak, 2/3 c sweet potatoes, watermelon.

I'm in a foul mood to, Steph, just having a pity party. Have you been taking your meds? I have, but it doesn't seem to be enough. normally I can get by with less in the summer, but I just can't seem to kick the blues.

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Steph, Carla--Depression sucks! There's just no other word for it. It drains you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm going to pray that today is a better day for both of you.

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Well, it is hailing outside, so much for my nice plants. I don't know if I have what it takes to go and look at the damage. There is enough hail to make it look like it snowed. The thunder and lightning scares Simon, wiredhaired doxy, so he is cowering under my blanket. When he gets REALLY scared he won't go outside and usually has an 'accident', so much for my clean carpet. But I shouldn't get grouchy about it, the hail only trashes trees & flowers at my place, many farmers have their livelyhood trashed. Sorry, I guess the blues are still here. I'm sitting here ready to cry, over what.... flowers & trees, STUPID.

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Aw yes, the BLACK DOG depression!!! Isn't it weird how so many of us are troubled by it.

Currently, I am very good mood wise, but when I feel myself sliding I try and be diligent about my GRATITUDE list... it usually gives me better perspective.

Steph's Chx Salad: Thanks Karla for the recipe, I did make my own version but I am not sure if I got all the ingredients right. I'll print out your version.

For some reason I had it stuck in my head that it was CREAM cheese she used instead of mayo or Miracle Whip??? AM I NUTS!!!

Only 10 more days until the LUCKY 7's RE-unite!!! I am getting so pumped!!

Mel and Linda can sleep upstairs on a queen bed.

Two twin beds downstairs, plus I have a Queen size AIR Bed that I can put into another bedroom... It's gonna be a blast.

Ugh, I gotta get my but in gear, almost time to leave for work.


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I have a million things to do today. Sheesh!

I need to pack for the two little ones and me for a week. I need to do some 3day stuff before I go. I need to work on my BITL website for this year. I need to clean the garage and clear room to park car.

We leave tomorrow for Lincoln. It will give me 1 day to unpack the basement of my mom's house and price everything. I told her I wasn't worrying too much because we can move more and more out every day. It will give us things to do when it is quiet. A lot is already priced because my dad LOVED garage sales and much of this was already in at least one.

I need to get an ad in the local classified paper for the next two weeks advertising my quilts, my bakesale, and my fair booth. My daycare lady told me she would give me a donation. She is the sweetest lady. I'm starting to get overwhelmed with the stuff I'm doing in the next month for the 3day. I don't know if I was really thinking about it when I scheduled things one weekend right after the other.

I cleaned out part of my store room (or rather Rose did) when I went to Vegas so we could have a yard sale here in June...then June got crazy busy and I didn't get it done. Well, it's all sitting in the middle of my garage. I haven't been able to park in my garage since the end of May. I need to get everything moved to the side so it can be parked in until I can get my yardsale put together. Sometime in August.

My BITL boss sent an email asking me if I could get the website up and running sometime this week. I need to spend a couple of hours working on that today. Like I have time for that today! I really need to be able to say no. Someone give me a backbone!

Went to the drive in last night. Up! It wasn't the best kids movie. Jaimi was up a lot last night with nightmares even though she fell asleep about 20 minutes into it. I was up with her in the chair, sleeping in her bed, then finally about 4am I was able to get some sound sleep. But awake at 7. Its rainy today so hopefully I will be able to get a lot done.

Okay...I'd better get going. I feel like the white rabbit in Alice...."I'm late, I'm late!!!"

Have a great day ladies!

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