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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl, get those antidepressents, they are like the band, a tool not a fix. My family has a strong history of depression & it is hereditery. I have been on them for about 15 years, probably could have been on them since I was 10 years old. I was always the sad, sullen faced child, could have been that my parents were alcholics and I grew up in the back seat of the car behind the bars, even during Montana winters. Oh, well, you must move on. Phyl, I was looking at your before pics and I can't even fathom that it was you. I know it is frustrating, I am only starting my 4th month and I am frustrated. But you are a different person. I love your smile and you ALWAYS light up my day. Besides, without you I wouldn't have this Farm Town addiction. I am feeling down today as well, had to have dinner with the 'fellow teachers' and admin. and I just hated it. It wasn't even that they were all eating fries and drinking beer, it was just that I didn't want to be there. I guess I don't play well with others, and I can handle a lot of people for a while, but I have been in workshops today that had over 400 people and I was on people overload.

Janet has been nagging me to record my calories, I am back in control so todays cals were just under 700. I will have an Atkins Protein Bar and either some Jerky or some grapes for a snack. I am going to try popcorn when I get home, I haven't tried that yet. You would be proud of me for dinner tonight. I ordered a steak sandwich and had them substitute the bread, fries, and slaw for green Beans. As soon as my meal arrived I cut off about 1/4 cup and gave the rest to someone else. So dinner was 1/4 c steak and about 1/3 cup green beans with a few slices of carrots. I took tiny bites and chewed. It took me longer to eat my meal than everyone else who had entire dinners. But it felt good. I miss the 'full' feeling, but at least it was solid Protein. I probably could have eaten more, but I decided it was best to stop while I was ahead. I want to have a FF Skinny latte tomorrow, so I'm kind of banking a few calories for that.

I hope stephanie made it to helena safe last night. I haven't heard from her.

Called my dad last night for Father's Day. His voice sounded stronger, but I guess his back is really bothering him. Being 6'5" and working in the mines all his life has really taken a tole on his back. Actually, I am worried that the cancer has spread to his bones. I tried to talk him into going to an osteo dr., but he said he is tired of doctors and I won't mention my worries to him.

Oh well, man, I am teary tonight. I shouldn't have come on this workshop. I am over tired and really unhappy.

chat latter

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Phyl--I'm sorry to hear that you're getting down. It's good that you can talk about it, and your friends here care about you. I hope whatever weather system that is messing with you will move on out--you need some sun shine for sure! I really admire you, Phyl, and I hope that you feel better soon. I don't know about they Synthroid, but I do know that a little SSRI goes a long way in lifting that gray cloud that sometimes skews our perspective. Good luck with the doctor.

The weather here has been wonderful for the last couple of days. It's true that southern Wisconsin got some severe storms and flooding last week, but we are just north of all of that and it FINALLY warmed up to the point where I can sit on my deck and read a book withour a sweatshirt.

Karri--I'll take you up on the 5 pounds by Canada challenge! I'm not all that competative like Janet and Kari--I think that competativeness is what made them so successful at losing the weight, and I wish I could muster up their kind of discipline. For me, it just helps to know that there is someone else struggling with me. Now that I think about it, it was about the time that Kari and Janet reached their goal that I stopped losing. I wonder. . . Well anyway--I'll be looking for weekly updates from you for the next month!

I do vaguely remember Green. I guess I thought he was a guy. He/She posted quite a bit in rants and raves which I used to read, but haven't for months. He seemed pretty intelligent and articulate and it was intresting to read his posts. Keep us posted, Janet, if you hear any more.

Well, I had a dentist appointment today for a cleaning, etc. I brought a huge chunk of cheese cake that was left over from yesterdaty to them just to get it out of the house. I couldn't bear to throw it away, but I know that i can't keep it in the house either. . .

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Phyl, get those antidepressents, they are like the band, a tool not a fix. My family has a strong history of depression & it is hereditery. I have been on them for about 15 years, probably could have been on them since I was 10 years old. I was always the sad, sullen faced child, could have been that my parents were alcholics and I grew up in the back seat of the car behind the bars, even during Montana winters. Oh, well, you must move on. Phyl, I was looking at your before pics and I can't even fathom that it was you. I know it is frustrating, I am only starting my 4th month and I am frustrated. But you are a different person. I love your smile and you ALWAYS light up my day. Besides, without you I wouldn't have this Farm Town addiction. I am feeling down today as well, had to have dinner with the 'fellow teachers' and admin. and I just hated it. It wasn't even that they were all eating fries and drinking beer, it was just that I didn't want to be there. I guess I don't play well with others, and I can handle a lot of people for a while, but I have been in workshops today that had over 400 people and I was on people overload.

Janet has been nagging me to record my calories, I am back in control so todays cals were just under 700. I will have an Atkins Protein bar and either some Jerky or some grapes for a snack. I am going to try popcorn when I get home, I haven't tried that yet. You would be proud of me for dinner tonight. I ordered a steak sandwich and had them substitute the bread, fries, and slaw for green Beans. As soon as my meal arrived I cut off about 1/4 cup and gave the rest to someone else. So dinner was 1/4 c steak and about 1/3 cup green beans with a few slices of carrots. I took tiny bites and chewed. It took me longer to eat my meal than everyone else who had entire dinners. But it felt good. I miss the 'full' feeling, but at least it was solid protein. I probably could have eaten more, but I decided it was best to stop while I was ahead. I want to have a FF Skinny latte tomorrow, so I'm kind of banking a few calories for that.

I hope stephanie made it to helena safe last night. I haven't heard from her.

Called my dad last night for Father's Day. His voice sounded stronger, but I guess his back is really bothering him. Being 6'5" and working in the mines all his life has really taken a tole on his back. Actually, I am worried that the cancer has spread to his bones. I tried to talk him into going to an osteo dr., but he said he is tired of doctors and I won't mention my worries to him.

Oh well, man, I am teary tonight. I shouldn't have come on this workshop. I am over tired and really unhappy.

chat latter

Karla - 700 is too low !!!! Glad you are listening to me thought :0)...

Hugs on your Dad - I miss mine..

Being around pple 24/7 is tiring - go to your room and chill..

Hugs J

Phyl--I'm sorry to hear that you're getting down. It's good that you can talk about it, and your friends here care about you. I hope whatever weather system that is messing with you will move on out--you need some sun shine for sure! I really admire you, Phyl, and I hope that you feel better soon. I don't know about they Synthroid, but I do know that a little SSRI goes a long way in lifting that gray cloud that sometimes skews our perspective. Good luck with the doctor.

The weather here has been wonderful for the last couple of days. It's true that southern Wisconsin got some severe storms and flooding last week, but we are just north of all of that and it FINALLY warmed up to the point where I can sit on my deck and read a book withour a sweatshirt.

Karri--I'll take you up on the 5 pounds by Canada challenge! I'm not all that competative like Janet and Kari--I think that competativeness is what made them so successful at losing the weight, and I wish I could muster up their kind of discipline. For me, it just helps to know that there is someone else struggling with me. Now that I think about it, it was about the time that Kari and Janet reached their goal that I stopped losing. I wonder. . . Well anyway--I'll be looking for weekly updates from you for the next month!

I do vaguely remember Green. I guess I thought he was a guy. He/She posted quite a bit in rants and raves which I used to read, but haven't for months. He seemed pretty intelligent and articulate and it was intresting to read his posts. Keep us posted, Janet, if you hear any more.

Well, I had a dentist appointment today for a cleaning, etc. I brought a huge chunk of cheese cake that was left over from yesterdaty to them just to get it out of the house. I couldn't bear to throw it away, but I know that i can't keep it in the house either. . .


how funny I assumed Green was a girl all this time - I really did - lower bmi - got to goal in 10 months - face lift loved jewelry - what else was I to assume - and it's usually girls on lbt and in the 50 thread too...

Well after I read her/his last post - got married to his mate of 25 yrs (the mate is male) by a rabbie who marries gay couples - So now I am thinking that Assuming really did make an ASS OUT OF ME !!!!

Plus Green always talked in the 3rd person and I thought that was strange - but it doesn't really matter if he was a she or a he - Green was a great person...

Yep me & Karri the 2 competitors :0) well now we both have to compete to stay at goal - but she has a thyroid problem and I don't - she has lost 2 lbs and the girl eats... Healthy but eats... and I am staying off the scales til Thrusday - I was getting on them 20 times a day - no more - I am just going to eat healthy and weigh once a week.

So the rest of you have to lose 5 lbs by 7/23

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Janet, I will probably end up at about 900. I am going to have a Protein bar 130 cals, and I just ate about 5 almonds, and about 7 grapes, so I am sure that it will be between 900 & 1000.

It sounds like Green was a sweatheart. What happened that he died so suddenly? I understand the 3rd person now that we know Green was male. But what the hell, who gives a rats dareaire. It only matters that he was a good person who was loved. I bet his partner is just devistated. I can't imagine loosing a soul-mate. I admire people that find that relationship. Okay...I down right jealous!!! Someone who respects you as well as loves you. Someone who misses you when you are gone. OKAY enough of that.....

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Oh, I'm in on the competition. What if we did %?

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Good evening ladies. I'm just peaking in. Or was until I started reading...and then pm'ing on facebook...and now finishing up here. You guys exhaust me.

I'm definitely missing my days at home where I could spend a couple hours on here keeping up with everything. I feel so out of touch with all this running. And it isn't going to let up either!

Yesterday when I left home, Jeff teared up when he was saying goodby to me. I almost didn't go. I called about an hour out and he could talk then because he wasn't looking at me face to face. He says it's hard that I'm not home much anymore.....but that since I gave up teaching for the kids and not because I didn't want to work, he feels like he can't keep me from doing these things...that it is what keeps me going and not being mad about not having my job. He's so sweet, but I feel bad that I made him cry. :blushing:

I got on Rose's scale this morning. I had gotten on it before I left Thursday morning and it said I was down a pound and some. I haven't been able to get on the wii, but I was glad to see that even if it wasn't the number I wanted to see, it was still down.

Still very very tight. I keep hoping that today will be the day that the restriction lifts. I know it won't but I keep hoping. So today I had a lot of coffee, 3 cups of Soup, a couple cups of tea and right now a smoothie before bed. I'll be so happy when I can get in for a defill.

Phyl, I'm worried about you, as is everyone you can see. I hope you can get some good news. Would a healthy dose of artificial sunshine help? I'm not a big fan of tanning beds but know that it does help some people who struggle with that SAD disorder.

Karla, take Karri's advice. She knows what she is talking about. I'm the last person to be giving advice right now. I need to take some myself. I will get this 20 pounds off this summer. I will get back into my summer clothes. I will do it for good this time. I need Karri to kick my butt! Karla, listen to her. She's amazing! I wish I was 1/2 as dedicated as she is. And Janet too. They do know what they are talking about.

Okay....so that was probably longer than I had planned it to be. There were other things...food I think...that I was going to talk about. Who knows. It's bedtime. Night ladies. Hugs to you all.

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Morning ladies....

Hum...life in the dorms at 50...

A double room all to yourself

No homework...

Neighbor that brews her own coffee...

Neighbor that brews her own coffee AND shares...

Calories yesterday...1170...let my guard down and the next thing I knew, a 270 cal Protein bar was gone. Yep, never should have bought them, they are my 'emergency' meal plan for while I'm at the workshop. I am going to try the popcorn thing when I get home. I do REALLY great until almost bed time. I am also going to write up a meal/calore schedule. I thought I had it under control. Yeah right, who am I kidding. Damn, Damn, Damn

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1170 isn't bad. When I was in my losing phase I would be between 800-1200 depending on the day.

If you want a good Protein bar that is only 200 calories, you can try the Pure Protein (I get them at Wal Mart). If you put them in the fridge they get REALLY chewy and last a while. I would eat one of those at 2:30 every afternoon.

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Just went for a 40 min walk, BF 80 cal yogurt w/berries & scrambled egg, snack about 1/2 oz Jerky, heading for lunch...probably some meat,

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FYI - Phyl & Linda - Green was a female not male...


Karla & Steph

OK girls both have diet mentalities !!!!! This is not a diet - it's never going to work if you keep thinking of it that way.

Steph you should know freaking better by now..

No drinking your meals and if you are then get your butts to to doctor and get and unfill. You can not stay so tight that you can't eat and you can be hurting yourself if you do..

It's just about eating healthy - you gotta eat you can't starve yourselves - I am just going to have to kick some butt here

Steph you should know better by now - Karla - you are still a newbie so I am cutting you a little slack. You guys make time for everything else but yourselves... This is more important that's more important - and you guys keep getting pushed back into the shadows. For gosh stakes stop it..

Eat healthy girls and be careful about the Protein products - they are to be eaten in a pinch - not on a daily basis - they are full of calories - ya just as much as a candy bar - but you keep telling yourselves it has protein - well if you want to eat 1 hr after eating one where as if you ate an actual meal that would have kept you full for 3-4 hrs... What should you choose..

Karla - GF we will never have it totally under control and don't fool yourself that you will - this is an addiction one day at a time...

1170 isn't bad. When I was in my losing phase I would be between 800-1200 depending on the day.

If you want a good protein bar that is only 200 calories, you can try the Pure Protein (I get them at Wal Mart). If you put them in the fridge they get REALLY chewy and last a while. I would eat one of those at 2:30 every afternoon.

Just went for a 40 min walk, BF 80 cal yogurt w/berries & scrambled egg, snack about 1/2 oz Jerky, heading for lunch...probably some meat,

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I know....Janet, I did 40 min of walking today and will walk again after dinner. I know it is about attitude and I know mine sucks. I am in a negative mode. Slap at will. I KNOW I need to realize that this is a life change, not a diet. I don't THINK I think about what I will eat when I reach a healthy weight. I never have actually set a goal weight because I am afraid that if I set it and reach it, I will go back to bad habits. I also know that food is my sanctuary. It is easy when I am tired. I also look for it to 'perk' me up when I am exhausted, which I am most of the time.

Today was better, lunch was 2 slices of turkey lunch meat, 1 slice of sharp cheddar wrapped in lettuce leaves. snack was 3 slices of dried pear and a SF, skinny latte way after I ate the pears. Calories today 570. Dinner out with the faculty...

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I know....Janet, I did 40 min of walking today and will walk again after dinner. I know it is about attitude and I know mine sucks. I am in a negative mode. Slap at will. I KNOW I need to realize that this is a life change, not a diet. I don't THINK I think about what I will eat when I reach a healthy weight. I never have actually set a goal weight because I am afraid that if I set it and reach it, I will go back to bad habits. I also know that food is my sanctuary. It is easy when I am tired. I also look for it to 'perk' me up when I am exhausted, which I am most of the time.

Today was better, lunch was 2 slices of turkey lunch meat, 1 slice of sharp cheddar wrapped in lettuce leaves. snack was 3 slices of dried pear and a SF, skinny latte way after I ate the pears. Calories today 570. Dinner out with the faculty...

Karla - You don't have to think about what you are going to eat when you reach a healthy weight - I eat the same foods that I ate 2 yrs ago - I have never never dieted... This is your eating plan for life and I am no diff than you when it comes to trigger eating...

The diff is I quit making excuses for myself.. I was tired of being morbity obese - I was tired of being tired all the time..

I wanted to improve the quality of my life...

You gotta quit hiding behind the excuses of why you can't do thing - I'm not being mean here - truly i'm not - but you keep putting up road blocks before you even get there...

Well it's after 4 I gotta p/u DGD be back later...

Hugs I do love you !!!!

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Boy! I'm really confused now! I thought we'd just figured out that Green was a guy!

Had my pre-op physical today including chest x-ray (with my necklace on... forgot!), EKG, five tubes of blood and urinalysis. That should cover it. They said they'll be faxing everything to the ortho surgeon tomorrow, so it'll all be there for him when I see him next week. My doc wasn't available so I saw this other young chick... I think she was about 12 yrs old. Fairly thorough, but I still like my doctor best. We talked about my meds and she agreed to start me on Zoloft...50 mg. So we'll see how that goes. Wants me to follow up with my doc in about a month, but it'll have to wait until after my trip east. Tomorrow I see a new pulmonologist.. want to see if my CPAP needs to be readjusted. Settings are still set up as prior to weight loss so I'm thinking it's time for a check on that. No follow up on that in about 5 years, so it's time.

Did almost 30 minutes on Wii last night... 10 minutes walking in place. Then I couldn't get any good scores on my favorites... balance exercises, because I could barely move my knee after the 10 minutes of walking! Frustrating!

Edited by phyllser

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I agree with Janet. For the most part I eat the same things now that I did when I was losing. If I didn't run/train to the intensity that I do, I would probably be eating the same amount too. This is why I have made the offer to help you trim down some of your favorite recipes. I still eat chicken alfredo, enchiladas (dinner tonight), chicken cordon bleu, pizza, spaghetti, meatloaf, etc...but they have all been altered so that they are healthier. There was no point living on Protein Drinks and "diet"foods if I couldn't eat like that forever. I needed to change my lifestyle to the point that I could sustain 99% of the ways for life. Even at maintenance, I STILL count calories and eat healthy 98% of the time. Sure I might get to have a FEW more endulgances than I did during the losing phase, but I usually make up for them in increased exercise or choose healthy endulgances such as fruit and truvia!

Janet is completely right that you can't think of this as a diet...Diets end...lifestyles do not.

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self pay july 10th banding ready to go. surgery in detriot mi. great lakes weight loss center. have done research on line, dr weber seems like a soild surgen, anybody have any word or news about this place harper hospital.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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