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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hello, Ladies

You forgot me too.

Welcome Connie. I also was self pay and went to Mexico. Where are you going and who is doing your surgery. I had Dr. Ortiz. Where do you live? Four hours is a hike for fills.

Well, this forgettable lady needs to get back on the bike. We helped a friend move today and I only got 17 minutes in before we had to leave.


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This is a test post with my iTouch. So far I like it. Just need to get used to it. This is dangerous...facebook and lbt at my fingertips!

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This is a test post with my iTouch. So far I like it. Just need to get used to it. This is dangerous...facebook and lbt at my fingertips!

I don't even know what an Itouch is - I guess I will have to google it...

Kari - its cuz you and Linda hadn't posted that day - and my short term memory is shot :0)

You aren't forgetable !!!!!!

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This is a test post with my iTouch. So far I like it. Just need to get used to it. This is dangerous...facebook and lbt at my fingertips!

Oh it's an IPhone - but you just don't have the phone part - I got it - That's the phone Andrew has - his dad got it for him for his bday - but I had to pay the $10 xtra bucks for internet - I don't even have interent on my phone :o0

But heck I don't use my phone that much - I hate cell phones - I rarely hear it ring - texting - well I know how but takes too long to do...

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Karri, If I had that much to do, I wouldn't even think about eating!

I, on the other hand, have spent the day so far planning for Sunday. Having my dad and mom, DS and DIL over for Father's Day. Since my parents are comming, we can't just throw some burgers on and call it a party--it'll have to be a full meal--appetiizer, hamburgers AND Brats, baked Beans, broccoli salad, desert (strawberry pie). Then, we're having our neighborhood Bible study at night, so I have to make another desert for that! The trick will be not to eat any of it in the process! And, since DD and BF are not comming for Dad's Day, (which is also DH's B-day) we are meeting them half way tonight and going out to dinner with them. food, food, food, every time I turn around there is food in my face.

Wow, Phyl. Just knowing that you will be getting your surgery would really be motivational! Get yourself a zero gravity lounge chair and one of thoes machines that circulates ice Water. My mom swore by thoes two things the first couple of weeks after her surgery last year

Karla, I don't think we properly "met." I'm thinking that you're a teacher? You are right; These ladiies are my best friends. They know me like no one else--They're intelligent and brutally honest

Janet--Your memory is good. I did buy some soaps and stuff in Palm Springs to bring back for DD and DIL. That was a great day! I would definitely go back someitgme if given a chance, and I found out that a small Moca Frappichino lite is OK once in awhile!

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I work at Curves, so hopefully the exercise will not be a problem. I just had a cortizone shot in my knee, so now I can get back to exercise. I just found a store nearby that sells lots of sugar free and fat free dressings.< /p>

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Karri, If I had that much to do, I wouldn't even think about eating!

I, on the other hand, have spent the day so far planning for Sunday. Having my dad and mom, DS and DIL over for Father's Day. Since my parents are comming, we can't just throw some burgers on and call it a party--it'll have to be a full meal--appetiizer, hamburgers AND Brats, baked Beans, broccoli salad, desert (strawberry pie). Then, we're having our neighborhood Bible study at night, so I have to make another desert for that! The trick will be not to eat any of it in the process! And, since DD and BF are not comming for Dad's Day, (which is also DH's B-day) we are meeting them half way tonight and going out to dinner with them. food, food, food, every time I turn around there is food in my face.

Wow, Phyl. Just knowing that you will be getting your surgery would really be motivational! Get yourself a zero gravity lounge chair and one of thoes machines that circulates ice Water. My mom swore by thoes two things the first couple of weeks after her surgery last year

Karla, I don't think we properly "met." I'm thinking that you're a teacher? You are right; These ladiies are my best friends. They know me like no one else--They're intelligent and brutally honest

Janet--Your memory is good. I did buy some soaps and stuff in Palm Springs to bring back for DD and DIL. That was a great day! I would definitely go back someitgme if given a chance, and I found out that a small Moca Frappichino lite is OK once in awhile!


It was so funny I remember sitting there with my frapaccino and you saying you would be right back and saw sorta where you went - but I hadn't remembered us going into that store - but when Karri and I walked in - It hit me - Oh this is where Linda went - so you had special scented stuff made up for you DD & DIL....

I like the frapaccino's but not addicted to them they are a once in a while treat when I need caffinee and out and about

Have you tried the ice coffee's - I never thought in a million years I would like an ice coffee the whole thought discussed me - but I thought oh I drink a frap so really what's the diff - you get the sf hazelnut and lite - I think the calories are like 80 when made with skim milk that's for a medium...

Yep everything does seem to evolve around food... All you can really do is say ok today I am going to eat this and tomorrow I am not going to eat that..

Today I brought a salad w/avocado & one pot wonder for lunch - well - I was looking at it - I brought a big salad with 1/2 of an avocado plus dressing 280 cal estimated - then my 1 pot wonder 250 cal estimated - well combinded that would have been 530 just for lunch !!! So I froze the one pot for next week and ate the salad.. I wanted both - I could have most likely eaten both - but truly I am not physically hunger

So you just gotta choose your posion - today or tomorrow and stick to it - and remember gf you like those adult beverages :0) - so if you have an adult beverage - no dessert that's your dessert :0)..

I thought I had introduced you guys - maybe it was ruby to karla...

Yep Karla Linda is an OG#7 :0)

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Hugs on your baby being sick !!!!

Ya I think you need to pack gf - :0) if you are leaving tomorrow - but again just another excuse to buy over there,,

Hi Gang! Yup finally packed, all our stuff is loaded in the car. But our Plane is delayed so I have a few minutes to type on the computer before we leave for the airport.

Woody is staying at my GF's house to be nursed back to health, she's eating like a little pig, So I think she is going to be fine... Drained the Pus out of her neck one last time, and now Michelle will look after her. :tongue: Peter is worried about his little girl. I hope he can still enjoy his vacation.

TWIG has gone to the boarding kennels and is on his last "grace".... if anything like this last dog attack ever happens then he is going to Doggie Heaven. It'll break my heart but I have to be able to trust my Dog around other dogs...

Both are getting older and crotchetty, so we'll just have to supervise them better. ANd not have fourlegged visitors for the weekend anymore.. I think TWIG was stressed cause he had 2 strange dogs in the house for the weekend(last)..

Anyways, its been a heartrenching couple of days here... not the best way to start a vacation!!!

My DD is bringing her laptop to France (type A personality) so I'll be able to check in LBT occassionaly...

Car says HI to everyone!!

Love Peaches!! al la mode LOL :)

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Hi Gang! Yup finally packed, all our stuff is loaded in the car. But our Plane is delayed so I have a few minutes to type on the computer before we leave for the airport.

Woody is staying at my GF's house to be nursed back to health, she's eating like a little pig, So I think she is going to be fine... Drained the Pus out of her neck one last time, and now Michelle will look after her. :tongue: Peter is worried about his little girl. I hope he can still enjoy his vacation.

TWIG has gone to the boarding kennels and is on his last "grace".... if anything like this last dog attack ever happens then he is going to Doggie Heaven. It'll break my heart but I have to be able to trust my Dog around other dogs...

Both are getting older and crotchetty, so we'll just have to supervise them better. ANd not have fourlegged visitors for the weekend anymore.. I think TWIG was stressed cause he had 2 strange dogs in the house for the weekend(last)..

Anyways, its been a heartrenching couple of days here... not the best way to start a vacation!!!

My DD is bringing her laptop to France (type A personality) so I'll be able to check in LBT occassionaly...

Car says HI to everyone!!

Love Peaches!! al la mode LOL :)

Peaches al la mode ;0)

Have a great time - Remember we want pictures !!!

just eat like the french do and you should be fine :0)..

We are going to miss you...

OMW only 4 weeks til Canada !!!!! (well starting next Thrusday ;o))

So it sound like your dog or another dog bit DH's dog and that's what cause the infection - I guess I missed that story.. Glad she's on the mend that's what's important..

Hugs again have a great time !!!

xoxoxo Janet

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Candice, I don't know if you will get this, but have you had Twig checked out by the vet? Maybe he has something going on health wise. I know that kidney failure can cause unusual behavior. just a thought.

Linda, yep, I'm a teacher of 7th & 8th graders, science and math. Next year I will be teaching 6th & 7th grade science, not real thrilled that I don't have the math, but it will work out. I have 5 daughters, 32 to 19. The 'baby' graduated this year so I will have an empty nest next year. DD #1 is a lawyer in Syracuse and is married to a personal trainer, DD#2 is a PA at the Heart Institute in Idaho Falls and her 'significant other' since 8th grade (do you think they will EVER get married?) is a soil conservationist for BLM, DD#3 is a computer graphic designer working at Block Buster in Chicago, who's husband decided he was too young to be married, so they are in the middle of deciding what to do, DD#4 is going to school for ultrasound, and DD#5 is going to go into computer game design. I have been divorced for 15 years. So Linda i think that about covers it, except the 3 doxies, Jordan, Simon, & Molly, and the cat Bailey.

Janet, food was good today, BF-protein smoothie, L-chicken salad with lots of celery, D-probably more chicken salad, snack-FF fudge bar. Water good as well!!! Lubed & cleaned up my bike and went for a ride, not real long since it has been about 10 years since I really road it. I'm amazed I remembered how to do it, and I forgot how much I enjoyed it. I am taking my bike to my workshop next week, so I will be able to go for a ride after sitting all day. My principal also is bringing her bike so I will have someone to ride with.

Iced coffee...my favorite any season. I have a fabulous ice spiced coffe recipe that I need to figure out a low cal version. But I do indulge in a skinny, SF hazelnug latte at Starbucks about once a month, medium!! It is a splurge.

Trying to get laundry done for next week. Elyse is doing well after her wisdom teeth. But even with the ice packs, the cheeks are starting enlarge greatly, poor thing.

Well ladies, I made a decision...I am getting a tattoo when I finish loosing weight. I know that is a long way away, but figured I need to make a statement to myself. I know, I would be better off doing something else, but damn, I'm doing it!!

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Wow, Phyl. Just knowing that you will be getting your surgery would really be motivational! Get yourself a zero gravity lounge chair and one of thoes machines that circulates ice Water. My mom swore by thoes two things the first couple of weeks after her surgery last year

Janet--Your memory is good. I did buy some soaps and stuff in Palm Springs to bring back for DD and DIL. That was a great day! I would definitely go back sometime if given a chance, and I found out that a small Mocha Frappichino lite is OK once in awhile!

Yeah, I a psyched about the possibility of surgery this summer. Does that make me a sicko???? Looking forward to improved MOBILITY!! Zero gravity lounge chair... like one of those outdoor chaise lounges??? I have a Pride recliner.. an electric one. A lift chair, really... not that I needed it.. but arthritis issues in my hands, plus short arms.... we could not find a recliner that I could operate... Pathetic, huh? Plus this was the only one we could find that is specifically designed for short people. headrest is too high on most and I can't get comfortable.

All this talk about shopping in downtown Palm Springs is making me homesick for my winter retreat! I love it there! I was thinking today... if it wasn't for my girls, I'd move down there in a heartbeat. I don't think I'd mind the summer heat because I am always COLD!

I work at Curves, so hopefully the exercise will not be a problem. I just had a cortisone shot in my knee, so now I can get back to exercise. I just found a store nearby that sells lots of sugar free and fat free dressings.< /div>

First steroid injection I had... quite a few years ago, gave me many MONTHS of relief. One I had lost month gave me a couple of DAYS of relief. Hope yours lasts a long time!

Have you tried the ice coffee's - I never thought in a million years I would like an ice coffee the whole thought discussed me - but I thought oh I drink a frap so really what's the diff - you get the sf hazelnut and lite - I think the calories are like 80 when made with skim milk that's for a medium...

I used to drink the iced coffees once in a while, but now they taste bitter to me. I like my coffee drinks hot even in hot weather. Always SF, FF, quad shot, 16 oz. New favorite: 1/2 SF white chocolate, 1/2 SF raspberry.

Hi Gang! Yup finally packed, all our stuff is loaded in the car. But our Plane is delayed so I have a few minutes to type on the computer before we leave for the airport.

My DD is bringing her laptop to France (type A personality) so I'll be able to check in LBT occassionaly... Car says HI to everyone!! Love Peaches!! al la mode LOL :tongue:

You're probably well on your way by now. Hope you have a GREAT time and we'll be waiting to hear from you.

Linda, yep, I'm a teacher of 7th & 8th graders, science and math. Next year I will be teaching 6th & 7th grade science, not real thrilled that I don't have the math, but it will work out. I have 5 daughters, 32 to 19. The 'baby' graduated this year so I will have an empty nest next year. DD #1 is a lawyer in Syracuse and is married to a personal trainer, DD#2 is a PA at the Heart Institute in Idaho Falls and her 'significant other' since 8th grade (do you think they will EVER get married?) is a soil conservationist for BLM, DD#3 is a computer graphic designer working at Block Buster in Chicago, who's husband decided he was too young to be married, so they are in the middle of deciding what to do, DD#4 is going to school for ultrasound, and DD#5 is going to go into computer game design. I have been divorced for 15 years. So Linda i think that about covers it, except the 3 doxies, Jordan, Simon, & Molly, and the cat Bailey.

Iced coffee...my favorite any season. I have a fabulous ice spiced coffee recipe that I need to figure out a low cal version. But I do indulge in a skinny, SF hazelnut latte at Starbucks about once a month, medium!! It is a splurge.

Well ladies, I made a decision...I am getting a tattoo when I finish loosing weight. I know that is a long way away, but figured I need to make a statement to myself. I know, I would be better off doing something else, but damn, I'm doing it!!

Enjoyed your introduction! I'm sure you've said all that before, but I'm old and forgetful!

Maybe we should all get a tattoo in Canada... are you coming, Karla??? I forget who all is coming.


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Phyll, I won't be able to go to Canada this year, I need to save money for our cruise. I would love to go to Canada, but not this year. I need to work and need to get over to be with my dad for a while. I know my mom will drive me nuts, but dad isn't getting better and can't travel. We hope he is with us for a couple more years, but I don't think that is going to happen. He is only 74, but the heart issues and lung cancer is taking control. We have gotten him into a drug study that has shown promise, so who knows. Thanks for thinking of me.

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Phyl - I loved my zero gravity recliner. It is what I used after my plastic surgery.

Karla - I don't believe people NEED to get married. The only reason me and my DH are married are because we needed the tax break and the insurance. So if your daughter doesn't want to get married... more power to her. I didn't need a piece of paper to tell me that I loved my DH. Good for you on the tattoo. I was going to get mine right after the marathon but now I am waiting and getting it with some friends after a run in Dallas in December.

So I am very glad that we are are moving soon...our neighbors are SO loud and annoying. At the new place we don't have neigbors on one side and the other side will be empty for months as it was destroyed by the last tenents. Ahhh...peace and quiet. Plus it is in a residential area so there will be no damn street sweeper at 4AM.

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I live in Alberta, Canada. Yes 4 hours is quite aways to go for a fill. but no one seems to do fills unless they did the surgery

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Losing my hair in clumps and still dealing with "stomach" issues from gallbladder removal surgery. On the positive side I'm doing better about meeting protein and water goals and taking my vitamins, so yay? 🤷‍♀️
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