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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Thanks for the welcome home, Karla. Still reading! And I had to work on my virtual "farms" this morning!

Forgot to tell you guys.... one afternoon when I'd had a little wine, or maybe it was my "Northern Lights".... I talked all my Sr. Citizen, elderly friends in to getting airbrush tattoos with me... all except Earl, that is! I "negotiated" with the guy who was doing them (on the ship) and he gave us a "2 for 1" rate... $4.25 each! So I have a bright blue butterfly on my lower leg, which is supposed to go away in 5-7 days! But it's been about 3-4 days now and it shows no signs of fading so far!



Got on the Wii Fit to weigh this morning.

Earl gained NINE lb!!

Phyl gained just under TWO lb!

''WOW only 2 lbs after a cruise???? That is wonderful news!!

I did my Wii fit today, 1:15 mins... plus 10 minutes on the Rowing Machine....

Off to check out my gardens.

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More hugs from me, Denise! I wish I could think of some way to help you. Courage, gf. This too shall pass. In the meantime, we're here for you.

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Oh dear Denise! What a horrible way to spend the beginning of your day. It just sets a horrible tone for the entire day, doesn't it? That would completely SUCK!!!

What would you prefer to do next year? Is whoever is in charge aware that you want to do something else? Just a thought. Make that phone call and make it clear that you can't do another year like that. I don't know that anyone could.

Okay...I'm cleaning my bedroom. It's a ..... lets call it a pit. I've spent 4 hours on it and it doesn't look any better. I know, it has to get worse before it can get better, but sheesh!!! I am such a freaking slob when it comes to my bedroom. The rest of my house is presentable...not perfect, but I have little ones....but my bedroom....good lord. It looks like 5 teenagers live in it. I'd better get back to it, before I lose what little momentum I have gathered.

Hope you are all having a productive day! Talk to you all later.

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Kira thanks you so much for the email of the earth science teacher, I am so grateful for someone who has been in the earth science trenches since I am so new to it.

It was crazy at work, lots of customers and I had to clean 2 ponds and put out the Water plants, they look good!! Spent most of this month's nursery pay checks, oh well.

Ate 3 pieces of sushi for dinner and stopped, they were about 1/3 of a cup. Probably low on Protein, but they sure were delish!!

Shower is done and now I can veg for the rest of the evening!!

check in later, k

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OMG You all have been busy since I posted on Friday:eek:

Prince concert good but they didn't do my Fav Song "When Doves Cry"

Saturday dogs groomer - Yea groomer from their old beauty shop now works at my Petco - they look wonderful - I got my hair cut - bought wedding gift card - then home shower and went to Nephews wedding it was very was nice - reception good - was home by 8 (Debbie was tired - 2 nite out was too much for her but not me I could have gone for another couple hours the music was just getting good - lot of old school

Food this weekend so far hasn't been bad - few drinks on Friday then out to BF afterward 2 eggs a couple bite of hash browns and too much biscut & gravey well about 3/4 of one biscut..

Then yesterday 2 beers - 3 oz of meat, mex rice & Beans - a few chips and salsa - we left before the cake - which really was white frosted brownies - I would have been in hog heaven - came home and had some popcorn

Andrew offered to go to the store with me today - I wanted to say are you sick you never want to go to the store with me - so we went to Target then Winco (food)

I had steak & Pasta for dinner - am full - haven't eaten my veggies yet..

Got a watermelon but haven't cut it yet - it's USA and not mexico - lets hope its good and Cherries - I love cherries..

So I did go and buy some stuff that I could eat and am going to do my best to eat healthy at least 50% of the time. I will be hiking some this weekend as well...so hopefully it will all work out. I bought some quaker popcorn mini cakes, strawberries and apples that are for me. Then I bought Snacks for the rest of them. I will probably have a few.

If I was just trying to maintain, I wouldn't be as nervous (I don't think), but I really want to lose these last several pounds. Oh well...I guess if I only maintain then it will be Mama's Boot Camp when I get to Indio.

My plan is to steer clear of the smores however. Maybe a couple of graham crackers instead...but no smores. That would be a disaster!!!

Ya right darling - you kick my A$$ in the exercise department..

I have never had a smores !!!

:seeya::seeya:I'm committed!

Booked the flights for 7/23-7/27.

Oh Canada, here we come:seeya::seeya:


Yea !!!! Yep when we book those tickets theres no backing out !!

Good Afternoon ladies

Karri - Sounds like you have a handle on food for the week-end. I was going to suggest just eating whatever they do but only a couple bites. That will work unless you are like me and one or two bites aren't enough. Then you worry, but I think you are disapplined enough to stop. Boy, I envy that.

Linda - Boy, can I relate to what you went through last summer. Depression...............I call it the dark times. It hit me really hard, Borderline suicidal. It got to the point where my youngest told me she didn't come home after work cause she was afraid of what she would find. (scary, huh?) Didn't go anywhere, talk to anyone, get dressed, showered once or twice a week, didn't sleep nights and got out of bed around noon and cried constantly. I finally decided to take control of my life, changed antidepressants and got the lapband. Started losing weight and rejoined the land of the living. I am just so thankful now and I never want to go back to the dark.

Janet - My leg muscles are sore but believe it or not, my knees are doing pretty well. They're stiff and crack a lot, but I think the muscles are the worst. How many pages have we done this week? This week sure has passed fast. It's hard to believe that Phyl's been gone a week.

Since it sounds like most of you are going to arrive on the 23, I'll leave that morning and should be there late that afternoon, if I don't get lost.


Kari - Hugs GF - I am sure glad you are feeling better these days - how sad.... I guess cuz I have to go to work I haven't ever gotten that blue - maybe once or twice I called in for a couple of days - but there was usually a cause to my depression - breakups etc..

Seriously funny story coming up.

The the real fun :out: started next. This is what I heard for the next 10 minutes before I lost my head.:lol:

1. He touched my food

2. He took my cookie

3. he touched me

4. He took my pencil

5. She stuck her tongue out at me:tt2:

6. Don't pull my hair

7. Stop touching my shoe

8. Hey that's my pizza


So I lost my mind. i told them that I would rather teach a class full of pigs with SWINE flu than them. I then mananged to yell at them for about the next 10 minutes. I have serioulsy never been that angry in my LIFE.

But now that I have calmed down and I can see the humor in it. I think my heart rate was around 300 beats per minute.

so I thought I would share!!!

OMG - Kids are so immature these days !!!! I know we weren't like that - serioulsy !!!

Janet, we could put a note on the door during the cruise if one of us gets 'lucky'. I was going to suggest a tie, but no one wears those anymore and a bra just wouldn't be very discrete.

Think I'll take a little nap, students were just bouncing off the walls today.

Catch ya all later, k

Karla - I have realized that I have totally forgotten how to flirt or even talk to a guy!!! This would surpirse some of my friends to hear me say this today - I use to think I was all that and a bag of chips at 180-190 and didn't think twice about picking up a guy..

Morning all! Melsky (DH) built a fire last night which was great, then a neighbor stopped over and we started drinking Marguritas. So my great eating day ended up not so great ;).


Linda- You still have to live life and enjoy yourself - so don't sweat it - tomorrow is another day (well this is a holiday weekend - so drinks are allowed ;0)

Hello Linda and Good morning!!! Don't worry, I will not go into OVERDRIVE LOL... Food is no problem... as all of us only eat HALF of what regular folks do anyways..hee,hee,hee... I love having company...plus we'll be out and about... at the beach(14 miles long remember) there are many restaurants along the boardwalk.... and in Collingwood at the Elvis Festival there is an outdoor STREET dance on the Friday night... lots of local restaurants to choose from there too. PLUS the Street Dance is "Licenced" which in Canada means you can DRINK beers, coolers etc right outside while you dance... its a blast. The ELVIS impersonators(they compete) will slay you.

One year I saw a JAPANESE Elvis... I swear my jaw dropped a foot and I was catching flies... The funniest thing I ever saw.

I just ment that if Kari wants to come earlier than Thurs. that would be FUN...

Zip lining is up the mountain, so from there we can also do some sightseeing.

DH finally put some AIR in my tires so I am going to go for a nice bike ride today!!!

Ya Candice we are all going to do our share at Hotel McIntyer !!! OK - That's being said right now... You are putting us up so - you have to allow us to do stuff to repay you for opening your house to us !!!

Back from my bike ride with DH, I thought we were gone 45 mins. but DH tells me no, it was more like 1/2 an hour:frown:

Candice - 1/2 is better than nothing !!!

Just got in from outside. Got most

My PA daughter and her significant other are coming up thursday night so we can finish getting things presentable on Friday before the big shingdig. My lawyer daughter and her husband come in on Friday I think. Did you notice a little bit of bragging there? Yep, I am pretty proud that these 2 girls from nowhere Montana have done so well.

Oh and talked to my kids about birthday/Christmas gifting funds towards our lapband cruise and they are on board. That way I will have a little fun money.


Karla - Ya I love it !!! You have all the right in the world to brag !!!!

Great idea on the funs - tell everyone that - donate to your cruise fund

Whohoo, I was able to eat 2 pieces of sushi!!! Probably about 1/4 cup. But I ruined it when I decided it wasn't enough and had a piece of laughing cow cheese which overfilled me and now I am miserable. I'll learn someday soon I hope.

Darling - I still take one bite to many - did it friday nite with my biscut & gravy - Those are the times that I have a love/hate relationship with my band for doing it's job :thumbup: and stopping me from eating...

Okay.. I'm back.. and I'm reading and uploading photos to FB, reading, uploading photos, trying to work my farm, reading more LBT!!

I'm NOT going ziplining or bungy jumping.


I ate too much on the cruise, but not too many carbs, sampled a few Desserts and drank too much wine and "Northern Lights".. don't ask. And now that we're home.... can't eat. Breakfast on the ship this morning... 2 eggs over easy, sm amt of potatoes and some smoked salmon. Was home by lunch and couldn't eat. Had a small, thin slice of white cheese and a few Wheat Thins crumbs! Did go have a latte across the street and rode around the neighborhood. One of the grocery stores was grilling steak outside. Got a small sample... tight, tight, tight. Earl BBQd steak for dinner. I think he said we were splitting 5 1/2 oz. I couldn't eat it all. And can't drink anything. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

I need to go to bed! Will read more tomorrow. Hope I can lie down to sleep. It desn't feel good right now and it's been well over 5 hrs since we had dinner.

Thanks for the welcome home, Karla. Still reading! And I had to work on my virtual "farms" this morning!

Forgot to tell you guys.... one afternoon when I'd had a little wine, or maybe it was my "Northern Lights".... I talked all my Sr. Citizen, elderly friends in to getting airbrush tattoos with me... all except Earl, that is! I "negotiated" with the guy who was doing them (on the ship) and he gave us a "2 for 1" rate... $4.25 each! So I have a bright blue butterfly on my lower leg, which is supposed to go away in 5-7 days! But it's been about 3-4 days now and it shows no signs of fading so far!



Got on the Wii Fit to weigh this morning.

Earl gained NINE lb!!

Phyl gained just under TWO lb!


Welcome home - I've seen the pic's while I was Andrew Farming this morning - they are great - some great ones of you and Earl... - Ha ha Earl 9 lbs !!!! You only 2 WTG !!!

I wonder why you are tight since you got home - the stress of getting home - hating to get of the ship and going back to our normal life :0)

Hello Everyone,

I worked like a dog this week getting the house ready for our faculty end of the yr party at my house. The weather was supposed to be horrible, but it turned out perfect: Cloudy, so not too hot, windy, so not too hot, and no rain. The party was great, hubby's crawfish were perfect. We had a lot of fun. That was Fri. night. Went to a friend's annual pig roast yesterday, and when we crossed the river, the cruise ship was docked.

Carnival Fantasy, it has a huge waterslid on the top.

Did ya'll know we have cruises from New Orleans?

If ya'll (plus me) cruise from here, you can also stay here and sight see in N.O. a few days.

I am so tired from this week. Tomorrow is our last day with kids. Rumor is that I'm keeping the same job next year. You can't imagine how depressed I am. I CAN NOT do this job another year. I don't know how I made it this yr. I'm gonna email someone tonight, and ask if I am. I have to plan what to do, cause I just not doing it.

Phyl-enjoyed your pics, looks like you had a great time

Karri- Loved your story, here's mine from last week.

When the kids come in in the morning, they sit on the wall of the hall until the morning bell rings to go to class. I do duty watching them. I use a megaphone, because without it no one listens to me, I am invisible. With it, I am a 6ft black man with a gun. Well this 17yr old special ed criminal would not sit down. This school is 6, 7, and 8th grade, he's 17!!!! I told him, if he didn't listen I would just send him home. We can only suspend sped 10 days out of school for the whole yr. I saved a day on every bad sped, so I could put them out the last day if I needed to. So when the hall was full, he got up again and came towards me to the front of the school. I said go sit down NOW. He said, "Man you be blowing me." I picked up the megaphone, and yelled "I'll blow you all the way home." As soon as the words were out my mouth, I realized what I just said. He turns to the kids sitting, and cracking up laughing says did you here her. No one else even paid attention, thank GOD!!!!!!

About dieting, I have done horrible for a long time now. I don't know why. I don't like excuses, but maybe it's just because between my job and the pressure of my Mom, it's just too much. I can't take this job, and you can't imagine how unhappy I am. If I did not have my family to come home to, I would lose it. Some days I feel one step away from a nervous breakdown, and I am crying as I type this. I can't do this job again, I just can't. I am so unhappy.

Denise - OMG Girl - you gotta get out of that school - can't you transfer somewhere else - Hugs Hugs Hugs...


Oh dear Denise! What a horrible way to spend the beginning of your day. It just sets a horrible tone for the entire day, doesn't it? That would completely SUCK!!!

What would you prefer to do next year? Is whoever is in charge aware that you want to do something else? Just a thought. Make that phone call and make it clear that you can't do another year like that. I don't know that anyone could.

Okay...I'm cleaning my bedroom. It's a ..... lets call it a pit. I've spent 4 hours on it and it doesn't look any better. I know, it has to get worse before it can get better, but sheesh!!! I am such a freaking slob when it comes to my bedroom. The rest of my house is presentable...not perfect, but I have little ones....but my bedroom....good lord. It looks like 5 teenagers live in it. I'd better get back to it, before I lose what little momentum I have gathered.

Hope you are all having a productive day! Talk to you all later.

Steph - I remember you telling us about your room last summer while we where at MofA :lol::lol:- when you talk about cleaning it - I just smile -:w00t::glare:

Tomorrow - having bbq chicken corn on the cob and I made a pot of pinto beans..

Yea no work tomorrow - get to sleep in - going to the gym in the a.m. - it's closing at 5 so not trainer tomorrow - I guess we will be making up the lost day during the week...

I have been drinking ice tea - so maybe I'll be up past 9:30 tonite :0) I don't have to get up at 5 yea!!!

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Janet, I'm with you on the flirting with a guy, I'm all talk & no show. If some guy flirted I'd have to have someone hit with a brick and be told...'hey that guy is hitting on you' THEN once I realized it, I'd head for the hills. Sad but true. I even paid the years membership on eharmony, because my girls talked me into it. I haven't finished my profile, so I my info doesn't go out. Then they really suggest you put a picture in, yeah right, who wants someone who has 3 chins...

I'm really tired so I'm heading to bed, I'm hungry. See you all tomorrow.

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Janet, I'm with you on the flirting with a guy, I'm all talk & no show. If some guy flirted I'd have to have someone hit with a brick and be told...'hey that guy is hitting on you' THEN once I realized it, I'd head for the hills. Sad but true. I even paid the years membership on eharmony, because my girls talked me into it. I haven't finished my profile, so I my info doesn't go out. Then they really suggest you put a picture in, yeah right, who wants someone who has 3 chins...

I'm really tired so I'm heading to bed, I'm hungry. See you all tomorrow.

Well that makes me feel better !!! I'm not the only one :0)

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Janet - Already have Andrea on it. She said she'd do it tomorrow after the holiday. She's going to check out both side of Mexico (out of CA and NO) and see what's available.

Well, just wanted to add that and now I'd better go get dressed. Got to go to the grocery store and get some food in the house.


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Yesterday was our 34th Anniv, so not a good food day. Andy, Penny, and Cora took us out for lunch after church, (I had a 1/2 of a chicken quessedea and a Bloody Mary) and we spent the afternoon and evening hanging out with the neighbors. We live on a great little cul-de-sac with 5 houses. Actually, if you want to, go to Google maps and enter 2709 Prairie Winds Ct, Sheboygan WI. Then click on street view. Our house is at the end of the cul-de-sac on the left. Anyway, all of us are empty nesters in our 50's-early 60's. We get along great and hang out together a lot. Yesterday we helped one of the neighbors plant more bushes, then we had another fire and Marguritas when it got dark. We were laughing and chatting till 11--even though our backsides were freezing. Great evening!

No plans for today. I'm saving calories for a humburger later--or as much of one as I can eat. I might go to the nursery and get a few things to mess with. There's always weeds to be pulled too. Mel's at his friends painting his new truck. We never buy new vehicles. We buy junk that Mel and his friend George restore. So kinda quiet here. . .

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Linda your neighborhood sound like so much fun. I live in a circle, think large cul-de-sac, and only know about 1/4 of the people and that is just to wave at. Last year I was planting a big B&B tree (they weight about 500 pounds) by myself without machinery, just me, my truck, and a shovel. The people next to me hollared at me that 'that looks like fun' and went back inside. I miss having neighbors that would drop everything to give you a hand.

Janet, maybe it is time for us to become brazen??

Slept in today, but I was tired. Will be heading to town to do some graduation shopping, food, etc. Then hopefully back to work on the yard and house somemore.

This morning was the first time I woke up hungry. But I went to bed hungry so I'm not surprised. I probably was on a calorie deficiet yesterday and I couldn't find anything to fill me up. My calories were higher than usual, but both Saturday & Sunday I busted butt all day to the point I was sweating like a procine, (don't like to use the pig word). Breakfast was a Protein smoothie, snack-lunch-snack was a 300 cal Protein Bar, dinner was 1/4 - 1/3 cup of sushi rolls, 2 FF fudge bars, 1 FF pudding, 1 TBle. cashews. I was starving.

Hope today I won't be as hungry, I know we will stop and I with have a skinny latte w/sugar-free hazelnut, so I'll need to save calories for that. I am making Stephs chicken salad today for dinner, I think it will be lovely in a cantelope bowl. I am planning on bringing it to my quilting week and impressing the ladies.

Well I best go work my farm, catch you all later, k

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Yesterday was our 34th Anniv, so not a good food day. Andy, Penny, and Cora took us out for lunch after church, (I had a 1/2 of a chicken quessedea and a Bloody Mary) and we spent the afternoon and evening hanging out with the neighbors. We live on a great little cul-de-sac with 5 houses. Actually, if you want to, go to Google maps and enter 2709 Prairie Winds Ct, Sheboygan WI. Then click on street view. Our house is at the end of the cul-de-sac on the left. Anyway, all of us are empty nesters in our 50's-early 60's. We get along great and hang out together a lot. Yesterday we helped one of the neighbors plant more bushes, then we had another fire and Marguritas when it got dark. We were laughing and chatting till 11--even though our backsides were freezing. Great evening!

No plans for today. I'm saving calories for a humburger later--or as much of one as I can eat. I might go to the nursery and get a few things to mess with. There's always weeds to be pulled too. Mel's at his friends painting his new truck. We never buy new vehicles. We buy junk that Mel and his friend George restore. So kinda quiet here. . .

I am so glad you came back to LBT!!!

We really missed you!

Sounds like a fun place to live. We enjoy our RV park neighborhood more than our actual home! Neighbors here are okay, but not that kind of fellowship you are describing. While we were gone on cruise, single mom with young girl, cat and dog who barks incessantly moved in to condo right over our heads! Owner moved out last month and moved in with her boyfriend. She was a night shift worker so it was always quiet up there except when her son & grandsons were visiting.

As for old cars.... DD & SIL GAVE Earl an already restored '53 Chevy for his birthday!

Haven't said anything or posted photo on FB because SIL doesn't really want his sisters to know & they're both on FB. His Dad gave it to DGD before he died, but they didn't really want her driving it so they bought her a different car and "traded" with her. But SIL doesn't want to maintain it and he also has his old resotred Mustang from his HS days, thus he turned it over to Earl.

So I think he has it running, but needs brake work before we take it out. Church is having a "Hot Rods & Hogs" show next month, so hoping to have it ready to drive by then.

Linda your neighborhood sound like so much fun. I live in a circle, think large cul-de-sac, and only know about 1/4 of the people and that is just to wave at. Last year I was planting a big B&B tree (they weight about 500 pounds) by myself without machinery, just me, my truck, and a shovel. The people next to me hollered at me that 'that looks like fun' and went back inside. I miss having neighbors that would drop everything to give you a hand.

That is downright disgusting!

That they didn't offer to help!

Janet, maybe it is time for us to become brazen??

Yes, BRAZEN, and practice your flrting!

Slept in today, but I was tired. Will be heading to town to do some graduation shopping, food, etc. Then hopefully back to work on the yard and house somemore.

This morning was the first time I woke up hungry. But I went to bed hungry so I'm not surprised. I probably was on a calorie deficiet yesterday and I couldn't find anything to fill me up. My calories were higher than usual, but both Saturday & Sunday I busted butt all day to the point I was sweating like a procine, (don't like to use the pig word). Breakfast was a Protein smoothie, snack-lunch-snack was a 300 cal protein bar, dinner was 1/4 - 1/3 cup of sushi rolls, 2 FF fudge bars, 1 FF pudding, 1 TBle. cashews. I was starving.

Hope today I won't be as hungry, I know we will stop and I with have a skinny latte w/sugar-free hazelnut, so I'll need to save calories for that. I am making Stephs chicken salad today for dinner, I think it will be lovely in a cantelope bowl. I am planning on bringing it to my quilting week and impressing the ladies.

Well I best go work my farm, catch you all later, k

What's your farm name??? Are we farm neighbors/friends?? I don't remember! And Parking Wars... ALL my cars and Earl's were ticketed while we were gone! And someone has a tow truck on his street! What a pain!

Skinny Latte.... SF Hazelnut... extra shot... 16 oz. Do you want to know what I paid for one in Skagway AK???? Usually $3.80-4.10 in CA & WA. They charged me $7.50!!! DH almost dropped his teeth! He was carrying a travel mug of cold coffee left over from breakfast with him at he time. So he went in a liquor store next door and bought one of those teeny bottles of Bailey's for $3 and put it in his cold coffee and was very proud that he'd paid half of what I paid for my Starbucks!


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Good Morning Gang !!!

Happy Mermorial Day... Thanks to all the Men & Women who have fought for our WONDERFUL USA !!!

Well, I've been up since 6:30 (no rest for the wicked :tongue:) been to the gym 4 miles - burned approx 500 if you beleive the machines...:lol:

I am bbqing chicken - eggplant - corn on the cob - pinto Beans - that's the menu for today - with cherries & watermelon for dessert... and just for me - Andrew will eat a piece of chicken - but none of the veggies..:blink:

Think I am staying home today.. I need a little r&r - well need to wash and Iron but that's about it..

Phyl - Love your pictures on FB... They are really nice - looked at some this morning..

If anyone needs a farm hand let me know - I need the $$$ I'm broke :wink:

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Happy Memorial Day to all my U.S. Sisters!!!

It's nice that you all have a long weekend. Time to reflect on how lucky we all are that Servicemen and Women give of themselves so that we can live in FREEDOM.

I am at work today, as it is not a holiday for us Canucks, we memorialize our VETS on November 11th, or also known as POPPY DAY. We wear a RED Poppy on our lapels over our hearts to remember the servicepersonal who gave their lives.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow (1)

Between the crosses, row on row

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

This was written by a Canadian serviceman John McCrae after the 1st world war. Flanders field is in Belgium.

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Here are some photos, anything look familiar Phyl????:lol:





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Here are some photos, anything look familiar Phyl????:lol:

Yeah! Love that dress! And LOVE the way it travels! Wow! You can't MAKE it wrinkle! I like your jewelry! Looks great with the dress.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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