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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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oooh, I overdid it.... ate 2 days worth of cals in one day!!!:smile:

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Day two of below 1000 calories and frankly I am trying to figure out how I did this before and worked out. My work out SUCKED again. I guess when I was eating 1000 calories I was almost 200 pounds so I had a bit more "spare" energy. Still trying not to increase the calories though. I am DREADING the 5 mile run tomorrow however. The thought of going that long after only having eaten 500 calories is about enough to make me cry. I can live with the hungry part, but the true weakness that I feel is not good. I think it is mostly mental and I am going to desperately try to block it from my mind when I am running tomorrow. I will be strong and I WILL have enough energy to make it through.

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Just got home with Miss Molly, she was the last surgery of the day so they didn't get her off the table until about 3:00. Poor little thing is groggy as all get out. Can you believe that some people don't let the vet give their babies pain med!! The vet had me sign extra to give Molly pain meds, would you let your child have surgery without pain meds!! But then we know that I have filled my soon to be empty nest with Molly. I guess I just thing that if you take on a pet, it becomes part of the family. Love me, love my pets. But all went well and she should be up and about by tomorrow afternoon.

Well, I think I'll take a nap with molly. See you later.

Karla are you serious that pple don't get pain meds for their animals - that's down right STUPID..

I have my little Angel, Bear & Sheba - they are my babies..

I remember after us kids left my Dad & Mom got 2 dogs - and I thought it was so funny how they were their babies - Well we do become our parents - I think it's an age thing... I had animals before and I loved them - but it's diff now..

Hi ladies. I'm back

Michael had his last middle school band/choir concert today. It was nice, he looked so nice, and then he had this deep booming voice when he sang. It was great!

Jeff came home for lunch and the first words out of his mouth were "Before anything else, I'm sorry." So...at least that was one step off.

Janet, you are right, if mom goes and drinks that's on her. I am proud of myself that I did NOT go eat. Well, I did have 2 cheese sticks but that was because I was really feeling hungry and not because I was mad. I own that! I did good, Mom!

Karri, I'm glad that you are doing strength too. It's going to really come in handy when you have to carry me during the 3day! BTW, how's the fundraising going my team mates??? Oh...and when you are strength training you aren't walking/running. Wish I was going tonight so I could get caught up to you.

We are missing a couple of people here lately. Denise has been busy and Ruby, but haven't heard from Car lately. Is she in France? Have you heard from her Candice? But it is so so so very nice to have Linda back. Your little GD is beautiful!

Going to go buy Michael a bike for graduation. Going to be MIA until late tonight if on at all. I'll talk to you all later. Thanks for the shoulders. You guys are the toughest when I can't be.

Steph you made me tear up on this post - We are such a family here - Can you all beleive how much of a family we have become in the last 2 yrs.... 5/14/07 is when I first posted on LBT - and you guys are all the reason I still post - I couldn't live without you all. It's like we have known each other all our lives.. We tell each other things that we don't tell our other friends (well at least I do ;0)..

#1 We can't let others make us feel guilty for their problems and we have to accept that we don't own their problems - the only pple we can fix is us. We are all co-dependant to a certian degree - we all are enablers - we all want to fix others problems - but we have to accept that we can't.. That is one of the greatest things I learn "who owns the problem" you or the other person.. That's not to say that even though I know this - do I alway pratice it :smile::lol: But I do my best..


oooh, I overdid it.... ate 2 days worth of cals in one day!!!:wink:

What happend Girl !!!! I guess Dirty Dianna won today - you gotta kick that girl to the curb...

Day two of below 1000 calories and frankly I am trying to figure out how I did this before and worked out. My work out SUCKED again. I guess when I was eating 1000 calories I was almost 200 pounds so I had a bit more "spare" energy. Still trying not to increase the calories though. I am DREADING the 5 mile run tomorrow however. The thought of going that long after only having eaten 500 calories is about enough to make me cry. I can live with the hungry part, but the true weakness that I feel is not good. I think it is mostly mental and I am going to desperately try to block it from my mind when I am running tomorrow. I will be strong and I WILL have enough energy to make it through.


Mommy is talking here ok - You need fuel to have the energy to exercise - that fuel has to be good clean food - and you know this cuz you are the scienist - so don't let the calories get in the way - that's not to say you need to eat 3000 in one day thinking that's fuel - but you do need the clean foods to provide the fuel to work your muscles.. You may need to add a couple hundred on your run days - you will burn them..


Ok back from the gym - legs tonite - but my trainer just broke up with his GF and he was doing more talking about that and justifing it than making us work... I did work but felt the distraction - but that's ok - I still worked up a sweat...

I'm going out Friday nite - Rock Yard (open air free concerts - remember I went last yr quite a bit) they are door bands - no it's another name - copy cat kind of bands - this week - Prince - Debbie and I are going - and maybe another gf - and I invited Idrise (my trainer) and Vicky my workout partner...

Saturday - Babies go to the beauty shop 9 - I get my hair cut @ 9:30 and Wedding at 2 - reception at 5 - (my nephew (step) is getting married)

So 2 party nites and 2 days to recover since I don't work on Monday :0)

Well better go ck my soup...

Love to my girls - I really really do love you all - Janet:wub:

P.S. - I may be posting at midnite !!! Had a cup of coffee when I got home from gym - want to stay awake for Idol.... Yes I am a TV Addict too :mad2::blink::tt2:

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Good Evening Ladies

I didn't post yesterday cause I didn't have anything to say and last night, I just didn't make it back here. So, I get on tonight and what do I find?? Four pages of posts. Man, you guys are busy, a bunch of motor mouths. Hee Hee.

Linda - Glad you're back. Your Cora is just precious. Aren't grandkids the greatest? We spent the day with ours today and I loved every minute. If I ever learn how to download pictures (just got a camera) and how to post them, I will post some pics of my favorite little people.

Last night, DH was down in the swamp cutting down a tree when I had dinner ready. So, I went ahead and ate. He came in and jumped in the shower before he ate and we went to our bible study. So, since I was done eating, I told him I was leaving for B.Study and to pick me up when he went by. I walked for almost an hour before he picked me up and I couldn't believe how far I had walked!!! I swear it had to be about four miles. I clicked the odometer back to zero on my car before I headed out and much to my surprise, when DH picked me up (at least four miles down the road) The odometer said I only went two and a half miles. Whoa!!! I swear it's further than that, but then, do odometers lie? Don't know. Only know that I am sore today. My calves are killing me. My member ship at the gym expired yesterday and the owners are selling (trying to anyway) and they aren't signing up any yearly memberships. Only monthly. Since I only paid $199.00 for the year, I just can't see $40.oo/month they're asking for now. They don't have anyone there that can give you halp or advice, you're on your own, so I have to check around for somewhere else to work out..............so in the meantime, I'm still pedaling and trying to get out and walk. HEY STEPH............How long did it take you to walk those ten miles the other day. It to me almost an hour to make two and a half..........I don't even want to think about walking ten.

The weather here in Michigan was just beautiful today. The temps are finally going up but unfortuneately, so are the gas prices. But, we went to Grand Rapids to see the grandkids today. What a fantastic day. Anyhow, I was talking with my daughter and telling her about going to Candace's this summer and how we were playing around with the idea of going on a cruise. She's a travel agent and she told me that if we are serious, she'd love the opportunity to put together a great deal for us.........co-ordinating all of our travel needs etc. since we're all from different parts of the country. She's really excited about doing it. She also said that if we went say, right when school lets out in June, we should be fine. That hurricane season doesn't really start up till aug. And, I know she'll work really hard to find the best prices for us and the best cruise.

Well, since I didn't do my part yesterday for Phyll, I think I managed to do it today. I'm really looking forward to Canada and I can't wait to meet everyone.:smile:


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Kari, I love the idea of your daughter organizing our trip AND the 'right' after school works for me. If we are talking this year afterschool there is not way I could afford it, but if we are talking next year, I could cut some corners, actually a whole darn highway and find the money to go. I actually, I am trying not to think about how poor I will be after June. With the 'baby'

graduating I will have to say goodbye to childsupport which happens to be almost my house payment. Unfortunately I will still have to pay for medical insurance on both girls and that it $600 a month. Hummm...is it possible to work 4 jobs?

Karri, I know I am a newbie, but Janet is right, you have to have fuel to work out. I know you are careful about the quality of the food, but less than 1000 isn't going to fuel the exercise beast.

Well, best get going, I need to put Molly's kennel together since she can't play with the boys today. Janet you are right, where would we be without our 'babies'.

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Since we are t alking about our "babies" I need to add that my 2 dogs are now considered GERIATRIC... ONe is on heart medication (2) + Liver medicine. The older one is deaf, and she's on Pain Med. for arthritis and liver medicine too. AS long as I put the pills in cheese Whiz they LOVE taking their pills. I talked to my GF last night who is going to watch my doggies for me while we are in FRANCE... it should be great for them.

FOOD yest, Janet I did let DIANNA get the best of me. I was PISSED at my husband. He says "I'm away for 3 days next week on a work assignment so DONT go eating any icecream while I'm gone!".... well that really pissed me off, so when I went out to pick up the doggies medicine I drove straight over to Dairy QUeen and had a blizzard... It wa sgood, but I thought I didn't eat much yest, so I'll just look it up when I get home and put it in my food journal... well, it was 1000 for the icecream! OMG really blew it..

SO, if I am mad at my DH why do I take it out on me?????:smile:

At work now and my first px comes in few


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Mick, from Dublin, appeared on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and towards the end of the program had already won 500,000 pounds. You've done very well so far,' said, Chris Tarrant, the show's presenter, 'but for a million pounds you've only got one lifeline left - phone a friend.

Everything is riding on this question......will you go for it?'

'Sure,' said Mick. 'I'll have a go!'

'Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest?'

A: Sparrow

B: Thrush

C: Magpie

D: Cuckoo

I haven't got a clue,' said Mick, 'so I'll use me last lifeline and phone me friend Paddy back home in Dublin'. Mick called up his mate, and told him the circumstances and repeated the question to him.

Mick!' cried Paddy. 'Dat's simple......it's a cuckoo.''Are you sure?''I'm sure.'

Mick hung up the phone and told Chris, ' I'll go wit Cuckoo as me answer.'

'Is that your final answer?' asked Chris 'Dat it is, Sir.'

There was a long - long pause, then the presenter screamed, 'Cuckoo is the correct answer! Mick, you've won 1 million pounds!'

The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy him a drink.

'Tell me, Paddy? How in Heaven's name did you know it was da Cuckoo that doesn't build it's own nest?

'Because he lives in a clock.'

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ohhh Candice--no use beating you up over the Blizzard; hope it was satisfying cuz that'll be the last time you do that! What I'm beginning to internalize is that this journey we're all on will never end. We will fight it each and every day--most days we will win, but when we don't we need to let it go and move forward. You're an emotional eater. Get a plan for the next time so that when the urge to go to Dary Queen presents itself you will know what to do. Easy for me to say--huh?

Karri--seriously, and you know this, 1000 calories is NOT ENOUGH for anyone who is in trainning for a marathon. Now I've never run one, and never will, but my son, Tim did (Chicago). Tim is rail thin, but when he was in trainning, he ate more than me and I was probably around 250. Take Janet's advice and bump up the calories on the days that you're going to run. You will enjoy the workout much more if you don't pass out. I am serous. You have to keep the blood sugar level up while you're running or you run the risk of hypoglycemia. If you don't believe me, find a blood sugar meter and check yours after a run. You might be surprised how at how low it is unless you ate right before. Oh and by the way--I am jealous that you are so motivated to do these marathons. I am such a couch potato--I absolutely hate any unnecessary activity except maybe walking on a glorious day. I wish I had your and Janet's motivation.

Kari--I'm so glad that you're going to Candice's! I will be booking tickets today. We considered driving from Wisconsin and picking you up, but we're taking a road trip to MA in June and the thought of another one so soon wasn't appealing. Flights are actually not to bad right now.

I got to run--you'd think I'd have all the time in the world now that clases are done, but somehow every day is STILL full. Today I am running into work and then spending the night at Mindy's (DD) who lives about 50 or so miles away.

One more thing: Even though I haven't been keeping up on LBT, I agree with Janet. You guys are family. I know that I am better off with you all than without. Thanks for the welcome back!

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Good Evening Ladies

I didn't post yesterday cause I didn't have anything to say and last night, I just didn't make it back here. So, I get on tonight and what do I find?? Four pages of posts. Man, you guys are busy, a bunch of motor mouths. Hee Hee.

Linda - Glad you're back. Your Cora is just precious. Aren't grandkids the greatest? We spent the day with ours today and I loved every minute. If I ever learn how to download pictures (just got a camera) and how to post them, I will post some pics of my favorite little people.

Last night, DH was down in the swamp cutting down a tree when I had dinner ready. So, I went ahead and ate. He came in and jumped in the shower before he ate and we went to our bible study. So, since I was done eating, I told him I was leaving for B.Study and to pick me up when he went by. I walked for almost an hour before he picked me up and I couldn't believe how far I had walked!!! I swear it had to be about four miles. I clicked the odometer back to zero on my car before I headed out and much to my surprise, when DH picked me up (at least four miles down the road) The odometer said I only went two and a half miles. Whoa!!! I swear it's further than that, but then, do odometers lie? Don't know. Only know that I am sore today. My calves are killing me. My member ship at the gym expired yesterday and the owners are selling (trying to anyway) and they aren't signing up any yearly memberships. Only monthly. Since I only paid $199.00 for the year, I just can't see $40.oo/month they're asking for now. They don't have anyone there that can give you halp or advice, you're on your own, so I have to check around for somewhere else to work out..............so in the meantime, I'm still pedaling and trying to get out and walk. HEY STEPH............How long did it take you to walk those ten miles the other day. It to me almost an hour to make two and a half..........I don't even want to think about walking ten.

The weather here in Michigan was just beautiful today. The temps are finally going up but unfortuneately, so are the gas prices. But, we went to Grand Rapids to see the grandkids today. What a fantastic day. Anyhow, I was talking with my daughter and telling her about going to Candace's this summer and how we were playing around with the idea of going on a cruise. She's a travel agent and she told me that if we are serious, she'd love the opportunity to put together a great deal for us.........co-ordinating all of our travel needs etc. since we're all from different parts of the country. She's really excited about doing it. She also said that if we went say, right when school lets out in June, we should be fine. That hurricane season doesn't really start up till aug. And, I know she'll work really hard to find the best prices for us and the best cruise.

Well, since I didn't do my part yesterday for Phyll, I think I managed to do it today. I'm really looking forward to Canada and I can't wait to meet everyone.:tt2:


Kari - Yes Girl you are doing your part :0) for Phyl

Yep have your DD look into it - it would be so much fun...

Your walk - 2.5 miles in say 50 minutes is a 20 minute mile which is very good as you haven't done alot of walking but mostly peddleing in the last 2 yrs..

How was your knees ?? Just get out and do more walking now that the weather is getting nicer...

Kari, I love the idea of your daughter organizing our trip AND the 'right' after school works for me. If we are talking this year afterschool there is not way I could afford it, but if we are talking next year, I could cut some corners, actually a whole darn highway and find the money to go. I actually, I am trying not to think about how poor I will be after June. With the 'baby'

graduating I will have to say goodbye to childsupport which happens to be almost my house payment. Unfortunately I will still have to pay for medical insurance on both girls and that it $600 a month. Hummm...is it possible to work 4 jobs?

Karri, I know I am a newbie, but Janet is right, you have to have fuel to work out. I know you are careful about the quality of the food, but less than 1000 isn't going to fuel the exercise beast.

Well, best get going, I need to put Molly's kennel together since she can't play with the boys today. Janet you are right, where would we be without our 'babies'.

Karla - you are a teacher and still have to pay that much for your girls - and if they stay in school he doesn't have to continue to pay support.,

Since we are t alking about our "babies" I need to add that my 2 dogs are now considered GERIATRIC... ONe is on heart medication (2) + Liver medicine. The older one is deaf, and she's on Pain Med. for arthritis and liver medicine too. AS long as I put the pills in cheese Whiz they LOVE taking their pills. I talked to my GF last night who is going to watch my doggies for me while we are in FRANCE... it should be great for them.

FOOD yest, Janet I did let DIANNA get the best of me. I was PISSED at my husband. He says "I'm away for 3 days next week on a work assignment so DONT go eating any icecream while I'm gone!".... well that really pissed me off, so when I went out to pick up the doggies medicine I drove straight over to Dairy QUeen and had a blizzard... It wa sgood, but I thought I didn't eat much yest, so I'll just look it up when I get home and put it in my food journal... well, it was 1000 for the icecream! OMG really blew it..

SO, if I am mad at my DH why do I take it out on me?????:smile:

At work now and my first px comes in few


Candice - that was a whole control issue "you can't tell me what to eat or not eat - I'll show you - I'm going to spite you and eat the GD stuff" Well ya you ate it - but does he know - did it hurt him - what did you show him - what did you prove...

Please don't anyone tell me what I can or can't do - cuz I will do the exact oppisite.. So I totally get it - we rebel but the only person we are hurting is us.

So next time he says "don't go eating this or that" say "Oh go jump in a lake Peter - I'm grown and I can make my own choices - If I choose not to eat Ice Cream - it's going to because I don't want to and you telling me not to isn't necessary"

ohhh Candice--no use beating you up over the Blizzard; hope it was satisfying cuz that'll be the last time you do that! What I'm beginning to internalize is that this journey we're all on will never end. We will fight it each and every day--most days we will win, but when we don't we need to let it go and move forward. You're an emotional eater. Get a plan for the next time so that when the urge to go to Dary Queen presents itself you will know what to do. Easy for me to say--huh?

Karri--seriously, and you know this, 1000 calories is NOT ENOUGH for anyone who is in trainning for a marathon. Now I've never run one, and never will, but my son, Tim did (Chicago). Tim is rail thin, but when he was in trainning, he ate more than me and I was probably around 250. Take Janet's advice and bump up the calories on the days that you're going to run. You will enjoy the workout much more if you don't pass out. I am serous. You have to keep the blood sugar level up while you're running or you run the risk of hypoglycemia. If you don't believe me, find a blood sugar meter and check yours after a run. You might be surprised how at how low it is unless you ate right before. Oh and by the way--I am jealous that you are so motivated to do these marathons. I am such a couch potato--I absolutely hate any unnecessary activity except maybe walking on a glorious day. I wish I had your and Janet's motivation.

Kari--I'm so glad that you're going to Candice's! I will be booking tickets today. We considered driving from Wisconsin and picking you up, but we're taking a road trip to MA in June and the thought of another one so soon wasn't appealing. Flights are actually not to bad right now.

I got to run--you'd think I'd have all the time in the world now that clases are done, but somehow every day is STILL full. Today I am running into work and then spending the night at Mindy's (DD) who lives about 50 or so miles away.

One more thing: Even though I haven't been keeping up on LBT, I agree with Janet. You guys are family. I know that I am better off with you all than without. Thanks for the welcome back!

Linda have fun with DD - We are glad you are back!!!

I am getting jazzed about our upcomming trip !!!


Good Morning !!!

It's Thrusday only 1 more day and then a 3 day weekend - I made my ck Soup last nite - will have that for lunch - got chick marinating for bbq chick this weekend..

Happy that Kris won last night !!! Am tired this morning - stayed up too late - and am going to gym tonite (it's my normal night off) but I may not make it Saturday morning - depending on Friday Nite :mad2:

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Enjoy your celebration, Michael and you deserve it!! He'll love the bike, it gives them some independence. naturally we will miss you.

Karri, you go girl, work those Buns.< /p>

Steph my fundraising sucks... I haven't even made $100, the reality is that I'm not any good at it, but also right now I feel to overwhelmed to think about it. So I'll loan you my awesome pack. Also if we are going to do a trip this year with the 'banders' I'll have to save mt personal days.

No No No!!! We will get you there. You can't back out! You'll do fine. I know you will. don't give up yet. At least wait until we see each other in June!!!

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Whew. I have to be fast. I have 30 minutes to type this, eat Breakfast, and weigh in...then my crazy day starts.....

Trip in July -- okay. I've finally decided it's going to have to be a no. 1. Jeff still hasn't done the taxes and it's getting too late. 2. The state divisional swim meet is across the street that weekend and I was planning on having a bake sale to support my walkers that weekend. I need to be here baking my heart out. 3. Everyone I know is telling me I travel too much and I need to stay home. I guess I just don't want to face the fact that I'm not going to be able to see you all in July this year. but....I have to be logical about it, and it makes sense.

My walkers -- don't you dare worry about fundraising right now. You have school to deal with and I REMEMBER what May at school is like. You're under too much stress to think about it right now. I'm almost 1/2 way to my goal and have 2 garage sales (giant ones) and that bake sale left. My flamingos are still making the rounds. You will all be fine! I'll have your back. Don't stress...just train!

Ownership -- this is so right. I have to keep it in the front of my mind. Is this something I caused that I can fix or is it their problem. How everyone else deals with their issues is their problem...not mine. If I deal with my issues without putting anything in my mouth...I've won. If they don't win their battles, too freaking bad....not MY problem.

Michael's graduation -- went to Walmart last night (90 mile trip one way!) and they didn't have ANY, not one, men's bike. So frustrated. So we bought him an ipod dock for the bathroom and will "raincheck" him a bike. We'll bring one back from our Vegas trip since we will be driving through real towns. Got the cake, planning dinner tonight with Jeff. All is well.

My food yesterday. I stuck with semi-solid Protein. cheese sticks, chx sausages, turkey meatballs. We did go to Applebees last night and I had about 1/2 an order of chx tanglers. I need to look those up. I know they are fried but they have a ton less breading. No Protein Drinks yesterday, but plenty of other liquid. Did good. I'm proud. Today is day 5 of my 5day. I am feeling strong.

Karri -- your calorie issues -- I get why you are trying to stay under 1100 and I know you can do that. My question is, are you eating really solid Protein for those 1100 cals? I know you know this, but you'll get a whole lot more energy from an apple and a string cheese for 150 cals than a big ole salad. When my NUT told me that, I thought...OMG! I could eat that 7 times a day! If I ate 7 apples and 7 cheese sticks I'm at 1050 cals....and I would be eating ALL day to do that. Just a thought. How dense are the foods you are eating and how full of energy are they?

Okay...for now I think that is it. I am getting ready for my Froid kids tomorrow so I have a ton of housework and yard work to do. I'll talk to you all later. Have a great day! Love you all!

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Okay I have been avoiding the defense of my eating plan for the last couple of days because most of the time I have diarrhea of the mouth and if I would just learn to not share EVERYTHING then I wouldn't have to worry about defending what I am doing.

First, this is my version of the 5 day "mind" test...instead of the pouch test because I frankly have no restriction. Like I said before they only filled my tubing not the actual band. So for the rest of you I am at what an "unfill" would be like. Normally they leave the saline in the tubing but because I got the flu, they took it ALL out. So my problem with food is that I have been feeling deprived. My mind keeps thinking that I am not getting enough at 1800 calories so I have been hoarding food and eating WAY more than I need to in order to feel satisified. So I went to 1100 calories just to show myself that I can eat plenty of food when I take the time to plan. When you only get to eat 1100 calories and you want to be able to be full at least once in a while...you plan well.

However, I didn't take into consideration that I dont' have the fat stores that I once did when I was eating 1100 calories. So this isn't about starvation and I did up my calories today to about 1500 but to me it is no different that doing the pouch test, except this was about challenging my mind...not my pouch. I have been making INCREDIBLE food choices that are all healthy and eating very balanced meals. I am not consuming 1100 calories of Protein Drinks and bars, but rather 1100 calories of chicken, pork, veggies, brown rice, eggs, whole wheat toast, etc. Yes...I was hungry yesterday because I wasn't as well prepared. Today...I planned better and I don't think that I will be able to eat everything that I have planned so I will most likely be under the 1500 caloires that I set for a goal today.

I do appreciate all of the concern and know that it is coming from your love, but this is something that I need to follow through on. I am going camping this weekend with a bunch of friends from work and if I had been eating unhealthy all week I don't think that I would be able to handle the type of food that will be there. However, by truly showing myself how good I feel during the day when I eat right (we are not talking when I am trying to workout...totally different story) I will be able to overcome the temptations that will be staring me in the face. The list of food that they are bringing is enough to make me cringe.

But that is a totally different subject.

Well I gotta run. Will check in later.

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Karri, I knew you had a very good reason to be doing what you were doing with 1100 cals. I didn't mean to doubt that you weren't eating well, just thinking what you could do to help with the run down feeling before your exercise.

I just wanted to help with the feeling better while you worked out. You would be the last person I thought was living on Protein drinks and bars. You're too good of a cook.

I hope you feel awesome after your run today. I'll be thinking of you running the 5 miles while I'm WALKING mine!

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Karri--I'm sorry if I sounded accousatory. I don't know the background, true enough. I do know that one of the things currently defined as "torture" was limiting the prisoners' caloric intake to 1000 calories a day. I don't know what it's called to do that to a body in training for a marathon. I appreciate that it's good healthy food; I hope that doing what you're doing will give you the results you want, and you can move forward and accomplish your goals. Best wishes on your weekend!

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I am not mad at any one...I just wanted to let you all know that i don't paln on doing this for a long time, just long enough to get my mind back in the right place.

Like I said...today my calories are higher. Now I just hope that I can actually get to to the gym tonight. Something just came up and the gym run might not happen. God I wish summer would get here!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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