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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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OMW you all have been busy today...

Linda welcome back !!!!

Ruby - Congrats on your 2lbs :purplebananna:

Candice - I have a little problem you must have missed that post yesterday around 8 - Andrew is moving out that weekend - he's moving to his Dad's I am going to have to talk him in to waiting until Tuesday to move - he's taking Bear - but I have Sheba & Angel and so I have to talk him in to holding off on leaving the 25th..

Karla - I think you are too tight - you need to make an appointment with the new guy and til you go actually see him you aren't his patient... I don't get the fact that you can drink Water like you do - Eat some Soup - refried Beans - add some water to make them Creamer and a little cheese -

Hugs about the job issues -

Karri - I remember making those pizza's in 8th grade - they were good - infact we had them at someone slumber party..

Kari - No Soda !!!

Ok gang - I'm hungry - it's 7:30 and need to go cook -


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Karla, until you go in and see him personally in his office he isn't going to say anything. This is because you still might go back to Roher and say, "Well the Kalispell doc said...." He's just covering his ass.

My suggestion. Follow Karri's advice. Call him, make an appointment asap and until you can get in go back to full liquids and mushies. that is very THIN mushies. Think yogurt consistancy or thinner. If it's a Soup, puree it. don't put anything in there that might cause any more inflamation. The more you try to eat and have issues, the tighter you get because you are aggrivating your stoma.

Here's my story. I was going in for a fill. I left Plentywood at 3pm on a Sunday to go to Froid to do my lesson plans. I had a little "looseness" right before I left Froid. By the time I got to Williston it was full on "out both ends". I drove the rest of the way to Minot stopping every 5-10 miles along side the road. It took me 4 hours to go the hour and a half drive. By the time I got to the hotel I thought I was going to die. I called Jeff at 3am asking him if he thought I should call an ambulance. Finally I got a little bit of liquid in and went to sleep. When I went in to see the PA, who I was going to ask to fill me, I needed almost all of my fill removed. It took me 3 months to get restriction back. Then it was 1 month of tight tight tight, went in and I'm still at a bad level. At the time I got sick I was at 7.2. She unfilled me to 2.0 when I had 3.0 put in at surgery. I am now at 3.5. It is slow going once you have to back off.

The moral of all that is not to irritate it. If you are tight, back off...way off. I was never overtight when I left the docs office, it was always after the fact that it happened.

Karri is right, take it slow. Back off and go back to stage 2 of your post op diet and work your way back to where you are comfortable.

Good luck! And the school thing sucks. I'm so glad I'm only certified to teach math and chem...and not highly qualified to teach chem! Chin up. You're going to be fine.

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Can I just say that I'm really really wanting food tonight? Good thing I can chew something tomorrow. Im going to make my awesome chicken salad for Wednesday but tomorrow will be fine with cottage cheese and maybe some eggs.

All I know is I'm really wanting to bite something!

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Good morning everyone, I think we just skipped past spring. Last week it was cold, in the low 30's at night and yesterday we hit 90+. So much for yard work.

Good job Steph, you made it the 5 days!!!, Enjoy 'chewing'. tell me about the chicken salad. You all have a good day. I need to write sub plans for tomorrow, little Miss Molly get spayed (or neutered, I can never keep it straight) and my girls can't miss school or work. So I'll be taking her in myself. For everything else, my vet comes to the house, she doesn't have an office, but she leases time and equipment from a local vet. This week isn't the best timing, but I don't want to deal with her going into heat, the puppy, not the vet.

Yesterday at our staff meeting, our principal said to collect book and finish grades by June 2. Student's don't get out until June 11 and I was planning on teaching until that point. If I was a parent I'd be throwing a fit, if the kids are there until June 11th, shouldn't the time be more than babysitting? Oh well, just had to grumble a little. We have to go back to school on June 12, normally we are done the afternoon of the last day for students, but someone goofed up our PIR days, so we go back on June 12th and have meetings until 2:05. It should be a great time!!

I figure I will make an appointment with the fill doc in Kalispell. We won't think about the money right now. From what you all said, I am probably too tight since it hurts to eat. Although there is a perverse side of me that is afraid to get the 'unfill', if it hurts to eat, then it is easier NOT to eat. But then reality smacks me and reminds me that if my calories get to low, I won't loose. Or the otherside,,,I eat way to many 'slider' foods that have higher calories. I think the slider foods are my greater concern. Last night for dinner I made a Lean Cuisine, couldn't eat it although everything was 'mushie' style, but yep I could eat a piece of cheesie herb bread. Where in the heck does that come in. I know so don't slap me. If you take a small enough bit and chew like crazy it disinergrates (sp) and goes down way too easy. Anyway, best get going, I have been getting to work just a few minutes before I am due and that is not the best thing. I like to get there in time to 'mentally' prepare, oh and then there is the biome projects that I still haven't finish grading, but I only have 4 left. We also could look at the foot high stack of math papers that haven't been graded, OR the lesson plans I haven't finished yet. Okay, so I'm slacking.. Chat to you all later, have a great day and enjoy the weather.k

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Oh Steph, dont' forget the sugar free gum!!! I live off the stuff now!

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Karla--Hi! I don't remember--are you able to drink Protein Shakes, or add Protein Powder to Soup? You might try getting in some Protein. I appreciate your frustration about developing curriculum and then not "owning" it. You gotta wonder why some decisions are made!

Janet--How are you doing with Andrew moving to his dad's? I have a feeling that's going to be rough for you? I sent you an emial yesterday about flights to Canada, but since then Luke heard that he was accepted to a dosimetry program (something to do with calculating radiation doses for cancer treatments) in Buffalo. We may decide to drive to Candice's and then go to Buffalo to help them look for an apt. I'm holding off a little longer with booking a flight, but I'm still planning on going!

Steph--great to "see" you too! I sure hope you can find a way to get to Candice's.

Well, today I have to drive to Milwaukee (about an hour) to pick up some stuff for DH. I may do a little shopping too, but for the first time they're talking like we might actually reach 70 degrees. I really want to just go on my deck, close my eyes, and feel the sun. Haven't felt that since I visited Janet and Phyl in the desert! I'm kind of afraid to put shorts on, though. They may not fit. . . I tried on a pair of capris last week and while they zipped up, they looked terrible.

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Yeah! Linda's back!!! Whoo hoo!!

O.k. girls, now get those travel plans ironed out!

Janet, is Andrew moving an issue because of kennelling your animals? I dont understand.???

Steph; LOVED your posts. I really heard the honesty... A lot of what you said about worthiness smacked me right in the head... we are so much alike.

NOW the chewing thing, where is your beef Jerky girl?

I have to leave for work in a few minutes, but I have so MUCH to say!!!!!

Wii challenge sounds good, I'm IN! I'll start today.

cbl girls,


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Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Exactly 3 weeks until school is out. 3 weeks and 2 days until I see my mommy!!!!!

I am clamping down on the calories for the rest of school. Training starts today (well it actually started Sunday but I went on a hike instead of a run so today is my first official run of the training season). I have a pretty good meal plan for today. It is very balanced and I am trying to obey the 4th commandment of marathon training. "Carbohydrates are thine friend, not thine enemy." So I have a complex carb with every meal today.

Well, I like Karla have a TON to grade so I had best get going. Just wanted to check in. Feeling particularly upbeat today. Let's hope I can keep it that way!

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Arrive @ 5:36 P.M ON 7/23 (Thrus) and Leave Monday 7/27 @ 8:45 A.M.

Linda - I am both happy and sad with Andrew moving - It's a very good thing - there is nothing here in the Valley and I think it's great that he is going to his Dad's - Plus Joseph has been missing him terribly and keeps talking about moving back and they can't do that (I feel he would go back to his old ways and Melissa wouldn't feel safe)

And now I know that Andrew really loves me - cuz he cried and said I was home to him... You know teenagers they don't show the affection that they did when they were 3 and idolized us :purplebananna:

I have lived alone before for about 1 yr - but did have the kids (andrew & kaitlin) during that time cuz Melissa went to school and I watched them after work twice a week - but now it will be just me Angel & Sheba - he says he's taking Bear..

He even asked if I would be ok - I told him don't worry about me - I will be ok - it's time for you to live your life ...

But I will be crying my eye out on 7/28 !!!! But like I have told him - the room is always there for him - so it will be a learning experience for both of us...

Karri - Yep - not much longer !!!! I have looking so forward to our time together !!!

Ok it took an hour to make reservations - I gotta get to work.

xoxox Janet

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Ah Janet; you are right... it is a growing time for Andrew... You are sweet to be gracious about him going..even though I KNOW you will miss him...

Great price on the flight girl!!! I'm so glad you found a LOW rate... I'll pick you up so don't worry about that!! O.k.?

Karri, great news on the ONLY #3 WKS LEFT of school, awesome, you made it thru another year...

Linda; If you fly to T.O. try and get in around the same time Janet does... don't worry we'll wait for you!!!

Phyl is driving, Kari(Michigan) is driving... Stephanie??? I imagine she'll fly....

Looking good girls!

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Okay....I posted this morning and then had a computer malfunction again. I'm starting to think it's the operator!

Karla, I wish I had made it through 5 days. Only 2. You can google the 5day pouch test. It's a way to get back in touch with the band, break the snack habit, and remember what it is all about. First two days are liquids only...which meant Protein Drinks. I was great until last night. I think maybe because my last shake was nasty and I didn't want to drink it.

My chx salad goes like this:

1 - 2 cans of chicken

1 cup crushed pineapple

2 or 3 green onions chopped

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1/2 bag of craisins

1 stalk celery - chopped very finely

just enough mayo to wet (don't use too much or it turns icky)

1/2 tsp dijon mustard

a little celery salt or seed

Karla, the other thing I was thinking about last night before I went to sleep...white meat turns out to be a no go for a lot of banders. It gets too dry. Have you tried dark meat chicken? That tends to be a little more moist. I know that I have a real hard time with dry chicken breast. I bought an electric pressure cooker for that very reason. I will do a meal or two when you are here with it and you can see if it works better that way?

Went on Nick's field trip this morning. Saw puppies, fed the calfs, minature horse, petted goats,bunnies and sheep, picked eggs. It was cold, but cool. Took a bunch of pictures. I'll Facebook them sometime today. It was so much fun.

I just realized that I survived my first school year out of the classroom. I know, those of you who are in the schools right now don't think so, but it has been really hard for me. The next year should be easier!

Janet, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to think about Andrew leaving. No matter what the bright side is, it is hard. Hugs to you.

Okay...I'd better get. I know there is more to say. I'll talk to you later. Hugs.

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:redface: I had 1/2 chicken/burrito at Taco Bell... couldn't finish it...

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Could it possibly be that less is MORE??? I have had very little to eat today and frankly I am less hungry than I normally am. Now every single thing that I have eaten has been fresh with NO processed foods...Hmm...do you think that could be the reason that I am not hungry.

Anyways I had the following


1 piece WW toast

1 egg

AM snack

2 oz chicken

1/2 cup broccoli


2 oz chicken

1/2 cup broccoli

1 piece WW toast

So far total calories = 460...I normally would have eaten close to 1000 by now.

I am going to try and stay under 1100 this week, under 1200 next week, 1300 and so forth until I see where I drop the most weight. I really want to lose 10 pounds. Then I will be back to my normal BMI and from there REALLY focus on maintaining and proper nutrition for training. Believe me...the guy that wrote the training plan that I am using would probably have a heart attack if he knew that I was eating this few calories in prep for a race. However, I did just fine when I was this low before and my running life is a hell of a lot easier when I am 10 pounds lower.

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I come before you today to give you permission to start letting go.

Someone smarter than me once said, "You can have everything. You just can’t have everything right now!" To reach your goals and live the life you want, it takes priorities and patience—the ability to choose between two competing wishes, and the willingness to set one aside for now and wait.

You can build the path that you want to walk on, and decide which steps to take. It’s important to you—to your health, your goals and your family—that you take some time to exercise and plan healthy meals. You should treat it that way and give yourself permission to take that time without feeling guilty. The irony is that by being healthy and taking time from your schedule, you’ll be able to take care of more of that "other" stuff in the long run.

Besides, is anything on your to-do list really more important than your health? When it comes down to it, those choices may not be so tough after all.

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Arrive @ 5:36 P.M ON 7/23 (Thrus) and Leave Monday 7/27 @ 8:45 A.M.

If we decide to fly, I'll try to get as close as I can to that.

I get the happy/sad thing! I still dream about my babies and wake up sad that they're gone. But at the same time it's exciting to see them take their place and move on with their lives. I've been thinking about going back into foster care when I retire--we'll see how I feel about that when the time comes!

Self-depreciation seems to be a common theme that I share. My brother is a millionaire and my sister is a doctor who has produced brilliant children, and that is all my mom ever talks about. Nothing that I ever did--or my kids do, for that matter--could ever measure up. So I learned to eat real well. My mom liked it that I ate her food, and the more I ate, the more she made.

Of course, it does me no good to blame her. I need to take control so now it's an obsession that never leaves. It takes total concentration 100% of the time to stick with the program. I did well yesterday, and so far today I've stuck to the program. Tomorrow I will have Cora all day, and that will help plus iit just might be nice enough out to take her for a walk. Like they say in OA (yup, I did that one too) "One day at a time." It sure is hard work!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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