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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl- What happened with the going to Mexico idea? Is that totally out. I would want to get the PS first. It doesn't seem like a dangerous op, they just cut skin right? no tightening muscles?

Just a painful recovery because of where the incisions will be.

Karri- The meat fest sounds like a sound investment. Very organized too.

I went on a field trip today. Went swimming this afternoon for the first time this season. We got a pool cover, and it warmed the Water very well.

Nervous wreck about getting my Mom approved for Medicaid for the nursing home. They just sent a letter for her medical bills for the last 3 mts. I don't have that crap. She has insurance, there are no bills.

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Phil, we are one your your side. Look for another PS, talked to to your GP and see what she can do to help you find a PS that will take your insurance.

Today was lapband hell. I know I asked for it when I had that rice crispy bar yesterday. I have been STARVING all day and couldn't find anything that would fill me up. I did stay with the right foods, but I just kept eating and eating. Even the 100 cal bag of popcorn on top of yogurt and granola still didn't fill me even when my band was saying, "Are you friggin kidding me!" The only thing that finally stopped me was when the popcorn expanded and felt like it was pushing on my band. PLEASE tell me one of you had this feeding frenzy and that you lived. I know it was out of control AND I know that it had the potential for damaging my band, but I couldn't stop. My stomach was actually still growling like I was hungry. I imagine it was growling because it was in pain. Okay, now that I have confessed to uncontrolled glutony, what do I do next time? I know that there will be a next time and Doris, the spawn of doubt, is SHOUTING...yep this proves that you can't do this. Fortunately I will be working my butt off this weekend, and the calories aren't as bad as they could have. But I am really disappointed and scared that I have lost the edge that has kept me in control. I know it is a life change, but yesterday showed me that I haven't really made a change. I know, I need to stuff Doris. I know I am high maintenance. So what do I do now?

You were most likely thirsty. I learned early on that if my stomach kept growling and it didn't stop when I ate it was because I was thirsty. Sometimes when you get like that you just need to leave the area where food is available. Believe me...you are not going to starve if you wait an hour or 2 if you have the chance. I struggle to do that at school because I can't focus on ignoring my stomach growling when I have a million and 1 things being thrown at me. But if I am somewhere that I can leave the presence of food...that is what I will do. If after drinking and waiting my stomach is still growling then I will eat.

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Phyl - Try contacting the University of WA medical center to see if they can do it cheaper. You have one of the best medical schools in the nation in your back yard (practically). THey often do it at significant discounts. Also, check with your bariatric surgeon that did your lap-band to see if they know any PS that may take medicare. Some PS are also general surgeons and if it is documented as medically necessary you may be able to get it. If they don't pay for it, remind Earl that it would be tax deductable because you would have your ortho and PCP saying that it is medically necessary and therefore tax deductable.

Another question...would your ortho be opposed to having the knee replacement AND the ps done at the same time? That would again SIGNIFICANTLY reduce your repsonsibility. This is what I am hoping to do with my breast reduction. I need to lose about 15 to 20 pounds more and then we might be able to get the girls covered which will significantly reduce what I would have to pay for the reverse Tummy Tuck.< /p>

Edited by salsa1877

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45 lbs of meat :0) that's too funny that's 45 days of food :0) - Glad you aren't stuck maybe this will be the fill.

Rest til you have to do all that food saver crap - I have one too - but to use it the correct way you gotta sort pre-freeze meat so all that juice doesn't mess up the seal - I use that new wrap/seal stuff - It's easier and faster and cheap cuz i aint washing out the bags and reusing them..

Kari no you aren't forgotten - I knew I was missing someone - but it does go back to who had just posted - I apoligize- Hugs cuz I do love you and look forward to meeting you this summer.

why do you have dial up !!!!

Why dial-up? Two reasons mainly. One, I'm too cheap (can you hear the birds?) and Two, we are out in the country. No cable service here, none of the broadband companies deal in our area and our phone company doesn't offer it right here in our area of our area code. I can get if I want to pay around $60-70/mo. but I'm also paying $40./mo for my basic phone service. Although, I'm beginning to know it is worth it. I just have to do a little research.

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Phyl- What happened with the going to Mexico idea? Is that totally out. I would want to get the PS first. It doesn't seem like a dangerous op, they just cut skin right? no tightening muscles? Just a painful recovery because of where the incisions will be.

Nervous wreck about getting my Mom approved for Medicaid for the nursing home. They just sent a letter for her medical bills for the last 3 mts. I don't have that crap. She has insurance, there are no bills.

DH is what happened to the Mexico idea. He nixed it big time. As in threw a fit.

Hope you get everything worked out with your Mom & her Medicaid. Insurance is a bad word! Sorry, Janet.. I guess I should say MEDICAL INSURANCE!! And I used to be a pre-cert nurse! That was a few years ago when "medical necessity" meant something. And when real nurses did the reviewing.

Phyl - Try contacting the University of WA medical center to see if they can do it cheaper. You have one of the best medical schools in the nation in your back yard (practically). THey often do it at significant discounts. Also, check with your bariatric surgeon that did your lap-band to see if they know any PS that may take medicare. Some PS are also general surgeons and if it is documented as medically necessary you may be able to get it. If they don't pay for it, remind Earl that it would be tax deductible because you would have your ortho and PCP saying that it is medically necessary and therefore tax deductible.

Another question...would your ortho be opposed to having the knee replacement AND the ps done at the same time? That would again SIGNIFICANTLY reduce your responsibility. This is what I am hoping to do with my breast reduction. I need to lose about 15 to 20 pounds more and then we might be able to get the girls covered which will significantly reduce what I would have to pay for the reverse Tummy Tuck.< /p>

Hmmmmm. Good suggestions. I especially like the one about doing them both at once... PS & total knee. I'm going to be in hell anyway. Why not!

Why dial-up? Two reasons mainly. One, I'm too cheap (can you hear the birds?) and Two, we are out in the country. No cable service here, none of the broadband companies deal in our area and our phone company doesn't offer it right here in our area of our area code. I can get if I want to pay around $60-70/mo. but I'm also paying $40./mo for my basic phone service. Although, I'm beginning to know it is worth it. I just have to do a little research.

Think about how much faster you could plant your crops!!

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This is getting kind of funny.... kind of!

Catch 22: Ortho surgeon won't schedule knee replacement until I get clearance from primary care doc. So I went to see her this morning. She is a sweetheart and always has plenty of time for me, asks lots of questions, is truly interested in ME! I love her. But... she says she can't do pre-op clearance without surgery date (LOL), or at least, formal request from the surgeon detailing what exactly he wants done. She did all my routine blood work in Sept. and insurance won't pay again until next Sept. because all the numbers were GREAT. She thought the plastic surgery consult was a great idea and she documented, too, that the ortho guy didn't want to do the knee until I had some Lipo and skin removal on the upper thighs. She always has her laptop with her so she looked up the PS guy I was thinking of going to on the internet and we looked at his web page together. And then she put a note in my records that she was referring me to him. She is very pleased with my weight loss and BP was great (100/60).

SO, I came home and called the PS to get a consult appt.

LOL again!

First, earliest appt they have is July 23rd.

That date sound familiar???

Second, they don't take Medicare or Tricare.

Third, she gave me very little hope that Medicare/Tricare would cover PS on my thighs no matter what the ortho and primary care docs said. She said to plan on being a self-pay and it would be $8-10K. DH, of course, balked at that and wants me to just tell the ortho doc that I will take my chances with infection risk and get the knee replacement ASAP without pursuing the PS any further.

Now, if you've had the patience to dig through all this, I am ready for any input anyone might have. I'm feeling very discouraged about the whole thing right now and my attitude at this point is,


Ortho doesn't want to fix my knee until I have PS,

DH doesn't want me to have PS,

PS I picked doesn't take my insurance

and doesn't have any appts until the summer is practically over.

Is anyone on MY side here????





Phil, we are one your your side. Look for another PS, talked to to your GP and see what she can do to help you find a PS that will take your insurance.

Today was lapband hell. I know I asked for it when I had that rice crispy bar yesterday. I have been STARVING all day and couldn't find anything that would fill me up. I did stay with the right foods, but I just kept eating and eating. Even the 100 cal bag of popcorn on top of yogurt and granola still didn't fill me even when my band was saying, "Are you friggin kidding me!" The only thing that finally stopped me was when the popcorn expanded and felt like it was pushing on my band. PLEASE tell me one of you had this feeding frenzy and that you lived. I know it was out of control AND I know that it had the potential for damaging my band, but I couldn't stop. My stomach was actually still growling like I was hungry. I imagine it was growling because it was in pain. Okay, now that I have confessed to uncontrolled glutony, what do I do next time? I know that there will be a next time and Doris, the spawn of doubt, is SHOUTING...yep this proves that you can't do this. Fortunately I will be working my butt off this weekend, and the calories aren't as bad as they could have. But I am really disappointed and scared that I have lost the edge that has kept me in control. I know it is a life change, but yesterday showed me that I haven't really made a change. I know, I need to stuff Doris. I know I am high maintenance. So what do I do now?

Karla - it's the full moon - I was STARVING all day today - and last night too... Had 1.5 pizza - a big bag of popcorn - then a fudgesicle - then a pudding - I just can't seem to get full - and we still have days like that - it will never end imho..

But like Karri says we aren't going to die if we don't eat for a couple of hours - that's the way I look at it too - and this is another reason I don't keep dangerous foods in my house...

I went to the store tonite to get dinner for the family I was STARVING - I want fried chicken and gravy with mashed tatoes - but you know what I did - I cooked my fish - bought this big thing of strawberries for $3.00 a watermelon and bananas - Why you ask - how did I do it - cuz I KNOW I can't eat like I use to or I will end up like I use to be...

Plus we are cooking for MD and I will have some macaroni salad - with the bbq chicken & veggie and maybe a piece of cake that I will bake for my DIL... Planned treats...

I know that being hungry isn't going to kill me - and I was thinking this afternoon why am I starving (had salad for lunch but it didn't have much meat mostly just lettuce and dressing) so I made some ice tea (besides I was sleepy and wanted the caffine) and it helped some... But what helped the most was not giving into my hunger - I didn't buy the stuff I wanted to at the store - I bought fruit and that made me proud of me... I will not let my alter fat ego (I don't know what to name her - lets see - Big Jan that's her name) win - she isn't going to win... Some days she may - but I do my best to knock her off my shoulder when she's telling me it's ok to over induldgue ..

Phyl- What happened with the going to Mexico idea? Is that totally out. I would want to get the PS first. It doesn't seem like a dangerous op, they just cut skin right? no tightening muscles?

Just a painful recovery because of where the incisions will be.

Karri- The meat fest sounds like a sound investment. Very organized too.

I went on a field trip today. Went swimming this afternoon for the first time this season. We got a pool cover, and it warmed the Water very well.

Nervous wreck about getting my Mom approved for Medicaid for the nursing home. They just sent a letter for her medical bills for the last 3 mts. I don't have that crap. She has insurance, there are no bills.

Hugs !!!!!

Phyl - Try contacting the University of WA medical center to see if they can do it cheaper. You have one of the best medical schools in the nation in your back yard (practically). THey often do it at significant discounts. Also, check with your bariatric surgeon that did your lap-band to see if they know any PS that may take medicare. Some PS are also general surgeons and if it is documented as medically necessary you may be able to get it. If they don't pay for it, remind Earl that it would be tax deductable because you would have your ortho and PCP saying that it is medically necessary and therefore tax deductable.

Another question...would your ortho be opposed to having the knee replacement AND the ps done at the same time? That would again SIGNIFICANTLY reduce your repsonsibility. This is what I am hoping to do with my breast reduction. I need to lose about 15 to 20 pounds more and then we might be able to get the girls covered which will significantly reduce what I would have to pay for the reverse Tummy Tuck.< /p>


I love the meat story - and I guess you are wright on the # of meals 1/2 lbs per person is Big Jan talking/thinking - I just bought 2 fish fillets - they were less than a 1 lbs - and it will be 4 meals..

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Thanks everyone, i probably won't be on this weekend, got to work. But just wanted to check in. Steph, get home safe,

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This is getting kind of funny.... kind of!

Catch 22: Ortho surgeon won't schedule knee replacement until I get clearance from primary care doc. So I went to see her this morning. She is a sweetheart and always has plenty of time for me, asks lots of questions, is truly interested in ME! I love her. But... she says she can't do pre-op clearance without surgery date (LOL), or at least, formal request from the surgeon detailing what exactly he wants done. She did all my routine blood work in Sept. and insurance won't pay again until next Sept. because all the numbers were GREAT. She thought the plastic surgery consult was a great idea and she documented, too, that the ortho guy didn't want to do the knee until I had some Lipo and skin removal on the upper thighs. She always has her laptop with her so she looked up the PS guy I was thinking of going to on the internet and we looked at his web page together. And then she put a note in my records that she was referring me to him. She is very pleased with my weight loss and BP was great (100/60).

SO, I came home and called the PS to get a consult appt.

LOL again!

First, earliest appt they have is July 23rd.

That date sound familiar???

Second, they don't take Medicare or Tricare.

Third, she gave me very little hope that Medicare/Tricare would cover PS on my thighs no matter what the ortho and primary care docs said. She said to plan on being a self-pay and it would be $8-10K. DH, of course, balked at that and wants me to just tell the ortho doc that I will take my chances with infection risk and get the knee replacement ASAP without pursuing the PS any further.

Now, if you've had the patience to dig through all this, I am ready for any input anyone might have. I'm feeling very discouraged about the whole thing right now and my attitude at this point is,


Ortho doesn't want to fix my knee until I have PS,

DH doesn't want me to have PS,

PS I picked doesn't take my insurance

and doesn't have any appts until the summer is practically over.

Is anyone on MY side here????

Oh Phyl, I feel for you babe. :eek: I know how much your legs bother you... You have got to get that P/S ...there has got to be another one who would take Medicare or Tricare, there just HAS to be... keep looking.

But I know if it were MY husband he'd freek at the $10,000 too... You can use the surgery as a Medical deduction on your income taxes right? Maybe that would convince Earl.

Get the KNEE surg done now, walking and mobility are the primary issue right?.. Then perhaps you can save the money for PS or have more time to work on Earl.

Damn economy, if things hadn't gone in the Sh1tter last Sept. you'd probably been able to take that out of savings.:glare:

Perhaps we should think of a fundraiser?

WARNING: TMI to follow.....

I've been MIA for a few days. I got a bad Stomach/flu bug from a Patient... I was up Thurs night ALL night. Trying to puke but nothing would come up. Band tight. It was a horrible feeling, I was constantly worried about slippage. I prefer to just have the diarhea ... Sorry, TMI

ON the up side, I should be down in weight!!! HA,HA... nothing to eat for two days.


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1,337/148/39/66 nt3_dailygoal2.gif ,

This was THursday food, but then I don't know how much of it "Stuck"...


This is Friday food, some arrowroot Cookies and chicken/rice soup...

TYLENOL!!! My head is still banging!

Edited by peaches9

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I had to run to the store to get some cold meds and HOLY COW they had a meat Bonanza. Considering that our freezer is empty and has been for a while I went a little "hog" wild. Pun intended. I bought 45 pounds of meat.:glare::eek: Hubby is probably going to kill me. But we have a food saver and I will be the one standing there grinding the chicken, cutting the fat off the chicken and pork, and portioning it all out into cute little 1 pound packages that stack very nicely in the freezer!

I ate a Protein Bar on my way home from the store and it is NOT settling with my tummy. Not a stuck thing...just a "yuck" feeling. Well best get going with the meat. Then I promise...back to the couch!

I just love it when I go to the Grocery store and Find that there is MEAT on Special! I go nuts too!

Also, I get to choose my favorites (not leave it up to hubby who always comes home with pizza boxes!!)) I just love portioning out all my treasures and stocking up the freezer..

I must have that 'horder' gene in my heredity.

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Where is Stephanie??? I must have missed a couple pages:confused:

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Hi ladies. I'm home. I can't say I had a great day food wise yesterday. I was alright until I started driving home...but didn't leave western MT until 5pm.....made it home about 1145. Today my butt is feeling crappy. I need to go get in the shower but I'm so tired. God help me. I think it will be nap time before shower time.

I will weigh in Monday. Hopefully it will be the same as it was last week. As long as I didn't gain I will be happy. i'm pretty sure I couldn't have lost. I was very unconcerned during my trip. Bad way to be.

Phyl, you will be able to find a doc to take your insurance. I know you will. don't let something that is so important and worth it get away from you so easily. You are so worth it. Don't give up!

Karla, I know you are busy this weekend so I'm not going to call, but I completely agree with Karri and Janet. Big way to get around eating...be strict about the Water rules. No eating 1/2 hour before or after drinking and when you are hungry, insist that you drink 12 oz of liquid. If after the 1/2 hour you are still thinking about food, have something. My snack of choice in the beginning was beef jerkey. High in Protein and will expand in liquid. It also takes a long time to chew it down to the point you can swallow it. After 2 or 3 pieces, if I still wanted more I had to drink another glass of something and wait. More often than not I forgot about being hungry in that 1/2 hour or it was too much work to go get ANOTHER glass of water. Don't say horrible stuff about yourself. You will slip up. The way my NUT explain it was, once it is called a lapse. If you take that, learn something from it, and get right back on track, that's all it is. It is when we then tell ourselves that "today's shot, I'll start again tomorrow, or monday, or in January" that we RElapse. You can jump right back up and regain control. You're beautiful, amazing, and so very much worth it. Remember that, repeat it to yourself, and BELIEVE it! Love you.

Candice and Karri, I hope today is better for both of you. It is so hard to be sick :glare:

Watching QVC and it's food hour. I think I'd better turn it off. I just ate and my mouth is watering. grrrr. Going to go get a nap and enjoy my quiet house. Maybe lay on the floor with my greys....they look so comfortable.

I'll check in with you all tonight. Love you all.

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Oh Phyl, I feel for you babe. :eek: I know how much your legs bother you... You have got to get that P/S ...there has got to be another one who would take Medicare or Tricare, there just HAS to be... keep looking.

But I know if it were MY husband he'd freek at the $10,000 too... You can use the surgery as a Medical deduction on your income taxes right? Maybe that would convince Earl.

Get the KNEE surg done now, walking and mobility are the primary issue right?.. Then perhaps you can save the money for PS or have more time to work on Earl.

Damn economy, if things hadn't gone in the Sh1tter last Sept. you'd probably been able to take that out of savings.:glare:

Perhaps we should think of a fundraiser?

WARNING: TMI to follow.....

I've been MIA for a few days. I got a bad Stomach/flu bug from a Patient... I was up Thurs night ALL night. Trying to puke but nothing would come up. Band tight. It was a horrible feeling, I was constantly worried about slippage. I prefer to just have the diarhea ... Sorry, TMI

ON the up side, I should be down in weight!!! HA,HA... nothing to eat for two days.


1,337/148/39/66 nt3_dailygoal2.gif ,

This was THursday food, but then I don't know how much of it "Stuck"...


This is Friday food, some arrowroot Cookies and chicken/rice soup...

TYLENOL!!! My head is still banging!

I just love it when I go to the Grocery store and Find that there is meat on Special! I go nuts too!

Also, I get to choose my favorites (not leave it up to hubby who always comes home with pizza boxes!!)) I just love portioning out all my treasures and stocking up the freezer..

I must have that 'horder' gene in my heredity.

Where is Stephanie??? I must have missed a couple pages:confused:

Good Morning Candice - I have already talked to you on FB I'm back from the gym 2.64 miles on the treadmil and 1.5 on the eliptical... Hugs on being sick - glad you are somewhat better today hows the headache..

I too still sort horde food - it's just diff kind of food now :0

Well I need to get in the shower - got stuff to do...


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Good Morning Candice - I have already talked to you on FB I'm back from the gym 2.64 miles on the treadmil and 1.5 on the eliptical... Hugs on being sick - glad you are somewhat better today hows the headache..

I too still sort horde food - it's just diff kind of food now :0

Well I need to get in the shower - got stuff to do...



Hey, good gyming gal!!! It is pouring rain here YUK! My headache is finally going away, 2 more tylenol down the gullet. I had a little ham salad for lunch... trying to keep things light.. My tummy is still tight from the flu, but I'm gonna live!!! LOL

I have a brutal day waiting for me on Monday, then Im off to the RAMA Casino to meet up with my DS and Dcousin... We are having a girly overnight/gambling fest... Then we are going to go and visit my Mom its her 86th Bday on Tuesday!

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Oh Phyl, I feel for you babe. :tt1: I know how much your legs bother you... You have got to get that P/S ...there has got to be another one who would take Medicare or Tricare, there just HAS to be... keep looking.

But I know if it were MY husband he'd freek at the $10,000 too... You can use the surgery as a Medical deduction on your income taxes right? Maybe that would convince Earl.

Get the KNEE surg done now, walking and mobility are the primary issue right?.. Then perhaps you can save the money for PS or have more time to work on Earl. Damn economy, if things hadn't gone in the Sh1tter last Sept. you'd probably been able to take that out of savings.:sneaky: Perhaps we should think of a fundraiser?

WARNING: TMI to follow.....

I've been MIA for a few days. I got a bad Stomach/flu bug from a Patient... I was up Thurs night ALL night. Trying to puke but nothing would come up. Band tight. It was a horrible feeling, I was constantly worried about slippage. I prefer to just have the diarhea ... Sorry, TMI

ON the up side, I should be down in weight!!! HA,HA... nothing to eat for two days.


Fund raiser??? Don't be silly! We lost a lot, but there's still plenty there. If I told you how much you would laugh at all this ridiculousness! He just won't use it! And I know another factor is that he says he's researched PS on legs on the internet and he read some scarey stories and is convinced it's very dangerous surgery because of risk of blood vessel and nerve damage. So, it's not just the money.

I've wanted to buy another car for 2 years! We have ONE car, so if he's off cutting lawn for SIL or flying his RC airplanes, he's gone up to 5-6 hours and I'm stuck. And the car we have is 7 yrs old with 91+ K miles on it.. driven miles. At least another 50K of towed miles that don't show. Yeah, it runs okay. Just put money in to it to fix the emission system, brake job and a new tire... ONE new tire. He was so proud of himself because the tire guy was able to match the spare which is still new and not the pretend tire type... so he only had to buy one tire instead of two. :tt2:

And he says we'll reconsider buying a new car at the end of the summer! Yeah, right! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I WILL get these legs done.

Fear not!

Just have to back off for a day or two while my emotions settle down.

Haven't been able to eat much all week... and that is probably contributing to some extent, but just plain tight this week. DH insists on cooking everything from frozen, and then it ends up getting over cooked. So, had small piece of fish one night that I couldn't finish. Last night, maybe 3 oz piece of pork chop, that was too lean to begin with, and then got over cooked, so I don't know if I even got an ounce of it down. Then good thing I've been keeping a little zip lock bag with paper towels in it next to my chair... TMI.... sliming in to the bag for a while, but nothing else came up. Many hours later I got down a Calcium chew and one of those little Jello pudding cups. Haven't been able to drink much all week. My latte every morning, usually, is justified by... need the warm liquid so I can loosen up enough to eat lunch! And yesterday, lunch was a small bowl of chicken noodle (which was really barley) Soup at Safeway during my 3 hr cruise around the neighborhood. OH... one of the grocery stores was grilling tri-tip out by the front door, so I had a small piece of that as a chaser an hour or so later. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: It was SO good!

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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