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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Just me, or is the page looking oddly today?

I managed to get kitchen cleaned and house swept so far. Next going downstairs and going to tackle that. Kids are going down with me and hopefully we all climb out of it alive.

Okay...gonna go. Wish me luck

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Where is everyone??? Too quiet!

We are 30 miles south of Portland, stopped for the night behind an outlet mall. I am going shopping.... as soon as I go get a SF, FF Starbucks. Haven't had one in a week and the spot they put us in looks right in to Starbucks back door! Bye!


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Do you go anywhere near Karri, Phyl? She is definitely in need of a cheering up. I wish I was able to help.

I agree, it's awfully quiet out here today.

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Good day ladies,

It's been a long time.

We just melted out from 56" on the weekend of the 18th to get sprinkled on to the tune of another 5" last night. Oh, well it's our snowy season.

Decided to update my forum stuff. Hope you enjoy. The sweet face is either my pup Ruth Ann Magilicutty or my husband.

Son just got a new automated glucose monitor to compliment his insulin pump. I guess it attaches like his pump does and monitors his levels constantly. Being young (27) and getting an autoimmune disease like Type 1 diabetes sucks big time, but son Ted is a real trooper. His endocrinologist is now through with him and has turned him over to his GP unless things change drastically with his sugar levels.

Guess I had better take some time and see what the rest of the crew has been up to.


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Car!!!!! I've missed you!!!!

Glad to see you pop in. Look at YOU, below goal! How awesome is THAT!!!!!!

I'll quit complaining bout the winter weather here after hearing about yours...ishs!!!! Don't be a stranger.

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Car!!!!! I've missed you!!!!

Glad to see you pop in. Look at YOU, below goal! How awesome is THAT!!!!!!

I'll quit complaining bout the winter weather here after hearing about yours...ishs!!!! Don't be a stranger.

Stephie-poo! I have sooo missed you!!!

Have been catching up on your trials and tribulations on your son. Let me tell you a story....Get comfy now...

Once upon a time there was a prepubescent boy (about 12 -13) who wouldn't do his homework, hated school, had bouts of depression, his work at school was always a mess, got sent home from a school outing/suspended for rolling basil and toilet reeffers.

"Ah, ha" said the evil school head-master, "he's depraved because he's deprived (thank you West Side Story). You and your parents must go to a shrink (well, actually a child psychologist)". After a few sessions with nothing being brought to the sessions which accounted for this young man's behavior, the psychologist noted that the young man's handwriting was a mess. "Humm" said the shrinkette, "I wonder if that is significant? Off to the neuro-psychologist with you!"

So this beautiful, but trouble young person was dragged to a neuro-psychologist, who tested here and prodded there, and questioned this and that. "Ah, ha" exclaimed the neuro-shrink, "what we have here is a case of a non-verbal learning disability (a type of mild autism). Return his head to his shoulders!"

"Yippie!" said the boy, "I'm not stupid and there is a reason why I do some things differently from other children."

Time passed and this young fellow turned into a young adult with a scholarship to the Colorado School of Mines, and Metro State College, and a free full ride for graduate studies at Penn State.

So, the mother of this young adult looked at this boy's (just for giggles, let's call him Ted) YouTube friends' list and it stretched far and wide and the mother smiled and said that this was good. This engaged and engaging young person is living happily ever after. Not the end.

The moral of the story is ...Hang in there!!! It only gets better.



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Just me, or is the page looking oddly today?

I managed to get kitchen cleaned and house swept so far. Next going downstairs and going to tackle that. Kids are going down with me and hopefully we all climb out of it alive.

Okay...gonna go. Wish me luck

Hope you made it GF - Question how are you on your Vitamins? ??

Where is everyone??? Too quiet!

We are 30 miles south of Portland, stopped for the night behind an outlet mall. I am going shopping.... as soon as I go get a SF, FF Starbucks. Haven't had one in a week and the spot they put us in looks right in to Starbucks back door! Bye!


Phyl - think of me while shopping !!! I'm on my 2nd cup of tea - I have trainer tonite I could go to sleep right now...


What a great story !!!! Linda who doesn't post here anymore said the same thing about her son - it does get better

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Good Morning!

Internet here is spotty at best! This morning it's working well. It may be a bandwidth problem and we're up earlier than most on this cloudy, rainy Sunday morning. Yes, we ARE back in the Pacific NW complete with clouds, rain and cold! It's 46 now, but think Earl said it was 38 when he got up, and it's 34 at home right now! Ick!

We are on the OR coast at a place called Winchester Bay. It's quite beautiful and it was sunny when we got here, so we took a stroll around the park. I was all bundled up and on my scooter! We're right on the bay with a lovely view of the bay and marina. Friends from Sky Valley are parked right in front of us. They live in Salem and are here for a week with some friends. This was a planned stop for us to meet up with them. This afternoon, DS, BIL and probably nephew coming over to visit and go out to dinner with us. Tomorrow we will head out again after two nights here, and probably travel about half the distance between here and home. We don't want to rush this! Earl gets tired and cranky after about 6 hours on the road so we won't try to make it all the way in one day and will probably stop somewhere short of Portland.

Trying my best foodwise, but it's a bit more of a challenge on the road! We have a favorite stopping place in Port Orford called the Crazy Norwegian, so I was bad and had fried fish for lunch yesterday. Little bit of this and that. Cole slaw was not mayo based, but vinegar dressing, so that was good! And I gave all my fries to Earl, and most of my clams, and one piece of fish. Two prawns were MINE, and one small piece of fish, a few clams. He had a hamburger because he knew he'd get most of my dinner!

:thumbup: That sounds Yummy. I wouldn't call that a bad choice, how often do you have anything fried? AND you gave away most of your meal + the French Fries.. KUdos for THAT:lol:

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Well back home and lots to catch up with.

FRIDAY: Did very well food wise on my trip south. Had protien bar for breaky, one for lunch and dinner was Swiss Chalet chicken Sandwich, Picked out all the meat and left the Bun, had a couple of bites of Coleslaw and gave the rest to hubby.

Just as we got to the restaurant, there was this skinny guy directing Cars into parking spots(there weren't many) so we thought "that's kinda nice" well we stepped out of the car and the fellow introduced himself and proceded to tell us his "story" he was an amputee, and had an artificial leg paid for by the war amps is on provincial disability and is married. He just needed some $ for food for the weekend. He'd already used up his Food Bank allowance for the month. I didn't even know that Food Bank had a quota... I guess there is only somuch to go around. Well more and more people are agoing to find themselves in this position... and we were pretty sure he was a decent guy, not looking for wine money.. So my DH opened his wallet and gave the guy a $20.. I was so glad as I was just about to reach into my purse...

Ya know WE forget how damn lucky and priveleged we are..

Saturday: was bustling with visits. First there was the GIRLS luncheon there were 10 of us Swilling down wine, beer and appetizers... I brought really LEGAL stuff and cut my wine with water... doing pretty well with shrimp, hummos etc when the hostess says "OH, now we'll bring out the LUNCH!"

OH my word, I had budgeted for my food so far... but LUNCH ? I didn't think there was going to me more food!!!!

Oh ya, out come 3 quiches... she cuts each pie into "4" peices!!!! way too much for me, so I asked her to cut one peice in 1/2 again (therefore being1/8th of a quiche) I had salad on my plate....she says" NO! I can't cut it in half, as I already made the other girls take 1/4 pie.""

I couldn't believe my ears!!!! SHe was going to MAKE me take more than I asked for!!.. So I stood my ground and said politely "No, really I am already full, 1 very small wedge will be just fine thanks."

She continued to push the Fu#@ing Quiche!! So finally several others were now standing around and I said "look, I've had Gastric surgery to make my stomach smaller, I just CAN"T eat anymore" I put my plate down right there and stomped outside to "cool off"...:thumbup: Never have I met someone so freeking insensitive and pushy>>>>

I continued visiting with the rest of my friends, and when it was time to go I said to her" Gee thanks so much for the lovely time, and for making me feel so WELCOME in your home".... well she wanted to Crawl under the formica countertop! GOOD!!! Stupid woman!

Saturday NIght: Invited to another GF's for Dinner! Ha, you say... more freeking food????? Well luckily for me I told her I'd bring dessert, and she is a yucky cook, she BBq'd hambergers so I cut myself a 1/4, ignored the bun, had 1/2 a brat and some raw veg... that's it... OOOOh, ya, there was more wine!!! OMW we played Blackjack all evening and then when she went to serve my dessert most people were too full to eat it... no problem.. sent it home with some guests.

SUNDAY: 1/2 egg, 1 WW toast and 1 slice bacon... protien bar for lunch, dinner was chicken, pineapple, rice & asperagus.... evening snack Peanut Butter granola bar...

THis morning I woke up late, did 1 1/2 hours on my Wii, my Wii Fit age was 47!!!! Ya=hoo... plus I was down 2 1/2 lbs. YEAH!!

Today food was easy, no breaky, lunch protien bar, super tuna casserole(rice, cheese, tuna, yam, onions)

thats it for eating so far.


Edited by peaches9

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oh, I'm gonna have verbal diarhea tonight (appologies in advance)

I was almost LATE for work today. I woke late, did my Wii Fit for one and a half hours!!! (oh yeah, I said that already:blush:)

When I got off my Wii I realized it was 12:30. My first patient of the day was at 1:15!!!! ANd I live across town from my clinic - Yikes... It was the fastest shower of my life, didnt' brush my teeth (yuk, sorry folks) pulled on my uniform, threw the dogs into the backyard... found my purse, brought the dogs back in and drove 65Kph across town to work... I made it...

But an NSV can you believe ME wasting so much time exercising that I almost was late for work????? :thumbup:

O.k. is it contageous????

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Much better food choices today...though I slept off my headache for quite awhile. Lost that freaking crown again! I'm a little worried that the permanent won't stay now. I don't know if he tried to force it in too tight so it wouldn't seat or what. But last time I was eating a salad. This time a piece of cheese. Nothing sticky, that's for sure.

I need to get my motivation on. I have absolutely none. Haven't for about a week. Or longer. My house is a wreck. I haven't cooked a real dinner in I don't know how long. It is crazy.

Okay...I'd better run. Nothing to report because I have done nothing. Hope your Sundays are going better.

O.k. Stephanie! YOU are my Wii Fit role model... what are you up to??? Does Doc. say its o.k. to Wii????

Lets challenge each other o.k.???

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OMW!!! I have so much to say and really should be cooking dinner...so I'm going to try to be quick!

Car! Your story is amazing. I KNOW it will get better if I can just get him over puberty! This is not the town for him. The area is so unforgiving of kids who are different. Well....the sp.ed. teacher called and we have a meeting tomorrow at the school @1030. I will keep my fingers crossed that all goes well. I need to print off all the emails between the teachers and I this year....yes I save them.

Janet, my Vitamins are poor, right now I'm taking 2 different pills for thyroid, 2 humungo pills for anti-inflammatory, 2 pills for coating my stomach so that the anti-inflammatory doesn't do any damage, 1 pill for anti-depression, 3 pills for gly-cond., and 2 pills for nerve stuff....I've taken all the pills I can and I cannot get a Vitamin down. I can't hardly take what I've gotta take. So until the back meds go away I'm not taking Calcium or vitamins. Not the best choice, but I can't gag any more down. I go back to the back doc on Monday so I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get off 6 pills.

Candice, that woman needed slapped, but I sure am glad you stood your ground. I would have politely taken it and slinked away...ashamed for making a scene. Kudos for standing up for yourself.

Phyl, I've forgotten to mention how much I've loved watching your trip on Facebook. It really has been lovely to travel along with you!

Okay...I've gotta figure something out for dinner. Hugs! I'll be back later

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Just got a phone call from mom, and dad gets to go home tomorrow!! Now I just home he remembers his med, does his physical theropy and breathing treatments, but it is good news.

thanks Janet, I needed to hear that someone besides me struggles with smoking. I only consume 6 a day, and the doc says it is my way of supplimenting my antidepressants. Oh well, we will deal with that later.

Had the school nurse check the ol' finger and got chewed out, I guess I should have gone in for the stitches, but it is too late now. It makes it tough to type. Tried to go for my walk todaay and it really started to throb, so ended up cutting short at 1.5 mi. I figure I will walk tomorrow in the school since we are suppose to be darn cold tomorrow, that or do dance revolution with Elyse. Jumping will probably make it throb some more. I'll think os something.

Finally had my first solid meal last night, chicken, and didn't hurt. lunch today eas some left over mashed taters and low fat cheese, not enough Protein so was hungry, I did forget about not drinking afterwards, lets just say, I won't forget again. Going to go with solft food tonight. I need to get some veggies when the schwan man comes on Friday. All I have in the house is corn & peas, need to get some aspargus and something else, carrot? I'll have to think about that.

I am in helena this Friday and saturday working on middle school stuff, will have to watch what I eat. you all have a good evening.


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Where is everyone? I didn't figure I would be the last one on yesterday? Did you all 'move' without me? Are you all having affairs with othere website? You must realize I am of the jealous sort. That being said.. have a good day.

Steph good luck with the sp.ed. teacher today.

Car, glad to meet you, I am a newbie!

Also, on the LB topic. I am suppose to be on solids now and here is where I am going to struggle. Breakfast I have covered, oatmeal with Protein Powder, skim milk, SF Syrup, that's easy, but now what... refried Beans, w/ salsa & cheese for lunch, or tuna w/ avocado, mandarines, LF miracle whip? dinner, I am so use to drinking my meals... I know I should have chicken or salmon, veggies???? Can I tackle brocolli? salad, not always a good choice for me because I want a lot of dressing and feta, AND sunflower seeds, asparigus?

So folks, I need some suggestions and/or recipes. I am finding that I am really hungary (probably head stuff) in the evening. When I am, I will have some oatmeal. Steph knows how much I hate the stuff, so I must be desperate to eat it.

So you all have a good day, and I'll chat this evening. Should go to quilting group, but I have been really tired in the evening. Miss molly keeps getting up to go potty in the middle of the night. Once I can handle, but twice is really starting to push it.

See ya,

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Where is everyone? I didn't figure I would be the last one on yesterday? Did you all 'move' without me? Are you all having affairs with othere website? You must realize I am of the jealous sort. That being said.. have a good day.

Steph good luck with the sp.ed. teacher today.

Car, glad to meet you, I am a newbie!

Also, on the LB topic. I am suppose to be on solids now and here is where I am going to struggle. Breakfast I have covered, oatmeal with Protein powder, skim milk, SF Syrup, that's easy, but now what... refried Beans, w/ salsa & cheese for lunch, or tuna w/ avocado, mandarines, LF miracle whip? dinner, I am so use to drinking my meals... I know I should have chicken or salmon, veggies???? Can I tackle brocolli? salad, not always a good choice for me because I want a lot of dressing and feta, AND sunflower seeds, asparigus?

Hi Karla; I made a nice casserole last night with TUNA... I was gonna make Salmon Patties but then realized I didn't have any canned salmon.

SO I put 1/2 can Mushroom Soup, 2 cans Water packed TUNA, 1 cup chopped celery, 1 Sweet potato(precooked in micro) diced, 1 1/2 cups cooked RICE, 1/2 can of FF mayo MIXED all this together and put in an 9 X 9" pam sprayed dish. THen shredded Mozerella cheese on top...

Baked for 35 minutes at 350F... It was really yummy... now of something like this I have a CUP serving and its plenty... plus I always eat on a Luncheon Plate..

So folks, I need some suggestions and/or recipes. I am finding that I am really hungary (probably head stuff) in the evening. When I am, I will have some oatmeal. Steph knows how much I hate the stuff, so I must be desperate to eat it.

I like to have a Diet Hot Cocoa in the evening, it rinses out my POUCH for the night and lets me enjoy my chocolate fix.

So you all have a good day, and I'll chat this evening. Should go to quilting group, but I have been really tired in the evening. Miss molly keeps getting up to go potty in the middle of the night. Once I can handle, but twice is really starting to push it.

See ya,

Upload some of your quilt pictures o.k.??? I'd love to see them.

Hugs, Candice

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