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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Well, just got a call from my boss at the nursery, so I am off to work. I could have used another day, but it will be fun to see all the baby plants. It is suppose to rain, but we won't think about that. I DO get to play with loader, I LOVE big machinery. It will be good to see all my nursery friends AND pick out all the new plants for my yard. Do I see any new trees? However, if I come home with another tree to plant (I have planted 30 since I bought my place) my children might just rebel. They are okay well I bring the little ones home, it is the big 500 pounders that they don't like. I could be that our soil, if you could call it that, has more rocks than dirt in it. I think I am the only person who buys dirt.

You all have a good day, chat when I get home tonight!!

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Thanks mommy. It is just so good to know that I have friends. I got called some HORRIBLE names today. When it came down that we were going to the 4 day week and found out that 57 teachers were getting laid off people did not react kindly. Because the charter school that I am working at is also pulling students out of the school and therefore costing them money, I am seen as the big bad guy. I will most likely end up keeping my job AND working at the charter school. For most it doesn't seem fair. But damnit...I am a damn good teacher and have spent countless hours working on developing an amazing curriculum and once in a while I deserve to be rewarded. I will stick out the 4 day week for 1 year. If I am not able to go to the charter school full time after that then I will move to somewhere else. Vegas...Dallas...Fort Worth...International Schools...here I come. We are being required to work 25% more for 7.5% less pay. My students will suffer... and the district seems to be okay with that. I have come to the conclusion that if the district is ready and willing to sacrifice good teachers, the education of their students, and the welfare of the community then I am not going to bust my ass for them. I will do what I need to in order to provide my students with an ADEQUATE education and pour my heart and soul into the proficiency charter school that I whole heartedly believe in. Next year will be survival mode and I am coming to accept that.

Maybe I need to be intoxicated more often. Steph...you have your Cookies and I have my 2 vodka crans and my 2 glasses of wine. I don't ever drink so I am pretty much 3 sheets to the wind right now. I have given myself permission to have one day of a pity party and then tomorrow I move on. I cannot make any changes to this situation. Life is what it is. I will not allow myself to be dragged down by this past today. Give me lemons and I am going to make the best damm SF/FF lemon meringue pie you have ever tasted! Yeah...it is probably the alcohol talking...but that is the mantra I am going to follow. Please help me stick to that. Remind me that it was not me who made the decisions. Remind me that I fought for what is best for kids and it was OTHERS that chose to ignore it. I will be and have been the best that I can be for these kids. I can't do more than I already have without losing myself and that will do nothing for students.

Seriously...maybe I should take up drinking every once in a while. I think it does wonders for my psyche. Don't worry...I hate the taste of alcohol...I am not going to become an alcoholic.

Night all. And forget my earlier message. I will be here this weekend. No point in punishing myself for the idiodic decisions of certain people in this district.

Darling - I just hate that I can't fix your problems - But this is an age thing for me to say things do work out - My Dad would tell me this when crap happend to me when I was 21(Like getting let go from my job) he said something better will come along - and it did - it took a while - but it did.

I am very glad you aren't going to become a alcholic - you know thats a big transfer addict for us - I would be sending you to betty ford if you did...

We have 3 international schools (LaQuinta High School - John Glenn Middle School & Emily Earhart Elementary) they are all internatin baculaurtie (sp) schools !!!!

School system has a way of taking great teachers who are there for the kids and euthiastic and turning them in to teachers who do as they (district) and go home.

My son had a teacher in 3 or 4th grade she was excited - motivating and just fantastic - he got her again in like 6th grade - the district had broke her by then - I hate it as I have said before it's schools aren't about quality any longer its about the almighty dollar (yes I understand that its needed but at the expensive of the kids education??)

Good afternoon ladies. Just a little update.

This morning a woman from the school called. Seems she IS the sp.ed. teacher that was hired 5 months ago. She is a new teacher (I found out from another source) but she had no idea this was going on.

She said a teacher had come to her yesterday (I'm assuming the one that called me), and then asked me what was going on. When I told her that I had given the school his EXTENSIVE testing report (that cost $1000 to have done) and what the child psych's recommendations were, she was horrified that she hadn't been given the file. I explained that although I don't want to make excuses for his behavior, we also have to be realistic in our expectations. That the expectation of him getting all his homework in, on time, complete, in EVERY class for a month was unrealistic. That if he went a WEEK doing that, I'd be over the moon. I then said he also can't have any behavior problems...which in the classroom is fine, but lunchroom and playground is a different story. I told her the recommendation that he be put on an IEP and given counseling and she had no idea of the issues.

She said we may not be able to get anything legal into place in the next month but that she would read the file, talk to me on Monday, and we would see what we could do from there.

My biggest fear is that Michael will take advantage of this situation, like he does any other, and stop doing ANY work. Given an inch he will take 100 miles.

He so wants to go to another school. There are no possiblities of that without sending him to live with someone else. I have seriously thought about asking my brother if he would take him next school year. Then again, I don't think that would be good for him psychologically either. I'm just at a loss right now. There is a program he can go into when he is 16 but that's a year and a half away.

So for now, there may be some progress. My blood pressure is down, I'll give this woman a chance. Not going to put the cart before the horse. Keep Michael in your prayers.

Thanks for all your support. I know my issues are so much less than those of you with ailing and failing parents and amazingly complicated work lives. Compared to the illness and loss of my father, this is nothing, so thank you for your love and support in light of your own troubles.

You're all THE BEST!!!

Steph when my DS was about 15 I sent him to stay with my Sis & her husband and I felt he needed a male figure in his life - also my bro his godfather - helped when he was younger

Michael is at that age were life is difficult - along with the other issues - Hugs !!!

Look! I made a ticker!!

Karla Fantastic !!!

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Good Morning!

Internet here is spotty at best! This morning it's working well. It may be a bandwidth problem and we're up earlier than most on this cloudy, rainy Sunday morning. Yes, we ARE back in the Pacific NW complete with clouds, rain and cold! It's 46 now, but think Earl said it was 38 when he got up, and it's 34 at home right now! Ick!

We are on the OR coast at a place called Winchester Bay. It's quite beautiful and it was sunny when we got here, so we took a stroll around the park. I was all bundled up and on my scooter! We're right on the bay with a lovely view of the bay and marina. Friends from Sky Valley are parked right in front of us. They live in Salem and are here for a week with some friends. This was a planned stop for us to meet up with them. This afternoon, DS, BIL and probably nephew coming over to visit and go out to dinner with us. Tomorrow we will head out again after two nights here, and probably travel about half the distance between here and home. We don't want to rush this! Earl gets tired and cranky after about 6 hours on the road so we won't try to make it all the way in one day and will probably stop somewhere short of Portland.

Trying my best foodwise, but it's a bit more of a challenge on the road! We have a favorite stopping place in Port Orford called the Crazy Norwegian, so I was bad and had fried fish for lunch yesterday. Little bit of this and that. Cole slaw was not mayo based, but vinegar dressing, so that was good! And I gave all my fries to Earl, and most of my clams, and one piece of fish. Two prawns were MINE, and one small piece of fish, a few clams. He had a hamburger because he knew he'd get most of my dinner!

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Well, just got a call from my boss at the nursery, so I am off to work. I could have used another day, but it will be fun to see all the baby plants. It is suppose to rain, but we won't think about that. I DO get to play with loader, I LOVE big machinery. It will be good to see all my nursery friends AND pick out all the new plants for my yard. Do I see any new trees? However, if I come home with another tree to plant (I have planted 30 since I bought my place) my children might just rebel. They are okay well I bring the little ones home, it is the big 500 pounders that they don't like. I could be that our soil, if you could call it that, has more rocks than dirt in it. I think I am the only person who buys dirt.

You all have a good day, chat when I get home tonight!!

Just planted 2 choc rose bushes !!!! I now have 6 - plus one potted tree (rose) and have a beautiful green yellow rose bush comming in the mail - YES QVE Cottage Farm for my qvc girls (steph phyl denise)

Good Morning!

Internet here is spotty at best! This morning it's working well. It may be a bandwidth problem and we're up earlier than most on this cloudy, rainy Sunday morning. Yes, we ARE back in the Pacific NW complete with clouds, rain and cold! It's 46 now, but think Earl said it was 38 when he got up, and it's 34 at home right now! Ick!

We are on the OR coast at a place called Winchester Bay. It's quite beautiful and it was sunny when we got here, so we took a stroll around the park. I was all bundled up and on my scooter! We're right on the bay with a lovely view of the bay and marina. Friends from Sky Valley are parked right in front of us. They live in Salem and are here for a week with some friends. This was a planned stop for us to meet up with them. This afternoon, DS, BIL and probably nephew coming over to visit and go out to dinner with us. Tomorrow we will head out again after two nights here, and probably travel about half the distance between here and home. We don't want to rush this! Earl gets tired and cranky after about 6 hours on the road so we won't try to make it all the way in one day and will probably stop somewhere short of Portland.

Trying my best foodwise, but it's a bit more of a challenge on the road! We have a favorite stopping place in Port Orford called the Crazy Norwegian, so I was bad and had fried fish for lunch yesterday. Little bit of this and that. Cole slaw was not mayo based, but vinegar dressing, so that was good! And I gave all my fries to Earl, and most of my clams, and one piece of fish. Two prawns were MINE, and one small piece of fish, a few clams. He had a hamburger because he knew he'd get most of my dinner!

Good Morning Phyl...

Yesterday Shrimp Alfredo !!!!! I never even ate that pre banding - but yesterday sounded good I was tired - went to the show saw Soloist (good movie jammie fox & robert downey did great jobs) had popcorn then dinner - so choice wasn't the best - but calories I was most likely ok - and gotta say I was full & satisfied..

Got my hair cut yesterday - same style but shorter - will maybe take a pic..

Well I need to get off the computer and go grocery shopping and target shopping and come home and do some wash

but lbt and fb - what can I say I don't get crap done !!!!

Candice Densie Kari how are things...

TTYL I am getting in the shower !!!!! No more computer for a while !!!! I must I must get off the computer !!!!

Hugs & love

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Morning ladies. Just a quick check in before church. We went out last night and I had one too many drinks, and a few too many Snacks, and WAY too many breaths of smoke....Canadian friends smoked ALOT. Hangover sucks.

I'll go repent.

I'll check in later, but wanted to let you all to know I was alive and well. Better food choices today....or ELSE!!!! (that was for MY benefit, not yours.

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I think I might be a little nervous about my sister coming to visit today. Since I got back from my shower 1/2 hour ago, I've had on two different pairs of pants, four tops and two bras before I settled on my underwire, my jeans and my blue polo!! Geez! I'M the BIG SISTER! Why does she intimidate me like that????

She is extremely manipulative! Like yesterday... she wanted to know what time we were leaving our RV park just south of the OR border because she thought her DIL could drive her DOG up from San Francisco to meet us so we could bring the dog to OR for them to dog sit while her son (my doctor nephew) & wife went on a trip somewhere. That would've meant us staying an extra day with the elk because it would've taken her at least 6 hours!! First I pretended not to get the phone message. Then I emailed a short message that said, "phone coverage here weak. Leaving at 8 a.m." That could be why she was a little cool on the phone yesterday! She had to spend her day driving from central OR down to Mt. Shasta area to meet them and pick up said dog! She'd best not bring that dog with them when they come here today!!

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Much better food choices today...though I slept off my headache for quite awhile. Lost that freaking crown again! I'm a little worried that the permanent won't stay now. I don't know if he tried to force it in too tight so it wouldn't seat or what. But last time I was eating a salad. This time a piece of cheese. Nothing sticky, that's for sure.

I need to get my motivation on. I have absolutely none. Haven't for about a week. Or longer. My house is a wreck. I haven't cooked a real dinner in I don't know how long. It is crazy.

Okay...I'd better run. Nothing to report because I have done nothing. Hope your Sundays are going better.

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OMG...I was trying to make roast chicken for dinner tonight and...it was ROTTEN. The smell almost made me puke. Now we have NOTHING for dinner...ugh! Off to the store we go...NO CHICKEN!

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Well, I"m back from my first day @ th nursery. Normally I start in March, but with my surgery and my dad I haven't made it back until today. I really enjoyed see everyone, the baby lambs and foxes, all the new plants. Got some of the Water features in an got to run the loader, whohoo. Everything was great until the last 10 minutes, I was potting up some sedum, I was rushing, the boss got new scissors, can you see what happened next.. yep cutting back the sedum and cut the side of my index finger. Fortunately the nail stopped me from cutting the finger off. Probably need stitches, but I am going to pass. The scissors had been bleached before I used them, so I shouldn't get a raging infection, but DAMN it hurts like crazy and it is hard to type.

I think I am missing out on all the beverages going around with you guys. I'm not much of a drinker, but I do love a good margaritta. Steph, we won't talk about the smoking...yea let's not talk about it...not going well with that. The stress with my dad did me in on that..oh well.

Phyll I relate with the sister issues. My sister is 6 foot, weighs NOTHING, has a winter home in Arizona, and 2 in Idaho, one with 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, 3 garages, on the lake, on the golf course, AND the motor home that cost more than my house. She had difficulty going to help mom with dad because she had to help her husband close up there winter home. She finally managed to find 4 days. Anyway, she always makes me feel fat and incompetent. But I try to remember that she traded having kids for a comfortable life. I wouldn't trade my 5 daughters for her easy life, but she always manages to make me feel bad.

Okay, good thing that happened to me today....got to go play with the plants, AND my kids are making dinner.< /p>

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Oh other good thing...I wore an old pair of jeans to work today...SIZE 18. I haven't seen them in 2 years!!!

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Hello Everyone,

I am getting very sleepy. I don't remember if I told ya'll about the drama with my Mama last week. Unbelievable. I saw her yesterday, and she was doing fine, and asking for Cheetos. She called my house and asked me to bring her Cheetos. She calls me today and askes me to get her crawfish etouffee. What the hell, do I look like Hello Deli?

Phyl- Congrats on the L tops, fantastic!!

I took a nerve pill so I could go to sleep because I am a serious night owl. It's kicking in. TTFN

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Hi ladies. Just a quick nightly check in. Jeff is snoring next to me. Irritating me because he was gone ALL day. Okay...not going there.

My food choices were much better today. Good Breakfast, decent lunch, awesome dinner, and a sf fudge bar from schwans. I made a great dinner if I say so myself. mmmmm

I was going to go walking tonight but then Jeff HAD to go back to work for 3 hours...so too bad, Steph has to be put on hold. It rained when I was able to do it earlier. grrr. It was like the world was stacked against me today.

Something good.....dinner. Turkey breast tenderloin roast with mushrooms and onions, a little bit of corn bread stuffing, fresh pineapple, corn, and I have left over turkey for wraps all week. It was sooooo awesome. Even if I do say so myself.

Okay...going to go play pathwords by myself...because I suck anymore....And I don't want to go to bed...because Jeff snores. See you in the morning.

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Dinner with sister went well. Good food choices, too... cioppino, small shrimp salad that I shared with Earl, and he gave me a few pieces of his seafood... like one scallop, one oyster, a bite of salmon and a piece of calamari.

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Have good day every one, good food choices, and exercise.

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Good Morning Gang !!!

Karla - I still smoke - so don't feel like the lone ranger - one thing at a time !!!!

Phyl - cippiono sounds good - I has steak aspargus & rice for dinner - was shocked that I could eat it all !!!

Densie - Well at least your Mom is getting better if she wants to eat... I use to be a night owl - now I am a morning one !!!

Steph - Dinner sounds great - I know about motivation - it's cuz there are so many things that need to get done that you don't know where to start - so you just don't get started... Well that's me anyways.. - My dogs snore :0)

Karri - your chick was rotten - omw - how gross !!! What did you end up fixing?? How's school today with all the changes that were announced on Friday... How are you feeling...

Candice ??????????????????????

CBL :thumbup:

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