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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Poof ! I am sending you a maid!!! All of your very own, and guess what she is FREE....

o.k. now that I havae your attention - Don't be silly ...and do all that stuff all in one fell swoop... you just had back surgery!!!! Probably shouldn't be vacumming - that is the worst!. Are any of the kids old enough to push a vac? You are allowed to dust, do dishes EASY on the laundry... don't overload the baskets o.k.??? tiny loads.

ANd then R E S T


:smile:Taunting the cripple is just SICK AND WRONG!!! :thumbup:

I won't be doing anything too difficult. I promise. I'm going to lay down and snuggle with my darlings first...then put dishes in the washer....a few more snuggles with the puppies...then maybe a load or two of laundry. I won't put any away, just fold it and let Michael put them away. Then more snuggles and then more fun....

Okay...off to snuggle.

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Good Morning! It is still morning here on the west coast!

FB friends... check out the photos of the quilt my DIL is making to benefit the 60 mile walk. She is doing such a great job. You've got plans as to how to raffle this, right, Steph? DIL will bring it to me in June and then I can mail it to you. She is really spending a LOT of time on this and I really appreciate her! Plus she wants to split the cost of the fabric with me. She's a jewel!

I've been kind of tight all week. But comfortably ate a small bowl of chili last night for dinner, with a little rice. Then a couple of hours later I had a small strawberry shortcake. But this morning I'm tight again! DH made me a one egg omelet yesterday and I could only eat half. So I had the other half this morning, and much to my surprise, 1/2 hr or so later, I was carefully sipping on about 1/3 of a cup of coffee and a tiny little cough triggered loss of a good part of my Breakfast. TMI--- it was just a very sudden projectile fountain all over me! YUCK! That was 3 hours ago and I still can barely sip on my crystal lite and we're getting ready to go out for lunch with DIL, BIL & SIL! Think I will be sipping on soup!

On a lighter note, I am wearing a size petite LARGE polo shirt I found at a Salvation Army store, like new, for $2.70 minus Sr. discount! I am a GOOD shopper, and I don't remember when is the last time I could wear a top in a large! I was happy to be in XLs lately.

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Phyl!!!! how amazing is your post. There is so much to Celebrate in that.

#1, the quilt is amazing. I can hardly believe how wonderful it is. I have two ideas for the raffle. One, to give it to Karri and let her take it from there...but she hasn't said anything about loving that idea. Other idea is to do the raffle here. Having it displayed here in town at one of the stores and selling chances, as well as having a booth here at the county fair (with this quilt as prize #1, an afgan I'm having made prize #2, and coming up with something else for prize #3), and giving the money to Karri's account. Is she going to quilt those blocks next to each other or is she planning on putting "blank" blocks in between them? I just love the blocks she has done. Wow!

#2, even more amazing is the LARGE top! You didn't share that wonderful bit of news in the manner it should have been shared. You should be shouting it from the roof tops!!! WOOOOHOOOOO! So excited for you. You will be shopping in the regular size section all the time soon!

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Steph...I would love to do the raffle but I just haven't had time to respond. The thing is I just don't know many people where I live so we will have to discuss where we think it would it would make the best money.

Speaking of the race...I just registered! I am officially a boobie bandit!!! I have a couple of ideas that I am boucing around in my head so we will see.

Crap...kids just came it. TTYL


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Quilt..........what Quilt.................where's the quilt?????????

On a different note I need an answer, Almost called Steph, but since I couldn't talk, it wouldn't of helped, not good to cry in front of students either, but..

Okay, class full of students during lunch, phone rings, mouth full with bite of soft food, swallow fast w/o chew. Commence pain, severe pain, tearssssss, you name it..

So the question is: force it down or force it up or sit in pain until it goes away?


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Steph...I would love to do the raffle but I just haven't had time to respond. The thing is I just don't know many people where I live so we will have to discuss where we think it would it would make the best money.

Speaking of the race...I just registered! I am officially a boobie bandit!!! I have a couple of ideas that I am boucing around in my head so we will see.

Crap...kids just came it. TTYL


ROFL!!! I JUST sent you an email reminding you that tomorrow is the last day to get the discount! Great minds must think alike!! We will discuss the raffle when it comes time. There is nothing we need to do anytime soon. But seeing pictures of the progress, it's gorgeous! So excited.

Okay...off to go get lunch. Later ladies!

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Quilt..........what Quilt.................where's the quilt?????????

On a different note I need an answer, Almost called Steph, but since I couldn't talk, it wouldn't of helped, not good to cry in front of students either, but..

Okay, class full of students during lunch, phone rings, mouth full with bite of soft food, swallow fast w/o chew. Commence pain, severe pain, tearssssss, you name it..

So the question is: force it down or force it up or sit in pain until it goes away?


FORCE IT UP. It won't go down and if you sit in pain, it will be a while while you spend your time sliming. And that's no fun.

Steph...I would love to do the raffle but I just haven't had time to respond. The thing is I just don't know many people where I live so we will have to discuss where we think it would it would make the best money.

Speaking of the race...I just registered! I am officially a boobie bandit!!! I have a couple of ideas that I am boucing around in my head so we will see.

Crap...kids just came it. TTYL


I was trying to get your signature here. So if a big mac value meal is two hours running.......how much is just the big mac with three quarters of the bun? (can you guess why I ask?)

Steph - Need a maid? Isn't that why we have kids?

Phyl - how do you get into the dot game? I gotta try that one.

Well, a couple weeks ago, I could eat a whole lot. The past couple days I have been really tight. Couldn't even finish a lean cousine the other night and today, I had a chicken snacker at Mickey D's and couldn't finish it. And, the reflux is back. Not quite sure I'm likeing this band too much right now. Of course, I love this new body so............. Well, got to get back to Facebook and then make dinner. TTYL

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Good Morning! It is still morning here on the west coast!

FB friends... check out the photos of the quilt my DIL is making to benefit the 60 mile walk. She is doing such a great job. You've got plans as to how to raffle this, right, Steph? DIL will bring it to me in June and then I can mail it to you. She is really spending a LOT of time on this and I really appreciate her! Plus she wants to split the cost of the fabric with me. She's a jewel!

I've been kind of tight all week. But comfortably ate a small bowl of chili last night for dinner, with a little rice. Then a couple of hours later I had a small strawberry shortcake. But this morning I'm tight again! DH made me a one egg omelet yesterday and I could only eat half. So I had the other half this morning, and much to my surprise, 1/2 hr or so later, I was carefully sipping on about 1/3 of a cup of coffee and a tiny little cough triggered loss of a good part of my breakfast. TMI--- it was just a very sudden projectile fountain all over me! YUCK! That was 3 hours ago and I still can barely sip on my crystal lite and we're getting ready to go out for lunch with DIL, BIL & SIL! Think I will be sipping on soup!

On a lighter note, I am wearing a size petite LARGE polo shirt I found at a Salvation Army store, like new, for $2.70 minus Sr. discount! I am a GOOD shopper, and I don't remember when is the last time I could wear a top in a large! I was happy to be in XLs lately.

A large? How awesome is that - you are passing my right by Phyl... I still need an LX top to go over the BOOBS....:thumbup:

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Quilt..........what Quilt.................where's the quilt?????????

On a different note I need an answer, Almost called Steph, but since I couldn't talk, it wouldn't of helped, not good to cry in front of students either, but..

Okay, class full of students during lunch, phone rings, mouth full with bite of soft food, swallow fast w/o chew. Commence pain, severe pain, tearssssss, you name it..

So the question is: force it down or force it up or sit in pain until it goes away?


JUST YUK IT UP .... and then carry on with your day... I usually just start the meal over from there.... and chew slowly and thoroughly!!!


THursday meal totals.... I'm o.k. in total Cals. but choices were a tad sketchy.... DIANNA did not win... but there was a Head/Lock going on.....

Edited by peaches9

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Steph...I would love to do the raffle but I just haven't had time to respond. The thing is I just don't know many people where I live so we will have to discuss where we think it would it would make the best money.

Speaking of the race...I just registered! I am officially a boobie bandit!!! I have a couple of ideas that I am boucing around in my head so we will see.

Crap...kids just came it. TTYL


YUK, big mac value meal... Thank GOD I can't even eat that!~! I sure wouldn't want THAT ticket!!!

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Karri, glad you joined us!!! I am keeping positive thoughts to 'attract' (the secret) donations. Actually, a coworker, who I don't really get along with donated $50. Now I feel bad.

I did survive my lunch sticking, just bairly. I didn't get it back up, and couldn't get it down. Now I know the band is there! I am going to move back to mushies for the rest of today AND remember to chew!!! Six weeks on liquids and you forget to chew. I just hope I didn't damage anything.

Phil, congratulations on the 'large'. I haven't seen a large for so long...AND the quilt is beautiful!!

McDonalds, what's that, oh I remember long long ago, okay 6 weeks ago, but at least I haven't been craving french fries.

I survived the chocolate dipped cookie test today. A huge tin was in the lounge (shortbread with dark or white chocolate, my fav) and I didn't eat any!! I did take the empty tin at the end of the day for quilting projects.

Steph, you have to be careful, do you need a ticket for over doing it? I know how you feel though, I hate it when I can't do what needs to be done, I HATE asking for help.

I am suppose to start my summer job this weekend. I usually start in March and work 7 days a week until schools out and then 4 days a week until September. I am in charge of all the roses and Water features at a nursery. I don't know if I have what it takes to work 7 days a week right now. Physically I can do it, its the mental part. Oh well, that's life.

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Ya that's what you have to do is keep your foot on her throat - I don't have any great ideas - as I am not good when away from home - my saving grace is that my band won't let me eat too much real food - so stick with meats chick fish and then a litte of something else - just stay away from the treats (sweets) especially if you are going to have a cocktail or 2...

Karri arent men too funny - this is why I wish I were born a Man - wouldn't it be nice to work all day and come home and have dinner ready !!! then just to sit and watch tv afterwards...

I have gotten so use to cooking for me (my xdh did most of the cooking and when I got home dinner was done) that it's just a way of life - but I did so very much enjoy the cruise where I didn't have to cook for a week..

Great mileage - heck I am always forgetting to update my exercise ticker..

Sometime you can drink and other times it hits you - glad you had a good time - when will you be home??

Steph - diet - nope it's called lite :wink:without the sugar and fat that really boost the calories - I haven't tried it but alot of pple talk about the greek yogurt - Fala or something like that - I think its not to bad in calories and has TONS of Protein.< /strong>

May 6th is during the week so I doubt I can make it - I may be going to see ds for mothers day.

1800 :thumbup: a little high gf - ya it evens out but that was a bit much

800 to 1200 was my varied calories durning my weight loss phase


Being tired is a big big food trigger for me too - so just stay away from the junk !!!

Greek Yoghurt = Tzatziki is what it is called... Contains Yoghurt, cucumber, garlic(lots) it is YUMMY andis a very good dip substitute, or on BBQ Pork or chicken in Pita wrap!!!!

I just walked my dogs (or rather, they walked me) over to my friend Christines house... she is babysitting them this weekend while I am out of town.. I thought it would be good for her little girls to meet them before I drop them off tomorow. Well, I got home and was whooped so I got into my car to check the mileage.

I walked(briskly) 3 miles!!!!! Holy Crap... so I am going to have a 200 cal snack....:smile:

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Phyl!!!! how amazing is your post. There is so much to Celebrate in that.

#1, the quilt is amazing. I can hardly believe how wonderful it is. I have two ideas for the raffle. One, to give it to Karri and let her take it from there...but she hasn't said anything about loving that idea. Other idea is to do the raffle here. Having it displayed here in town at one of the stores and selling chances, as well as having a booth here at the county fair (with this quilt as prize #1, an afgan I'm having made prize #2, and coming up with something else for prize #3), and giving the money to Karri's account. Is she going to quilt those blocks next to each other or is she planning on putting "blank" blocks in between them? I just love the blocks she has done. Wow!

#2, even more amazing is the LARGE top! You didn't share that wonderful bit of news in the manner it should have been shared. You should be shouting it from the roof tops!!! WOOOOHOOOOO! So excited for you. You will be shopping in the regular size section all the time soon!

We are in Santa Rosa, camping at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds. I can't believe I"m online. I found an excellent signal on an unsecured network!

Did I post the picture of the pink fabric?? That's what she's going to use in between all the squares, and I think for the border as well. Do you think some of the rest of us could get in on the raffle.. like if you buy a big roll of raffle tickets, anyone who wants to could get some from you and sell them to friends/family. I can take pictures of the quilt when she brings it to me and email it so anyone interested would have a photo to show when selling tickets. What do you think??

Thanks for the kudos! It's great to get in to that size!!

Posting a photo soon... of Earl & I and his brother & wife. It's the pink top I have on in the photo.

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I was trying to get your signature here. So if a big mac value meal is two hours running.......how much is just the big mac with three quarters of the bun? (can you guess why I ask?)

Yes I highligted that !!! The bun really isn't the problem!!!! I would say that it has to be at least close to 1 hour of running at 5mph. :thumbup: Still not worth it to me!

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Yes I highligted that !!! The bun really isn't the problem!!!! I would say that it has to be at least close to 1 hour of running at 5mph. :thumbup: Still not worth it to me!

Yep, I figured that out too. I used to love Big Mac's but I can now say that I could live very happily never eating another one. As for the french fries....I discovered a long time ago that I cannot eat them anymore. Well, I can eat about three, then they get stuck. I did pedal an extra half hour....making a total of an hour and a half that day.

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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