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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi ladies. Hope you all had a great day. Mine was pretty good. Decent food choices for a change. Plenty of Water. Good exercise. All in all I wish every day was as good.

Woke up this morning and Rose came over and we did the 2 mile "walk away the pounds" together. I was a little leary but my back felt really good for a change. Then this afternoon I sat down and read 3 chapters in my new book. It is a good one. I'm kinda excited to be reading again. Then tonight, after my tutoree and dinner, I went down and did my 30 day shred video. I loved it.

Now my back is a little tired but feels pretty good.

Watching a CSI now and then to bed. Have a good day tomorrow. I'll be checking in.

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I promise. 1 hour for me. I need it more than anything. DH has a test that he needs to take for his teaching program on Saturday morning so I will have the house to myself. I don't have a quiet time at all. Last year I got to school at 4:30AM and for about 2 hours I had the building to myself. It was quiet and no one talked to me. No one shared their problems or wanted me to fix anything. Now because my car has not been working I have had to go to work when DH does so I haven't been getting there until 6:30. Within 10 minutes I have students in my room and then my student teacher is there within 20 minutes. There goes my peacce and quiet.

As for my student teacher...I can't tell him my way or the hwy (Believe me I would love to tell him that he in NO way should go into teaching) but instead I need to mentor and nurture him. We are TOTALLY opposite when it comes to teaching. I now know how moms/dads feel when they get remarried and the spouse starts disciplining their kids. My students are my babies and when he goes after them the way he does I want to hurt him BADLY. Then other times he lets them run wild. It is painful to watch him teach. However I just have to survive the next 6 weeks with him. For the next 4 I am out of my classroom and he takes over. God help me.

As for my brother he fractured his ankle just before Christmas when we had all the snow (they had a bunch in WA). He was getting out of his UPS package car and stepped on to a bunch of mats that had been thrown on the ground prior to the snow. Well needless to say they were slippery and he went down. After being jerked around for over a month on what was actually wrong with his ankle (he didn't miss a day of work since the injury happened) they finally decided to do surgery because they thought they saw a piece of bone on the MRI. When they got in there they found five pieces of bones that had broken off ranging from the size of a pencil eraser to the size of a thumbnail. He is now on disability from work for the next 6 weeks. The funniest thing is that he is just like my grandma when he comes out of surgery. THe biggest B!TCH you have ever seen. When my grandma had to have surgery they would have to rotate her nurses every 2 hours because she would cause them to want to kill her. Her family wanted to as well!! Well he got those genes! He wasn't quite as bad as she was but he is just plain grumpy. Besides being in pain, the inability to walk for the next 4 weeks will kill him. We are similar in that we are both constantly working and he can't make it through a movie without doing SOMETHING so to sit there on the couch for 4 weeks. Well lets just say that I am glad that I don't live with him.

Well I am going to go to bed. Tomorrow we have conferences so I will be at school dealing with my student teacher for 13 hours. Not ending up in the psych ward or jail will equal success for me!

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The doctor said I was too tight and took out .5 cc which took me down to 4.5. He said I'd lost 12 lbs since my last visit on 12/2 and was happy that I'd lost an overall 35 lbs since my surgery date in July. He said that was a good rate of loss for me. I told him of the 12 lbs lost, that the majority of that was by Christmas and I've only lost about 1 or 2 lbs since Christmas. He raised his eyebrows at that and said I need to be keeping a food diary because I shouldn't have had a stall for that long.

He said my band probably tightened up since I've been under stress. He told me wait until the stress goes down and I feel back to normal and we'll recheck to see if I need another adjustment. He said the pouch looked fine and there was no dilation or slippage. He gave me the picture to take home with me.

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Steph - Glad you had a good day - enjoy the time with your mom - you make me jealous..

Karri - We are truly related !!!! Cuz you know what when I came out of surgery I was a real "B" too - every other word was the "F" word (per my DIL) said I was very grumpy and I remember being mean to this sweet nurse - she was really nice but I was in pain wanted more than 2 oz of ice chipsI was hot - etc and you know what the next day when I was walking around the floor - I saw her but she wasn't my nurse that day - so I bet she asked to be transferred

So Work Comp screwed your Bro around for a month - that sucks - but glad he is on the mend.

I would die without time for myself - so I understand - yep Saturday morning is going to be your time !!!!


Glad to hear that all went well with the doc and you don't have any major problems.

As you know I am a BIG ADVOCATE for tracking calories - I remember you dont like to - but it will show you how many calories you are eating a day - and we truly all under estimate how many we eat..

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Hi ladies. Hope you are having a good day.

Karri, I'll keep you in my thoughts. I can't imagine giving my classroom over to a student teacher. I'm awfully protective of my students. You would be doing him a favor to tell the honest truth in your evaluations. I wouldn't pass him if he is truly not ready. Bad teachers just give the profession a bad name. Be honest with him. Give him your best advice. You are the master teacher and he is there to learn from you. I remember how crazy I got when I gave up the reigns of my class in May. I wouldn't have survived if I had to watch him for 15 weeks. It would have killed me.

Donna, glad to hear you got some of your fill removed. Taking some out might be just what you needed. You'll be able to get in solid Proteins to give yourself the energy you need to keep yourself active. As for tracking your food, I'd suggest an online program. I like dailyplate but I've heard good things about sparkspeople. It works for me. I can keep track and really see the impact of those bad choices. I make better decisions when I'm accountable...even if it's just to my computer. Give it a try.

Janet, how did you mammo go? I don't remember you saying but maybe I missed it. I was thinking of you and the scares you've had the last couple of times, so let us know....again if you already did.

I just got back from the dentist. If it's not one thing its another. Last night started a hell of a toothache. Actually my whole jaw hurt. I used an entire tube of orajel on it between 8pm and 8am just trying to keep it numb. So I went in and the new dentist said he thought I needed a root canal. The old dentist came in to start it and really didn't think that I needed one but.... Anyways, he said he would get in and clean out the old filling and the new decay for the other guy. He started drilling and the back half of my tooth just crumbled. He said I must have had a hairline fracture and it's just finally gotten to the nerve. So he filled it instead of a root canal. Novicane is wearing off so we will see how badly it hurts then. For now I'm going to go read a bit.

Talk to you later ladies.

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Thanks ladies. I'm looking forward sleeping tonight. That will be the true test on whether this works!

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Mamo/Ultra Sound was fine - I did find out I had 2 lumps not one but they only tested one - cuz of it's look (last August) - I go back 7/27 (already made appointment) for a full mamo & maybe another ultra sound on right boob (that's the one with all the problems)- that's when they find stuff in my July Mamo's - it seems like in the 6 month follow ups in Feb they never find stuff - but when I go back in July - whamo - something shows up... So we will keep our fingers cross

Dentist - OMW I understand and feel for you - I love my dentist - but still hate going..

Ok signing out - will ck in tonite

Hugs Ladies !!!

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The doctor said I was too tight and took out .5 cc which took me down to 4.5. He said I'd lost 12 lbs since my last visit on 12/2 and was happy that I'd lost an overall 35 lbs since my surgery date in July. He said that was a good rate of loss for me. I told him of the 12 lbs lost, that the majority of that was by Christmas and I've only lost about 1 or 2 lbs since Christmas. He raised his eyebrows at that and said I need to be keeping a food diary because I shouldn't have had a stall for that long.

He said my band probably tightened up since I've been under stress. He told me wait until the stress goes down and I feel back to normal and we'll recheck to see if I need another adjustment. He said the pouch looked fine and there was no dilation or slippage. He gave me the picture to take home with me.

So glad to hear your band and pouch are okay! Must be pretty neat to have a picture! Any possibility you could scan it and post it? Would love to see it!! Sorry... the RN in me raises it's ugly head again!

I just got back from the dentist. If it's not one thing its another. Last night started a hell of a toothache. Actually my whole jaw hurt. I used an entire tube of orajel on it between 8pm and 8am just trying to keep it numb. So I went in and the new dentist said he thought I needed a root canal. The old dentist came in to start it and really didn't think that I needed one but.... Anyways, he said he would get in and clean out the old filling and the new decay for the other guy. He started drilling and the back half of my tooth just crumbled. He said I must have had a hairline fracture and it's just finally gotten to the nerve. So he filled it instead of a root canal. Novicane is wearing off so we will see how badly it hurts then. For now I'm going to go read a bit.

Talk to you later ladies.


Thought I had a problem, too... sore jaw for a couple of days, but it went away. Going to the dentist next week about a "hole" I found in the side of my tooth.


Thanks ladies. I'm looking forward sleeping tonight. That will be the true test on whether this works!

Sure hope you get a good night's sleep tonight!!


Mamo/Ultra Sound was fine - I did find out I had 2 lumps not one but they only tested one - cuz of it's look (last August) - I go back 7/27 (already made appointment) for a full mamo & maybe another ultra sound on right boob (that's the one with all the problems)- that's when they find stuff in my July Mamo's - it seems like in the 6 month follow ups in Feb they never find stuff - but when I go back in July - whamo - something shows up... So we will keep our fingers crossed!!!

So glad to hear that good news! After last time, we were all concerned with you.

Was glad to hear yesterday, that our son, the one who lost his eye to eye cancer, had a complete physical and got a clean bill of health this past week. Always worry about him! FAA recently insisted on a CT of his head to r/o brain cancer, and it was clear, too. It was really stupid to begin with... FAA doctors don't understand this type of melanoma! It goes to the liver or lungs or maybe bone, but not usually brain like other types of melanoma. But he has to comply with their silly demands to keep them happy and keep his private pilot's license up to date. At any rate, he's a healthy guy..he worries a lot about recurrence, and of course, so do we. It's always exhilerating to get a good report, so we're rejoicing with him and with you, too, Janet. Cancer is a miserable thing.

Had a 1/2 lb gain this week... not surprised after my 5 lb loss last week. And I was out to lunch twice last week and one potluck, so more than the usual week. Next week WILL be better!


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Going to the dentist next week about a "hole" I found in the side of my tooth.

So glad to hear that good news! After last time, we were all concerned with you.

Was glad to hear yesterday, that our son, the one who lost his eye to eye cancer, had a complete physical and got a clean bill of health this past week. Always worry about him! FAA recently insisted on a CT of his head to r/o brain cancer, and it was clear, too. It was really stupid to begin with... FAA doctors don't understand this type of melanoma! It goes to the liver or lungs or maybe bone, but not usually brain like other types of melanoma. But he has to comply with their silly demands to keep them happy and keep his private pilot's license up to date. At any rate, he's a healthy guy..he worries a lot about recurrence, and of course, so do we. It's always exhilerating to get a good report, so we're rejoicing with him and with you, too, Janet. Cancer is a miserable thing.

Had a 1/2 lb gain this week... not surprised after my 5 lb loss last week. And I was out to lunch twice last week and one potluck, so more than the usual week. Next week WILL be better!

Phyl - You got rain yet - sure dark your way - I guess for once the weather pple where right - cuz it sure looks like rain..

I am a little concerned about the mamo - cuz the ultra sound girl did it then she went and got the doctor and he did it and the lumps are behind the nipple and hard to get - but he said they were ok - but to come back in 6 months - so - I guess it's ok - but that she called the doc in bugs me a little..

Glad to hear DS has a clean bill of health - that GREAT !! I bet you are releived... I could only imagine how scary that would be for a parent..

Hope the tooth thingie is not biggie - I need to go for a cleaning - Maybe I'll call next week..

5 lbs last week was great - so don't sweat the .5 lbs - in 3-4 more weeks you will lose another 5 - it all balances out -

Do you have a goal for your 2 yr anniversary????

Well I'm still in my work clothes - I ran by Stater Bros to get Andrew stuff that he likes that they don't carry at either Winco or Target - I am going to have mexican shrimp cocktail for lunch tomorrow and roasted chicken tonite...

Steph how's the shoulder

Denise how's the fill

Karri - Hope life didn't suck to bad today..

Kari - How many miles have you put in since you have been banded?? heck you should have gone around the world by now..

Candice - Were are you - you haven't posted !!!!

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Forgot to moan and complain.... shoulder pain still bugging me! This is the 3rd day! Two nights ago, DH found me in bed sound asleep when he came back from the pool at 8p.m.... this is NOT me at all! He talked me in to two tylenol and I got up again. But continues to bug me off and on for the last 48 hours. I have to keep my mouth shut because he keeps threatening to take me to the doctor. Afraid I'm having a heart problem. But it sure feels like the old post-op shoulder pain so I'm not concerned, just miserable.

And cramping about the first 3 hrs of the day last two mornings.... I assume my irritable bowel, which hasn't given me trouble for quite some time. Very miserable! And very out of the ordinary food day today. TOPS is early in the morning... no time for Breakfast, so I take a Nature Valley granola bar with me. Well, leader is still having me conduct the meetings... so how can I eat my granola bar?? Last week I ate it on my way across the courtyard to the pool... on my way to Water aerobics. This week our meeting went alitle late, then I was back in the BR with the cramping, and I was afraid the granola bar would aggravate that, so I decided not to eat it.

Then we were meeting friends for lunch at noon, so I didn't eat anything until we got there. Had my usual seafood omelet.... enough leftover for four more mornings! Then DH had guard duty at 4pm, so I ate dinner alone... leftover spaghetti sauce... since it is my weigh in day, I had 2 oz of angel hair instead of my usual fr style green Beans. Had a little gorgonzola cheese and a few crackers with a glass of wine mid-afternoon. Probably will snack on a 60 cal SF rice pudding tonight.


I didn't do that!! I ate SLOW & ladylike!

Hope you all had a GREAT day!

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Yep, just started raining a few minutes ago. Raining pretty hard, too. I went in the back to put on my night shirt. Good thing I did. It's hanging on the inside of the bathroom door and it's raining in there! It was beginning to get wet! Earl has the vent wide open and I can't reach the little winder thing to close it! There's a little stool outside somewhere but I don't know where! He has volunteer guard duty at the gate tonight until 7 p.m. It could be pretty wet in there by then! OH, well! He knew it might rain because he talked about taking a rain coat down there. Glad he didn't ride my scooter down! I checked because I wanted to make sure the cover was over it... it's sitting by the door. He put the awning in when the wind came up this afternoon, so it's not under cover.

My 2 year goals.... to have BMI 40 or less, and under 200 lb. Then I think I can persuade ortho guy to do my knees this summer. Would sure like to do thighplasty before knee replacement! Don't know that I could talk any plastic surgeon into doing that before I reach goal.

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This stupid aol desktop every time i delete emails it locks up..


Do you still have your gall bladder??? When mine acted up when I was 29 - this is where my pain started...

We never got any rain down here - just cloudy..

I think Thursday is a great weigh in day - cuz if you do have a treat over the weekend you have a few days to get it off

I remember WW days and we had like a Monday or Tuesday weigh in's :biggrin:

Since I started using this aol desktop program - i like it cuz it has tabs for my diff open websites so I don't have to minimuize to move back and forth.. except for locking me up when I delete emails

I think I may have Pasta w/my chicken tonite sounds good Andrew had mac and cheese with his pork chops last night it looked good but I didn't have any..

You may be surprised there are alot of ladies here on LBT who have had tummy tucks way before they got to goal So don't discount it - due to the way you are built I think a doc would do it before you got to goal.. You should check into it this summer - I really think it would do you a world of good - it would be worth the $$ - it would do so much for your morale...

Well it's 7:30 - TV time -- Oh did anyone watch idol last night - I loved the group white chocolate - they all had really good voices but I loved the guy with black hair and eyeliner (not his look) but omw he had a GREAT VOICE...

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Phyl--Do you still have your gall bladder??? When mine acted up when I was 29 - this is where my pain started...

No gall bladder... been gone 13 years. Have had irritable bowel for years! Stomach muscles sore tonight from all that drama! Have a heating pad on my shoulder tonight!

We never got any rain down here - just cloudy..

Rain only lasted about 30 minutes. Security guy called the gate and told Earl & the other guy to lock up the gate and leave since it was raining. Wind was gone by the time he got back so he put the awning out again. If it rains again, scooter will be under cover. And it's not raining in the bathroom anymore either! :biggrin::tt1:

I think Thursday is a great weigh in day - cuz if you do have a treat over the weekend you have a few days to get it off

I remember WW days and we had like a Monday or Tuesday weigh in's :thumbup:

Yeah, I like Thurs weigh in, too. And with these Oklahoma friends in the area... they seem to want us to go out to lunch with them about once a week... so I keep picking Thursday!

You may be surprised there are alot of ladies here on LBT who have had tummy tucks way before they got to goal So don't discount it - due to the way you are built I think a doc would do it before you got to goal.. You should check into it this summer - I really think it would do you a world of good - it would be worth the $$ - it would do so much for your morale...

I didn't know that!

I will definitely check in to it this summer.

Well it's 7:30 - TV time -- Oh did anyone watch idol last night - I loved the group white chocolate - they all had really good voices but I loved the guy with black hair and eyeliner (not his look) but omw he had a GREAT VOICE...

Heard several with really good voices. Sort of remember the guy you're talking about.

Hospital show night... Earl hates it!! Grey's Anatomay, Private Practice, ER! He'll be going to bed early!! Already been snoring, but now he's eating a big bowl of popcorn.< /span>

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Nope...the day sucked. But at least I planned on it sucking so it wasn't a suprise. We had conferences today so it was a 14 hour day for me. However while sat in my classroom with 20 minutes between parents I started journaling to figure out what the hell is wrong in life. And amazingly I came to an epiphany that has probably been obvious to everyone, but to me it is still a foreign concept.

I have been WAY neglecting myself. Putting work and everyone else before me. Well that is what got me to 250 pounds in the first place and while I have been hanging on to 152 that is NOT where I want to be. At most I want to be at 145 but in reality I want 140. But it is safe at 152.

So it is MY time. It is about ME. And yep I am getting selfish...big time. In fact...I got my car fixed so now I can get up EARLY and go to the gym. It is the gym twice per day. That might mean not being at home as much or being available for students or meetings as much, but damnit I am no good for anyone if I am not good to myself.

Well I need to go to bed early. My official interview with Las Vegas is tomorrow morning and then conferences from 10 -1. Then to the gym to sweat out the demons!

Night all...keep your fingers crossed for me!

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Hi Everybody,

Steph-Hope your toothaches fixed

Donna-Hope your happy with the defill

I don't know how my fill is from Mon. seems O.K..

I used my treadmill for the first time today. Only for 20 minutes. It's bitchin. We went to dance lessons tonight, and I didn't want to work up a stank. I have to dance very close to old men.

Remember I was having a lot of pain in the right shoulder to back area. Had an ultrasound for the Christmas holidays. The doc said it was fine. I told the fill nurse. She said that test doesn't usually show the problems her patients have. She is sending me for some kind of test where they shoot you with dye and fat. I go Tues. morning.

I felt something pop around the middle of my chest where my band is again today. It has happened a few times now. I feel a pop and something move in there.

It's scary and weird. I really want a flouro, but I would have to pay cash.

Nighty night everyone

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