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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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oh good, they finally showed up... I thought I'd blown it...

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" Should old acquaintences be forgot...should auld layne syne.....la la de da da da-de da da-a da de da." (hey, I never said I could sing)

Anyway, may we all have a rockin' skinny New Years. :Yawn:

Love you guys. :thumbup:

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Hope everyone had a great new year's eve. I fell asleep at 11:52! DH woke me up at 2 minutes after.

Well I went to my therapist yesterday. I really like her and will be going back in 2 weeks. We didn't discuss much yesterday but we did the background work.

We have been busy which is why I haven't been on much. I am really really sick of being this tight. I need to go to the doctor and get a bit of this fill taken out but the mountains are too covered in snow for me to travel by myself. So...I am not sure what I am going to do. So whenever the mountains are clear enough on a friday (when I can take a day off of work) I will head over there. That could be APRIL!

Well I need to finish some lesson plans so I will check in later.

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Okay ladies. I'm not going to try to catch up before I post anymore. I just can't seem to get it done. I've tried 4 different days to read the 12 pages and I've not gotten it done. I have really been busy. It's been a crazy holiday season. Between shopping, the standards stuff, family, holidays....I just don't know where the time has gone. Oh....and then there is the crazy Sudoku that Phyl has gotten me hooked on. I can do sudoku while watching tv but can't seem to read this stuff while I do. I need to focus more when I'm here I guess. Maybe if I focused more when I played sudoku Phyl and Earl wouldn't consistently kick my butt....but whatever works.

as far as my weight...it sucks. I know it is because I have less fill in now than when I had surgery done. I know I need to go in, but it just wasn't happening this month. I will call tomorrow for an appointment and go in on the 12th. I have almost no restriction and can eat as much as often as crazy as I want. It's been nuts. I try to behave, but every day seems to be a fight that I lose.

On the positive note, I did buy Jillian Michaels' 30 day burn. It has 3 different workouts....3 different levels. She talks about 20 intense minutes. I've done it 3 days in a row. They say give her 30 days and she'll take away 20 pounds. I don't need the 20 pounds but I do need to get into shape. I'm so out of shape. I've gotten in a whole boat load of bad habits it seems. I'm really good at talking myself out of working out. My back has been killing me. I've pinched something. I went to the doc and he gave me some muscle relaxers, pain meds, and a brace. I haven't had time to let it relax and know that there would be no real healing until my abs got stronger. I'm going to get stronger. I'm back on track that way.

Right now I'm at mom's house. I am going home tomorrow. So tomorrow I won't be online. The next day I should be. That is if the weather cooperates. I will not bore you guys with the whole "the weather stinks here" because I saw that you all have your own weather troubles.

I will check my weight when I get home and update my ticker. On the upside. damnit!!! My 4's are getting tight. As well as my 6's. I will get it back down. 30 day shred!!!

I haven't tried my Jillian Michael's wii game. The outdoor adventure is a lot of fun....but I skinned my knuckles and I haven't been able to do much since. It really does suck! But until I can do that with the kids I will do the 30 day shred. My body aches from my thighs to my ribs and my shoulders to my neck, but it's a GOOD hurt. I forget how wonderful I feel after I workout and almost keel over from the push.

Tomorrow I'll be driving cross country so no Jillian, but the next day I will be back on track. Can you all tell I LOVE Jillian? And the next Biggest Loser starts soon!!!

Okay... It's almost 11 and I've taken my pain pills so I'm getting loopy.

I'm glad to see you all had great holidays. I hope you all have a terrific new year!!!!! One resolution I made...to get back in touch here. I'll see you all soon.

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Good Morning!

Good to have you back, Steph! Shouldn't have revealed that you're going to be on the road all day today.... I can park all my cars on your street (Parking Wars---Facebook) and not get any tickets!!


BTW.... Earl doesn't play ANYof those games!! I move all his cars, play all his Sudoku games. I always have both of us in every Sudoku game so that I get to play twice. The frustrating thing about that is that HIS profile lists his highest game with a better score than MY highest game!


Talked to Janet last night. She was just chillin' all day! I told her I think I'd been watching too much TV because when I decided to call her, I picked up the TV remote to dial her number! For a fleeting second I tried to figure out why the numbers were all wrong! :biggrin::rolleyes:

Got weighed on the Wii yesterday... up 1.3 lb for the week! Back on track now with DD & SIL gone and all the goodies gone.

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:thumbup:CALORIESCARBSFATPROTEIN nt3_totals.jpg1,3571416267

O.k. these are my numbers for yesterday...

Everybody that's tettering on the edge of control should start reporting. DAILY!!!! :biggrin:

But yuck, I am still sick... I was up in the night several times coughing and hacking up a lung... Plus my ear infection is still painful. BUt enough about that crap.!!!!:tongue:

I just had a great phone call from my Sister in Mexico... she sounds so good... God I miss her!!!! SHe lives there with my BIL for 6mos and he works a Greenhouse operation growing tomatoes for export to Canada... She is 10 years older than me and I cherish the relationship...

Everyone have a super New Year... 2009 I can hardly beleive it's here.

Stephanie, good for you getting into your fitness with Gillian... she is a powerhouse for sure.

Karri (Oregon ); is there a nurse locally or Dr. that can give you a de-fill???? rather than driving all the way over the mountains? I wouldn't want to do that in winter either.

Snow here is fresh white again, we had a huge melt the other day, then yesterday a fresh snow storm... so its all cleaned up again... Luckily we didn't have any flooding, but lots of areas in Canada were not so lucky as us.

Janet, you are probably back at work today, that's why you are quiet....

Take care everyone,



Edited by peaches9

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Good Morning Gang

Happy New Years...

No Candice I have the day off :biggrin:- was up at 6 - at the gym by 7:15 - did my 3 miles burned 312 calories and am home cking my post :tongue:

Like Phyl said I was LAZY LAZY LAZY yesterday - A&E had marathon of the first 48 hours - I watched it all day and all night....

Went out for a bit news eve w/gf - I am not in the party mood - don't ask me why - but am happy at home - I think it's cuz since thanksgiving it's been go go go - pple pple pple - and I need some down time - I was home by 11 and in bed by 11:30 - heard all the firecrackers etc at midnite ..

Karri - I was wondering how your visit went - yep they need the history so they know how to help... Our history is the reason we are the way we are... But sometimes we don't make the connection or know how to change our thinking..

Steph - Glad everything is ok - nothing majorly bad has happened in your life and that you are back with us..

Candice - Loved the pictures !!

Phyl - I am still laughing about the remote control :confused:

Kari - You better get that bike serviced for all the miles that you put on it this last year :rolleyes:

Denise - What did you do girl - did you have a good New Years..

Well I gotta go pay bills and figure out what I am going to do today - I should take down the xmas stuff - but I hate doing that - I do need a shower - I was in PJ'S all day yesterday:tongue_smilie:

CBL !!!!

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Hello Everyone,

Me and DH stayed home NY eve. We went outside at midnight to watch the fireworks. The people a few doors down popped fireworks like Disney World. They had a stack of garbage 8' wide by 6' high when they were done. They musta spent a fortune.

I cooked my cabbage and black eye peas yesterday. DH's mama taught me that. My family never did that before DH came along. I've been painting on my Santa face for several days. I hope I finish today.

Janet- don't forget if you take down your decorations before Jan. 6th, King's Day, I will egg your house.

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There is a bariatric surgeon in town but they charge 350$ for an unfill and they are TERRIBLE! I did talk to my doctor's office today and they said to make it in whenever I can and they will make room for me. I just need to let them know when I am heading over. They are really great there.

I am really tight this moring. REALLY TIGHT. I couldn't get down soft scrambled eggs. The last 2 mornings I have been able to. However, if I just have a Protein Drink I don't stay full for long enough. I get too hungry and then get grumpy. I miss my hearty meals...I just can't eat them now because I am so stinking tight. Hey Steph...I'll trade!! So far it looks like I could take time off of work either next Friday or the Friday after that.

On a good note I have been below 1000 calories for the last 2 days.

Well I am trying to decide if I should go to costco or not. Either way I need to get something done this morning. I didn't get out of bed until 9:30!

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Hello Everyone,

Me and DH stayed home NY eve. We went outside at midnight to watch the fireworks. The people a few doors down popped fireworks like Disney World. They had a stack of garbage 8' wide by 6' high when they were done. They musta spent a fortune.

I cooked my cabbage and black eye peas yesterday. DH's mama taught me that. My family never did that before DH came along. I've been painting on my Santa face for several days. I hope I finish today.

Janet- don't forget if you take down your decorations before Jan. 6th, King's Day, I will egg your house.

Denise - Ok I will get the stuff down this weekend - well maybe not - then you would come to Indio and we would meet in person - I would clean up a little egg for that :biggrin:

I forgot about my black eye peas yesterday - I know good luck - do you cook the cabbage & peas together??

There is a bariatric surgeon in town but they charge 350$ for an unfill and they are TERRIBLE! I did talk to my doctor's office today and they said to make it in whenever I can and they will make room for me. I just need to let them know when I am heading over. They are really great there.

I am really tight this moring. REALLY TIGHT. I couldn't get down soft scrambled eggs. The last 2 mornings I have been able to. However, if I just have a Protein Drink I don't stay full for long enough. I get too hungry and then get grumpy. I miss my hearty meals...I just can't eat them now because I am so stinking tight. Hey Steph...I'll trade!! So far it looks like I could take time off of work either next Friday or the Friday after that.

On a good note I have been below 1000 calories for the last 2 days.

Well I am trying to decide if I should go to costco or not. Either way I need to get something done this morning. I didn't get out of bed until 9:30!

Karri - I know what you meand about doing something - I have been to the gym - paid bills - showered and am dressed - but what to do - I could clean house but not in the mood - I have til 1/6 to take down decorations per Denise:lol: so I am cool in that department -

I need to get out of here cuz if I stick around all I will do is watch tv want to eat etc... I really feel gulity when I am lazy too much - heck yesterday was lazy day - I don't want to get in that habit again - don't think I am depressed - but just don't know what to do with myself - I got tons of things I could do like clean out the garage - pay my bros' bills - clean the house - have a little washing I could do - but none of that is appealing -

Think I will go walke around target (eat samples they have great cheese & bread & salami - I don't buy it just sample it) & marshalls - and see what's out there if there is anything I just can't live without = My Aunt sent me some $$ for xmas - so maybe go spend that...

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We don't have samples at Target. Is it a super Target?

Cabbage and blackeye peas together. Yuck, Can that actually be done? I cooked peas with ham hocks, and smothered the cabbage with some ham cubes.

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Hi ladies. I'm here. I was going to be traveling all day but instead we got stranded in Havre. That's about 3 hours from our starting spot in Lincoln...but it took us over 5 to get this far. We decided it was a better idea to just stop and call it a day and hope the blizzard conditions will let up by tomorrow. I told Jeff we should have left yesterday but he wasn't ready to go I guess.

So....I stressed the drive this far....and when I am in that kind of panic I eat. I had stopped at a convenience store and bought candy snaps and some butterfinger bites. I knew that to keep my sanity I had to have something to chew on and gum wouldn't cut it. I guess I was probably rationalizing a reason to fill my belly with junk but it's done.

I can't do Jillian's 30 day shred today so I went and did 30 minutes/ 1.25 miles on the eliptical. It almost killed me but I stuck it out. It's still pretty early and nothing to do in the motel so I may go try to do a half hour on the recumbant after dinner. It beats sitting in this room doing nothing but watching tv. I could play a bunch of games of sudoku but....now that I know Phyl's cheating by playing the games twice...so she can beat her previous score.....tsk tsk...Just kidding Phyl. I wouldn't do any better the second time...I don't have that good of a rememberer.

So...I'm going to have a nice healthy dinner....and get some more exercise in. It's great to be back. Sorry I was gone so long.

Love you ladies!!!

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We don't have samples at Target. Is it a super Target?

Cabbage and blackeye peas together. Yuck, Can that actually be done? I cooked peas with ham hocks, and smothered the cabbage with some ham cubes.

Yep I have a SuperTarget 1 block from my house - along with a Marshalls - Had some brie & pastrami on sourdough and a piece of bacon smoked chedder cheese - yum... but that was it Oh ya a skinny latte w/x shot expresso & sf hazelnut - another yum...- I went to Marshalls got some Michael Khors jeans w/sailor front - Nine West top with navy blue cream & orange in it with a orange elbow length sweater over it..

Ya - the combination (cabbage/peas) sounded icky that's why I asked:smile: - I am hungry - sounds good - just made the kids some enchillidas - I guess I will have some cuz I am to lazy to cook something else - plus I go to the gym again tomorrow

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Hi ladies. I'm here. I was going to be traveling all day but instead we got stranded in Havre. That's about 3 hours from our starting spot in Lincoln...but it took us over 5 to get this far. We decided it was a better idea to just stop and call it a day and hope the blizzard conditions will let up by tomorrow. I told Jeff we should have left yesterday but he wasn't ready to go I guess.

So....I stressed the drive this far....and when I am in that kind of panic I eat. I had stopped at a convenience store and bought candy snaps and some butterfinger bites. I knew that to keep my sanity I had to have something to chew on and gum wouldn't cut it. I guess I was probably rationalizing a reason to fill my belly with junk but it's done.

I can't do Jillian's 30 day shred today so I went and did 30 minutes/ 1.25 miles on the eliptical. It almost killed me but I stuck it out. It's still pretty early and nothing to do in the motel so I may go try to do a half hour on the recumbant after dinner. It beats sitting in this room doing nothing but watching tv. I could play a bunch of games of sudoku but....now that I know Phyl's cheating by playing the games twice...so she can beat her previous score.....tsk tsk...Just kidding Phyl. I wouldn't do any better the second time...I don't have that good of a rememberer.

So...I'm going to have a nice healthy dinner....and get some more exercise in. It's great to be back. Sorry I was gone so long. Love you ladies!!!

NO fair!! You said you were going to be on the road all day so I parked cars on your street and now I got all these TICKETS from you!! I didn't know about the blizzard!!

Honestly... I'm not sure the Sudoku rounds are the same for each person because they never seem familiar... of course it could be that I'm really old and my short term memory is far worse than I thought!! I do feel kind of silly sometimes.. I'm SO competitive that it doesn't dawn on me that I'm stressing out trying to beat MYSELF!!

We don't have samples at Target. Is it a super Target? Cabbage and blackeye peas together. Yuck, Can that actually be done? I cooked peas with ham hocks, and smothered the cabbage with some ham cubes.

I cooked a bunch of cabbage tonight, too!

AMAZING!! I got to be in my own kitchen!!

Earl has volunteer gate duty tonight.. between that and a big fight we had this afternoon because I bought a bag of pearl onions... I dug my heels in & asserted my KITCHEN RIGHTS! He's taken over my kitchen, the shopping, the cleanup (He can KEEP that), and often tells me to get out of HIS kitchen! So after I threw a little fit, he LET me cook dinner! I made MY version of Janet's ONE POT WONDER, because when he did it I didn't like it! He used too much olive oil and it was greasy and he chopped the cabbage up so small it was unrecognizable. That was a couple of weeks ago! I decided not to use any oil at all and cooked it in white balsmaic vinegar and added two packets of splenda, some curry powder, a little garlic seasoning, teeny bit of ground cilantro & ground cumin. I put in the turkey kielbasa, the little pearl onoins, carrots and a lot of cabbage. AND I did the dishes MY way!! He's gone! I'm free for a few hours! Hee hee hee! He'll complain because the floor is a mess... onion peels. I guess I'll vacuum it before he gets back!

Everyone remember Dini from Ireland?? She's on Facebook and we were just chatting online. I sent her "friend suggestions" for some of you.

She has not had a very good year! Dr. ran some bloodwork & apparently hemoglobin must have been quite low because dr. told her she wouldn't have lived much longer as low as it was! Then found out her band had slipped... she had to have surgery again. She gained a little weight but not very much and is back on track again. She also dumped Adam! YAY!!

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NO fair!! You said you were going to be on the road all day so I parked cars on your street and now I got all these TICKETS from you!! I didn't know about the blizzard!!

Honestly... I'm not sure the Sudoku rounds are the same for each person because they never seem familiar... of course it could be that I'm really old and my short term memory is far worse than I thought!! I do feel kind of silly sometimes.. I'm SO competitive that it doesn't dawn on me that I'm stressing out trying to beat MYSELF!!

I cooked a bunch of cabbage tonight, too!

AMAZING!! I got to be in my own kitchen!!

Earl has volunteer gate duty tonight.. between that and a big fight we had this afternoon because I bought a bag of pearl onions... I dug my heels in & asserted my KITCHEN RIGHTS! He's taken over my kitchen, the shopping, the cleanup (He can KEEP that), and often tells me to get out of HIS kitchen! So after I threw a little fit, he LET me cook dinner! I made MY version of Janet's ONE POT WONDER, because when he did it I didn't like it! He used too much olive oil and it was greasy and he chopped the cabbage up so small it was unrecognizable. That was a couple of weeks ago! I decided not to use any oil at all and cooked it in white balsmaic vinegar and added two packets of splenda, some curry powder, a little garlic seasoning, teeny bit of ground cilantro & ground cumin. I put in the turkey kielbasa, the little pearl onoins, carrots and a lot of cabbage. AND I did the dishes MY way!! He's gone! I'm free for a few hours! Hee hee hee! He'll complain because the floor is a mess... onion peels. I guess I'll vacuum it before he gets back!

Everyone remember Dini from Ireland?? She's on Facebook and we were just chatting online. I sent her "friend suggestions" for some of you.

She has not had a very good year! Dr. ran some bloodwork & apparently hemoglobin must have been quite low because dr. told her she wouldn't have lived much longer as low as it was! Then found out her band had slipped... she had to have surgery again. She gained a little weight but not very much and is back on track again. She also dumped Adam! YAY!!

OK I am going to have to ck out this parking wars - but for the life of my facebook is confusing...

Your one pot wonder sounds good... Glad you gotta cook in your own kitchen...

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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