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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl; Way to go on the Size 16 bathing suit!!!! You rock! I am so proud of you, you are so close and getting closer... I LOL when I read that Earl has already cut down your wine... You poor thing!!

Stephanie; how are your new pouchies? Still loving them and taking them for lots of walks???

I loved your post to the newcomer, welcoming her.... you speak for all of us ... but more elequently that I could have put it... You have a big beautiful heart GF!!!

Janet; Sweetie, how are you doing this week? I've been thinking about you and hope that your family struggles are not as bad Still sending you lots of (((((HUGS))))

Kari; Glad you are stilll posting too... don't worry You're coming to my place next summer with the other girls... if we have to tie you up and kidnap you!!! Plus, you'll have the shortest drive ha.ha,ha.ha.

Karri, Linda, Ruby ??? where are you little lurkers???? We love you come back soon... it dosn't matter how long you've been away from posting... WE all STILL MISS YOU!!!

Internet's been weird at my house last couple of days, I havn't been tracking my food either... had a binge with Icecream!!!! Yikes, its my 34th Anniversary and my DH and I celebrated by sharing a 2litre bucket of frozen Yogurt... and um yah, Yogurt is still not healthier than full fat icecream when you eat 3 bowls of it....:(

But, tommorrow is another day, MONDAY and no better day that to get back on track...

Love to all,


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:thumbup:WAY TO GO, PHYL ! ! ! ! Can't wait to see some updated pictures.:(

Thanks, Kari!

I tried uploading some photos on the "Progress" page last night. I think one worked and the other one didn't. I don't know how you gals are posting your pictures. I use that little photo icon above, but then it wants a url, so I post them on Photobucket first and resize them. Sometimes it works and others it doesn't. Uploading direct from the computer I can't seem to get the resizing right! Frustrating every time! Anyway, I was able to change my avatar! That went fairly smoothly!

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Thanks, Kari!

I tried uploading some photos on the "Progress" page last night. I think one worked and the other one didn't. I don't know how you gals are posting your pictures. I use that little photo icon above, but then it wants a url, so I post them on Photobucket first and resize them. Sometimes it works and others it doesn't. Uploading direct from the computer I can't seem to get the resizing right! Frustrating every time! Anyway, I was able to change my avatar! That went fairly smoothly!

Phyl, this is how I do it.

I open the picture in the windows photo gallery picture viewer on the computer and then there is an "open" option where I choose microsoft office picture manager. In that program I resize the picture and save it wherever. Then I use the paperclip on the posting window and attach it. At least that's what works for me. Hope that helps.

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Wow. Talk about quiet around here today! I hope that means that everyone is out having an amazing time this weekend....and not sitting around binging. Oh wait...that's me. I'm the one that goes quiet when I'm being rotten!

I'm in Minot tonight. I got a deflatinator appointment tomorrow but the only time they could get me in was at 9am....8am my time which means I would have had to leave at about 5am had I left tomorrow. So spending the night in a motel instead.

I am so looking forward to getting deflated. I need to be able to eat solid food. I'm tired of eating mush because it's the only thing that will stay down. I'm drinking enough hot liquid to float a boat. I'm so tired of pb'ing that I might pb on HER if she gives me any grief. Sitting here drinking Decaf now trying to get dinner to go down. I thought I was feeling looser but I was mistaken when I tried to eat a turkey rollup. grrrrrr.

Did I mention that my horrible cousin TOM is visiting? What a pain in the patootie! grrrrr. Can I envy those of you who don't have to deal with TOM? cuz he sucks! And he just really shouldn't have any control over my band. It is NONE of his business but he's always messing with it!

Oh well. I'm tired and I have an early morning tomorrow with a ton of things to do. Wish me luck. I'm really hoping the scale says 130 tomorrow. I didn't get here how I wanted to, but I'm pretty sure I've arrived. At least with my appointment being early I don't have to eat first! I can wait until after.

Night ladies. Don't be so quiet. It's a little spooky around here when no one is talking......

do you hear the echo????


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Glad I'm not the only one here who thinks week-ends are too quiet. (didn't want to say dead):thumbup:

Good luck on you unfill this morning. Hope it works great and hope the scale says what you want it too.

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scale here didn't like me but I go by the one at home anyways so I will keep my fingers crossed that it's kinder tomorrow morning.

I had 5.4 in my band. She pulled everything out and let it suck the Fluid back in to where it naturally stopped. Sort of an equilibrium type of thing. We ended up taking 3 cc's out. That made me take pause a little bit. On one hand, I should be able to eat now....on the other, I should be able to eat now!!!! I worry that I haven't learned enough self control to handle the freedom of 2.4 cc's in my band. There was 3 in it at placement. I'm looser now than when I was newly banded. That is a little disconcerting. I'm trying not to invite trouble but I am a little freaking out here.

I do know more about food now. I know how to make healthy choices. I know how to eat in the right order. I know what not to even allow into my house. These are all things that will help. I just hope it's enough.

She said that if I'm still having problems I will have to have an upper gi and look for a prolapse but that even if there was a slight one, with this much removal it should correct itself. She wasn't worried about it because I wasn't complaining about acid or reflux....she thinks it's just a major irritation. Again, going to try not to worry....but it's hard not to.

I have a couple of hours until I have to be at my support group so I'm going to go do some shopping. It's never as much fun alone, so I'll probably not buy as much, but have to kill the time somehow. I will call it Christmas shopping.

Have a good day ladies. I will talk to you all tonight.

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Had to go in & get a few things for tonight. DH got the groceries while I shopped for a funny card & gift. Then he calls me on my cell phone to come and look at bathing suits at the outlet store. I like Maxine suits and he said they had several of them. Can you believe HE is calling ME to come and look at bathing suits??? He's usually trying to KEEP me from spending money!!

Long story short... I bought another one only this one is a size 16! It's a little snug, but I got it on!


SIZE 16!

I'm going to save it for a few weeks.... 5lb, probably.

Congrats Phyl !!!!!

Love your new Avatar !!!!

Phyl; Way to go on the Size 16 bathing suit!!!! You rock! I am so proud of you, you are so close and getting closer... I LOL when I read that Earl has already cut down your wine... You poor thing!!

Stephanie; how are your new pouchies? Still loving them and taking them for lots of walks???

I loved your post to the newcomer, welcoming her.... you speak for all of us ... but more elequently that I could have put it... You have a big beautiful heart GF!!!

Janet; Sweetie, how are you doing this week? I've been thinking about you and hope that your family struggles are not as bad Still sending you lots of (((((HUGS))))

Kari; Glad you are stilll posting too... don't worry You're coming to my place next summer with the other girls... if we have to tie you up and kidnap you!!! Plus, you'll have the shortest drive ha.ha,ha.ha.

Karri, Linda, Ruby ??? where are you little lurkers???? We love you come back soon... it dosn't matter how long you've been away from posting... WE all STILL MISS YOU!!!

Internet's been weird at my house last couple of days, I havn't been tracking my food either... had a binge with Icecream!!!! Yikes, its my 34th Anniversary and my DH and I celebrated by sharing a 2litre bucket of frozen Yogurt... and um yah, Yogurt is still not healthier than full fat icecream when you eat 3 bowls of it....:thumbup:

But, tommorrow is another day, MONDAY and no better day that to get back on track...

Love to all,


Candice - Need the hugs - I am ok - Sat went to bro's to clean out the fridge etc and then just tired to get caught up on my usually weekend routine...

Wow. Talk about quiet around here today! I hope that means that everyone is out having an amazing time this weekend....and not sitting around binging. Oh wait...that's me. I'm the one that goes quiet when I'm being rotten!

I'm in Minot tonight. I got a deflatinator appointment tomorrow but the only time they could get me in was at 9am....8am my time which means I would have had to leave at about 5am had I left tomorrow. So spending the night in a motel instead.

I am so looking forward to getting deflated. I need to be able to eat solid food. I'm tired of eating mush because it's the only thing that will stay down. I'm drinking enough hot liquid to float a boat. I'm so tired of pb'ing that I might pb on HER if she gives me any grief. Sitting here drinking Decaf now trying to get dinner to go down. I thought I was feeling looser but I was mistaken when I tried to eat a turkey rollup. grrrrrr.

Did I mention that my horrible cousin TOM is visiting? What a pain in the patootie! grrrrr. Can I envy those of you who don't have to deal with TOM? cuz he sucks! And he just really shouldn't have any control over my band. It is NONE of his business but he's always messing with it!

Oh well. I'm tired and I have an early morning tomorrow with a ton of things to do. Wish me luck. I'm really hoping the scale says 130 tomorrow. I didn't get here how I wanted to, but I'm pretty sure I've arrived. At least with my appointment being early I don't have to eat first! I can wait until after.

Night ladies. Don't be so quiet. It's a little spooky around here when no one is talking......

do you hear the echo????


I am glad you are getting some taken out - I bet you will be to goal within the next week

I didn't have internet access this weekend - Andrew got a new computer and I am hooked up to it by wireless - the modem etc is in his room and we can't figure out how to get it working - so gotta call today to get someone out to fix or do it over the phone...

Well, just cking in - cbl

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Good Morning!

Interesting adventure in Minot, Steph. Hope things are better for you now. I'm sure your scale at home will be much kinder! Don't worry.... we'll yell at you if you misbehave with food! You not only have your new eating habits but you have your online accountability group!! That's us! We have to help each other!

Quiet weekend with poor internet, so efforts to post and upload photos were frustrating. I did finally upload one 15 mo photo, but tiny and that's all I could do.

Good to hear from you, Janet! It's sure been quiet around here without you!

Ready to go to Water aerobics so I have run out of time.

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!

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Donna, what seems to be going on? Sometimes just putting words to it makes it better. I think it was about the point you are now in the process when I started losing interest. The newness had worn off and it had really started to sink in that this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be. About this time Karri found me and invited me over here.

Here I felt like I could really share what was going on in my heart. It just felt like home. I hope you can feel like that on this thread too. I honestly think this is what a true SUPPORT group should be like.

So tell us what you are feeling. A lot of times just saying it puts it all into perspective...and other times just admitting to everyone that you are going to REstart tomorrow makes it real. Makes you MEAN it. I can't explain it. But share with us. We are here for you. And if sometimes we sound hard or like we don't understand, that is SO not the case. We fought our battles hard. There were times for all of us that the battles black and blued us. There were times I was sure I was losing my mind. Others that I hated everything that everyone said. Talk to us here. We'll do what we can.

This may sound dumb. ... but have you been getting enough liquids in? I always feel more ho hum, don't really care, hate it all, when I've gone a couple of days on very low liquids. How dumb it seems, but that's my experience.

I'm listening....oh....and thank you for your comments on the December thread. That is my home board, but this one is my family.

Thanks Steph. I admit that at times I feel like I'm failing at this weight loss thing. I will be 4 months next week since being banded and the scales just laugh at me. Other times I feel like I'm OK and my body is responding at the rate it feels like responding and comparing myself to others is ridiculous. I did start the 5 Day Pouch Test today to help reset my mind. I'm not having any pouch problems and haven't even PB'd or thrown up but it states that it can be a way to "renew" the band and get that "newbie" feeling.

BTW, where does the name Twilight come from?

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I ate!!!! I ate!!! I forgot how wonderful it was to eat!!

Okay. I know it was bad but I had to eat SOMETHING on the ride home and because of the horrible roads and traffic, McD's was the option. Because chicken scares me still, I opted for a quarter pounder. Actually, in my eat this not that, it's one of the better choices. But I ate it!!!! No pain. No slime. No horrible feelings!!!

Then tonight Jeff and I had fish and a salad! I haven't had salad in months. It was so good. I could have eaten more just out of the shear joy of eating. I had about 5 strawberries dipped in (don't slap me) sugar for dessert. I can't dip them in splenda and they were too sour to eat plain.

I stopped when I was full and I am not hungry. I want to eat, but am not hungry. So I have resisted. It's not an overwhelming urge, just a knowledge that I can and it's very exciting. More importantly I'm thirsty. I've been struggling with liquids. I haven't been able to get those in hardly so I've been really dying for liquids. How weird is that? Again....so exciting.

I will have to watch that I eat slowly and in the right order. I chewed really well and savored every last bite though. Knowing it wasn't going to cause pain allowed me to really enjoy my meal. I will also have to watch what I have available in the house to eat. I'm going to have to go back to reading labels, measuring my portions, and really being present when I'm eating. I can do this though.

On a bright note, there were some awesome sales at the mall. I went to Eddie Bauer and they almost sucked me in to way too much. Got a few work sweaters for when I have to be professional this winter. But I tried on a size 2 for grins.....and it zipped! It wasn't any tighter than my 22's were when I started this process, but didn't look good. I left them there on the hanger.....but they did zip! I'm happy with my 4's and know that without the dimple belly they would have been fine, but just knowing that I COULD was enough for me. AMAZING feeling pulling that zipper up.

Okay. I need to get to bed. Its been a very busy day. Who would think one hour difference could cause jet lag, but I believe it has.

Night ladies. I hope we hear from Candice, and Ruby, and Kari, and Karri, and Donna, and Denise tomorrow. There are others but my brain just did a reboot. Karri!!!! Check in lady. Did you blow up your chem lab?? How is your marathon training going? Talk to us. Even a 'hi, I'm here, nothing to report" would be better than complete silence.

Okay...now truly...off to bed. Night

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Thanks Steph. I admit that at times I feel like I'm failing at this weight loss thing. I will be 4 months next week since being banded and the scales just laugh at me. Other times I feel like I'm OK and my body is responding at the rate it feels like responding and comparing myself to others is ridiculous. I did start the 5 Day Pouch Test today to help reset my mind. I'm not having any pouch problems and haven't even PB'd or thrown up but it states that it can be a way to "renew" the band and get that "newbie" feeling.

BTW, where does the name Twilight come from?

We can be our own worst enemy sometimes, can't we? You are not failing at this. It has only been, what, a little over 3 months? You probably don't even have really good restriction yet. When I go back and look at my posts, from 10 - 40 lbs were the really hard ones. After 40 I started seeing big changes. People started noticing. Every 5 pounds has something new that came with it. I also got more comfortable with the new lifestyle. My attitude adjusted and that made this feel more like what I WANTED to do instead of what I was FORCING myself to do. Summer came and that helped because I could get out more. That is something you won't have to deal with so much because it doesn't get super cold in Texas (?) right? I got more in the groove and felt more like this wasn't a crazy mistake. A friend who had the band done in August was told by her doctor...."ask a bandster the first 3 months if they would do it again and most will admit to thinking this was a mistake. After 6 months you couldn't pry it out with a crowbar for most."

You'll be alright. Stay on track. In my support group we talked about lapses and relapses today. A lapse is an "eating error". They happen. Like my NUT said, we have a potential 21 meals a week and 7ish Snacks. So you mess up on Thurs. afternoon and go out with the girls for beer and pizza. Don't worry about it. That was less than 5% of your eating budget. So what? Figure out why you did it, how to deal with it next time it happens, and move on. It's only a relapse if you let it take control. Don't wait until Monday. Don't wait until the next morning. Deal with it immediately and get back on track. If you were out waterskiing and fell down. Would you tread Water for an hour and then wave the boat back? If you were mountain biking and took a tumble but didn't damage the bike, would you push it back to town? Fix the error. Learn from it. Don't punish yourself.

I must be tired. I think I'm preaching. I don't mean to. I just want you to know that we care and that we are pulling for you. When you think you don't have any more to give to the band, that's okay. Use some of our strength. You don't have to do it alone. Let us fight the demons for you. You just have to tell us what they are. We've fought them before and we've been pretty successful. We'll fight, you can breath for a bit and then when you're ready, you won't have anything to beat yourself up for and you can get back into the fight yourself.

It's amazing how you feel when you win one of those battles. A high in and of itself.

And Twilight was my original "chat" name when I was a chataholic. In college I would spend 5-8 hours a night chatting. I met my husband online actually. I could have 3 open chat programs, each with multiple rooms open, carry on 2 or 3 private conversations, and still pay attention to my toddler. I was a pro!!! Anyways, when I first started I went to a "newbies" room and asked for suggestions on nicknames. Twilight stuck. It's my fallback name whenever I have to come up with a nickname.

Okay...now THIS TIME I really am going to bed. Night Donna. I'll be looking for a post from you tomorrow.

Edited by Twilight

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Good Morning Gang

I still don't have internet at home - GS does but for some reason I still can't connect - talked to some lady from timewarner (I think they outsource) she had me so confussed I said here talk to GS - she was making no sense - even GS said the same thing - So will have to try again tonite to see if I can get it fixed...

Donna - Now remember I am old and forget stuff easily :0) -are you exercising??? How is your restriction and what are you eating - Steph gave some great advice - you just need to look at this as eating healthy - not dieting - make good food choices and exercise.. That's all I have done and with the help of my band - it's worked.

Steph - So glad you can eat - I don't know how you could go so long without - I still love to eat... I just eat diff stuff. Last night 1/2 hamburger patty - fido Pasta - french style green Beans. lunch was a chicken thight - banana for bf. It wasn't my best day for bf but somedays it goes like that.. I love salads but hate making them - plus the whole dressing issue (which is where most salads become unhealthy and I love dressing and not the low fat kind)

Congrats on the 2's - I know how good that feels.. I tried on a pair of 4's a little to baggy - the 2's just a tad too snug in the butt area and they were thin material so the bumps showed - but that they actualy fit - was a wonderful moment..

Ok - I gotta get my butt in gear - I am the only one in my dept today - so I hope the phones are quite...

I will CBL

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Good morning ladies!

I just finished my Breakfast. 1/2 cup of kashi! I haven't had kashi in months. I still have to say I love it. You all are going to get tired of telling you all how much I love food. I can't believe I went so long with the problems I had. I didn't realize while going through it, how big the problem had gotten. I'm hoping that the up in cals doesn't kick me into weight gain. Hopefully I was in starvation mode and my last couple pounds will drop off in return.

I've got a million things to do on the computer today so I'm not going to stay here. I'll check back in. I'm leaving tomorrow night after I sub all day so I'm hoping to get my packing done today too. I probably shouldn't have said I would sub tomorrow but I'm so excited to get back into school.

Okay...running away. Have a great day everyone.

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Good Morning!

Steph, enjoyed your "musings" of last night, and very good observations, advice, etc. Right on! You're going to be fine! And, Congrats on the Size 2 zipping!!

Janet, I feel your internet pain!! LOL! Do you want us to come over and dicker with it?? Earl got mine going a couple of weeks ago when it din't want to connect. We're not experts, but between the two of us we can usualy figure it out.

Gotta finish getting ready for Water aerobics!

Hope you all have a great Vets Day today. I think we're going to something at the clubhouse tonight. Earl is Ret. AF & Viet Nam vet.

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I had been exercising daily but my knee flared up when I started the Couch to 5 K training and I was advised by the doctor to rest it for a week or 2 and sure enough after a couple of weeks, the knee stopped bothering me but I had gotten out of the habit of exercising so I really need to get back into it.

As for food, right now I'm on day 2 of the 5 Day Pouch Test but normally, I just eat normal food in much smaller amounts than I used to prior to banding. I don't eat bread anymore (although I've tested it to see if I can and I still can). I don't miss it so I don't eat it. I still eat a tiny bit of Pasta and a tiny bit of rice on rare occasions. I love them so I just stay away from them. I have had a bit of trouble over Halloween chocolate (ate it every day for a week straight) but miraculously did not gain any weight. That probably means I would have lost had I not indulged. I just really suck at tracking food on a diary. I hate it and don't want to do it. It makes me feel like I'm a slave to the food and in fact makes me feel even less in control. Does that make sense?

Edited by Donna113

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