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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi there ladies. I'm going to just quick reply right now and will check back later this evening.

had a busy day doing silly things. What a story I have to share with you.

I live in NE montana in the middle of nowhere. 30 miles from North Dakota, 20 miles from Canada. Montana wouldn't even claim us if it wasn't for our oil well tax income.

Candice, I'll have to think about your chest pain. Sounds like what I get when I eat too fast, but don't know why you would get it in the middle of the night. hmmmm. I'm thinking.

I'll be back in a bit. Gotta go get my darlings.


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I emailed my Fill nurse today, told her I was PB'ing 4 or 5 times per week, and haveing this ache in my chest on waking...

She suggested a slight unfill .2 cc's, I am so frustrated.

Couldn't eat Breaky unti 10.30 a.m. and then PB'd 1/2 of it, then for lunch I ate the TOP of a pizza, no problem... Then supper I made Homemade Baked Beans... PB'd on them too... Shizza... so now I am going to have a shake and THINK about it all.

Any opinions out there??? I am open

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I emailed my Fill nurse today, told her I was PB'ing 4 or 5 times per week, and haveing this ache in my chest on waking...

She suggested a slight unfill .2 cc's, I am so frustrated.

Couldn't eat Breaky unti 10.30 a.m. and then PB'd 1/2 of it, then for lunch I ate the TOP of a pizza, no problem... Then supper I made Homemade Baked Beans... PB'd on them too... Shizza... so now I am going to have a shake and THINK about it all.

Any opinions out there??? I am open


Did you get a fill while I was out?? You sound tight.... Are you stressed about anything.. Like I said I pb'd on butternuts squash last nite had some sherbert then ate my dinner - but - I am not pbing 4 - 5 times a week. Are you eating slowly and chewing???

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Did you get a fill while I was out?? You sound tight.... Are you stressed about anything.. Like I said I pb'd on butternuts squash last nite had some sherbert then ate my dinner - but - I am not pbing 4 - 5 times a week. Are you eating slowly and chewing???

Hey Janet; No my last fill was Sept 2nd, and wondered for several weeks if I still needed another cause of all the JUNK I was able to eat... remember when we spoke?

Well in the last couple weeks the damn thing seems to have taken on a "life of its own" and now I am quite tight...????

Ya, I pb'd a protien bar for breaky, then finished the other half... think chewing WAS the issue here, lunch fine, Dinner... baked Beans and AWK! got stuck... so now I am going to try something else, perhaps some sliced ham (sOLID) wrapped around a cream cheese w/ heart of palm for vegg.

I'll let you know if THAT stays down.

Are you doing o.k.? What's work like? Is it keeping your mind busy?

HUGS :w00t:

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Hey Janet; No my last fill was Sept 2nd, and wondered for several weeks if I still needed another cause of all the JUNK I was able to eat... remember when we spoke?

Well in the last couple weeks the damn thing seems to have taken on a "life of its own" and now I am quite tight...????

Ya, I pb'd a protien bar for breaky, then finished the other half... think chewing WAS the issue here, lunch fine, Dinner... baked Beans and AWK! got stuck... so now I am going to try something else, perhaps some sliced ham (sOLID) wrapped around a cream cheese w/ heart of palm for vegg.

I'll let you know if THAT stays down.

Are you doing o.k.? What's work like? Is it keeping your mind busy?

HUGS :w00t:


I am ok - I have had some drama with my Sis - which I knew would be coming - This is the 3rd time in my life that I have had to deal with greedy pple after the death of a loved one.. To much to go into on the interenet but it will work it's self out - But I will tell you all one thing - I have gotten the most support from you all that I have from my family (well excluding my DS & DIL)

Work helps I guess - this past weekend was hard - I was very very sad.

Getting back into my routine and letting go of what I can't control is helping...

For all of you who don't have your affairs in order please do so - it's still won't stop the fighting but it will help..

You sound tight - but it could be the eating too fast and not chewing too. Are you stressed about anything... When you eat be mindful of eating very slow and chewing really well and see how that works out before you have any taken out...

For me this stress has my band super tight.. Plus I have no appitiate (sp) right now I ate 2 bite of GS meat and it's stuck.. I think I am going to have a lean cusinse alfredo for dinner - I am down to 138 and I really don't need to lose any more weight - went to lunch w/gf from work and could only eat the top of my salad.. (chicken avacado egg and dressing)

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I am ok - I have had some drama with my Sis - which I knew would be coming - This is the 3rd time in my life that I have had to deal with greedy pple after the death of a loved one.. To much to go into on the internet but it will work it's self out - But I will tell you all one thing - I have gotten the most support from you all that I have from my family (well excluding my DS & DIL)

Work helps I guess - this past weekend was hard - I was very very sad.

Getting back into my routine and letting go of what I can't control is helping...

For all of you who don't have your affairs in order please do so - it's still won't stop the fighting but it will help..

You sound tight - but it could be the eating too fast and not chewing too. Are you stressed about anything... When you eat be mindful of eating very slow and chewing really well and see how that works out before you have any taken out...

For me this stress has my band super tight.. Plus I have no appitiate (sp) right now I ate 2 bite of GS meat and it's stuck.. I think I am going to have a lean cuisine Alfredo for dinner - I am down to 138 and I really don't need to lose any more weight - went to lunch w/gf from work and could only eat the top of my salad.. (chicken avocado egg and dressing)

Sorry to hear of problems with your sis. Enough to deal with without that. Reminds me that we need to review our "stuff" and make sure everything is up to date.

I've been inside all day. Not good. Went to Water aerobics around 8:30 a.m., back at the RV by a little before noon and inside the rest of the day. Just not motivated. So sick of hearing whining about the stock market it's getting depressing!

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Okay...ladies. I'm back.

First. Candice. I was very tight for the last how long. I have had 2 unfills. I'm still a little tight. Not so much that I think I need another unfil but tighter than I want to be forever. The last time I was in the office the PA said that they have had quite a few patients that when they got closer to goal, their bands began to tighten on them. She suggested that this is what has happened to me. She wasn't overly surprised that I was getting really tight...because of this happening often. So you might not be losing your mind.

Janet, I so hope you don't have too much difficulty with your sister. Stress just sucks. Try to make sure you take time just for you. Manicure, massage, a quiet afternoon alone with a good book. Don't use too many excuses. Remember NOT to should on yourself. It doesn't do any good.

Phyl, have fun at your Octoberfest. I LOVE brats. they are definitely my favorite summer food. I prefer mine sans bun avec Miracle Whip or honey mustard. And of course...saurkraut.

Okay...so now on to my stupid story. I had to go to Williston today. Invited my sil to join me and off we went. Had to drop off his truck to get a recall fix. They gave me a loaner and we ran around town for a few hours. Picked up truck and then thought I would be kind and get it washed for him. So then I came home and talked to Jeff on the phone. The first question he asked, "so all my parts were ready to pick up?" Oh crap!!! The REASON I went to Williston in the first place was to pick up these freaking parts! Everything else was just because I was over there. How stupid do I have to be some days? Absolutely crazy.

So...I'm an idiot but had some great Chinese today...and quit before I made myself sick. That's a step in the right direction.

Okay....off for bed. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.

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Sorry to hear of problems with your sis. Enough to deal with without that. Reminds me that we need to review our "stuff" and make sure everything is up to date.

I've been inside all day. Not good. Went to Water aerobics around 8:30 a.m., back at the RV by a little before noon and inside the rest of the day. Just not motivated. So sick of hearing whining about the stock market it's getting depressing!

Phyl - Yep review your stuff... Tell DH we have no control over the friggin stock market - it is what it is... Move on... Adjust accordingly.. I haven't even looked at my broker stuff - I don't want to be depressed - but I guess since I am still working it's a little diff for me..

Get out of the house - go for a ride - you love the sunshine - enjoy it while it's still warm. Leave him to his tv and worry - and when he talks about it 24/7 just try and change the subject, suggest a game of cards.

Okay...ladies. I'm back.

First. Candice. I was very tight for the last how long. I have had 2 unfills. I'm still a little tight. Not so much that I think I need another unfil but tighter than I want to be forever. The last time I was in the office the PA said that they have had quite a few patients that when they got closer to goal, their bands began to tighten on them. She suggested that this is what has happened to me. She wasn't overly surprised that I was getting really tight...because of this happening often. So you might not be losing your mind.

Janet, I so hope you don't have too much difficulty with your sister. Stress just sucks. Try to make sure you take time just for you. Manicure, massage, a quiet afternoon alone with a good book. Don't use too many excuses. Remember NOT to should on yourself. It doesn't do any good.

Phyl, have fun at your Octoberfest. I LOVE brats. they are definitely my favorite summer food. I prefer mine sans bun avec Miracle Whip or honey mustard. And of course...saurkraut.

Okay...so now on to my stupid story. I had to go to Williston today. Invited my sil to join me and off we went. Had to drop off his truck to get a recall fix. They gave me a loaner and we ran around town for a few hours. Picked up truck and then thought I would be kind and get it washed for him. So then I came home and talked to Jeff on the phone. The first question he asked, "so all my parts were ready to pick up?" Oh crap!!! The REASON I went to Williston in the first place was to pick up these freaking parts! Everything else was just because I was over there. How stupid do I have to be some days? Absolutely crazy.

So...I'm an idiot but had some great Chinese today...and quit before I made myself sick. That's a step in the right direction.

Okay....off for bed. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.

Steph - Love your story - makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who forgets why I went some where and forgot to get what I went there for..


Good morning gang..

I did better with my eating last night - lean cuisien alfredo w/shrimp - sherbert & popcorn. So maybe the stress is leaving (well at least for the moment)...

Went to the gym and did 1 hr weight on arms - and 1 mile on the treadmill and as I was leaving someone called my name - a lady on a bike (she asked my trainer as he was standing next to her) she said Hi I'm Lisa you don't know me - but I want to tell you how good you are doing as I have been watching you for a while - you have slimmed down and looking good(not that you were fat - oh well I guess she hasn't been watching me from the start - I told her yes I was - I started at 250)

That was my bright spot of the day - a total strange saying she has seen an improvment...

Where's Ruby...

Karri is fine - she emailed me last week...

Candice - Hows your band this morning??

Denise - What's up girl...

Kari - are you lurking....

Ok I gotta get to work - been here since 7... and it's 7:29 and I gotta get some work done...


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You guys know me so well, it's scary. Yes, I'm lurking. I just don't have anything new to say.but since I'm here, I will say that it is a good thing that Halloween is tomorrow and I won't be bombarded by all those bags of candy in the stores. :unsure: Of course, it will all be half off after tomorrow so I have to stay out of stores for a while. I am really struggling with head hunger the past few days.....and sneaking food.< /span>:) Can't let anyone see me eating. Even if it isn't junk and is low cal. And that sweet tooth?? It's killing me.


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You guys know me so well, it's scary. Yes, I'm lurking. I just don't have anything new to say.but since I'm here, I will say that it is a good thing that Halloween is tomorrow and I won't be bombarded by all those bags of candy in the stores. :) Of course, it will all be half off after tomorrow so I have to stay out of stores for a while. I am really struggling with head hunger the past few days.....and sneaking food.< /span>:unsure: Can't let anyone see me eating. Even if it isn't junk and is low cal. And that sweet tooth?? It's killing me.



Yes we know you :) - OMG it's Thursday.... I thought today was Wednesday - I am bonkers - I should have known cuz yesterday was weight day at the gym .... I am loosing my frickin mind... Ok so I gotta go buy candy tonite..... I get a lot of tricker treaters and I love seeing all the little kids - not so much the big ones - but love the little ones -

Last yr I bought my candy a few days before halloween and remember getting into it a bit - like 2 mini candies every 3 days - Last October I was 206.5 - this October I am 139....

This year I was waiting til the last minute to get it - So I guess today is the last minute.. Thanks for the reminder....

Nothing wrong with a few treats - we just can't let it get out of hand - and that's the whole thinking before we eat issue - which I really beleive for the most part we are all doing...

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hi gang; This morning was tight again. But I just took a shake in the car are sipped away on it, even into the office... It took about an hour to go in but I didn't PB it. lunch was a fish sandwich and it was o.k. too YEAH!!

I woke up in the night again with acid reflux, but I was able to get back to sleep after I took a gaviscon.

Well I'm heading out to visit my Mom and taking my Woody dog with me.. Mom jsut loves her...

CBL babes

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Good afternoon ladies.

Halloween is coming!!!! I still have 3 punkins to carve!!! I need to do my costume for tomorrow night. DH and I are going as a biker couple. How original, huh? But he's got this horrible mask. It should be fun. I've got a cute wig and a jean jacket that I need to make more interesting. I have 2 parties to go to this weekend. Saturday is a steak dinner party. Should be fun.

I should be doing 5 different things right now and here I sit talking to you all. I've got to get with it!!!! I'd better run. Have a great afternoon ladies.

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Hi, All!

Gotta "talk" fast because my battery is probably wearing down. I'm at the library again and too lazy to plug in!

Halloween... don't have to worry about candy. Not enough kids here for that. Anyways, everyone will be at the clubhouse for "Octoberfest"!

Going to the Palm Springs Street Fair tonight. Smells there always drive me out of my mind... onions cooking, especially. We're going out for dinner first. I want to go to Mexican but Earl might make me do fish.

Weigh in today.. down 1 1/2, but that's what I was up last week!! But still down 7 lb for the month. Exercise is going well. Have missed very few days this month.

Janet, nice compliment from that lady who's been "observing" you! That's a real lifter upper!

Gave Earl fair warning this morning that if he was going to sit in front of his laptop all afternoon with his little notebook and his calculator, that he could count on me getting in the car and leaving (shopping or something!) So he went for a bike ride in the desert.

Well, gotta go check a couple of other threads!

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Hi, All!

Gotta "talk" fast because my battery is probably wearing down. I'm at the library again and too lazy to plug in!

Halloween... don't have to worry about candy. Not enough kids here for that. Anyways, everyone will be at the clubhouse for "Octoberfest"!

Going to the Palm Springs Street Fair tonight. Smells there always drive me out of my mind... onions cooking, especially. We're going out for dinner first. I want to go to Mexican but Earl might make me do fish.

Weigh in today.. down 1 1/2, but that's what I was up last week!! But still down 7 lb for the month. Exercise is going well. Have missed very few days this month.

Janet, nice compliment from that lady who's been "observing" you! That's a real lifter upper!

Gave Earl fair warning this morning that if he was going to sit in front of his laptop all afternoon with his little notebook and his calculator, that he could count on me getting in the car and leaving (shopping or something!) So he went for a bike ride in the desert.

Well, gotta go check a couple of other threads!

Good for you Phyl !!! Glad you told him that - I know he sure in the hell doesn't want you to spend $$$$:biggrin::lol::thumbup::lol:

I am going to my GF Candy's house for dinner with her dh & son - so I will have a good time laughing... I have been friends with her for 29 yrs... She and I are like Sister - AND GOOD SISTERS !!!!!

Talk to you all tomorrow ...

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Good job Phyl! Nice loss for the week. I was up a half pound so I've got a big kick in my butt!!! I know that it's my own damned fault and I can't even call it "daily fluctuation" cuz my intake has sucked for the last few weeks. I'm lucky it isn't more like 5 pounds. So great job with being down 1 1/2 this week. You are doing so great! I hope it cools a little bit in the desert for you this weekend. You should be down there enjoying the outside...not sitting in the airconditioning.

Also good for you for telling him to quit moping. We can't do anything with the stock market if we aren't willing to sell...and after the losses the last month I don't think anyone is willing to see at these prices. So it's better to just not stay focused on it. Taking a bike ride is much more productive.

As far as dinner....what about mexican fish tacos or enchiladas? I agree with the smell of grilled onions. They are divine. Luckily I don't like to EAT them...just smell them.

Glad that Janet is going out with her girlfriend. I'm so glad to see her take time out to enjoy herself a little bit. Especially with someone she can be herself with because she is so close to her. Hip Hip Hooray!!!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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